I Became the Daughter of My Disciple









































It seems like the way he curses so naturally isn’t something he’s tried just once or twice.


It wasn’t because he missed remembering me, but because he resented me.


Come to think of it…


On the day Delight left, a friend who asked me to make sure he was doing well said something.


‘Oh, right. I meant to tell you this. He cursed at you a lot while he was leaving. Haha. How diverse it was. Seems like there was a lot built up over time.’




‘He cursed at you constantly throughout his departure. Hahaha. How colorful it was. Must have accumulated a lot over time.’


Luciel laughed while holding his stomach and asked if I had taught him all those swear words.


‘You sure did a good job with your disciple.’


Luciel chattered on until the break of dawn about how hard Delight cursed.


Well, that’s true. Damn this disciple!


“Haha. Why does you look at me so intently?”


Pretending to stretch lazily, I kicked him forcefully, acting as if I didn’t even know who he was, towards my disciple who cursed at me in front of me.




…Well, it did feel like a soft cushion, though.


Delight, as if familiar with it now, grabbed my foot and then, with lowered eyes, opened his mouth.


“More than that, you see, no one has seen my tears and lived.”


Suddenly, his voice became heavy, creating a tense atmosphere.


What am I supposed to do about that?


“I can’t afford to show weakness. You have to keep the secret, even if I have to seal your lips.”


It was nonsense to say such things to a baby.


“It can’t be helped.”


Delight looked at me with narrowed eyes, then smirked on one side.


It was a very uneasy smile.


“I’ll keep an eye on you. You have to stay by my side.”


Ha. The secret that must not be revealed outside seemed to be this current situation.













Instead of continuing his work, Delight moved us to a sponsor’s place.


“Thanks to you, Your Highness. His Majesty can finally rest.”


Zaire followed behind, speaking softly.


From what he says, it seems like there wasn’t even a moment’s rest before.


Well, even at a glance, it seems quite busy.


With the palace often empty due to the war, it seemed like they were trying to handle as much as possible during their brief stays.


So, Zaire seemed particularly excited about our walks together.


“There are such things here. Are they newly planted?”


He remarked, looking around the newly planted flowers in the sponsorship area.


“They’ve been here since last year.”


“Is that so? I don’t remember.”


“Well, since it’s your first leisurely stroll here today, it’s only natural.”


Zaire’s response came out effortlessly.


The more he spoke, the more I felt like I could understand how Delight had been living all this time.


He must have run like crazy without seeing anything at all.


He used to be interested in every nook and cranny, to the point of exhaustion.


‘Why are you so immersed in the war?’


Do you want to create a country that surpasses the Ilnord Empire?


For what purpose?


“As the baby grows up, it would be nice to plant more flowers so there are more places to play. It would be good to have spaces for fun.”


With each step, instructions continued to make benches, swings, and slides everywhere.


It seemed like they were on the verge of turning the entire sponsorship into my playground.


“And make sure to engrave Violyana’s name on all the playground equipment.”


Is he really going to make that?


It would be really strange if someone came and discovered my name engraved on them… truly unexpected.


I want to stop him now, but how?


As I looked up at him, I realized he had been staring at me intently.


“Violyana is a very meaningful name, so it’s only fitting.”


Suddenly, a smile crept onto his lips.


“Just like the name my master gave me.”


His explanation made my eyes widen reflexively.


Huh? A meaningful name?


I distinctly remember naming him after I found him and brought him back.


He did ask for a new name when I asked about his name.


But did I ever explain the meaning behind the name I gave him?










“Master, I have a question. Does my name have a meaning?”


It was a particularly beautiful moonlit night. I was watching over my disciple as he practiced controlling mana. Suddenly, in the midst of his diligent training, he asked out of the blue.


“They say you shouldn’t have distracting thoughts when manipulating mana.”


“If you just answer this, I’ll really focus!”


His eyes sparkled with anticipation, indicating that if I didn’t answer, he’d surely be lost in distracting thoughts.


Hmm. I pondered what to say, and the perfect response came to mind in an instant.




“Are you bringing snacks again? Please stop drinking so much….!”


(It seems Delight mistook ‘안주’ for ‘Snacks’ but the ‘안주’ that his Master meant was ‘Comfort’ or ‘The one who provides peace’ for the meaning of his name.)


Delight, who had been eagerly awaiting my answer, started grumbling and was about to start nagging. Well, that little one does talk a lot, after all.


Ever since I took him in, there hasn’t been a quiet day.


“Master, do you remember when you got drunk and fell off the cliff? I thought you were finally dead then, how much I…”


Oh no, I need to stop him right away.


Once that disciple of mine starts nagging, there’s no end to it because he lacks respect for his master.


It felt like those days, I had auditory hallucinations constantly ringing in my ears.


“I said, ‘comfort.'”




“The night was exceptionally dark when I found you. But one star shone particularly bright.”


“Are you serious?”


He asked, his voice trembling with disbelief.


“Yeah. It was you.”


“Of course… So, my name, Delight, means a pleasing presence to you, Master?”


He looked expectant, his eyes shining. He seemed touched by it, but what should I do?


My eyes involuntarily narrowed mischievously.


“Because there happened to be nothing to eat that day, I ended up drinking only, which upset my stomach. So, I used stars as a comfort and ate them, so I feel better.”




“It was good comfort”


It’s strange how just calling that darn disciple’s name makes alcohol go down so smoothly and taste so good.


“What a well-chosen name. Now you, my comfort, make me happy.”


So, in many ways, it’s a really well-chosen name. I nodded satisfactorily.




He was suddenly glaring at me with narrowed eyes, voicing his protest.


Of course, I promptly kicked his butt, bughh-


“It seems that when I see my disciple, I don’t need any comfort after all!”










The words I spoke that day came vividly back to me.


Clearly, even on that day, I enjoyed using his defiance and arguments as a delightful comfort. Delight. That was the true meaning of his name, a name I didn’t even call out often.


It was surreal.


Suddenly, I felt remorse for what I said that day.


Since you have become emperor, it would be better to change it to another name with a more solemn feel.


I could have had a grander and more special name.


“Naming someone is a very special thing.”


Yet, my disciple was smiling contentedly, recalling that day.


Why are you talking about this all of a sudden! The more it happens, the more my conscience prickles…..


“So, I was delayed. Choosing a name you’ll carry for life isn’t easy, so it took me a while to decide.”


Delight eyes met my gaze, speaking cautiously.


If I was a real baby, I wouldn’t even know it, but I wonder if i will felt sad during the few months it spent without a name.


“I didn’t intentionally refrain from giving you a name.”


It felt like he was directly telling me this.


…Is he really serious?


I couldn’t understand why he was saying this now.


It seemed like he cherished the name I gave him deeply.


If I had known that, I would have given him a better name.


‘Aishh.Sorry, that’s my bad.’


Unlike me, Delight gave careful thought and meaning to this name.


I had a feeling I knew why he was saying this all of a sudden.


From the gifts he had been busily sending since morning to his futile explanations to the uncomprehending baby.


He was concerned about the time I had been treated like an abandoned child while he was away from the palace.


‘He’s better than me in this.’


So, I couldn’t help it.


There’s only one thing I can do now.




I could only respond to my disciple calling my name.




I laughed brightly as if I really liked the name.




“Ahaha! Looks like you really like your name. I can call you that as much as you want from now on.”








Delight seemed excited, calling my name over and over again.


So, I smiled back enthusiastically.


Ah, being a baby isn’t easy.


“My lovely Ollia.”


My nickname was Ollia? He said he had thought about all of that.


He was even waiting for my reaction, with sparkling eyes.


“Ha! Kya-ha!”


I chuckled heartily.


Even though all I could do as a baby was laugh and make noises, he seemed to enjoy it immensely.


Well, it’s not too bad.


However, I almost got annoyed from the repetition after a while.


It’s hard to keep up, really hard.


Despite that, he laughed so carelessly that I couldn’t help but laugh along with all my might.




Delight’s face, which had just been smiling, froze in an instant.


And where Delight looked sharply, there stood a young boy who was only five or six years old… but looked to be about seven years old if you observe it closely.



















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