I Became the Crown Prince's Exclusive Pastry Chef

I Became the Crown Prince's Exclusive Pastry Chef ~ Chapter 12

We traversed a narrow path amidst the lavender, the air saturated with its sweet fragrance. The scenery was simply breathtaking.

I paused, taking in the vibrant lavender gracefully swaying in the breeze.

“I take it you’re fond of flowers.”

“I wouldn’t necessarily say that… I’ve just never encountered such beauty before. It’s quite rare.”

“That’s true.”

“I can only imagine the tourism draw this place would have. We could make a fortune…”

He chuckled at my words, before beginning:

“Do you know a lot about Kitoriv?”

“I don’t know the specifics. I’ve just heard bits about it here and there, so I know little things. Like about how there’s a beach and an abundance of seafood.”

“Kitoriv is quite prosperous. The land is fertile, boasting crops not found here. And, as you mentioned, being coastal, it imports many goods from other countries.”

I nodded in agreement with the crown prince’s assessment.

He enumerated Kitoriv’s advantages, almost as if he were encouraging me to consider Susan’s offer.

I felt a twinge of embarrassment, wondering if it was odd to contemplate moving to a foreign land in the first place.

‘Well, I don’t seem to fit in here either…’

Indeed, the village of Seiren had thrived long before my arrival.

And without me, perhaps the bond between the crown prince and Rosie would have deepened.

‘It might be better off if they continue without me. Perhaps it’s best if I cultivate my own new narrative?’

Thus, the notion of relocating to Kitoriv crept into my thoughts.

Yet, embarking on a fresh journey in Kitoriv wouldn’t change a thing for me.

I was a stranger both here and there, tasked with adapting to new surroundings.

He broke the silence as I slowed my pace, staring out into the distance.

“But these flowers… Once we leave, they may never be seen again.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know…the deliveries… They’re becoming increasingly challenging for me and David to do alone.”

With that, he continued on his path, leaving his words hanging in the air.

I couldn’t quite discern his emotions, or even the implications behind his words.

“Joseph, do you like this town?”

“It’s more laid-back than other villages. That’s why David is so attached to it, isn’t it?”

“When did you have that conversation with David?”

“And what about you?”


“I get the impression that all you care about is money.”

“That’s true.”

“Life isn’t all about money. Remember how you mentioned wanting a more relaxed lifestyle?”

The crown prince turned around, locking eyes with me. His expression was serious as he spoke.

“But with enough money, you could afford that anywhere, couldn’t you?”

It seemed he had been swaying my perspective effortlessly.

“Do you realize how strange you’re being today?”

“I know, since I’ve lived life in abundance before.”

“Now… you have nothing, don’t you? You’re almost broke.”

I could tell the crown prince was strapped for cash.

Even the small gold stick he carried must be dwindling, spent bit by bit on weapons for his clandestine missions.

He seemed slightly sheepish at my observation.

“I’m more resilient than you give me credit for.”

“Well… perhaps you are. I take it there was a time, though not now, when you raked in quite the fortune.”

“Well, regardless. Opportunities aren’t handed to you on a silver platter. It takes skill to seize them.”

“… Yes, but why bring this up all of a sudden?”


“Why this sudden reflection?”

“… It’s not sudden. I’ve been thinking a lot. Opportunities aren’t just handed to you…. And sometimes, when they come around, you think that what you have at present is insignificant. As if it’s nothing in comparison.”

He paused before speaking up:

“I may not be particularly well-trained in this area, but I can attest to the delicacy of your baking.”

He seemed embarrassed by his clumsy compliment.

“Why are you saying all this?”

“I’m just wondering if you’re overthinking things.”


“You’ll thrive wherever you go. You have a gift.”


“And… David loves it too. And so does Rosie.”

With those final words, I began to grasp his underlying message.

Rosie had taken a liking to my baking, and he, in turn, seemed to have grown interested in Rosie.

Is he using me as a means to connect with Rosie?

“I’ll give it some more thought.”

“Just take your time.”

“I’ll choose whatever will benefit me the most, anyway.”

“‘Benefit’… do you just mean money again?”

“Money holds the most value.”

“… You’re so fixated on money. Quite the character you are.”

“Let’s go. Tomorrow’s shaping up to be another busy day.”

I nudged him forward.

The crown prince trailed behind, silent as ever.

Perhaps because the sun had yet to set, the air was thick with the vitality of our surroundings, outweighing the bleakness of my impending decision.

It felt like we were out on a relaxing walk rather than a long trek.

It seemed like ages ago that I had endured Susan’s grueling test, though, it was only earlier today.

A sudden wave of exhaustion washed over me, and I exhaled heavily.

“You need to exercise more.”


“You need to start working out for at least an hour each morning.”

Today, the crown prince seemed particularly naggy.

“… I’ve been on my feet all day baking.”

“Physical labor and exercise are different. Besides, can’t you at least try to put some pep in your step when you walk?”

“I don’t have much energy left at this time of day. Why should I walk so quickly?”

“Walk with vigor! Kick your feet.”

Once again, he surged ahead, setting a brisk pace.

From behind, his posture was impeccable. Shoulders squared, and back straight as an arrow.

It was quite unlike my own slouched posture, maybe resembling that of a tortoise.

Regardless, I followed him, struggling to keep up.

It didn’t take long for me to fall behind, huffing and puffing as I ascended.

“Hold on.”

He walked ahead but quickly doubled back to me. His expression was solemn.

He seized my hand, speaking in a hushed tone.

“I’m sensing danger.”

He pressed a finger to his lips, signaling for silence.

I nodded and followed suit, crouching behind a large rock with him.

He peered intently ahead, his gaze sharp.

There was a rustling sound.

I strained to discern whether it was a single person or multiple.

‘Could it be…’

My heart raced, and I clasped his hand tightly, seeking solace.

He scanned our surroundings before turning to me, eyes wide with surprise.

“Do you have a habit of grabbing just anyone’s hand…”

“You grabbed mine first!”

“Given the circumstances…”

“No, Joseph… I think I know what it is!”


“A unicorn…! I bet it’s a unicorn!”

I whispered excitedly, but he sighed deeply.

“Didn’t you say you just read about them in a book?”


“So then you’d know that unicorns are solitary creatures. Do you think there would be so many footsteps? Do you think they’d sound so worn?”

“Ah…right…. Hm…Mating season…?”

“… hush now. I’m losing my patience.”

The crown prince shook his head at my embarrassing jest.

I tried to extract my hand from his grasp, but the more I struggled, the tighter he held on.

“It’s still… unsafe.”


He clasped my hand tightly, warmth radiating between our palms. His hands were rougher and more calloused than I had expected.

Then, the footsteps drew nearer and nearer. We pressed ourselves closer to the rock.

He drew nearer to me, as if shielding me from harm.

A surge of fear washed over me.

If those were indeed pursuers after the crown prince… then we were in grave danger.

I grabbed him by the collar.

Gazing earnestly into his eyes, I swallowed hard.

“Are you… good at fighting?”

He clicked his tongue, seemingly at a loss for words.

“Don’t worry, I can keep you safe.”

His voice carried a soothing assurance, as though he could sense my worry. With a nod, he gestured at a nearby stone.

“I’ll throw that if need be. I’ve got a good arm.”

“Hiding’s still good, though, I think.”

He chewed his lip, contemplating his own suggestion, the steps already pushing us to the rock’s edge.

The most prominent sounds were those of a person—a heavy exhale followed by cursing.

“Hey! Bike! You looking for a beating or what?”

“Me? What about you?”

“Come on, hand it over, and we’ll let you off easy.”

“Raise your hand if you believe that! See? Not a single hand raised!”

It seemed like a quarrel.

‘Bike’… why did that name ring a bell?

Lost in thought, I pondered.

Meanwhile, the crown prince glanced up, confirming their identities.

“It’s a tussle between some punks…”

He turned away completely, taking a seat on the cool ground.

Perhaps he deemed it best not to intervene.

“Hand it over!”

“I made it. Why would I hand it over?”

“Bike…! You’ll regret it if you don’t! You annoying little engineer!”


I gasped, covering my mouth with my hands, eyes wide with surprise. The crown prince regarded my reaction with equal surprise.

Now I remembered who Bike was.

He was a genius inventor, and a staunch supporter of the crown prince.

Alongside David, he was one of the few the crown prince trusted.

‘I can’t believe they’re meeting like this…’

In the novel, the crown prince rescues Bike, who he found stranded alone in the mountains.

After getting patched up, Bike tried to sneak off, but witnessing the crown prince in battle, he ultimately decided to stay.

The weak-bodied Bike came to admire the crown prince’s strength.

‘Then here we are… if not now, will the crown prince stumble upon him again later…?’

Facing an unscripted situation felt eerie. How pressing is an unscripted situation?

“Why are you so surprised?”

“You know, I think we should lend a hand.”


“I feel bad. Can we help him out?”

I asked the crown prince subtly. But he shook his head firmly.

“What do you think their deal is?”

“Well, it looks like Bike’s getting a beating.”

“If you listen, it’s clearly Bike at fault. They claim he stole something.”

‘Oh dear…’

If we were just going to watch anyway, we might as well stir things up a tad.

The plot had already been warped thanks to me; if the crown prince was ever going to meet Bike, I needed to act fast.

“Let’s help him.”

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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not work with dark mode