I Became the Daughter of My Disciple



















The Emperor arrived even earlier than scheduled.


“First impressions are crucial, so absolutely no frowning, okay? Can you manage?”


I found myself wearing a lace-adorned dress that clung to my waist, ready to meet the Emperor.


“When you meet His Majesty, if you can smile broadly, he’ll surely like it. Can you do that?”


Listening to advice on how to present myself in the best light.


Suppressing tears shouldn’t be too difficult.




Why do I have to do this?


To an Emperor who neglected me, his born daughter, without even giving me a name!


‘Maybe I should pretend to choke on saliva or something.’


Monia, unaware of my feelings, continued with innocent words.


“Don’t worry at all. No matter what happens, I’ll protect you, baby.”


… Still, considering Monia’s efforts, I should at least smile once.


Is this the right way to smile?


Grin. Grin.


Awkward, but I tried to open my mouth a bit.


“Oh my. You just smiled!”


Monia gasped, pressing her cheeks with both hands and shouting in shock.


“Oh my… You’re so adorable! I’m sure he’ll love seeing you like this!”


Watching Monia excitedly fidget, even rolling her feet in anticipation, made her seem more pitiable.




Another deep breath, lamenting her situation.


The door opened, and slow, heavy footsteps approached.


In an instant, the air changed, tension palpable in the surroundings.


“The baby.”


The Emperor, upon entering, spoke succinctly, as if greetings were unnecessary.


His voice carried no discernible emotion towards his newborn daughter.


It was solely a ruthless and emotionless demeanor.


“It’s in the crib.”




Slow but resonant footsteps neared, and the face of the man who held the power over her fate came into view, looking down at her crib.


So, this is the insane Emperor who can shape my future.


I tried to scrutinize his appearance, but…




Wait a moment. What am I seeing right now?


Why does the Emperor look like someone I know?


Babies don’t recognize such things. This can’t be.


Squinting my eyes and looking again, the face in front of me was…


‘It’s him.’


Right there.


It was the face of that damned disciple.


‘… Am I truly seeing things?’


But the annoying visage remained.


Chestnut hair that looks like snow-white chestnuts exist in the world.


Add to that the curved eyes gazing at me, a pair of green orbs.


While a bit more mature than the last time I saw him, it was unmistakably him.


The impulse to kick him upon sight only grew stronger, confirming my suspicions.


‘Delight, why are you here?’






















One day, the Archmage Sherina, having relinquished her glory, had secluded herself in the mountains for a long time.


It was early spring, and the snow still intruded like an unwelcome guest.


“How did a dying kid end up all the way here and collapse?”


Even poking him with my foot yielded no response.


The child, looking no older than seven, lay there, undoubtedly dead.


What does that have to do with me?


I wouldn’t have bothered, given that he didn’t entrust his life to me in the first place.


‘I still don’t know why I did that.’


It all started impulsively that day when I picked him up just to save his life.


“The one who saved me should take responsibility. If I leave here, I’ll die soon.”


“Annoying, really!”


“I have nowhere to go. If you let me stay here, I’ll be as inconspicuous as possible.”


“What scary talk is that? If a person is there but not visible, is that a ghost, not a person?”




“If you’re just going to sit here without a conscience, at least make it obvious that you’re alive.”


So, the kid ended up settling in my cabin.


I didn’t plan to keep him as a guest, especially not to feed and support him, so I tried to chase him away.


‘It seems he’s gifted as a magician.’


It was somewhat fateful for a talented individual like him to come to a remarkable wizard like me, so I accepted him, and a decade has passed.


I never thought I’d keep him for this long, and I don’t know how it ended up like this.


So, casually,


I stretched my foot toward the apprentice who was diligently doing something in front of me.


Rolling, rolling, rolling.


A massive body, like a mountain, tumbled down the slope effortlessly.


“Why does this keep happening!”


The young man, still with a boyish look on his face, brushed off the dirt from his buttocks irritably.


“You always kick your disciple!”


With defiant eyes, the disciple, who now faced the teacher, showed no trace of the little kid freezing under a mountain ten years ago.


“How old are you this year?”


“I’m fifteen. How do you not know my age? Show some interest in your disciple!”


The darn apprentice, complaining with a sulky expression, seemed quite spirited.


“Say one word, and there are always three more following.”


“Well, you started it, Master…”


“Stop. That’s not important.”


I quickly interrupted before the conversation could escalate. Over the ten years, the nagging had certainly improved, and it was coming from the disciple rather than the master.


But today, as a master, there was something important I needed to convey, and I couldn’t let that happen. I needed to impart a serious and dignified lesson to my disciple.


Clearing my throat, I shouted forcefully.


“How long are you going to stay here? Come down the mountain at your own risk!”


























When I chased him away, he was fifteen, but Delight had somehow become a middle-aged man in his thirties.


Just looking at his face, you’d believe he was in his early twenties.


But why is this face appearing before me now?


Confused, Monia kept signaling towards me, pointing her finger at the corner of her mouth.


I understand it’s a signal to smile.


That shouldn’t be too difficult. But who should I smile at?


Could it be Delight?


It couldn’t be… Holding a moment of hope, I looked at Monia.


“Your Majesty, would you like to hold the princess for a moment?”


Monia bravely approached my disciple first.




As he extended his arms, the attendants, who seemed to be the chamberlain and the aide, looked surprised.


As soon as the response came, Monia hugged me.


“Baby. Can you do what you did before? You did well earlier.”


Monia whispered softly to me and then handed me over to Delight.


“She doesn’t cry.”


My disciple, who was now holding me in his arms, murmured softly, as if marveling at the situation.


“It seems the baby recognized your majesty as his father.”


Monia proudly engaged with Delight.


‘Is this for real?’


I was overwhelmed by the situation unfolding before my eyes.


It seemed unmistakable that my disciple was now the emperor of the empire.


Really? Are you truly the emperor?


It’s unbelievable…


A sorcerer with monstrous abilities suddenly appearing. It did suit Delight.


I had nurtured him with exceptional talents, but he never showed any ambition for power.


Yet, during my absence, what on earth had happened?


Well… he always had incredible potential.


That he became an emperor… who would have thought?


I never once associated Delight with the stories of the emperor of the empire.


Wait a moment. Does that mean I was born as the daughter of my disciple?


Being the daughter of a mad emperor was more bewildering than anything else.


Despite 20 years passing, seeing a face that hadn’t changed much since our last meeting brought back the only promise that mattered.

























“… Am I truly being abandoned by you, Master?”


It would be better to stand firm and use force rather than gazing so mournfully. It unnecessarily weakens people’s hearts. Tsk.


“Go out and explore the world. About ten years should be enough. If your heart remains unchanged when you return…”


“When I return?”


My disciple’s eyes sparkled with anticipation, although he tried to hide it. Despite the conflicted expression, I had to give him an answer.


“I will gladly welcome you back.”


He should understand my intentions by now, but suddenly, he extended his index finger.


“Shake my finger.”


He stood firm, refusing to retreat until I shook his finger.


“I will definitely come! You shouldn’t go anywhere else!”


“… Stubborn as always.”


Finally understanding my deep meaning, my disciple packed his belongings to leave the mountain.


As he descended from the mountain at last…




This might be the real farewell, but proper goodbyes are necessary.


“When you return, I’ll kick your butt.”


“Yes, I’ll look forward to it!”


With a smirk, the stubborn disciple turned and walked away.


His figure gradually diminished and eventually disappeared completely.


“… He wouldn’t really come back, would he?”






















That was the end.


However, I faced death in less than a year of our promised ten.


At the moment of death, the promise came to mind, making me uneasy.


Nevertheless, thankfully, it seemed the promise would be kept.


“Hello. I finally can see you.”


Smiling as he greeted me, his face came close, just as Monia had instructed.


His smile was incredibly bright, forming a circle beyond the triangular shape of his mouth.


“You smile well.”


I liked that sight, so I stretched my foot towards Delight, who was raising the corners of his mouth.


My small and blunt foot landed right on his cheek.


‘Long time no see, damn disciple!’










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