I Became the Duke's Servant in Disguise

IBDSID | Episode 36

36. The Disgraced Marquis’s Daughter

Roselia finally felt reality sinking in amid this surreal situation. She hurriedly freed herself from the terrace railing and Klaus’s arm.

“A… uh… I…”

She couldn’t even form proper words, stammering like someone who had lost the ability to speak.

Her green eyes darted nervously as she tried to process everything, her face turning crimson as she quickly escaped the terrace.

Even as Roselia left, Klaus couldn’t escape the heat enveloping his body, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The cool night breeze finally brushed past where she had stood, bringing him back to his senses. Realizing the situation, Klaus roughly ran a hand over his face and leaned against the railing.

“Damn it…”

His dark navy eyes were filled with confusion as he stared at the wide-open terrace door.

Someone else, hiding in the shadows of the opposite hallway, had been watching Klaus.

This observer, seemingly also fresh from spending some intimate time on the opposite terrace, had a disheveled shirt. The man with silver hair and a dignified aura adjusted his shirt, a smirk curling his lips as if he had witnessed something highly entertaining.

* * *

Roselia re-entered the banquet hall, keeping her head down to hide her flushed face. She grabbed the nearest champagne glass and drank it down in one go.

The cool, fizzy champagne helped clear her head a bit. But memories of Klaus’s flushed face and the heat of his touch resurfaced, forcing Roselia to grab another glass of champagne.

Claucet noticed her and hurried over in alarm.


Startled by Claucet’s familiar voice, Roselia stiffened. Facing Claucet, Klaus’s younger sister, was embarrassing.

Unaware of the situation, Claucet put on a stern expression and took the champagne glass from Roselia’s hand.

“You shouldn’t drink so quickly. What if you get drunk?”

Though much younger, Claucet acted like a guardian, which ironically helped Roselia calm down.

“I was just thirsty for a moment.”

“Nothing happened, right? You suddenly disappeared saying you needed some fresh air. You scared me.”

“Really, I just got some fresh air.”

Roselia smiled nonchalantly, but her mouth felt stiff and awkward. What would Claucet think if she knew about the kiss with Klaus?

Would she look at Roselia like she was a bug?

No, Claucet would probably think Klaus was the shameless one…

While Roselia was lost in these thoughts, Claucet examined her face with concern and then casually scanned the banquet hall.

“I was looking forward to meeting that handsome diplomat from Raphelios. This is getting boring, should we leave? By the way, where did Klaus go?”

Despite their strained relationship, Claucet seemed concerned enough to say goodbye to Klaus before leaving.

But no matter how much she looked around, Klaus was nowhere to be seen, leaving Claucet puzzled.

Meanwhile, Roselia, feeling guilty, forced a strained smile.

“The Duke is always busy.”

“Yeah, probably stuck talking about money with the delegation.”

At that moment, Jusid, in a flowing red dress, approached leisurely.

Claucet and Roselia, both taken aback by Jusid’s sudden approach, froze at her next words.

“I remember now. I thought I’d seen you somewhere before…”

Did she recognize Antonio? Was Jusid really that perceptive?

Considering she hadn’t recognized Roselia in her disguise and even tried to attack her, it didn’t seem likely…

As Roselia watched Jusid, lost in thought, Jusid looked down with a mocking smile and spoke confidently.

“You’re not a noble, are you?”


Roselia asked in confusion.

Jusid lifted her chin arrogantly and spoke clearly, ensuring everyone around could hear.

“I saw you. You were coming out of a seedy tavern in shabby clothes.”

Roselia was dumbfounded by Jusid’s bold statement.

It must have been when she visited the tavern to get a painting from Nadia. Should she be relieved that Jusid didn’t suspect she was Antonio?

As Roselia stood there, stunned, Claucet, visibly angered, stepped in defensively.

“What nonsense is this?”

Jusid, who had faced Claucet’s wrath before, flinched but quickly regained her composure, lifting her chin proudly.

“I’m certain. I had to get out of my carriage because a wheel broke near an alley, and I saw her coming out of that filthy tavern.”

Claucet looked at Roselia, baffled.

Roselia couldn’t deny it since she had indeed gone to the tavern. She met Jusid’s gaze silently.

Jusid’s behavior was utterly low. What did she gain from belittling Roselia like this?

Roselia sighed deeply and spoke calmly to Jusid.

“I had some business to attend to.”

It was true; she had gone to the tavern to meet Nadia. But Jusid, intent on ruining her, retorted with a venomous expression.

“Lies! I saw you dressed like a tavern wench. How dare you sneak into a place like this?”

“Are you done talking now?”

It wasn’t Roselia but Claucet who responded angrily, stepping forward. Roselia quickly moved to block her path.

If she left Claucet alone, it looked like she’d start a physical fight. Roselia sighed again and looked coldly at Jusid.

“Lady Jusid.”

Jusid, enraged by the calm tone of a supposedly lowborn girl, seethed with anger.

“How dare you say my name? You’re just a tavern worker!”

“Watch your words, Lady. Regardless of my work or attire, I don’t deserve your insults.”


“Even the shoeshiner who polishes your shoes or the stable hand who cleans your stables deserves respect. They’re probably more diligent and hardworking than you.”

Jusid was so outraged she could only gasp.

“Are you saying I’m worse than a stable hand?”

Roselia didn’t answer but her silence said it all. Even Jusid understood and her face turned red with anger.

“You, you dare insult me?”

Jusid’s face turned bright red, her body trembling with rage. Roselia looked at her coldly and spoke bluntly.

“Keep your dignity as the daughter of the Marquis of Belmont. It’s unbecoming to speak rudely to anyone in public.”

“You… you…! You’re not even a noble!”

“Are you saying you can treat non-nobles like dirt? I can see how the servants in the Marquis’s household must suffer.”


Jusid raised her hand in fury. Roselia didn’t flinch but stared back coldly.

If Jusid hit her, it would ruin her own reputation in high society. The sting on Roselia’s cheek would be worth seeing Jusid’s downfall.


But Jusid’s hand was intercepted by someone who grabbed her wrist tightly. A voice, sharp with anger, growled.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

Roselia instantly recognized the broad back in front of her as Klaus’s.


Jusid’s voice trembled with shock.

Klaus coldly released Jusid’s hand, his voice dripping with menace.

“Lady Jusid, didn’t they teach you manners in the Belmont household?”

Jusid, frightened, took a step back and glanced at Roselia behind Klaus, her eyes sharp with anger.

“That woman doesn’t belong here! She’s a filthy tavern girl!”

Klaus’s expression grew colder as he met Jusid’s eyes.

“Choosing who deserves respect shows a lack of proper etiquette.”

“No, that woman is clearly…!”

“Lady Jusid, you’re clearly mistaken.”

Jusid gulped nervously at Klaus’s stern gaze.

“That woman you claim is a tavern worker is actually a noble.”

Roselia looked at Klaus in shock. He surely thought she was a tavern worker too…

“That’s impossible! I saw it myself!”

“Whatever you think you saw, I can vouch for her noble status. Surely you don’t doubt the word of the Duke of Valtazar?”

“N-no, but…”

“Remember, Lady Jusid, she’s a guest at the Valtazar estate. Insulting her means insulting the Duke’s house. Keep that in mind.”

🌸 Hello, lovely! Let’s enjoy this magical journey together~ 💖 If you’d like to support me, feel free to check out my Ko-fi! 🌷💕 https://ko-fi.com/bree21


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