I Became a Mother of a Sub-Male Son


That night…


She quietly looked down at the child who was barely asleep. As expected, the duke took the box from the child’s room and threw it away. The moment the child came back after leaving the room for a while and noticed that the box was missing, the fuss was so great that it was nothing more than chaos. The child wandered around everywhere looking for the missing box. Then, in the end, they couldn’t find it and they were able to calm him down from crying and put him to sleep. Honestly, if it weren’t for her, the duke wouldn’t have taken the box. Feeling sorry for no reason, she gently stroked the head of the sleeping child. 




At that moment, the sound of a bird tickling her ears made her jump up from her seat. She quickly looked around, but she couldn’t find the bird anywhere in the room.




When she heard the birds chirping again, she headed to the window to see if they were outside. When she opened the window, a cool breeze passed by her cheeks. She put her face out a little more and looked down, but there was no sign of a bird. Where on earth were they? Just as she was about to bow out in confusion, a sound came from right behind her. Whenshe turned her head, she saw a white bird that she hadn’t seen in a long time, lightly flapping its wings.


“What are you biting?”


When she looked closely, she saw that the bird had something in its beak.


Tuk, Degururu.


Soon the bird opened its beak and dropped it to the floor. When she picked it up and looked at it, it was none other than a small gem. What kind of jewel was this? She was curious and looked at the white bird. No, more accurately, it was like staring into space. In that short period of time, the bird disappeared. Where have you been? She searched the room and outside the window, but she could no longer find the bird. In the end, she closed the window and went back to bed with the jewel the bird gave him.


“The color is similar to the color of my eyes.”


She turned the hexagonal, azure-colored jewel around. Other than the fact that the color was similar to the color of her eyes, there didn’t seem to be much difference. What on earth was she going to do with this gem? She thought about it here and there, but she couldn’t find an answer.


‘Let’s save it first.’


She went to her room, put the jewelry deep in the dresser, and then went back to the child’s room. After carefully lying down next to the child who was still sleeping soundly, she slowly closed her eyes.


Sleepiness was mobbed as easily as ever. Soon, consciousness faded and darkness soon set in.


* * *


“You want to leave for Regarden territory at dawn? And directly?”


“After acquiring new territory, the basic procedure is to inspect it within a week and then submit a report.”


“Then it will take a long time to inspect. The territory is at the northern end.”


“No. Two or three days is enough. We’ll use the mobile gate to get there.”


‘It will definitely be faster if you use the gate.’ she thought while shaking her head.


“Although most of the northern land is abandoned, aren’t there any dangers or anything like that?”


“I’ll be taking dozens of elite knights and a few wizards with me, so you don’t have to worry.”


“Well, that’s a relief.”


She looked down at the paper in front of her. It was a detailed description of the magic stone mine hidden in Regarden territory. After examining it to make sure there were no missing parts, she handed it to him. The Duke looked at the paper and asked.


“Is it true that there is a magic stone mine hidden there?”




That was, as long as the contents of the book remain unchanged. She felt a little anxious because the plot had kept going wrong so far. Still, she had a feeling that things about the hidden magic stone mine would remain the same.


“Can’t you tell me how you found out about that because it’s not time yet?”


She was silent for a moment. Because she thought it was too early to tell him. It wasn’t time yet. In order to say that it was stated that way in the book she read, she had to first talk about the fact of possession. Of course she should also tell him that she was someone other than Elia Rotten. She could fully see the Duke waiting for her answer. Now, unlike before, he was trusting and waiting for her first. It’s probably because he liked her. No, more precisely, her in the body of ‘Elia Rotten’. How would the Duke react if he found out that she was not Elia Rotten? Should he say it’s okay or not…?


“What if, just what if.”


She added, feeling a little nervous.


“…What would you think if I were someone else?”


His eyes were calm. So much so that it’s hard to guess what he’s thinking.


“It may sound strange, but let’s just assume. It doesn’t make sense, but it means that someone else’s soul has entered the body that originally belonged to its owner…”


As she finished, she couldn’t finish her words and closed her mouth. It was because she was slightly frightened by the look in his eyes that was unwavering and still had no idea what it meant. It was a time when anxiety gradually grew. A low voice rang into her ears.


“Even if that happens, it doesn’t matter.”




“Appearances are just appearances. What matters is the essence of the person.”


She stared blankly at the duke without saying anything.


“I don’t know if that would be the answer, but just know that that’s what I think.”




“I don’t think you’re fully ready for asking that question yet, so I’ll wait a little longer.”


She finally came to her senses after hearing those words.


“…But you are curious.”


“You promised me. You would tell me when the time was right. Are you really not going to keep your promise?”


“No. I will protect it. Now you know that I have never lied, right?”


At that moment, the dark red eyes came closer to his nose. She took a breath without realizing it.


“Yeah. I mean, I’m going to wait.


Even though there were dozens of questions. He said before that he trusted him to some extent.


“I’ll take back that statement now. I know you’re not the kind of person who would lie. Or, more accurately, I don’t want to even think about it.”


She couldn’t believe that these words came from the duke. Now, it sounded like he would no longer ignore his feelings for her and would accept them all.




Like a broken clockwork, the thought circuit spun unnaturally. Likewise, her heart was pounding and beating like crazy.


“…Anyway, no matter what happens inside the mansion when I am not there, you must never leave the mansion. Did you understand?”


At that time, the Duke deliberately changed the subject to the point where it was noticeable. As if he was considerate of her who couldn’t come up with a proper answer. Only then did she come to her senses clearly.


“…Ah yes, sure.”


“Well, I think the conversation is somewhat over now, so let’s leave.”


At those words, she tried to get up, but a sudden thought struck her and she sat back down on the sofa.


“By the way, what should I do if someone visits the mansion while the duke is away?”


“I already told Rubart to reject everything, so there’s nothing to worry about.”


“Even if Lady Ladiana comes?”




“Then, what if His Majesty uses magic like last time and comes in without permission?”


“Allegrobian will be here while I am away.”


She blinked for a moment at the unexpected words.


“…The Magic Tower Lord will be here instead?”


“Yes. It would be safest that way.”


“Of course, it is, but he’s not someone you can completely trust. Is that okay? A contract with magical effects has been signed with the magic tower lord.”


“A contract with magical effects?”


“It is a contract that will result in magical disadvantages if the conditions are not fulfilled. Most of the provisions are entirely unfavorable to the magic tower owner, so there is nothing to worry about.”


She shook her head after hearing that. After all, magic was a thing, so of course contracts using magic also existed.


“Anyway, be careful tomorrow. Got it?”




“By the way, did you tell Lian? If you haven’t done it, should I?”


“No, I will. I was planning on bringing it up at dinner.”


“Okay. Then I’ll just leave.”


After leaving the office, she went straight to the child’s room. Today was a day without the child’s swordsmanship class. It was because Sylvester was away for a while. Anyway, she had decided to take a break from weapons training class today. It was because she wanted to spend some time with the child.


That was when she had just arrived at the room. The child was sitting on the sofa and fiddling with something.


“What are you doing, Lian?”


“Look at this. I went to see Charles for a moment and when I came back to my room, this was on the floor.”


The child held out what he was holding in his hand.


“…Why is this?”


She was startled for a moment. Why was this azure jewel that should be buried deep in her room’s drawers here…?


“What’s wrong, Elia?”


“This was on the floor?”


“Yes. When I came back, I found it alone on the floor. Oh, is this Eligor by any chance?”


She looked closely at the child’s face. There was no lie to be found in those clear, indigo blue eyes. There was no way Delian would lie. There’s no good reason for that.


“Yes, it’s mine. I guess I dropped it without knowing.”


“Here you go.”


She accepted the jewel the child held out and looked down at it seriously. What on earth happened? Did someone take out what was stored deep in the drawer? But even so, there was no reason for her to leave it on the floor as if to show off.


“Did anyone come into my room or your room when I wasn’t there?”


“Not when I was here.”


She immediately called Sarah, who was outside, into the room.


“Did you call me?”


“Did someone come into my room or the child’s room a little while ago? We were away.”


“No, there wasn’t.”


“Are you sure?”


“Yes, I’m sure. Why are you doing that?”


Sarah, like the child, did not appear to be lying. So, how on earth did the gem get out? It’s not like the jewel came out because it had legs. Feeling uneasy, she packed the jewels into her pocket.


“What’s wrong, Elia?”


“No, it’s nothing. Would you like to go to the library and pick a book now?”




The child came down from the sofa and held her hand tightly, as if he had been waiting. She tried to put aside her uncomfortable thoughts and left the room with the child.


* * *




The duke, who was eating in silence, wiped his mouth with a napkin and called the child. It seemed like he was probably going to talk now.


“Yes, father.”


“I won’t be at the mansion for about three days starting tomorrow, so please understand.”


“Where are you going?”


“I’m planning to visit for a while to inspect the new territory.”


“Is this a new territory? Where is it?”


“It’s Regarden territory.”


The child tilted his head for a moment.


“Isn’t that barren land?”


“That’s right.”


“Is there something there?”


Hearing the child’s words, the duke slightly raised the corners of his mouth. As if he was very satisfied.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on May, 19.

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  1. Fara says:

    Thanks for updating😍

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