I Became the Duke's Servant in Disguise

IBDSID | Episode 25

25. A Bird in a Cage Looks at the Sky

As she thought of the many noble ladies who adored Antonio and even the psychotic Jussid, a wry smile appeared on Roselia’s face.

Noticing Roselia’s troubled smile, Evelionne let out a light chuckle.

“If someone as sensitive as you were in the imperial palace, I might have felt a little less lonely.”

In the original story, Roselia ends up serving as the Crown Princess’s maid due to Duke Valtazar’s schemes.

During this time, she steals information about the Crown Princess and Crown Prince, ultimately getting caught by Esteban and killed…

While lost in these bitter thoughts, Evelionne was already gazing intently at the painting Roselia had brought.

“The person who painted this… they probably felt something similar to what I feel.”

Roselia’s eyes followed Evelionne’s gaze to the painting.

Although their situations were vastly different, both women shared something in common.

They lived their lives, forgetting their true selves, surrendering everything, having everything taken away, and living as if they had forgotten…

And Nadia, who yearned for a vast, bright, and beautiful sky—for freedom…

Roselia, looking at the painting, smiled gently.

“I’m glad you like it, Your Highness. The title of this painting is ‘Freedom.’”

Hearing this, Evelionne’s face softened into an exceptionally peaceful and warm smile.

* * *

Leaving the audience with the Crown Princess, Roselia’s steps were heavy.

Once again, the Crown Princess had handed her a check for 1,000 Verang.

If she used all of it to repay her debt, she would have only 1,000 Verang left to repay…

Roselia planned to send 500 Verang for Nadia’s treatment.

It might be more than enough for the treatment alone, but she also considered repairing Nadia’s dilapidated house for her health and potential major surgery, ensuring the amount was sufficient.

Of course, Nadia would probably refuse to accept it… but Roselia intended to persuade her and urge her to start with the treatment.

On the other hand, Abel and her daughter Erlin, who were characters from her first work, had been gradually improving thanks to the Crown Princess’s occasional financial support.

Their improvement was a matter of their mindset, and now they were living actively and enthusiastically.

In contrast, Nadia needed significant medical treatment… so Roselia was willing to share her portion, even if it meant taking a longer route.

Actually, considering the original price of the painting, it couldn’t even be considered sharing.

As she pondered these thoughts while passing through the imperial garden, a shadow suddenly blocked her path.

Looking up curiously, Roselia saw the Crown Prince standing with his hands behind his back.

Having just come from a meeting with Evelionne, Roselia didn’t have any warm feelings toward the Crown Prince.

Frowning unconsciously, Roselia bowed her head and tried to walk past him.

However, the Crown Prince stepped in front of her again, blocking her path, causing her expression to crumple.

This psycho Crown Prince!

“Do you have any business with me?” she asked.

In response to Roselia’s cold words, the Crown Prince smiled faintly, seemingly unfazed.

“Oh, come on, I was just trying to greet you. Isn’t that a bit harsh?”

You should be worrying about the Crown Princess instead!

Suppressing her bubbling anger, Roselia ignored the Crown Prince and turned to leave again.

“You’ve greeted me, so I’ll be going now.”

As she started to walk away, Esteban’s indifferent voice stopped her in her tracks.

“The scent seems to have grown stronger…”

Roselia turned back in confusion.

“Scent? Are you talking about me?”

“I mentioned before that I have keen senses. All of them—sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell. It’s a trait of the Rugbeljet royalty.”

Why the sudden unsolicited introduction?

As Roselia looked at him quizzically, Esteban stepped closer and lowered his head near her shoulder.

Startled by his sudden approach, she recoiled, her face contorting in displeasure.

Esteban raised his hands as if to show he meant no harm and smiled enigmatically.

“Do you wear perfume?”

Roselia, puzzled by his odd question, answered automatically.


“Then it must be your natural scent. It’s rare for someone to have such a strong natural fragrance.”

What is he getting at? That I’m not human?

As Roselia frowned, Esteban smiled.

“But it’s not unheard of. Some members of the Raphelios lineage are known to emit a scent from their bodies.”

Raphelios lineage? Scent?

What nonsense is this?

Roselia stared at him as if he were a con artist. The Crown Prince cleared his throat.

“Are you unaware of your own heritage?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…”

Seeing her distrustful gaze, the Crown Prince frowned.

“Hasn’t anyone ever mentioned your scent to you?”


“Well, previously, it was faint, so people might not have noticed. But now, the scent is strong enough that others will soon recognize it.”

Roselia looked at him as if he were speaking a foreign language.

“Do you have any relatives from the Raphelios lineage?”


At least, that was the case according to the original story.

In the original story, Roselia’s mother had remarried Baron Hesingk when Roselia was four, and Roselia had been entrusted to the Hesingk family. Her mother died of an illness when Roselia was six, before she had learned to read, so she knew nothing of her past before entering the Hesingk family.

But even so, the idea that a mere extra maid could be of the Raphelios lineage seemed absurd.

Roselia shook her head, dismissing the thought as ridiculous.

“As time goes on, the scent will likely become stronger. If you can’t control it, it could lead to awkward situations. Consider this advice from a friend.”

Roselia frowned, wondering if the Crown Prince was mocking her.

Far from any fragrance, she smelled more like sweat from carrying the painting around.

Moreover, the Crown Princess, who had been with her just moments ago, hadn’t mentioned anything about a scent.

It seemed either the Crown Prince’s nose was faulty, or he was teasing her.

“The records say that the scent… Never mind. Believe what you want.”

“Yes, Your Highness. Thank you for the advice. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

Roselia seized the opportunity to walk away.

Or she would have if the Crown Prince hadn’t blocked her path again with his arm.

Looking at him with a raised eyebrow, she saw his expression turn sharp as he looked down at her.

“You seemed to have had an audience with the Crown Princess today.”

His gaze, now cold, made Roselia turn her head defiantly.

“I was running an errand for Lady Eveline.”

“What could a newly debuted lady have to discuss with the Crown Princess? If there’s so much to talk about, wouldn’t it be better for her to have an audience herself?”

“Well… I don’t know the details.”

As Roselia tried to duck under his arm, the Crown Prince grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

The situation felt strangely familiar, and Roselia glared at him.

“Let me go.”

“I believe I told you before, next time, you should answer my questions properly.”

Why does he act so sharply the moment the Crown Princess is mentioned?

Even though she knew about his trauma with the Marquess of Herden and the other nobles from the original story, facing his coldness directly was a different matter.

At that moment, someone approached.

Suddenly, someone emerged from the imperial building, stepping between them. Roselia’s eyes widened as she recognized the familiar voice emanating from the figure’s broad back.

“Let go of his hand.”

Realizing who the man was, Roselia’s eyes grew even wider.

“Duke Valtazar. I’m in the middle of an important conversation, so I’d prefer if you stepped aside.”

Despite the Crown Prince’s icy tone, Klaus remained unfazed and responded coldly.

“He belongs to the Duke’s household. Only I have the authority to command Antonio.”

Though Klaus was merely clarifying their master-servant relationship, Roselia’s heart suddenly began to race inexplicably.

Startled by her own reaction, she shifted her gaze around nervously.

Ignoring Roselia, the Crown Prince glared at Klaus and spoke.

“You must have something to hide, then.”

“Your Highness, you’re not in a position to questions.”

It was a sharp reminder of the Crown Prince’s dance with Roselia at Closette’s debutante ball, in full view of the Crown Princess.

With an incredulous huff, the Crown Prince released Roselia’s wrist and irritably brushed his hair back.

“Duke Valtazar, remember that overstepping boundaries will only arouse more suspicion.”


With that, the Crown Prince turned on his heel and disappeared.

Stiff from the tense atmosphere, Roselia finally looked at Klaus and bowed her head cautiously.

“Thank you for your help, Your Grace…”

Acknowledging that Klaus had helped her out of a difficult situation, Roselia expressed her gratitude politely, though Klaus continued to stare in the direction the Crown Prince had gone.

Thinking he must be in a bad mood because of the Crown Prince, Roselia quietly tried to slip away. Just then, Klaus’s low voice stopped her.

“I told you to stay away from the Crown Princess.”

Stay away? Anyone would think she was the one bothering the Crown Princess.

Feeling wronged, Roselia furrowed her brow, ready to argue, but then she calmed herself and spoke steadily.

“Well… I have a contractual relationship with Her Highness, the Crown Princess.”

Klaus’s cold gaze finally shifted to Roselia.

“Then end that contract.”

“But, as I mentioned before, how I repay my debt is my business…”

“Damn it!”

Klaus’s sudden outburst made Roselia look at him with wide, startled eyes.

Tl/N: I thought Cps Birth family name was Bridgelet. Im sorry bout this


Adding more locked chapters


  1. FunsizedCountess says:

    Thank you for the update! It’s so good, I can’t wait to see what happens next, please save Nadia 🤞

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