I Became the Daughter of My Disciple









































With Dela and Sonia gone, now just Monia and I alone, everything was peaceful.


Moreover, from today onwards, I was a princess who had no worries and only had to eat, play, and enjoy the Emperor’s favor.


Looking back, I was a heaven-sent lucky girl.


Is this worth getting?


The Archmage Sherina possessed many talents and enjoyed many things.


However, I had also done a lot of work. From gaining recognition as an Archmage to never-ending tasks afterwards.


It was quite exhausting and not enjoyable at all.


But now, just eating, playing, and spending lavishly is all I need to do. How wonderful!


…Though using my disciple money for eating and playing did make me feel a slight pang of guilt, but still.


But the moment I saw those things coming in through the door, I couldn’t help but be surprised.


W-What is all this…?


Starting from the clothes pouring down on me to various dolls and toys.


Delight rushed in and filled every corner of the room with gifts poured out to me.


Delight’s expressions of affection were aggressive.


Today again, Delight, who came with gifts, snatched the spoon from Monia, who was feeding me baby food, and was feeding me directly.


I have to eat this in front of my disciple.


Let go of me! Please, let me go!


But despite my will, I ended up being embraced by Delight and comforted.


Kueokkkh… Keuhhk…


“Even your burping is adorable.”


…This is really embarrassing.


I’m so ashamed that I can never reveal that I’m his master!


I wish I could leave this to Monia, at least.


I can see Monia at a loss over there! Why do you insist on doing everything yourself?


The only place to hide my face is in his chest.


Just when I was barely accepting that I became my disciple daughter, the days ahead seem daunting, especially at times like this.


A disciple who is happy alone, completely unaware of his master’s heartache.


I’m struggling with all my might to break free from his embrace!


Delight doesn’t even flinch; instead, he firmly holds me and speaks up.


“Monia. I’ve also noticed your dedication all this time. Since this child seems to like you too, I hereby grant you the authority to command anyone working in the palace, anytime.”


Originally, assigning a new maid was the protocol, but it seems that wasn’t satisfactory.


Monia. Just calmly say, I understand, and accept it!


Money and power are always good to have, after all!


“I’m fine with that level of authority.”


“It’s not for your own sake. It’s the authority given to those who serve the princess.”


Although Monia politely declined, Delight had already made up his mind.


What’s gotten into you, Delight? That’s a very wise decision!


Clap clap clap!


I tried to pat Delight’s head, who was doing something commendable after a long time.


Pat pat pat!


Due to my short arms, I couldn’t reach Delight’s head and ended up patting his cheek.


Hehe. You should understand this much!










Delight insisted on spending the whole day together and took me wherever he went.


At first, it was annoying, but being together allowed me to observe Delight and learn quite a bit about what had been going on.


The Emperor of Ilnord, who is currently at war with Delight, was the prince who came to kill me.


The former Emperor seemed to have died less than a year after my death.


It seems there have been many changes in Ilnord while Delight was founding Promian after my death.


Twenty years is not a short time.


At that moment, even a slight tilt of the head revealed Delight’s jawline.


Initially awkward, Delight now had a stable posture, holding me in one arm while attending to his duties.


Indeed, Delight had become quite the respectable father figure…


‘What am I thinking right now!’


I suddenly snapped out of it as if cold water had been poured over me.


Don’t get it twisted!


I’m only doing this because I have no choice, but I haven’t accepted you as my father!


Despite shouting futile protests, I pounded Delight’s chest with my fists.


All it did was make my hand hurt even more…


As I reached out and tapped his chest…




My head collided with Delight’s forearm, which was holding a coffee cup, and it cracked like a nut.


Simultaneously, the coffee spilled directly onto Delight’s shirt.


“Oh, Your Highness…! Your Majesty. Indeed, having Your Highness should be under our care…”


“Get a shirt or something.”


Giving him an irritated glance as he panicked, Delight set me down on the baby bed he had arranged next to the desk.


Then he removed the stained jacket and shirt.


There were thick scars around his heart.


Among them, a long scar that extended to his left arm caught my eye. It was so deeply cut it seemed as if his arm had been severed.


‘What are all these scars?’


As I closely examined the scars on the torso of my disciple, who had removed his clothes.


“Oh dear. Why do you look like you’re about to cry?”




Delight turned his head to look at me and gently pressed his fingers against my cheeks. Though he was gentle, my baby cheeks felt like they were going to burst.


What’s this all about suddenly! And when did I ever look like I was about to cry!


It’s because I’m concentrating, don’t get me wrong!


“Even though your serious face is cute, I wish you would smile.”


He lightly touched my nose and raised the corners of his mouth.


Then he looked down at his own body.


“These scars look pretty bad.”




Why am I fussing over just scars?


How have you been living, anyway?


Why do I keep having these thoughts every time I see you?


Meanwhile, my disciple hurriedly changed his shirt, trying not to show his scars to me by turning his back.


But there were plenty of scars on his back as well.


“Sorry. I’ll be careful not to startle you in the future.”


He covered himself, worried about me.


When he was young, he would make a fuss over every little scratch.


He used to worry for days about what would happen if he got a scar.


But now, his body is covered in scars.


Moreover, seeing how he didn’t care at all, it seemed like he was completely indifferent to the scars.


They must all be injuries from the war.


“So. Can’t see anything nasty now?”


When I couldn’t take my eyes off him, he patted my butt as if to comfort me.


Move your hand away from my butt!


And those scars all over your body are not only unpleasant to look at…


They’re proof that you managed to survive countless crises.


You endured and prevailed without giving up.


‘Well done, my disciple.’


Especially commendable was the fact that there seemed to be more old scars than recent ones.


‘Better my disciple be tough than weak.’


It seemed he was not easily beaten wherever he went now. Still, I was impressed by how much he had grown.


‘In the future, don’t wait to get hit; strike first and win.’


While I couldn’t know everything that happened to him in my absence, I couldn’t bear to see my disciple, as incompetent and unassuming as he may be, being pushed around by others.


He hadn’t learned much properly under such an inadequate master.


The scars weren’t disgusting at all. My damn disciple.


I stretched out my arm with all my might, then vigorously shook it as hard as I could.


Unable to get up, I had to bring Delight’s face close to mine.


His face drew nearer.


– ‘Hey you!!!’


– ‘Come here! You did something pleasing after a long time. Well done! Let me praise you!-‘


I used to praise him every time he succeeded in difficult magic as a child.


That time comes to mind. Hehe.


I pinched his cheeks with all my strength. Since they were all muscles, his face seemed to be full of muscles too.


– ‘Your cheeks feel nice and squishy.’


Haha. Still soft and stretchy as ever.


My grip was so weak that I wasn’t sure if I was pinching or just patting him, but it didn’t matter.


“Oh, Your Highness. Please… let go your hands of from Your Majesty….”


Zaire looked terrified and glanced around, but it didn’t matter.


It’s fine. This guy often pokes my cheeks anyway. It’s nothing.


My disciple. Theres no complaints, right?


However, Delight bowed deeply.


The problem was that his face looked even better like that.


His eyes trembled, and he bit his lips.


It seemed like he was holding something back, but eventually, it dropped with a click…


What’s with those ridiculous tears?


Pinching you doesn’t hurt, let alone tickle.


Instead of crying, get angry or start talking. What’s with this sudden act?


“…Damn it, Master.”


Master? Why suddenly come to me?


And how dare you call me damn it!


As I stared at the annoying disciple… Huh? What’s wrong with him?


Damn my foolish disciple suddenly buried his face in my stomach.


‘You’re not crying, are you?’


I tapped his head lightly, but there was no response.


‘Are you really crying…?’


Why are you crying while calling me?




Argh, I won’t push him away this time. I stretched out my arms and hugged his head.


When Delight lifted his head a moment later, there was no trace of tears.


But I couldn’t hide the damp mark on my stomach.


No matter how much he pretends, there’s no way this mark will dry up until he does.


Still… since this guy wipes away all the drool I spill.


Let’s endure this much.


I don’t know why he suddenly got emotional, but…


‘It seems like you cried while thinking of me, huh?’


It’s quite commendable for this rebellious disciple to shed tears while thinking of this master.


You must have had some respect for me.




I didn’t expect it, but it seems I haven’t lived in vain after all.


With a proud heart, as I try to look at him differently…


“Damn you, Master. I will never forgive you.”


Delight suddenly cursed at me.



















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