I Became the Crown Prince's Exclusive Pastry Chef

I Became the Crown Prince's Exclusive Pastry Chef ~ Chapter 14

To give Bike the creative vigor necessary to invent my stand mixer, a hearty meal was in order.

I swiftly whipped up a batch of my signature egg salad sandwiches. As a bonus, I made another gravy cheese pie, too.

It wouldn’t quite be up to the standard set at Rosie’s house, but here, even a simple cheese pie offered a delectable, savory delight.

I summoned the trio to the round table, and they gathered eagerly.

“Dig in, Bike. You must be starving.”

Smiling, I gestured towards our newest addition.

He eagerly devoured the sandwiches. He emerged, looking emotionally moved.

“You’re not only good at fighting but also cooking? Miss, you’re ever so truly admirable!”


David asked, tilting his head in shock.

“She mentioned training in archery in her youth.”


“You certainly would have made a name for yourself had you continued, but why did you quit?”


I had to quit archery due to a shoulder injury in middle school. The damage was more severe and lasted far longer than anyone had anticipated.

Since around then, my grandmother’s health had been declining, too.

So, naturally, I took up a quick-to-learn, highly-employable trade.

That’s when I started baking in high school.

“…I see.”

“Why didn’t you mention it sooner?”

“Why mention a pastime from my childhood? There’s no need.”

David clamped his mouth shut, appearing a bit upset. I thought his offense was misplaced.

“But, your shoulder isn’t injured anymore. Did you receive treatment?”

“Yes… what.”

The crown prince peered at my shoulder with an intense look. Having occupied a new body, it wasn’t surprising that there were no injuries.

Yet, perhaps it was some form of cognitively-based muscle memory that throwing a stone didn’t feel strenuous.

The path of travel that I envisioned when throwing that rock seemed so clear, almost as if an arrow had drawn out its own path through the air, just for my reference.

‘Maybe I’m just overthinking things…’

“Anyways, this tastes amazing!”

David commented on the gravy cheese pie.

I prepared myself to explain the pie’s origin, but the crown prince spoke first:

“This is the pie she got a job offer for.”


David dropped his spoon in shock. Flustered, I gulped down some water.

Bike turned to me, his interest piqued.

“What! This is the pie that might take you away from me? I’m not eating it! Anything related to that, I refuse!”

“Talent is recognized wherever it lies. Miss, I understand your potential employer’s sentiments!”

He shoveled another spoonful into his mouth.

“Ha ha, it was only a proposal.”

“But after what I’ve witnessed in the business of employing and being employed, Miss, who can you really trust? Let’s collaborate here. We’re equals! I create, and you sell, and then the money flows!”

I chuckled at Bike’s words.

“Irene… I cleaned up so well today, until everything was spick and span. Don’t you know…? Just how much I care…?”

“Let’s just eat.”

“Can’t you really throw me away like this? Aren’t we family? Huh?”

“Is he your brother or something?”

“Absolutely not! Well. If I’m not like your brother, then what about an uncle? Could you abandon your uncle?”

I shook my head at David’s hopeless words. With each passing day, his provocations just grew and grew.

Nevertheless, David mentioned having tidied up already.

Thanks to that act of kindness, I had the time to take Bike straight to the shed.

Thankfully, it was empty. Most of its contents had already been relocated to the bakery.

Bike seemed pleased upon surveying the space.

“Thank you for today, Miss. Your kindness shall ensure a restful sleep.”

“Why the formal tone all of a sudden?”

“It’s customary to express gratitude with respect. Miss, would informal speech displease you?”

“Not at all.”

“Thank goodness. I typically reserve casual speech or those who disregard me. But with you, Miss, it feels natural. Like conversing with an elder sister.”

I patted Bike’s head.

Regardless of his actual age, he seemed entirely childlike.

According to the original novel, Bike would’ve been the character most similar to me.

Having grown up alone, he’d done whatever it took to survive.

“Good night, and see you tomorrow.”

“Yes, Miss!”

As Bike fluttered off, exploring the shed a little more, I returned to the main house.

The bright night sky was sparkling with thousands of stars high above, and the air below felt crisp and refreshing on my skin.

I decided to take a leisurely stroll before retiring indoors.

Venturing around the yard, I found myself standing on the street in front of the house.

The warm lights within the other houses on the streets slowly flickered out, one by one, as everyone prepared for slumber.

Nevertheless, their yards remained vibrant as they bloomed with colorful flowers.

It was only natural that there be so many flowers planted around such a flower-oriented village.

But, come to think of it, David’s yard was barren. Perhaps some plants would liven it up….

‘Perhaps lavender, or…’

As twilight draped its velvety cloak over the horizon, I found myself reminiscing about the lavender garden I’d stumbled upon earlier in the day. The memory of the crown prince’s radiant smile danced across my mind, like a flicker of warmth on a chilly evening.

‘What was it that sparked such joy in him… I’ve never even imagined him beaming so brightly.’

With a wistful sigh, I made my way back inside.

To my surprise, the crown prince emerged from the shadows, taking out the garbage.

Startled by his sudden appearance, my hands flew to my face in surprise.

“I thought you were a ghost.”

“It’s late. What are you up to?”

“Just… taking a walk.”

“I see.”

“You must be exhausted from today. Go on in and rest.”

“And what about you?”

“I suppose I’m tired too, but… well.”

The crown prince stepped closer, the soft glow of the moonlight illuminating his features. His hair, tinged with hues of crimson, shimmered under the gentle night sky, complementing his emerald eyes.

“Do… you know what this is?”

He presented me with a delicate flower. A small bloom resembling cherry blossoms, but with its own unique charm.

“It could be a cherry blossom. But they’re not in bloom yet…”

“No, it’s not a cherry blossom.”

“Then what is it? It looks like a cherry blossom.”

“This is an almond flower.”

“An almond flower?”

Intrigued, I leaned in closer to inspect the flower.

A subtle fragrance wafted through the air.

“Wow… It smells even better than I imagined.”

He let out a light cough, an attempt to stifle his amusement.

My enthusiasm combined with the mental fatigue that had accumulated over the day led me to nearly bury my face in his chest as I inhaled the floral scent.

Realizing how close I’d gotten, I quickly pulled away, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

“At dinner, your dish… had almond powder in it.”

“Ah, yes. It adds a savory touch to Financiers and Madeleines. It’s quite delightful.”

“But it’s surprising, then, that you didn’t know the name of this flower. There’s much for you to learn.”

“Well, I’ve only ever encountered almond powder, never the flowers themselves.”

The crown prince nodded briefly, then handed me the bunch of flowers.

Though I was slightly taken aback, I accepted them with gratitude.

“Don’t forget about the flowers…”

And with that, he retreated indoors.

Did he keep flowers on hand?

Perhaps. Yet, the blossoms were fresh, undamaged.

It was the first time I’d ever received flowers in my life.

* * *


Rosie and the crown prince waited for Irene in the lavender garden.

Despite the serene beauty surrounding them, neither spoke, their minds consumed by thoughts of Irene.

‘I wish Irene were here with us…’

‘I wonder if I can ask her to use this flower as an ingredient in something for her to bake!’

Rosie addressed Joseph once more.

“Is Irene really leaving?”

“It’s not easy to let go. But she’ll be better off elsewhere.”

“But still… Irene seemed so happy here… with us.”

“It hasn’t been long since we last saw her. Or since you even met her. Yet, you’re already so attached.”

Rosie beamed at the crown prince’s words.

“Irene exudes confidence like no other. She has a clear purpose. And that’s something I admire.”

“I see.”

“Joseph, don’t you like Irene? She’s kind and considerate.”

The crown prince fell silent at Rosie’s question.

“Joseph, I want to be of help to Irene. What can I do?”

“You could always give her money.”

“Irene wouldn’t accept money for no reason.”

“Then help with baking.”

“But Irene is already so great at baking on her own.”

“Then… think of something to complement the things she bakes.”

Rosie pondered his words, a spark of inspiration igniting within her.

“What about crafting floral teas like this? They’d pair wonderfully with her baked goods, don’t you think?”

“Not a bad idea…”

“Let’s make a good one! I’ll take home a blend and consult with Christian!”

The crown prince nodded, then withdrew a dagger from his side, plucking a flower and passing it to Rosie.

“Irene must be swamped with work… She hasn’t even had a chance to admire the flowers properly.”

“I’m sure she’s busy with David.”

“What’s Irene’s favorite flower? Do you know?”


“Does she have any favorites?”

The crown prince mulled over Rosie’s question, his mind drifting to Irene.

‘Money is her favorite.’

It almost felt like a jest. The crown prince chuckled softly, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes.

Full, plump lips that took every chance they got to utter the word ‘money.’ Wide eyes that fall into long crescents with every grin.

“Irene would likely prefer almonds over lavender, wouldn’t she? She wants to make it as a baker. If only she had the time to venture into the mountains to find more ingredients for herself… I’ve heard there are plenty of ingredients for baking there.”

“Miss Rosie!”

In the distance, a voice called out, snapping the crown prince’s attention away.

There stood Irene, her attire billowing in the breeze, and her hair swaying gently.

Once again, a slow smile spread across the crown prince’s lips.

‘Would she prefer almonds?’

He murmured these words to himself.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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