I Became the Crown Prince's Exclusive Pastry Chef

I Became the Crown Prince's Exclusive Pastry Chef ~ Chapter 11

Susan’s proposition caught me off guard, leaving me bewildered.

Then Rosie approached me.

“Irene… You’re not considering going with her, are you?”

“Is it normal for her to even be making such a suggestion?”

“No… I’ve never seen her so… kind. You don’t realize how determined she must be to be asking that you do this.”

“I understand.”

Rosie’s expression soured with regret.

“But please don’t go! I’ll talk to my father about it. Just, please don’t follow her!”


The crown prince pondered my possibilities.

“You should think about it.”

Susan’s offer was too significant to dismiss hastily due to some slight anxiety.

However, as this unfolded, I knew I’d need to contemplate it seriously rather than rushing into a decision.

Rosie pleaded with me, but there were many tempting reasons to decline outright.

Because, in reality, Susan’s proposal aligned exactly with my own desires.

I addressed Rosie, trying to change the mood.

“Shall we go out then? Miss Rosie, is there any particular destination that’s captured your interest?”

“Right now?”

“Yes. Since Mrs. Susan won’t be around for long, let’s seize the opportunity, shall we?”

I grinned, tacking on an extra part to my proposition:

“But, I need some time alone to think. Would you mind going out with Joseph instead?”

“With Joseph?”

Rosie looked at me with teary eyes, while the crown prince wore a stone-like expression.

“Yes. I’ve heard there’s a lovely trail nearby. It leads to a mountain range where the flowers are in full bloom.”


“Yes. It’s a breathtaking sight. I’ve always wanted to witness it, myself.”

“I’ll miss you, but…”

Rosie glanced at the crown prince, who seemed like he’d be pleased to go.

He casually approached us.

“Are you referring to the entrance to the mountain range?”


“Alright. Follow me. I won’t keep you waiting.”

“…Thank you.”

He accepted my request with unexpected enthusiasm.

Rosie hurried off to change, torn between excitement and uncertainty.

I left the kitchen alone and made my way slowly to the manor’s entrance.

I planned to visit the bakery first, tidy up a bit, and then head to the mountain range to join them.

“An hour should be enough, right?”

They needed enough time to get acquainted. It seemed only natural to exclude a third party.

* * *

David, who had been left alone in the bakery all day, stretched and yawned. He was basking in a now rare moment of relaxation.

Irene was always occupied when she was around—cleaning over here, dusting over there…

“But it feels empty without her…”

Usually, all David ever desired was a moment of relaxation.

Until then, he had been engaged in daily battles, actively working to play his part in waging a war.

But despite his efforts, his country was defeated.

As a result, David no longer wished to place his trust in anyone, nor to protect anything.

That’s why he had sought refuge in a quiet village and opened a bakery, despite not knowing how to bake.

Contrary to his expectations, though, business had been thriving.

With wonderful and polite Irene on staff, he found himself contemplating his future.

If Irene were to find a suitable partner and marry… or, if she were to expand the bakery and prosper…

David found himself envisioning a future for someone else once more, gradually nurturing it and wishing for the best at every turn, without even realizing.

“I wonder… is Joseph doing alright?”

David had heard Joseph’s returning footsteps late at night.

He noticed that he’d waited until Irene had fallen asleep before venturing out.

Once again, the faint smell of blood hung in the air.

‘He’s a dangerous man…’

Although Irene had accepted him, David couldn’t help but worry about Joseph.

No, not about Joseph; about this stranger who had secured a job under the improbable name of ‘Joseph.’

Despite this mistrust, David felt an odd kinship with Joseph—a shared sense of loss.

That was why he couldn’t sleep at night. At dawn, David emerged and called out to Joseph.

“Come down for a moment.”

At David’s summons, Joseph descended from the attic, looking weary.

“What’s the matter?”

“I want to ask you… What brings you here?”

David inquired candidly, crossing his legs.

On the other hand, Joseph appeared somewhat nervous, aware of the implications of David’s question.

“I’m here… to fulfill my duties.”

“It’s dangerous, though, isn’t it?”

“That’s right.”

“As you can see, I’m quite formidable, myself. I have the means to protect myself.”

Joseph surveyed David’s physique.

He was already aware that David had chosen a different path from ordinary folk. He nodded curtly.

“But Irene is different. She’s fragile.”

“…What are you trying to say?”

“Exactly that. If anything happens to Irene, I won’t hesitate to deal with you.”

“That’s quite the threat.”

“It’s not a threat—it’s a promise.”

David meant every word.

If Irene were ever put into harm’s way because of Joseph—similar to the perils he had faced in his own homeland’s defeat…

Would there come a time when he couldn’t protect someone important to him? David feared it, vowing never to falter this time.

“I swear, I won’t do anything to jeopardize her safety.”


“But… why are you so fond of Irene?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve heard you’re not even related by blood.”

“Irene and I are closer than you realize.”

“Do you like her?”

David’s throat caught on Joseph’s words.

“What we have is more than just kinship. It’s deeper than blood ties! It’s not just ‘liking’ Irene.”

“You’re talking nonsense.”

“Then can you promise me?”

“Promise what?”

“That you’ll never develop feelings for her.”

David’s eyes fixed on him with a cold stare.

Joseph might be a decent man, but there was something unsettling in his gaze.

And he was dangerous. David couldn’t have Irene around such a perilous individual.

Joseph opened his mouth, but no words came out.

“Did you know Irene was in the kitchen earlier?”


“She was toiling away alone, long before dawn.”

“I… I wake up at dawn to work.”

“Well, it’s dawn now. Let’s get to work.”

David found himself following Joseph to the kitchen, almost on autopilot.

They kneaded dough, stored it to rise overnight, and made a quick trip to the market at the very break of dawn.

David realized he’d been ensnared in something unexpected.

“I’m exhausted, but I can’t sleep…”

So David spent the entire day awake, unable to find rest.

Then, as he continued yearning for rest on the couch, the door creaked open, and Irene entered.

He frowned as he noticed her carefully chosen attire covered in flour.

“What happened to your clothes?”

“Oh…nothing. I’m sorry.”

“And where’s Joseph?”

“Joseph had some business to attend to.”

“Take off those clothes! I’ll wash them right away!”

“Let me clean up first. By the way, did we have any more customers at the shop today?”

David whipped his head around. Not a single customer had appeared since Irene left.

But strangely, he felt a sense of relief.

With just Irene returning to the bakery, the place felt bustling and alive again.

And Irene seemed even more radiant.

‘I don’t know much about anything else, but I do know that I want to make this bakery flourish…for her. No, maybe that’s all I can do to ensure Irene’s happiness. But who will be Irene’s partner… No one seems to be a good enough match for her…’

He paused.

‘I should consider settling down…or maybe getting a pet…’

David grabbed Irene’s hand and blurted out.

“Irene, let’s make this bakery a success!”

“Oh, yes. I actually need to discuss something with you.”

“What is it?”

“I’ve been scouted.”


David leapt up, gripping Irene’s shoulders.

“But you work here!”

“I didn’t sign a contract or anything.”

“Huh…! How could you say something so heartless…?”

“No, I haven’t agreed to go yet.”

“I’ll do my very, very best! I swear! I’ve already planned out our retirement!”

“What? Retirement?”

“Yes! Do you know what I was just thinking about? I was just daydreaming about having a small dog that looks just like you… Huh? Huh? I’m serious, Irene! Please!”

David pleaded earnestly with Irene, like a child begging for a toy.

But the more Irene listened to his begging, the wearier she became.

* * *

‘There’s no shot that this place will be successful at this rate…’

I tried to tidy up, but I couldn’t even bring myself to start.

He said that he’d handle everything, but I knew all along that I’d have to redo it all properly later in the evening.

With no other options, I stepped out and headed toward the mountain range.

Unwilling to let me go alone, he followed me.

‘I was really looking forward to seeing the flowers…’

I felt a pang of disappointment at missing out on a proper outing. I had thought today would be the perfect opportunity, but it seemed that fate had other plans for me.

Perhaps I should take Rosie home right away when I arrive.

‘But the air here is so fragrant…’

As we approached the mountain range, a delightful scent wafted through the air, sending an exhilarating, invigorating rush through my body.

I recalled the delightful treats I used to bake, infused with petals, perfect to accompany a soothing cup of tea.

There were endless possibilities for baked delights, each offering a unique taste based on the ingredients added.

‘Maybe I should whip up some sweet cornbread…’

A sugary, hearty bread, ideal for hardworking farmers toiling in the fields.

I think it would sell out quickly if I went door-to-door.

With the help of the crown prince or David, selling would be effortless.

‘It’d be great if the prince would smile…’

Unlike David, who smiled with every other sentence, the crown prince rarely showed any signs of joy.

Did he know that the village women occasionally cast longing glances his way?

However, it was understandable why they found it difficult to engage with him in conversation when they came to visit the bakery.

His stoic demeanor made him as unapproachable as a wall of ice.

‘Do I need to crack the funniest joke ever just to get a laugh out of him?’

As I strolled along, recalling my favorite internet memes, I found myself nearing the flower garden.

‘Wow, it’s breathtaking.’

Fields of lavender stretched out before me, accompanied by an array of vibrant wildflowers.

It was a sight that would surely stay with me forever.

I’d never ventured this far from the village before, which made the experience all the more special.

As I continued along the path, entranced by the beauty, a thought crossed my mind.

‘If I were to leave for another country, I might never see this scenery again…’

The realization struck a chord of regret within me.

The villagers and David were growing accustomed to me.

Yet, if I were to depart for another land, I might achieve success swiftly and effortlessly with Susan’s assistance.

Then perhaps I could return to this village, my pockets lined with gold, like a triumphant homecoming.

But does the notion of a triumphant return only apply to those who can call that place their hometown?


At that moment, I spotted the crown prince and Rosie in the distance.

They stood amidst a sea of lavender, seemingly engaged in earnest conversation.

‘Is everything going well between them?’

A swell of pride welled up within me.

It seemed they were finally exchanging something close to heartfelt.

As I’d read in the book, Rosie and the crown prince shared many similarities.

The crown prince rarely left the palace, bogged down by the expectations of an impeccable education and his royal duties.

Rosie, too, had remained confined to the manor due to her perpetual sickly state.

Both were like children, yearning for freedom.

Perhaps it was these similarities that drew them to each other.

Observing such a contented couple, I couldn’t help but notice their shared traits.

The two were a striking pair, their attractiveness blinding to anyone who glanced their way.

Witnessing that sight, I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d ever find a love like that…

Suddenly, a wave of melancholy washed over me.

‘It sure is chilly out here…’

Yet, I opted to keep my distance, standing off to the side, not wanting to intrude on their moment.

The crown prince plucked a lavender flower and offered it to Rosie.

It seemed as if he’d been concealing a tender side, rather uncharacteristic of him.

‘What’s this? They’re progressing so fast!’

Rosie examined the flowers, her hair swept back behind her ears, and exchanged words with him.

And then…

The crown prince smiled.

His lips curved up ever so slightly, a smile beginning to sprout across his face. And then, his smile widened just a bit, illuminating his features.

He was smiling at Rosie. It was a genuine smile, one I had never seen before.

“My lady!”

At that moment, Patty came bounding from behind me.

Rosie and the crown prince turned their heads simultaneously in my direction.

For an instant, mine and the crown prince’s eyes met, but I quickly averted my gaze.

Rosie and the crown prince approached us.

“Has it already been two hours?”

“I have to leave now, so I’m not late!”

“Can’t you stay a bit longer? Irene just got here.”

“Lady, you know how Mrs. Susan is, don’t you? She’s called the squid witch for a reason…”

“Sigh… I understand.”

Rosie nodded at Patty’s determined expression, as if resigned to the situation.

She looked at me, grasping my hand with a hint of regret.

“Irene! I wish you had arrived a little earlier… What a shame. You’re the one that told me about this wonderful spot…I’m sad that we couldn’t enjoy it together.”

“I’m sorry. I had something to attend to.”

“Let’s go for a walk together tomorrow? There are plenty of flowers over there, where there’s a walking trail.”

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow, then. Did you have a good time today?”

“Yes. It’s incredible that this kind of view is right here, in our town. There are so many things like this that I still don’t know. I feel like meeting you, Irene, has given me the chance to witness such a wealth of experiences.”

Rosie hesitated after this, seemingly biting her tongue. There seemed to be something on her mind.

I cocked my head inquisitively.

“Tomorrow… Would you deliver again for lunch?”

“Absolutely. I promise.”

“And then you’ll go on a walk with me?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Have you made a decision about my aunt’s proposal?”

“Not yet.”

“Okay, take your time! Mull it over. Let’s talk again tomorrow! Nighttime is the best time for soul-searching!”

Rosie nodded, finalizing her earnest plea. With that, she and Patty headed back home, seeming somewhat relieved.

Once again, it was just the crown prince and me, alone. He gazed off into the distance, though, his eyes were fixed on the mountain range rather than the direction Rosie had departed.

“We can cut across the flower field.”


“It’s quicker that way. It’s a scenic route. Besides, your legs seem to be in good shape now.”

“Well… I suppose you’re right.”

He pivoted back toward the flowers, and we began our hike.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・:.。..。.:・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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