I Became the Duke's Servant in Disguise

IBDSID | Episode 24

24. Crown Princess, This is Difficult!

When Roselia couldn’t continue speaking, Nadia lowered her head with a self-deprecating smile.

“I can’t even afford medicine for one day… It’s just pathetic pride.”

Roselia, looking at Nadia’s bowed head, slowly shook her own.

Then, gazing at the painting of an impossibly brilliant sky, she murmured.

“It was the last bit of dignity you had left. The only thing that kept you going, Nadia.”

At that moment, Nadia’s dim eyes turned to Roselia in surprise.

Roselia tried to smile at Nadia.

Seeing this, Nadia’s face filled with sorrow as if meeting an ally for the first time in her life.

Tears began to stream down from her lifeless, ashen eyes.

Soon, she buried her head in her knees and burst into tears, her frail shoulders shaking. Roselia silently watched over her.

* * *

Holding the delicately wrapped painting, Roselia carefully walked down the imperial hallway.

It was a painting that Nadia had given her as a token of gratitude for saving her.

After learning about Nadia’s situation, Roselia had hesitated to accept the painting. However, Nadia insisted that she would feel better if Roselia accepted it, so she reluctantly did.

Moreover, Nadia had firmly refused to accept any payment for the painting, which only made Roselia feel heavier at heart.

In the original story, Nadia had also given a painting as a gift to Eveline, who had saved her, without accepting a single penny.

To Nadia, selling her paintings like mere objects was something she could not tolerate.

Later, the Crown Princess tried to sponsor Nadia, but Nadia succumbed to her illness and abuse before that could happen.

But things were different now. Although the events had been accelerated, Roselia had saved Nadia before she could be beaten, and there were still two months left before she was supposed to die from her illness.

If Nadia received the Crown Princess’s sponsorship and medical treatment now, she might have a chance of recovery.

With these thoughts in mind, Roselia followed the attendant with a determined expression, eventually arriving at the reception room for her audience with the Crown Princess.

“Your Highness, the servant of Duke Valtazar has arrived.”

“Let them in.”

With the elegant voice of Eveline, the reception room doors opened.

Eveline, seated gracefully, smiled at her elegantly.

As Roselia looked at her, she suddenly remembered the Crown Princess’s gaze at her and the Crown Prince during the debutante ball at Claucet, and guilt washed over her.

She had completely forgotten about the affair between the Crown Prince and herself due to Klaus and Nadia’s issues.

She had become the Crown Prince’s mistress, cheating on her legal spouse.

“It’s been a while, Antonio.”

“Oh, uh…! Yes! Have you been well…?”

The Crown Princess, seeing Roselia’s evident nervousness, smiled gently as if she had an inkling of what was going on.

“Roselia, was it? Antonio’s sister, I mean.”


“That beautiful lady at the debutante ball in Claucet. I heard about her from Claucet.”

Roselia’s face showed surprise at the mention of a topic she wanted to avoid, brought up so calmly by the Crown Princess.

“There’s no need to be nervous. Knowing she’s Antonio’s sister puts me at ease.”


“Growing up with a brother like Antonio, she must be a wonderful and upright lady.”

Unable to grasp the intent behind the conversation, Roselia’s eyes darted around nervously.

Seeing her confusion, Eveline smiled and spoke calmly.

“I want Antonio’s sister, that is, Miss Roselia, to become Esteban’s consort.”


What on earth was she talking about?

Roselia stared blankly at the Crown Princess, who remained calm and smiling.

“Of course, Miss Roselia’s opinion is most important.”

“I refuse! I mean… I’m sure she will refuse!”

Roselia’s firm answer made the Crown Princess lower her gaze with a hint of disappointment.

“Is that so? It’s not a bad offer… Though it’s not the position of the main wife, it comes with wealth and honor comparable to that.”

Is this something to hear from the main wife herself?

Roselia, with wide eyes, quickly shook her head as if trying to regain her composure.

“Well… My sister hasn’t received the kind of education to be a royal consort… Besides, even though she’s from a baron’s family, she’s practically a commoner…”

“Education can be provided by the royal family. Her background and status don’t matter. There have been precedents where a commoner was taken as a royal consort by a previous emperor.”

With a serene smile, the Crown Princess continued.

“I’m not suggesting she become his mistress immediately. According to royal law, a wife can only be taken after ascending to the throne. My proposal is for when Esteban becomes emperor.”

How can she say such things so calmly?

Roselia looked at the Crown Princess with a puzzled expression.

“If that happens… What’s in it for you, Your Highness?”

Surprised by the unexpected question, the Crown Princess cautiously opened her mouth.

“Esteban will continue to remain aloof.”

She really understands him well. Perhaps it’s true that the protagonist is different.

“The more he remains distant, the more gossip will arise among the nobles. However, taking a consort is a perfectly legitimate and natural act according to royal law. If Esteban has a woman he desires, bringing her into the royal family through proper procedures will prevent much gossip among the nobles.”

But isn’t that only beneficial for Crown Prince Esteban?

As Roselia seemed unable to understand, the Crown Princess calmly continued.

“The more aloof Esteban becomes, the more my family, the Marquess of Herden, and other nobles dissatisfied with the Crown Prince will try to undermine him. This weakens the imperial power.”

With a resolute expression, the Crown Princess looked at Roselia.

“As the future empress, I must protect the imperial family and this country. I cannot stand by and let the imperial family waver.”

Roselia admired her thoughts and felt a sense of respect, but also a twinge of doubt.

“That’s… a decision as the Crown Princess and future empress. But what about your feelings, Your Highness?”


The Crown Princess’s expression showed a hint of surprise at the unexpected question.

Roselia looked directly at her and asked again.

“As a woman, how do you feel, Eveline? Are you truly okay with this? Is this a decision for the imperial family and the nation, or is it truly what you want?”

For a moment, the Crown Princess seemed lost for words, as if confronted with a profound dilemma. Roselia’s heart ached seeing her lower her head, deep in thought.

Through the original novel, Roselia knew well of Eveline’s sense of responsibility and dedication to the greater good.

Despite the Crown Prince causing her endless troubles, she remained cold and composed, fulfilling her duties as the Crown Princess and the highest authority in the inner palace, all for the imperial family and the nation.

She even took on tasks that should have been handled by the prime minister or diplomats, achieving great results that left no room for objections.

Every time she did, Roselia felt both admiration and pity for her.

She wondered if the Crown Prince might be acting out more because of her thorough nature.

As Roselia pondered, Eveline, who seemed unable to respond at first, finally opened her mouth.

“I think this is the first time someone has asked me this…”

Roselia’s gaze turned curiously to the Crown Princess.

Eveline wore a deeply sorrowful smile.

“From a young age, I was taught the virtues, etiquette, and education necessary for a Crown Princess and future empress. It was my raison d’être, my everything. I never thought of myself outside of that role.”

Recalling the past, Eveline traced the table with her fingers before looking at Roselia.

“So, I always thought that my mindset as the Crown Princess and future empress was naturally the same as my own feelings.”

Listening quietly, Roselia cautiously asked.

“And now?”

At Roselia’s question, the Crown Princess smiled wryly and looked out the window with a sense of melancholy.

“To be honest, I’ve never thought about anything for myself outside of being the Crown Princess. But… your question has made me realize one thing.”

With that, the Crown Princess turned to Roselia and smiled gently.

“I think… I feel a bit lonely. Surviving in this glamorous imperial palace…”

The loneliness in Eveline’s expression weighed heavily on Roselia’s heart.

“But my desire remains the same. The safety and stability of the imperial family. Yet… sometimes… quite often… I feel hurt by Esteban. Even if he doesn’t love me, I wish he would at least regard me as a partner, not just a spouse. A collaborator in building the empire and the imperial family.”

It was astonishing that all she wished for was such a modest thing. For someone who had been raised and educated her whole life to be an empress, this was a significant realization.

Roselia, watching her calmly, spoke with a resolute expression.

“Your Highness, even though I work as a servant in the duke’s household, no matter what anyone says, I am Antonio.”


“The title of servant is just a shell expressing my social duties, but inside, I am Antonio.”

Though she was actually Roselia…

This was a resolve she often reminded herself of while pretending to be Antonio.

“Everyone wears a shell in accordance with their duties, responsibilities, or circumstances. Your shell, Your Highness, is the Crown Princess. But you must not forget what’s inside.”

For a moment, Eveline’s eyes wavered.

“Others may call me a servant of the duke’s household, but I must not forget who I am.”

Eveline’s violet eyes grew dim as she stared at Roselia, seemingly in shock.

With a determined and firm gaze, Roselia’s sincere look seemed to make Eveline feel naked and embarrassed, unable to lift her head.

“Antonio… you are truly a good person.”

Saying this, Eveline slowly lifted her head to look at Roselia.

Her violet eyes, no longer dim, were now filled with a newfound clarity and even a hint of warmth.

“You are a truly wonderful person. I might even fall for you.”

Uh… that’s a bit dangerous…

Roselia felt a sense of alarm but maintained her composure as she processed Eveline’s words. The unexpected compliment left her feeling both flattered and concerned about the potential implications.



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