I Became the Crown Prince's Exclusive Pastry Chef

I Became the Crown Prince's Exclusive Pastry Chef ~ Chapter 17

We needed to place another order for flour.

I could’ve sent David, but I knew the chances of negotiating a good discount would be slim if he went.

So, armed with flattery, a bright smile, and sheer determination, I managed to secure a 30% increase in savings.

After wrapping up at the market, I made my way home with groceries in tow.

‘Well, if you ever change your mind, feel free to reach out anytime. I’ll be there to support you.’

Susan smiled warmly despite my rejecting her offer.

Though a few hours had passed since the interaction, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of regret.

Her offer was intriguing, no doubt, but there were too many unknowns and fears associated with relocating to a new country in a still-brand new universe.

In the end, I declined. And perhaps, it was because a part of me didn’t want to be too greedy.

The tranquility of Seiren was more precious to me than anything else. And, maybe there was another reason…

“Irene! Our lovely Irene!”

As I neared the alley leading to our house, I spotted David waiting outside.

He waved frantically as I approached.

David seemed unusually chipper. My lips twitched into a smile.

“Irene, feeling peckish today? Want me to show off my culinary prowess?”

“I’ll handle the cooking tonight.”

“But you must be exhausted. Let’s let our dear Irene stick to her baking duties. What are you craving?”

“… David… Your humor is…unique.”

“Hehe… but not tonight.”

David grinned mischievously, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding.

“What did you do while I was away?”

“I heard about everything.”


David nudged me playfully.

“I heard you turned down the offer. It must’ve been tough leaving behind your dear uncle, huh?”

“Haha… did Lady Rosie tell you?”

“Yes. Lady Rosie sent us five bottles of wine as a gift from her aunt. She suggested we have lunch together tomorrow. Can I go?”

“Did she specifically ask for you to go?”

“It should be fine, right? I mean, I’m welcomed pretty much everywhere.”

He said, scratching his head.

I interjected, halting his nonchalant tone.

“Starting tomorrow, I’ll be quite busy. I’ll need Bike to craft some new tools for me. We’re working on coming up with some new items to sell…”

David threw his hands up, interrupting my train of thought.

“Alright, alright. But let’s take a break for today. Huh? Just for one day!”

I couldn’t help but acquiesce to David’s request. He always did enjoy his little games.

“Anyway, what did you buy?”

“I snagged a bit to eat and had a drink, so I needed something to counteract the hangover.”

“Oh, these are chili leaves.”

“Supposed to help with a hangover.”

“Who’s hungover? Joseph?”

“Is Joseph up yet?”

“Don’t even think about it. Even I’m just now starting to sober up. He’s still out cold.”

The hangover seemed to be lingering longer than usual.

Today’s market haul consisted of chili leaves and some meat.

I planned on making a spicy soup, since a revitalizing broth was essential for curing a hangover.

* * *

Once the hangover soup was already simmering, I called everyone over. They all seemed ravenous, so I was glad to have given them only a short wait.

“Oh, this is another one of your recipes, Miss?”

“I knew it. You’re skilled in more than just baking.”

David and Bike seemed eager.

They eagerly grabbed spoons and dipped them into the soup. But their smiles soon turned to grimaces.

“…Miss. Do you happen to have any more of those egg sandwiches from yesterday?”

“Irene… perhaps no more cooking for now…”

After that, the two scrambled to grab glasses of water. The soup was far too spicy for them.

I tasted the soup myself. It was bland, yet fiery. I must’ve forgotten to add soy sauce. A disappointing oversight to say the least.

“It’s good, though.”

The only one who seemed to enjoy the soup was Joseph.

But then again, anything would’ve tasted good to him in his current state. Spicy food was just what his upset stomach needed.

He finished the soup in no time, not leaving even a drop behind.

Feeling a tad guilty, I offered one of the leftover custard cream puffs that I’d made for Susan.

Only then did David and Bike seem to relax.

“Ah, Bike. I have a favor to ask of you.”

I showed Bike a sketch on paper and explained my plan.

Madeleine molds, financier molds, and even a cream whipper were messily, but intentionally sketched out.

Bike took my doodles seriously, inspecting the design in my drawings.

“This is going to take some time. We might need to seek out a blacksmith for this, not just a warehouse.”

“I know a place that can handle the frames. I’ll take you there.”

“Oh, then all is well.”

“And I’ll compensate you, but I won’t be able to pay until later.”

“Miss, there’s no need for that. Teach me how to shoot an arrow instead! I want to be strong like you.”

“Both of you will be up at five o’clock starting next week.”


The crown prince chimed in on our conversation.

If we didn’t wake up by five, he’d surely drag us out himself.

“Just accept it when someone offers to give you money…”

“Sorry… .”

Bike scratched his head awkwardly before darting off to the warehouse.

Susan had plenty of funds, sure, but I also needed to purchase the proper equipment to ensure Bike was comfortable.

It appeared that it was time to open my wallet after quite some time.

“David, let’s head to the market together tomorrow. I need to stock up on some essentials for Bike.”

“Should I come along?”

“I think it’ll be alright. Mrs. Susan gave me some tips. Do you need anything, Joseph?”

“Yeah. We could use some more blankets. Let’s go together.”

“Where’s the market?”

“It’s near the village center, so it’s a stone’s throw away.”

“…I see.”

He probably wouldn’t go. Guards were likely stationed everywhere.

“Joseph can just stay behind. There’ll be quite a crowd-”

“Alright. Let me know when, and I’ll be ready to go.”

“You’re coming?”

“Of course.”

… it seemed quite strange.

“My dear Irene, pick up some nice clothes for yourself and treat yourself to something delicious. After all, you turned down a rather tempting offer just so you could stay with us.”

“I’ll manage on my own.”

“Hehe. C’mon now.”

David looked so content that I couldn’t bring myself to refuse him.

Still, I didn’t feel the least bit bad about missing out on Kitoriv if it meant it’d be at the expense of all of their happiness. I chuckled softly.

“So, let’s get to work and rake in some dough,” I proposed, eager to kickstart our money-making endeavor.

“Okay! Then I’ll grab the extra large cart so we can wheel everything home!” David sprang into action, his determination shining through.

With David off on his mission, it was just the crown prince and me left alone.

Suddenly, a thought struck me like a bolt from the blue – the medicine I snagged at the market. Retrieving it from my pocket, I extended it to the crown prince.

“What’s this?” he inquired, eyeing the vial curiously.

“It’s a sobering elixir. It’ll keep you warm from within,” I explained.

“…I’m not tipsy,” he protested weakly.

“What do you mean you’re not tipsy?”

“…I said…I mean…” he faltered.

“Bottoms up. It’ll warm you up and get your blood pumping for a proper wake-up,” I insisted, urging him to take it.

Despite his protests, he obliged and downed the medicine.

Observing him closely, I noticed a solemnity settle over him.

“Remember our promise?” he interjected, his tone serious.

“…Promise?” I echoed, caught off guard.

“You confessed to me after a few too many drinks,” he reminded me.

“Ah, come on! What confession?” I attempted to brush it off.

“I told you I’d take responsibility,”

His cheeks flushed.

* * *

“All you want is money…”

The crown prince, sprawled in the corridor, peered at Irene through drunken, bleary eyes.

“Do you really love money that much?” he slurred.

Caught off guard, Irene met his gaze, her thoughts racing. He spoke again, his voice tinged with earnestness.

“I’ll give you money. Lots of it.”


“I mean it. So much money. Plenty of it. More than anyone needs.”

“Giving me money? What are you saying out of the blue?”

Irene’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.

Though his face was flushed, his expression was dead serious.

Irene couldn’t help but burst into laughter at the absurdity of it all. The corners of the crown prince’s lips twitched upwards in response.

“I’ve got more money than you think,” he asserted.


“Yes, I’m more than meets the eye.”

“Prove it?”

“I’ll double whatever Susan offered you.”

Irene’s laughter bubbled up once more at his proclamation.

Enraged by her amusement, the crown prince grabbed her shoulder, his movements a tad rougher than usual, likely due to the alcohol.

Irene found herself drawn closer to him, almost as if she were melting into his lap.

She tried to stand back up, but the crown prince, slowly sweeping her hair away, wouldn’t allow it.

“Your hair is so soft…”

“Ha… How much did you drink?”

“It… smells like bread.”

“… Because I’m a baker, probably.”

“It’s a soft smell. A gentle smell.”


The crown prince looked down at Irene slowly.

The white, fine face was as light and soft as flour.

“I can’t let you go. I won’t. I’ll protect you,” he declared solemnly.


Irene’s eyes widened in surprise.

“I can’t send someone like you off.”

“…Are you serious?”

“Yes, I’ll take charge of your future. So, stay.”


“But…it might take some time. A year at least…maybe even three…or five years…”

“You’re asking me to wait five years for money?”

“If that’s too long, then one year at most.”

“Five years sounds more reasonable.”

The crown prince pursed his lips, contemplating. Irene couldn’t help but smile at his reaction.



“I said, alright.”


“Yes. I won’t leave. I’ll take responsibility for myself. It’s more secure of a future anyway.”

“I never go back on my word, you know.”

“I know. I’ll trust you. I’ll decline Susan’s offer.”

She straightened up, meeting the crown prince’s gaze head-on.

The crown prince couldn’t decipher Irene’s thoughts, but a flicker of joy danced in his eyes.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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