I Became the Daughter of My Disciple

























This surprised even me.


As I struggled to understand the situation, I accidentally managed to roll over.


“Ha, this is unbelievable.”


Delight was so overcome with emotion that he couldn’t compose himself.


“To think you could surprise me like this.”


His hands were even trembling. Is this really something to be so happy about?


“I can’t believe I saw this the moment I returned. This is the best gift I’ve ever received.”


Even Delight’s voice trembled with emotion. Is he about to cry?


Where did his fierce expression from a moment ago go? Now he looked like a joyful fool.


“My daughter… managed to roll over. I heard it would take at least another month.”


Suddenly, his eyes sharpened, and he muttered seriously.


“Is she a genius?”


Yeah, that level of overreaction isn’t surprising anymore.


But why do I feel so proud?


It’s just rolling over.


Why is this such a significant milestone?


After reaching a certain level, my life had no more heights to climb. I barely remember what growth feels like.


Maybe that’s why.


Even such a trivial thing as rolling over makes my heart feel warm.


The desire to show off my rolling over, as if I were showing a new trick, filled me.


I haven’t felt like this in a long time.


When was the last time I felt this way…?


‘Oh right, when my disciple succeeded in magic for the first time, recognizing his talent made my heart race.’


I praised him without realizing it then.


I still vividly remember his face turning red and his breath quickening.


Did this kid feel the same way?


But now, my heart races at my disciple’s praise.


Turning into a baby hasn’t made my mind regress, right?


That must never happen! I need to keep my mind.


I focused my eyes intensely.


“Judging by the look in her eyes, she’s not just an ordinary child.”


Luciel, who had stayed by my side, said this as he looked at me.


“I knew from the moment I saw her eyes. They are the deepest and most beautiful in the world.”


Damn disciple.


I’ve looked in the mirror; my eyes are exactly like yours.


Luciel seemed to think similarly, squinting his eyes, but Delight didn’t seem to notice at all.


“It didn’t have to be a genius. How could such a perfect being be born into this world?”




Luciel clapped his hands in admiration.


‘Someone please cover me with a blanket, preferably over my face.’


I’m too embarrassed to face this situation.


Since long ago, he didn’t know how to do things moderately.


At least, thanks to my rolling over, Delight, who seemed ready to kill Luciel, had softened considerably.


Rolling over is more impressive than I thought.


As I struggled with embarrassment,


“Oh dear, I’m sorry I’m late!”


With a loud voice, the Emperor’s aide, Zaire, entered. He rushed over and bowed deeply to Luciel.


“If we had known you were coming, we would have met you. Was your journey comfortable?”


He was impressively polite, almost ready to rub his hands together in subservience.


He must have run here at his highest speed, as his breath was ragged and his hair showed signs of being windblown.


“Haha, as expected, you’re the only one who welcomes me.”


Luciel greeted Zaire warmly, indicating familiarity.


“Isn’t it an honor for us that you visit our empire? It’s only natural.”


“An honor? I’m an uninvited intruder.”


Delight, who had looked displeased since Zaire’s arrival, made a comment.


The fortunate thing was that Delight’s sharp reactions had softened considerably, thanks to my rolling over.


“Don’t be too upset about His Majesty’s cold reception. You know he’s like that with everyone.”


Surprisingly, Zaire disregarded the Emperor’s words with calm assurance.


“It’s just that the birth of the baby was the first exception. Haha…”


As if feeling a threat to his life, Zaire’s laugh grew weak, but he still stood firm, indicating how important Luciel’s presence was to him.


This meant that Zaire was more competent than I had thought.


Watching him support Luciel so confidently in front of the Emperor gave me a sense of how this young empire was managed.


He knew exactly how much impact having a dragon, who had lived for a thousand years, favor the empire.


Luciel had been part of the empire’s founding and its golden era.


Even without doing anything, Luciel was a being they needed to keep on their side.


“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure lord Luciel is comfortable!”


“Haha, I really like you!”


Luciel cheerfully patted Zaire’s shoulder, bursting into laughter.




Zaire stumbled, losing his balance from the light touch.




Your lips look pale right now. Are you okay?


I clearly saw it—Delight’s mouth just briefly turned up and then went down again.


Even though he was glaring from right behind, you didn’t notice at all.


“I’ll be more gentle next time.”


Luciel kindly patted Zaire’s back.


Every time he did, Zaire’s body seemed to sag, but he didn’t say anything.


“It doesn’t hurt at all!”


Zaire’s attempt to appease the dragon was so spirited that it was almost pitiful.


What have you been doing with Delight without building any stamina?


Well, it seemed like Luciel also liked Zaire and was just playing around.


“I will prepare a room for you to sleep in, lord Luciel.”


“Okay. I leave it to you.”


“Trust only me!”


Zaire, you’re doing very well. I’m cheering you on to take Luciel away, but Delight didn’t seem okay at all.


“Don’t overdo it.”


His low voice sounded like a warning, showing he had no intention of accepting Luciel.


“If you leave now, I’ll let it slide since it’s a happy day.”


“Hmm. You’re more stubborn than I thought. No matter what happens today, I must sleep here.”


“Really? Then I guess there’s no choice.”


Delight really seemed ready to confront Luciel.


“I didn’t expect to be such an unwelcome guest.”


“Haha. How could that be?”


“As long as I’m alive, you’ll never be welcomed.”




As the two continued their conversation, everything seemed to get darker.


“Hmm. This is troublesome. I don’t want to fight you yet.”


While I was anxiously watching, Luciel seemed to be calculating while looking at my disciple.


It seemed that Luciel was planning to leave today.


‘I don’t know what happened, but…’


In any situation, Luciel must be on Delight’s side.


A dragon is unique, and its mere presence can decide the fate of a nation.


If Luciel sides with the opponent, no matter how strong my disciple is, it will be hard to handle.


So, Luciel, you must stay here. I don’t know why Delight dislikes you so much.


I can’t just sit and watch. I need to do something.


While I was looking for a way to change my disciple’s mind…


I saw Luciel moving his fingers in front of me.


‘That’s it!’


If I hold onto Luciel’s hand, he won’t be able to help but accept it.


All this time, Delight has been very generous to me. He won’t force me to let go if I’m holding onto Luciel.


‘I’ll hold on to him.’


I set my target on Luciel’s hand and wiggled my short and chubby body.


Luciel was right in front of the bed, so I thought I could reach out and grab his hand.


Ugh. I can’t.’


When I reached out my arm, it felt like I was trying to grab an object floating in the air.


Normally, no matter how fast something moved, I could grab it with a glance.


But now, it required all my concentration.


Ow, my eyes.’


Everything spun in front of my eyes, and I felt nauseous…


I wasn’t teasing with my fingers.


In my baby body, my reactions were too slow.


Every time I saw Luciel’s hand getting closer, it had already moved away.


Ugh. Please stay still.


While I desperately reached out my arm…


‘Huh? Got it!’


After trying so hard, I finally succeeded!


Though I only managed to wrap my fingers around the tip of Luciel’s pinky.


“Oh. Did you just grab my hand?”


As expected, Luciel immediately reacted to my action.


“Haha. What should I do? The baby seems to like me very much.”


It bothered me that Delight was frozen, staring at my hand, but there was nothing I could do.


Meanwhile, one side of Luciel’s mouth lifted into a smile.


“I’m stuck because the baby is holding my hand so tightly.”


Luciel proudly showed the hand I was holding.


What a lie.


No matter how tightly I held on, I didn’t have much strength.


Luciel’s cheerful smile was annoying, but I couldn’t do anything about it now.


I also squeezed my hand holding his finger a little tighter.



















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