I Became a Mother of Three

IBMOT Chapter 6

Episode 6


The place where Erina lived was famous for its long and harsh winters.

The temperature stayed below freezing and there was a lot of snow, so people often stopped being active and stayed home in the winter.

Erina also spent her free time at home in the winter, reading books or drawing pictures.

However, this winter, Erina was busier than anyone else.

It was thanks to the three dragons that had become part of Erina’s family since fall.

“Resen! Do not eat that!”

Erina stopped Resen, who was chewing meat that had not yet been cooked.

Resen swallowed the meat he was chewing before it was taken away by Erina.


“Gya, gyaa.”‬‎

At Erina’s yelling, Resen curled his tail and averted her eyes.

“And what are you going to do if you get an upset stomach like last time? Do you want to take bitter medicine again?”


“Okay, you don’t like taking medicine, do you? From now on, you can’t eat it like this. Meat should always be cooked before eating.”

Resen’s head moved up and down sharply. This meant that he would never eat raw meat from now on.

As he remembered the bitter herbs he had eaten last time, his body trembled.

Erina warned Resen once again.

“Next time if you get an upset stomach from eating raw meat again, I’ll make the medicine twice as strong.”

In response to the firmly stated words, Resen thought it was too much and said, ‘Gyaa, gyaa!’ trying to protest, but it was no use.

Lia and Poi looked at the two noisy person and dragon and focused on their meals.

This had happened more than once, so they were used to it now.

After finishing their meal, one person and three dragons began preparing to build a snowman.

It was a suggestion from Erina, who remembered how the dragons liked it when they saw their first snow not long ago.

Since the snow had piled up to a height that far exceeded the height of the dragons, Erina first swept the yard and summoned the dragons.1Bonding time, yay! (⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ꁞ⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠˶⁠ ⁠)

The dragons in front of the window run excitedly on their short legs as soon as Erina called them.

“Now, just roll a round snowball like this.”

Erina demonstrated first by gently rolling a snowball on the floor.

A snowball smaller than a fist rolled on the floor several times.

Well, it grew bigger and bigger.

Their eyes flashed and in an instant, they rolled around the yard while holding a small snowball.

Unfortunately, due to their short arms, they couldn’t make their snowballs bigger than Erina’s, but they competed among themselves.

Unlike Resen and Poi, Lia was impatient and changed direction before she could even roll the snowball once properly.2I want to remind you that, I am the one who chose their gender randomly and once it is properly known I will change it to the correct one.

As a result, the snow continued to clump together and crumple, clump together and then crumple.


Lia, angry because things didn’t go her way, screamed into the air.

Then she started scratching the floor with her back feet.

Wherever Lia’s feet passed, the floor would be turned over, leaving a mess of snow and dirt.

Bam bam bak!

Lia’s next series of actions, as her anger wasn’t resolved after what she did, was to smash Resen and Poi’s snowballs.

Resen and Poi were working hard to make their snowballs when they were suddenly attacked by Lia.



Of course they cried loudly.

As the dragons cried, the snow that had accumulated on the tree branches suddenly fell.

Erina’s ears felt as if they would fall off.

Erina, after covering her ears with both hands, lifted up Lia, who was still fuming and angry.

“Lia, quickly apologize to Resen and Poi!”

When Lia saw Erina’s angry expression right in front of her, her face became prickly.

Her attitude was completely different from when she was grumpy with her brothers.

“Puh, puh……!”

She pointed at the messed up snowball and muttered as if it was unfair, but Erina shook her head.

“If Lia has trouble making snowballs, she should ask me for help. She shouldn’t ruin other kids’ snowballs like that. This was Lia’s fault, so apologize quickly.”

Lia flapped her wings slightly and then blinked. It meant that she understood what to do.

Erina, who understood what she meant, dropped Lia off next to Resen and Poi, who were still crying.

Lia held the hands of the two dragons and apologized. ‎

“Beh, poi. Baa bap.”

However, she didn’t forget to shoot them both a look that said, ‘If you don’t stop crying, you’ll get hit!’3Oh my god😂

Erina couldn’t see Lia’s expression, so she looked at the scene warmly, but Resen and Poi couldn’t help but stop crying because they couldn’t take Lia’s threats.

There was no heartwarming moment at all.



Resen and Poi, frightened by Lia’s threatening eyes, hiccuped at the same time.4Ladies and gentlemen, here you get to know who is the future tyrant of the three♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱

“Uh, is it because it’s cold? You are having hiccups. Let’s just stop here for today. You need to eat some hot soup to warm up.”

Resen and Poi quickly got away from Lia and clung to Erina. Not to be outdone, Lia rushed over and hugged Erina.

Erina was surprised to realize that the dragons’ skin was as cold as ice.

It seemed like it was difficult for them to regulate their body temperature because, unlike humans, they had nothing to cover them up.

Erina held the dragons in her arms and headed home.

“Cover yourselves with these first.”

After wrapping the dragons in blankets, shr filled a large bucket with water and warmed it up. Then, she woke up the dragons that were dozing off under the blanket and put them in the water.

Fortunately, all three of them liked bathing, so they went into the water without saying anything.

In particular, Resen got particularly happy when he went into the water and hummed.

It seemed like he remembered the song Erina was singing before and was singing it too.

“Byabya, pauu, booooo, boo!!”

To be honest, it was closer to a scream than a song, but Erina praised and applauded Resen for doing a good job each time.

Erina ignored Lia and Poi looking at her with suspicious eyes.5And now, we know who is tune deaf…




It’s been three months since she started living with Resen, Lia, and Poi.

During that period, no one came looking for the dragons.

Erina felt strange anxiety and relief at the same time.

Unlike her, the dragons had now completely accepted Erina as their family.

That’s why they tried to spend all their time with Erina, from morning to evening.

While the winter passed like that, the dragons grew bigger and bigger day by day.

They grew so quickly that the ribbon Erina first bought them were already too short when they put it around their necks.

Because of this, the dragons were very sad, and every time they cried out in sorrow, a ribbon had to be wrapped around their tails to make them feel better.

She also made a nest for each of them.

At first, all three slept in one nest, but the dragons grew so big that one nest could no longer handle them.

It was not uncommon for their tails to stick out of the nest, and one day, Resen fell out of the nest and was found shivering on the floor.

After seeing this, Erina spent the whole day sewing and made them three nests.

Resen and Lia adapted well to their new home, but Poi cried all night looking for Erina unless she was in Erina’s bed.

Therefore, Erina had no choice but to sleep with Poi, while Resen and Lia had to sleep in their own nests.

A lot has changed in a short period of time.

As Erina and the dragons got to know each other, time passed steadily and the season of sprouting plants finally arrived.

Erina was planning to prepare for the spring by tidying up her thick blanket and putting it aside.


The first to follow behind Erina was Resen.

He looked strange as he was walking around with all his sheets and blankets.

Lia and Poi followed behind them as well.

Erina laughed out loud as she saw the three dragons chasing after her.

Even though they had doubled in size, it was still cute to see them behave like baby ducks following their mother duck.

“This is dangerous, so sit on that chair over there.”

Erina started making a drying rack to hang the blankets on.

The idea was to put two long sticks into the ground and connect a line between them.

The sticks were strong and thick enough to bear the weight of the blanket, so she was worried that the dragons might get hurt if they hit them.

The dragons who heard Erina’s words tilted their heads but steadily walked towards the chair.

The dragons who climbed up the chair pillar with their claws rolled their eyes around as they observed Erina’s actions.

Because it was something she had been doing consistently since she was young, Erina skillfully made a clothes drying rack.

She then spread a blanket over it and hit the blanket with a clean stick.

Every time there was a popping sound from the blanket, a cloud of dust rose up.

The curiosity of the dragons watching what Erina was doing was aroused.

Every time she knocked on the blanket, the sunlight shining through the dust moved around.

The dragons approached the blanket as if they were fascinated and began to hang at their preferred height.

“Uh? Guys, it’s dangerous!”

Erina, who was busy dusting off the blanket, belatedly discovered the dragons hanging on it.

Despite Erina’s startled voice, the dragons were excited, holding on to the blanket and flapping their wings.

The heights at which they were hanging were all different, but the problem was that the dragons all hung only at the front. The blanket, which had been shaking because of them a few times, fell to the floor without her having time to catch it.

It was only natural that the dragons hanging on the blanket also fell.


The blanket fell on the floor, the pole started to tilt slightly due to the impact, and even the string was only hanging loosely.

It was a very bug mess.

“Resen, Lia, Poi!”

First, after safely erecting the tilting pole, Erina found the dragons lying under the blanket.

After being covered in the heavy blanket, the dragons who hit their butts on the floor were crying ‘Aaack, Aack, Aack’ inside the blanket.

Unlike other times, in which Erina, would have quickly comforted them by a hug, she just watched quietly, and the dragons cried even more sadly.

With tears streaming down their face, they stretched out their arms towards Erina.

However, Erina turned away from the three pairs of outstretched arms.

“You guys! I told you to sit on the chair because it was dangerous, right? Why do you keep acting like this?”




The dragons looked aggrieved at Erina’s attitude, which was different from usual.

Still, Erina’s anger did not go away. What would have happened if they got crushed by the pillar or fell from a higher place and got hurt?

There should never be anything overlooked when it came to safety.

“You should do some reflecting.”

Erina said as she rearranged the fallen blanket.

Seeing Erina’s very scary appearance, the dragons slowly curled their tails and stood side by side in reflection.

After a few minutes, Erina called the dragons.

“Do you know how surprised I was? My heart was pounding because I was afraid you were hurt. If my heart is pounding, it’s really a big deal. Do you understand?”

Erina sat on a chair, placed the dragons on her lap, and explained to them little by little.

The dragons nodded vigorously. From now on, they intended to never make ‘her heart pound!’.

Since the babies are now 3 months old, Erina thought it was natural for them to have accidents, but since they are so smart, she had a lot to hope for.

Erina felt sorry for getting so angry at the kids who didn’t know anything.

She also laughed out loud at the cuteness of the naive little dragons.

The next day, an unexpected and unfamiliar being would visit.

Erina and the dragons at that time had no idea about that….





Hello dear readers,

From now on the updates will be twice a week.

I honestly had so much fun translating this chapter, I hope you also enjoyed (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠).


You can support me here on kofi to continue translating your favourite novels.


  1. May says:

    Thanks for the chapter (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆

    1. Alaa says:


  2. serafin says:

    Great work! I love this series!

  3. midori says:

    thanks! gotta be firm with kiddos! yes yes teach them the right and wrong, after all. WHATEVER, STILL CUTE

    1. Alaa says:

      Ty for reading! Yeah CUTE 🥺

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