I Became the Daughter of My Disciple



























“The breakfast here seems to taste better.”


After a comfortable night at the imperial palace, Luciel quickly devoured the pile of meat stacked like a tower and spoke.


‘Your appetite is still the same.’


Even in the past, whenever Luciel visited, he almost hurt his back grilling meat.


Delight, who was in charge of grilling meat back then, used to tell me to chase Luciel away. But now, the head chef does it instead.


“But still, the meat you grilled was the best. You had a talent for cooking, and it’s a shame to waste it.”


I was worried about the relationship between Delight and Luciel, but it seemed that the worst-case scenario wouldn’t happen even if they often bickered.


I didn’t know whether to be relieved or to worry about the frequent tense atmosphere.


As I kept watching, I noticed that Delight was the one showing one-sided hostility, while Luciel treated him as he used to, despite also tormenting him occasionally.


I still didn’t know why Delight hated Luciel so much.


The only reasons that came to mind were that Luciel might have bullied my disciple excessively or troubled him and pretended to help only to push him to the edge of a cliff.


It would be simpler if those were the reasons.


But if Delight had shown such hostility for a long time, it must be something more serious.


I thought about questioning Luciel later to find out what had happened.


“Thanks to the baby, this is the first time in 20 years I’m being treated as a guest.”


Luciel smiled broadly at me.


“This is all the kindness I can offer.”


Delight, still displeased, sat across from Luciel, wanting to chase him away as soon as this meeting ended.


“I came here to stay for a while.”


Luciel, having finished all the meat, smiled contentedly.


“Who said you could?”


My disciple’s face turned even harsher.


“I decide. Wherever I wanted to be was my place until now.”


If a dragon comes, everyone would be eager to accommodate him.


Who would dare chase him away?


In the Ilnord Empire, if Luciel decided to stay, they would offer even the emperor’s bedroom.


Dragons had been protectors since the beginning of the Ilnord Empire.


But dragons had turned away from the Ilnord Empire for a long time.


Now that he was here, the Ilnord Empire must be anxious.




“Then this will be the first time you’ll be kicked out.”


Delight treated Luciel like a mortal enemy.


Even if Luciel left here, he wouldn’t go to the Ilnord Empire.


There was no need to make it seem like the continent’s only dragon had a falling out with the Promian Empire, giving the Ilnord Empire an advantage.


I couldn’t bear to see the country founded by my damned disciple fall apart.


How could so much change in just 20 years?


“If you dare touch a single hair on my daughter’s head, I won’t let it go.”


I hoped Luciel would stay here quietly.


“But what if the baby reaches out to me first?”


Of course, that wouldn’t happen.


I’ve noticed his lips twitching, wanting to tease.


Even though I first grabbed Luciel, it wasn’t to tease my disciple.


I couldn’t explain since I couldn’t speak.




Eventually, Delight muttered a curse.


I worried he might explode again, but he turned his head as if he didn’t want to deal with Luciel anymore.


It seemed he decided to ignore Luciel’s words.


Yes, that’s good. You two just have to ignore each other! Hoping things would pass quietly, I clenched my fist and subtly showed a thumbs up.


It didn’t look right, so it seemed like I just curled my hand.


Rub, rub.


But Delight rubbed his thumb against mine.


What? Did he understand my signal? I was curious.


“Why are you staring at me? Oh, do you like my face?”


When did I stare like that!


“Look as much as you want. Come on, you can kiss me.”


But Delight was already pushing one of his cheeks right up to my face.




No way! I’m not doing it! Who wants to kiss you! Move your face away!


I turned my head the other way with all my might.


“Or should Dad do it for you?”


He really didn’t know how to give up.




In the end, I got kissed.


Then he smugly smiled at Luciel.


“Ollia, that guy is a bad man. You should never associate with him. Even a baby should know how to judge people.”


In the end, the target just changed to me.


But this time, there was no choice.


“You got it?”


I responded to Delight’s persistent questioning.




I laughed and nodded my head. He probably didn’t think I understood him anyway.


“Haha. Our daughter loves Daddy the most, right?”


….. I didn’t expect him to interpret it that way. But let’s just let him think that for now.


I was smiling brightly to meet his expectations.


“It’s nice to see you after a long time.”


Luciel, feeling good after teasing us, spoke warmly.


“That’s good. So, let’s forget about the past.”




“Can’t the baby fill the void?”


At that moment, a blue flame shot towards Luciel.


“Every time I see that shameless face of yours, I always want to kill you.”


It happened in the blink of an eye.


The tips of Luciel’s hair were slightly singed. It was a completely unexpected attack.


“This time, it was real.”


Luciel’s voice turned cold.


“I’ve always genuinely despised you.”


A serious atmosphere filled the space between them.


It was different from before.


His anger was intense, as if we were in the middle of a battlefield.


“A mere boy still unable to escape his master’s shadow is now an emperor.”


Luciel also seemed angry, mocking him deliberately.


Master? Is he talking about me?


Could it be that their animosity is related to me?




Nothing significant happened before I died.


This is so frustrating. Well, since it’s come to this, maybe a little fight wouldn’t be so bad.


Watching them fight might reveal what happened between them.


I waited for Delight to get excited and spill everything.


Suddenly, he gestured to Monia, who was standing far away.


“Take the baby to the bedroom. I’ll come to get her later.”


Why are you sending me away from here! Don’t mind me…!


I tried my best to resist, but it was a futile struggle.


Am I really leaving like this? Then I won’t be able to hear anything?


Before I knew it, I was nestled in Monia’s arms, being carried away.


“Where should we go?”


Monia, who was carrying me, cautiously asked the chamberlain.


“He said to go to the bedroom…”


The chamberlain answered as if it was obvious but then trailed off.


“Recently, you’ve been staying in His Majesty’s bedroom.”


I had my own room that I used before Delight appeared.


Under normal circumstances, Monia would have headed straight to the emperor’s bedroom without hesitation, but the situation was different now.


“It would be best to take the baby to her own room first.”


The chamberlain, thinking along the same lines, chose the safer option.


It seemed he thought it would be better to bring me back later once things settled down.


After briefly stepping out, the chamberlain gave Monia a few more instructions before returning to the place where Delight and Luciel were facing off.


‘Take me back too!’


But of course, that wasn’t going to happen.


I had no choice but to head to the room I hadn’t been to in a while, nestled in Monia’s arms.


Though I had always wanted to return to Monia’s arms… this wasn’t the time!


Although I felt sorry for her, Monia took meticulous care of me as soon as we arrived at the bedroom.


But it was frustrating to be stuck in the room without knowing anything about the situation.


As long as Monia was here, I couldn’t move at all.


I’m sorry, Monia, but there’s no other way.


“Boo… Waaah!”


“What’s bothering you, baby? Are you sleepy?”


No, that’s not it.


Gathering all my might, I burst into tears with all my strength.


“Are you hungry?”


Monia, uncertain but concerned by my continuous crying, hesitated before speaking.


“Baby, you didn’t eat well earlier, did you? I’ll go get some baby food right away.”


Sorry, Monia.


I spoke in my mind as I watched her hurry out.


As long as Monia was here, I couldn’t do anything.


But how can I sneak out before she comes back?


I had just managed to turn over by myself.


There was no way for a baby to get down from the high bed.


It felt like being in a prison.


But I couldn’t just give up. I was trying to think of a way when I heard the door open.


‘Is Monia back already?’


If so, there’s no other way. I tried to turn my head to see who it was through the bed frame.


‘Huh? Why are you here?’


Someone other than Monia was approaching.















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