I Became the Duke's Servant in Disguise

IBDSID | Episode 45

45. The Marquis of Euciliod

Roselia looked up in surprise to see a black-haired man with his hood pulled low. He was staring ahead, his eyes locked on the assailant charging toward them. In one swift movement, he kicked out, sending the man flying backward, crashing to the ground.

Right behind him, a soldier-like man stepped forward, drawing his sword from its scabbard. He began beating the fallen attacker mercilessly.

“Ahh! Stop! Please!”

Roselia, watching the scene in shock, turned her gaze back to the man holding her. Their eyes met, and both pairs of green eyes widened in astonishment.

Johannes von Euciliod stared down at the woman in his arms, unable to believe what he was seeing. Her features, her presence, and even her striking green eyes bore a remarkable resemblance to his own.

Could it be…?



But no, Cecilia—his sister—was a member of the Euciliod family, who were all born with black hair. Besides, it was impossible that she, who had gone missing from Raphelios, would end up here in the heart of a different empire.

Johannes quickly regained his composure, his voice calm as he spoke.

“My apologies, I mistook you for someone else. Are you injured?”

“No… I’m fine…”

Roselia, however, was in a daze, her mind reeling from how much this man resembled her when she was disguised as Antonio. Even though he wore a hood, his striking looks and commanding presence were impossible to conceal.

Is it really possible for someone to look this much alike?

As Roselia pondered this, Johannes’s aide was busy dealing with the remaining attackers. Suddenly, a familiar voice called out, and Roselia turned her head just in time to see Klaus charging toward them, his sword drawn and his expression murderous.


Roselia’s eyes widened in shock as Klaus sprinted toward them, the air around him brimming with lethal intent. Johannes, an accomplished swordsman himself, was momentarily frozen by the sheer ferocity of Klaus’s approach. Acting on instinct, Johannes raised his sword just in time to block Klaus’s strike while still holding Roselia in his arms.

The clash only seemed to aggravate Klaus further. Without missing a beat, Klaus drove his foot into Johannes’s stomach, sending him flying and snatching Roselia away in one swift motion.

Roselia could only gape in disbelief as the black-haired man who had just saved her was thrown several meters away.

“What are you doing?!” she screamed, finally finding her voice.

Klaus, who had rushed over after receiving a report from the shadow he had placed to follow her, scowled at Roselia, annoyed that she was angry with him instead of being grateful.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m saving you.”

His matter-of-fact tone left Roselia momentarily speechless before she snapped back to her senses and shouted at him.

“No, why did you kick him?!”

“Wasn’t he trying to kidnap you?”

“That man was saving me from being kidnapped!”

Klaus’s expression shifted to one of realization, and he turned to look at Johannes with a mixture of regret and confusion.

Meanwhile, Johannes’s aide, Lognan, had drawn his sword and was now standing protectively in front of his master.

“Who are you to attack the Marquis?!” Lognan demanded, his voice edged with anger.

Johannes, still on the ground, let out a bitter laugh as he slowly got to his feet.

“You’re a bit late to the rescue, aren’t you? Take a look at the emblem on his clothes. That’s the Valtazar family crest.”

“The Valtazar Duke…?”

Lognan looked between Johannes and Klaus, clearly unsettled by the situation. Klaus, his brows furrowed in irritation, turned his gaze to the hooded man he had just kicked.

“It seems I’ve made a mistake. But if you know who I am, it would only be polite to introduce yourself as well.”

There was a slight smile on Johannes’s face as he slowly lowered his hood, revealing his full features.

Klaus’s eyes gradually widened in shock as he took in the sight before him.


While Klaus stood frozen, his expression rigid, Lognan, wearing a displeased look, stepped forward to respond.

“This is the Marquis of Euciliod, the representative of the Raphelios delegation.”

“Marquis of Euciliod…?”

Finally, Klaus’s confused gaze settled on Johannes, carefully studying him.

No, he’s different. Taller and more built than Antonio, and there’s a more mature air about him. But still, the resemblance is uncanny.

As these thoughts ran through Klaus’s mind, Johannes smiled politely and offered a slight bow.

“I didn’t expect to introduce myself under these circumstances, but given the situation, let’s skip the formalities.”

“Why is the representative of the Raphelios delegation here?” Klaus asked.

“I sent a letter this morning, stating my intention to visit. Have you not seen it yet?”

Klaus suddenly recalled the letter Alejandro had handed him earlier. He hadn’t even opened it, having been preoccupied with thoughts of meeting Roselia. He sighed, rubbing his forehead, and then eyed Johannes and Roselia suspiciously.

“First, let me thank you for saving Roselia,” Klaus said, stepping forward to block Roselia from Johannes’s view as he spoke firmly. “Let’s return to the estate.”

Roselia’s brow furrowed in frustration.

Here we go again—ordering people around without considering their thoughts.

She glared at Klaus, then turned toward Johannes.

“Marquis, would you mind giving me a ride?”

Her unexpected request left Johannes momentarily stunned. He glanced at Klaus, then back at Roselia, whose familiar features gazed at him pleadingly. Despite himself, he nodded in agreement.

Taking his nod as a yes, Roselia turned away from Klaus without a word and climbed into Johannes’s carriage. Klaus was left standing there, his face a mix of shock and disbelief.

Breaking the awkward silence, Johannes offered an apologetic smile.

“It seems the lady’s safety is the priority. We’ll have to reschedule our meeting, Your Grace.”

With that, Johannes bowed respectfully to Klaus and followed Roselia into the carriage. Lognan, flustered by the sudden turn of events, glanced nervously at Klaus before bowing and joining them.

The carriage pulled away with a clatter, leaving Klaus alone. As he watched the carriage disappear down the street, a nagging, uneasy thought crossed his mind.

Could it be… Is that man…?

No, he acted as though he had never met Roselia before.

But the way he looked at her—it seemed almost… tender.

Klaus ran a frustrated hand through his hair, his thoughts becoming more tangled.

Whatever it was, the fact that she chose to go with that man instead of him felt more devastating than any failed business venture.

As he rubbed his forehead in frustration, a troubling realization crept into his mind.

Could it be that Roselia’s type is a man who looks like her brother, Antonio?

The thought made Klaus groan inwardly as he dragged his hand down his face.

* * *

“Thank you for your help. Please drop me off just up ahead,” Roselia said calmly.

Johannes looked at her, puzzled.

“Allow me to see you all the way home. After what just happened…”

Roselia’s initial plan to go to Nadia’s place had long since faded from her mind. The idea of returning to her own room, far away from Klaus, seemed far more appealing.

“That’s close to my home. You can drop me off there,” she insisted.

Johannes, recognizing the firmness in her tone, reluctantly nodded and instructed the coachman to stop.

As the carriage came to a halt, Roselia prepared to leave. But Johannes, who had been watching her with a hint of hesitation, finally spoke up.

“Don’t you think we look quite alike?”

Roselia paused, surprised that he had voiced the same thought she had earlier. She let out a small, rueful smile.

“They say there are always one or two people in the world who look alike.”

Johannes seemed lost in thought for a moment, then smiled.

“Given that I’m older, I suppose it’s fair to say that you resemble me.”

His lighthearted joke made Roselia laugh softly. As she did, Johannes’s warm smile softened further, and then he asked,

“But those men earlier—why were they after you?”

The question darkened Roselia’s expression. It likely had something to do with the rumors involving the Duke or the Crown Prince, but she couldn’t divulge such details to an outsider.

“I’m not entirely sure…”

Sensing her reluctance, Johannes smiled gently, signaling he wouldn’t press the matter.

“You seem to have quite a story.”

Roselia noticed the carriage had stopped and quickly bowed her head.

“Thank you again. I should go now.”

Johannes watched her, his expression gentle as he replied.

“I hope we meet again.”

As Roselia turned to leave, she found herself smiling back at him without realizing it. Johannes watched her until she disappeared into the alley, not allowing the carriage to move until she was out of sight.

Lognan, who had been sitting quietly beside him, finally spoke up.

“It’s remarkable how much you resemble each other. Anyone would believe you were siblings.”

But the warm smile Johannes had shown Roselia was gone, replaced by a pensive look.

“What’s the connection between that woman and the Duke?”

“Uh… I’m not sure.”

“Investigate it.”

“The Duke?”

Johannes shot a look of exasperation at his aide and sighed.

“No, investigate the woman.”

Lognan’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Are you seriously thinking about chasing after a woman during such a busy schedule?”

“It’s not like that. Just find out who she is.”

Johannes paused, thinking carefully before adding,

“Also, look into who tried to kidnap her.”

Lognan, unaware of the deeper reasons behind Johannes’s interest, simply nodded, assuming his master had taken a personal liking to the woman.

* * *

After changing back into Antonio’s attire, Roselia quietly entered the mansion and headed toward her room. As she approached, she noticed Alejandro standing by the door, which puzzled her.


“Oh, I thought you were inside, but it seems you’ve just returned.”

“What’s going on?”

“The Duke wishes to see you.”

Roselia’s expression instantly hardened.


🌸 Hello, lovely! Let’s enjoy this magical journey together~ 💖 If you’d like to support me, feel free to check out my Ko-fi! 🌷💕 https://ko-fi.com/bree21


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