I Became a Mother of a Sub-Male Son


“Elia, what on earth is this…”


Sarah’s eyes widened when she saw her face when she returned to the room. Yes, it would be surprising. She didn’t even have the energy to respond so she collapsed on the sofa. Then the child explained it for her.


“Elia and Rex fought very combatively.”


“By Rex, are you talking about the Duke’s horse?”


“Yeah. Rex suddenly pulled Elia’s hair mercilessly like this.”


The child said this and imitated her pulling out his hair with his hands.


“Without any reason?”


“I don’t know. It just happened so suddenly.”


Sarah, who had finished talking with the child, came to her side. Then she looked closely at her hair, which had been torn apart by Rex and was a mess.


“Your hair is pretty damaged. I think it needs to be trimmed a bit. Do you mind if I straighten it for a while?”


“…Yes, yes, please.”


She answered listlessly. She had lost her will to fight after fighting with the crazy horse. While Sarah left her room for a moment to get her hairdressing scissors, the child came up to her.


“Are you okay, Elia?”


“No, I have no energy right now. I feel like a fool.”


“Why on earth did Rex do that?”


“…I guess I lost against those horse guys in my past life.”


“I’ll go later and give him another harsh scolding!”


“Thank you at least for your words.”


Seeing the child trying to somehow lighten her mood brought a slight smile to her face.


“Were you surprised earlier? You suddenly got angry and said some harsh words.”


“No. If you get angry, of course you can. And if something makes me angry in the future, I will talk like Elia.”




“Elia was so powerful and cool when she got angry earlier. I’m going to do the same now.”


“Well, I don’t think so.”


“Was it really cool?”


After making an awkward expression in the child’s bright eyes, she held her messy hair in his hands. She originally didn’t mean to fight like that. She let out a small sigh of her own. When she saw Rex eating her feathers, her head instantly spun. Still, it’s a shame she left a patch in Rex’s mane, otherwise she would have been even more upset.




Sarah came back with the scissors and she came over to her and said.


“Would you like to turn around for a moment?”


Sarah began straightening her hair when her back was turned. The child watched her hair being cut next to her.


“It’s a bit of a waste.”




“Elia’s hair. It’s this pretty, but it needs to be cut…”


“It’s okay. It was quite long anyway.”


“Still, it’s a waste.”


The child looked at her hair on the floor with a look in her eyes that said it was such a waste.


“If that’s true, how about picking one in good condition and keeping it?”


At Sarah’s words, the child’s eyes turned to her.


“Keep it?”


“Yes. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep it in a box and keep it.”


She listened quietly and thought it wasn’t right, so she slightly opened her mouth.


“As far as storage…”


“I think that’s a really good idea!”


But she couldn’t say everything she wanted. It was because the child was screaming with his fist clenched.


“Then, Elia, I will bring a box to store it after I have completely straightened her hair.”


“Yeah. Then I’ll be picking up Elia’s hair.”


The child started picking up her hair from the floor. When she saw that, she laughed a little, even though it was absurd. Anyway, he said he liked her so much.


“I think it’s all sorted out now, Elia.”


“Is it done now?”


“Yes. I cut off almost everything that was damaged.”


“Anyway, thank you.”


“No, then I will bring the box.”


Sarah said that and left the room. She walked to the full-length mirror and checked her appearance. It was almost similar to the original hair style, only the length was a little shorter.


“I brought you a box, Lord Delian.”


Sarah came into the room and handed the child a jeweled box. Then, the child carefully placed her collected hair into the box and closed the lid.


“Sarah, please place this in my room.”


“All right.”


“Elia, we’re going to the gym now. It’s almost time.”


She checked her watch and, as the child said, it was almost time for swordsmanship class.


“Yes, that’s right. Let’s change our clothes quickly.”




After changing her clothes with the child and heading to the training ground, she ran into Rubart across from her. Rubart was holding a heavy bundle of paper in his arms.


“Are you both on your way to the Knights’ training hall?”




“Rubart is going to run errands for father?”


“No, I’m just on my way back to Your Excellency after running an errand.”


Rubart, who was answering, suddenly looked surprised. 


“What’s the length of Elia’s hair?




“Oh, is it a little short?”


“Yes. It costs a lot.”


It didn’t look like it was cut that much, but was it noticeable? She said, tilting her head slightly.


“Actually, I went to see Rex at the stable earlier. Then suddenly Rex went crazy and grabbed my hair with his snout and started pulling it.”




“Yes. I thought I was going to go bald because he didn’t let go of my hair.”


Even thinking about it now, she couldn’t help but sigh.


“For no reason?”


“Yes, suddenly. Anyway, my hair was a mess so Sarah fixed it for me.”


“…I see.”


Rubart had a serious expression on his face. Was it really that serious that her hair has gotten shorter? It was a time when she had some doubts.


“You may have to change your words sooner or later.”


“Huh? Change my words?”


“Yes. The duke will order me to dispose of the horse, so I will have to try to find another famous horse.”


“No way. That much…”


Even though she said that, she wasn’t sure. This was because she had the feeling that the current duke would do more than enough. It’s a bit awkward to dispose of Rex, who was clearly related to birds…


“No. Your Excellency will definitely tell me to dispose of Rex.”


“Wouldn’t it be okay if you put it bluntly? If you said it was just an accident…”


Rubart shook his head.


“No. He’ll quickly realize I’m lying.”




At that time, she turned herr head to the child’s voice.


“Probably, there is no use in saying it well.”




“My father really liked Elia’s hair.”


This was also her first time hearing this. She didn’t think the duke had ever given her any indication that he liked her hair.


“When I was practicing braiding Elia’s hair, my father showed me a demonstration. At that time, the look on his face when he was holding Elia’s hair…”


“His expression?”


“It was very soft.”


She momentarily closed her mouth at those words. It was because she couldn’t figure out why the duke had such an expression.


“Your Excellency loves you, Elia, so there is nothing about you he doesn’t value.”


“Rubart is right. Dad likes Elia, so of course he will value Elia’s hair.”


It seemed like they both knew. Well, she could have noticed it herself, but she didn’t think other people would have noticed it.


“…Did you both know?”


“Of course.”


“That’s right.”


She cleared her throat slightly. It wasn’t unexpected, but honestly, it was a bit embarrassing. She was a bit at a loss as to what to answer, so she quickly changed the topic.


“So, you’re not going to report anything about the hair to the duke at all?”


Embarrassment flashed across Lubart’s face.


“But I can’t not report it.”


“What does the report say?”


She quickly turned around when she heard the Duke’s voice behind her. They say even tigers will come if you talk about them.


“Weren’t you in the office?”


“I just came out to the study for a moment because I had some business to do.”


“Ah, yes. Then Lian and I will leave.”


She smiled naturally and greeted the child as discreetly as possible. 


“I’m going out for a moment.”


If only the duke hadn’t called her.


“Why are you doing this?”


“Why is her hair getting shorter? It’s about half a span of her hand shorter than before.”


‘Based on my hand, what?’




“I’m asking why it got shorter.”


She had no choice but to answer the Duke’s persistent question several times.


“Actually, I went to the stable earlier. Rex was there, and suddenly the wind started pulling Rex’s… Where are you going, Duke?”


Absurdly, the Duke lifted himself up and walked away before she could finish speaking.


“It looks like he went to Rex. I have to get another great horse quickly, so I’ll just leave now.”


After saying those words, Lubart walked away like the Duke before.




“Yes, Elia.”


“You’re not going to kill Rex, are you?”




The child could hardly come up with an answer. I lifted my body upright.


“I’m going to go see the Duke for a moment, so why don’t you go back to your room first?”


“Uh. Okay, wait a minute…”




The kid said something behind her, but that wasn’t important right now. Since she knew that it was an animal related to birds, she felt uncomfortable leaving it to die.


Just as they arrived at the stable. A frightened horse neighing was heard from the stable in the corner. As soon as she entered the stable where she heard the sound, she saw the Duke pointing his sword at Rex.


“Duke, stop it.”


“Go out.”




The duke didn’t even look at her, only looking at Rex. No, what on earth was all this fuss about because her hair got shorter? It’s nothing important.


She sighed softly and blocked the duke’s path. He turned to her.




“Duke, I don’t mind. Look, I cut it, but it’s still long.”


She held her hair and showed it to the Duke.


“No, it’s short.”


However, only a firm answer was heard.


“Why is it short? But it’s still long.”


“It’s short.”


“No, it’s because it’s long.”


“It’s short.”


“It’s not short, but it’s long? It’s still longer than the waist.”


“If it’s short, I know it’s short.”


She sighed softly. It’s not like talking to a wall. She didn’t know why they had to fight this nonsense. Should she just let that enemy talk out no matter what happens? While she was thinking about it for a while, a good number suddenly flashed in her mind. Yes, that’s the box the kid put it in earlier to store her hair. The child would be disappointed if he found out, but she couldn’t do anything about it right now.


“Do you want my hair that much?”




“Seeing you keep complaining about how short my hair is, I thought you were really upset about my hair being cut.”


“I just…”


She spoke while intentionally interrupting the Duke.


“I mean my cut hair. Lian said it was a waste, so he put it in a box and left it in his room.”


At that moment, the duke’s right hand holding the sword slightly lowered.


“I guess Lian missed my hair like the Duke. Isn’t he really cute?”






The duke, who was silent for a moment, left the stone polishing section.


“…But are you really going to leave him?”


She turned her head and glared at the enemy-like horse.


“So who wants to pull other people’s hair? And why do you eat feathers, you crazy horse?”




Rex snorted and snorted, but he wasn’t scared at all. It was rather ridiculous.


“Earlier, when the duke pointed his sword at you, you looked at him with a lot of fear, but now you’re just going to live again. Huh?”




“Anyway, you know he’ll hit you if you do that one more time, right?”


She kept nagging Rex until she let go of her anger towards him.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on May, 12.

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