I Became a Mother of Three

IBMOT Chapter 7

Episode 7


Erina stayed with Resen, Lia, and Poi for over three months.

During the first few days, she often stayed up all night worrying that other dragons might come to visit her house, or that the baby dragons might spew fire from their mouths.

However, no one visited the baby dragons throughout their stay.

Because of this, the worries she had in the beginning had already been completely erased from Erina’s mind.

Or so she thought.

“You have my sibling’s children1Here he used a word that can be translated into both nephews and nieces, so I desided to write this instead. with you, right? The three dragons.”

The words that came out of the man’s mouth were simply difficult to believe.

Not only did he enter her house arbitrarily, but his finger pointed accurately at the three dragons under the blanket, showing that the man was no ordinary person.

The dragons wriggled in their blankets after hearing the words ‘sibling’s children’.

The man noticed the wriggling lump sticking out from the middle of the bed and moved his long legs towards the bed.

“Hey, over there!”

Erina, who had frozen in the sudden situation, belatedly grabbed the man’s wrist.

The man’s eyes glowed coldly as he saw the human woman casually grabbing his wrist.

“First of all, you came in on your own even though I didn’t open the door, and you walked around the house claiming the kids were your nephews! Aren’t you being very rude right now?!”

She talked really fast.

The man responded indifferently as he watched the woman say everything she wanted to say, even though she was too scared to even look at in the eyes.

“Is that so?”

“Yes, it is!”

The man’s voice was calm.

However, the expression he was making seemed to say, ‘I’m not interested in what you say, and I just want to finish my business quickly.’

Erina quickly ran ahead of the man and hugged the entire bed blanket.

When the dragons inside the blanket felt the familiar embrace of Erina, they stopped squirming and exhaled comfortably.

One of the man’s eyebrows rose as he watched the scene.

“I think my sibling’s children are getting along with you.”

“So, how can you be sure whether they are your sibling’s children or not?”

Erina screamed out of frustration.

You just showed up out of blue and insisted on them being your nephews/ nieces!

No matter how much she looked, the man in front of her looked human exactly like her.

Although it seemed like some kind of magic was used to open the door at will, there was nothing remotely reptilian about him, indicating he was a dragon.

“Hmm, maybe I can be sure if you show me my nephews/nieces.”

“So what if I show them to you? Why should I believe in your words?!”

The man let out a small laugh inside as he looked at the human woman who was now speaking informally to him.

It seemed like human women were very suspicious by nature.

His sibling’s children, his only bloodline that could prove his innocence, were shamefully flirting with the human woman.

Even though they instinctively felt that one of their kind was coming, they must have pretended not to notice.

This meant that they had a great deal of interest in this human woman.

The children’s uncle, Dylan Harrison, scratched his forehead in embarrassment at the nephews’ ignorance.

“I swear on my name that nothing will happen to you.”

“What’s your name?”

Erina looked at Dylan with an expression that said, ‘What wrong with you?’.

Dylan was once again embarrassed by the harsher reaction than expected and cleared his throat.

“My name is Dylan Harrison. If you don’t mind, could you tell me your name?”

Erina looked at the man, who politely introduced himself, once again.

He had shining silver hair, blue eyes, and red lips that were smiling softly.

It was obvious that since neither of his ways worked, he was trying to drag the situation out by using a beauty trap.

He could make up as many names as he liked.

And what difference would it make if he really swore by his name? That didsn’t mean anything.

Of course, Erina was thinking this without knowing anything.

In the Empire, the ‘Harrison family’ was very famous.

However, in such a small principality, and in the countryside so far from the capital, there was naturally no way to know about the Harrison’s status.

Moreover, Erina had never been outside of this neighborhood in her life.

Therefore, she no prior knowledge about dragons or nobles swearing by their name.

It only made her feel worse because the man seemed like a scoundrel who depended only on his polished appearance and behaved recklessly.2Omo, if only he knew you thoughts😂

While she was contemplating whether to tell him her name or not, the dragons stuck their heads out of the blanket.

Erina was surprised when she saw this and tried to hide the dragons again, but Dylan was one step faster.

“How long are you guys going to pretend not to know?”

Dylan came closer to Erina and smiled brightly at the dragons.




Unlike Dylan, who was happy to see them, Resen tilted his head when he saw him, and Lia frowned openly.

While Poi clung to Erina even more and cried.

He thought they were just showing off, but they weren’t?

Dylan’s eyes widened at their reaction that was different from what he expected.

His sibling’s children were truly unfamiliar with him.

Erina also took a step back after seeing the dragons’ reaction.

“Hey, look! The kids are scared!”

Erina, who had already hidden the dragons behind her back, growled.

As her aura became increasingly fierce, Dylan first took a step back.

In the end, Dylan raised both hands and gestured that he would not harm them.

As if that wasn’t enough, he also had to be careful about the human woman’s feelings and expressions.

That’s all thanks to his sibling’s children, who pretended not to know their uncle and only clung to the human woman.

Because of his very cute nephews/nieces, he had to do things he had no intention of doing, so Dylan’s feelings were mixed.

“Really, I won’t do anything. I will just make sure my nephews/nieces are not in danger and then take them away.”

Dylan now began to persuade the human woman in an almost pleading tone.

Then a violent reaction came out from his sibling’s children instead of the human woman.




When they heard that they were going to be taken away, the dragons screamed and climbed onto Erina’s head.


Erina stumbled under the sudden weight.

Dylan, who saw this, quickly grabbed Erina’s shoulder to prevent her from falling.

Nevertheless, the dragons just shook their heads, holding Erina’s hair tightly.3That must hurt, ouch.

Tears, snot, and saliva were all pouring down from their faces.




Erina shook off her shoulder from Dylan’s hand and began to soothe the dragons.

“Don’t cry, you’re probably hungry because you haven’t eaten yet. It’s hard to cry like this, huh? Don’t cry, should we tell this old man to get out? Huh?”

Erina whispered while gently stroking the dragons that were crying and making a fuss.

The dragons stopped crying and nodded at her touch.

They even glared at Dylan with a look that said, ‘Tell that guy to get out!’.

“Now, you see it? The kids reacted like this when they saw you, so how can I trust you? Please leave quickly!”

“Oh, no……!”

Dylan looked at his sibling’s children with a puzzled face. First of all, he was definitely not an old man, and secondly, dragons were not a race that would have a hard time just because they couldn’t eat.

There were more than one or two things that were wrong, but the biggest problem was that he was now being kicked out of the house.

Are you really going to do this!?

Dylan asked his nephews/nieces, but the babies just pretended not to hear him and hid their faces in Erina’s hair.

In the end, Dylan was kicked out of the house and had no choice but to wait outside.




It was long after the sun rose, but Erina couldn’t go outside.

It was because of the ‘uncle’ of the dragons standing like a wall in front of the door.

“Guys, is this really your uncle?”

The dragons tilted their heads at Erina’s question.

Each dragon was holding a small piece of bread in their hands.

Erina breathed a sigh of relief at the man’s quiet retreat, contrary to her initial expectations.

After that, she felt sad that she might have to part ways with the dragons some time later.

Although she recklessly kicked him out, she vaguely sensed that the man named Dylan Harrison was somehow tangled up with the dragons.

She just didn’t understand why now, that it had been three months since she picked the dragons, he was calling himself their uncle.

“But shr can’t just leave him like that, right?”

Erina felt uneasy, seeing him standing there like that since morning.

First, Erina left the dragons inside the house and went out alone.


Dylan, who was staring at the sky blankly, was delighted when he saw Erina coming out with the sound of the door opening.


“What is your real purpose for coming here?”


At such a straightforward question, Dylan froze without smiling.

Erina, who noticed the momentary change, looked at him with suspicion.

Dylan was afraid that the door would close in front of him again, so he quickly made up an excuse that wasn’t an excuse.

“The Empire was at war, and I was participating in that war. Because of that, I am embarrassed to say this but I had no idea about my brother’s children. When I returned from the war, tragedy had already happened to my brother and his wife. Because of that incident, I couldn’t even find out the whereabouts of my brother’s children, that is all.”

“Well, that…”

Erina’s eyes, which had been filled with doubt as the situation changed quickly, began to be filled with regret.

Dylan, who noticed the change, quickly added.

“I thought that I would settle things as quickly as possible and come find my brother’s children, but before I knew it a long time has already passed like this.”

Erina, who was looking at Dylan with a gloomy expression, slowly relaxed her stiff shoulders.

Before winter came, she heard that there was a war going on in the Empire.

So when she found out that the man in front of her was unaware of his family’s tragedy because he was participating in the war, she felt sorry for him.

“Then are you really……their uncle?”

“Of course. Though I didn’t know that the kids would be this unfamiliar with me. Normally, dragons know all information about each other from the moment they were born. I thought my brother’s children would naturally know me.”

Dylan gritted his teeth as he thought about his nephews/nieces who still couldn’t recognise him.

Despite his detailed explanation, Erina understood only one thing.

“Um, are you a dragon too??”





I really hate how the gender is very vague in Korean, I had to write a lot of alternatives because of thatಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ.

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  1. midori says:

    thanks! ah yes…vague genders…LOLOL i can’t decide if the dragon darlings are pretending or not. it does seem they recognise him, but of course, erina is more important!

    1. Alaa says:

      You’re welcome! This gender thing can give us, Korean translators, a very big headache, but yeah they kind of don’t care about him rn, their dear moma is more important 😏

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