I Became an Omega Trapped on a Deserted Island with the Obsessed Male Lead

IBOTDI | Episode 58

<Episode 58>

“Are you Grand Duke Rubellite Croppers?”


“In this body, I can easily kill all of you.”

Rubellite, now in Elkais’s body, was transforming his arm into something resembling a sword.

“Is that even possible?”

“I don’t know. But it’s not the first time I’ve seen it.”

Eveline replied, though the bizarre sight left Elkais startled. The transformation was not only strange but also terrifying as the blackened arm sharpened into something like a blade.

“It’s a pity, Elkais. I initially planned to kill you peacefully while you slept, out of old feelings.”


“If that little brat hadn’t kept chasing after me, that is.”

“Who are you calling a brat!”

Abellard, in Eveline’s body, huffed and puffed as he approached Eveline and Elkais with a sword in hand. After some hesitation, he sighed and handed the sword to Elkais.

“Can you use sword energy in someone else’s body?”

“Of course.”

As soon as Elkais took the sword, he unleashed the sword energy, making the blade glow menacingly as it extended.


Rubellite’s transformed arm also began to glow similarly.

“I’m different from you. I’m more special.”

It really seemed as though Rubellite had absorbed Elkais’s abilities.

Elkais, shocked by how Rubellite was using his sword energy, shielded Eveline even more protectively and glared at him.

“Your Highness, why did you deceive me?”

“At first, I thought that imprinting with you was the only way to leave this place.”


“But now, I no longer need you. It’s nothing personal.”

Eveline cocked her gun with a ‘click’ and aimed it at Rubellite.

“Eveline Wilden, if you kill this body, Elkais de Robein will die too.”

At this, Eveline looked at him with a conflicted expression.

“Do you want Elkais de Robein to die?”

“Who cares! Attack, Eve! Even if he dies, Elkais will still be alive in the Grand Duke’s body!”

This made Eveline even more confused. She was grateful for Elkais, who had cared for her. Even though he had misunderstood her and tried to strangle her, he had done so to protect who he thought was Rubellite.

Everything he did was ultimately to protect her.

Eveline thought that if everyone had to die and she was the only one left, she wouldn’t be able to trust anyone.

But if it was Elkais, if she could explain the situation to him and share her concerns, maybe they could find a solution together.

Besides, in the original story, three of them had survived.

“The lady is indeed kind-hearted.”


Elkais deflected the sword energy flying toward Eveline and quickly checked on her.


“I’m fine.”

Abellard sighed, picked up a wooden stick nearby, and stood ready.

Thud! Crash!

Rubellite, leaping into the air, brought down his transformed, blackened arm like a blade, and Elkais swung his sword to protect Eveline.


As Eveline stepped back, she fired at Rubellite. The bullet grazed his cheek and pierced his ear, making him wince before he brought down his arm again.

With a thud, Elkais kicked him in the abdomen.

Although Rubellite didn’t slide back much due to the sand, he grimaced, clearly in pain from the kick. He wiped the blood trickling down his jaw with his shoulder.

“I should have killed the lady first.”

“So, he can heal himself.”

Abellard, noticing that Rubellite’s ear was regenerating, remarked while catching the sword that Elkais tossed to him.


“You need to be useful, too.”

With that, Elkais pulled out a fork. The moment he held it, the fork became enveloped in sword energy, turning into a threatening weapon.

Rubellite raised his chin and spoke.

“Elkais, how about the two of us leave together?”

“Your Highness, are you truly the person I know? You weren’t like this.”

“Do you really think the person you knew was the real me? I was born into the royal family. I’ve never shown my true self to anyone.”

While Rubellite was talking, Elkais kept an eye on Eveline. Even though she was in Abellard’s body, he now saw her as Eveline, and he wanted to deal with Rubellite quickly so he could properly apologize to her.

When their eyes met, Eveline gave Elkais a reassuring look, which helped him focus and turn his attention forward again.

“Abellard Wilden, you’re no different.”

“Shut up.”

“You just stood by and watched as the Duke of Wilden abused Lady Eveline. You’re just as guilty.”

“I said, shut up.”

Eveline’s expression darkened at those words. She didn’t want to remember those times.

“I understand the Lady quite well. She must have hated you too.”

“If you’re trying to sow discord, stop it. I’ve decided to forget all about the past.”

Eveline responded, causing Abellard to grip his sword more confidently and charge forward.


As he charged, Rubellite tried to extend his other hand toward Abellard’s abdomen, but Eveline shot it, preventing the attack.

At that moment, Elkais spun around and slashed at him with his sword. There was a dull sound as the flesh was sliced, but the severed parts quickly reattached.

“We have to cut off his head or destroy his brain to kill him,” Abellard said, discreetly imbuing his sword with divine power.

“Abellard Wilden, you’ve always been tormented by your feelings for your sister, haven’t you?”

“Yes, that’s true.”

Abellard admitted as he prepared to strike again. However, just as Eveline fired at Rubellite, he transformed his body and shoved Abellard away.


Abellard was thrown back, crashing into a tree.


Eveline kept her gun aimed at Rubellite while glancing toward Abellard.

“Do you think your brother is weak, like you imagine, Lady Eveline?”

“What do you mean?”

“Your brother is hiding his strength—to kill you.”

“Shut up.”


Eveline shot Rubellite in the shoulder. She originally aimed for his face, but she couldn’t bring herself to shoot Elkais’s face.

“We’ll have to retreat then.”

With that, he transformed both his arms into swords and charged.


Elkais tripped her, causing her to fall to the sandy beach.


As Eveline fell to the ground, Elkais instinctively felt she was safe and then swung his sword to sever Rubellite’s arm.

“Even without sensing pheromones, you’ve been quite considerate of the Lady.”

“Your Highness, please stop this.”

“Is your attraction to the Lady simply because of the pheromones?”

“Your Highness.”

Elkais was frustrated by how Rubellite spoke as if he knew his heart.

Elkais attacked the regenerating arm again, but it quickly grew back into a monstrous form.

“It’s almost laughable when you think about how you despised sexual desire driven by pheromones the most.”

“Your Highness.”

“You delude yourself into thinking you love the Lady.”


“If you truly loved the Lady, you would have recognized her even if her body had changed. Moreover, the Lady told you several times that she was in someone else’s body.”

Elkais was embarrassed because there was truth in his words.

Even if he hadn’t recognized Eveline immediately, it was true that he had been drawn to her, even in Abellard’s body.

He was drawn to her, despite sensing the repulsive Alpha pheromones.

“Don’t assume you know my heart.”

“What does the Lady think?”


“She thinks this.”

Eveline shot him in the heart. Even though the bullet pierced through, it was useless. The wound quickly healed.

“Don’t you want to live, Lady?”

Abellard, keeping his distance, watched them.

The sun was about to rise soon. When that happened, the time given by the goddess Yulias would be over.

If nothing changed, Eveline would disappear.


Like sand slipping through his fingers, unable to be grasped.

“I can’t let that happen.”

Abellard was terrified. He would rather have Eveline hate him than lose her. He wanted to save her, no matter what.

At that moment…


The Abellard inside Eveline’s body rushed forward and drove a sword through Elkais’s chest.

“As long as Rubellite dies, it’s fine.”

Abellard said as he pulled the sword out of Elkais’s heart, who was in Rubellite’s body.


Rubellite laughed as he did so.

At that moment, the strength in Elkais’s body, which was now in Rubellite’s body, drained away, and he collapsed.


Eveline cried out in shock, rushing to hold Elkais.

“If Rubellite doesn’t die, you will, Eve.”

Abellard said, tears streaming down his face. But there wasn’t much time left.

“Brother! How could you… to Elkais…!”

“You’re the only one who matters to me! I don’t care if the others live or die!”

As Eveline stared at him in shock, Abellard grabbed Rubellite’s arm.

He placed his hand on Rubellite’s head and attempted purification.

As the light began to fade, Abellard decapitated Rubellite.


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