I Became a Mother of a Sub-Male Son


The child tapped the seat next to him with his hand.


“Lie down here.”




As she lay down, the child reached out her hand and held her hand as if she had been waiting. Then he held the Duke’s hand with his other hand and laughed.


“It’s so nice to sleep together with my father and Ellie.”


He thought it was both funny and cute to see the child smiling brightly as if he had never cried.


“Do you like sleeping together?”


“Yes. I like it. You like it too, right?”


The duke answered and slightly turned his head. Nevertheless, the child’s hand was still held. She found that a little funny. It was definitely awkward up until now, but gradually she started to feel more comfortable. Her body relaxed and went limp comfortably.


“Tomorrow morning, Lian, your face will be swollen like a carp.”


“…Ugh, you shouldn’t pour it.”


The child muttered softly, opened his mouth, and yawned softly.




After a while, even breathing was heard. The child quickly fell asleep. She briefly caught the sight of the duke lying on the other side with his body turned.


After the child fell asleep, she slowly began to become aware of the craft again. Was it because she never thought she would be lying in the same bed as a duke? 


‘Let’s just think about sleeping with the child as usual.’


After taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes tightly. But instead of falling asleep, her mind was still intact. 


‘One sheep, two sheep, three…’


She counted the sheep without stopping, but instead of sleeping, she was more conscious of the duke on the other side. In addition to the child’s breathing, she could even hear the duke’s breathing on and off.


While sighing inwardly and dozing off, she suddenly felt eyes on her face. She slowly opened her eyes, looked to the side, and was startled. Before she knew it, the Duke had turned around and was staring at her.


“Ah. Are you still not sleeping?”




“…Go to sleep. I’m going to sleep too.”


The duke just stared in silence. In fact, she became even more embarrassed and closed her eyes tightly, feeling confused. Why was he looking at her without saying anything? It’s burdensome.


“…Ugh, Elia.”


She felt the child snuggle into her arms in his sleep. After smelling the child’s unique scent up close, her mind became calm again. At the same time, unlike before, the sleep began to flock.


‘Okay, I’m going to sleep like this all the time.’


It was about the time when she felt that her consciousness had almost subsided. She felt like something light was brushing her forehead. She wanted to see what it was, but her eyelids were already weighed down.


She soon gave up and completely surrendered herself to sleep.


* * *


Why was her body so heavy… It felt like she was tied to a rope, so she tried moving her body around, but it was no use. Instead, she felt like her body was getting tighter and she was having trouble breathing.


‘What on earth…’


She barely lifted her heavy eyelids. As she blinked a few more times, her vision began to clear. But somehow it was a little strange. Even though she opened her eyes completely, she couldn’t see anything and it was pitch black. What?


“Ugh, Eli…”


She realized that the child was in her arms when she heard a voice coming from directly below. Ah, she did. Yesterday, the child woke up from a nightmare and continued to cry, so she went to the duke’s room. After that, they all sleep together in the duke’s room… For a moment, her mind came to her. It was because she thought she knew why her vision was so dark. It was because her body was trapped in the arms of none other than the Duke. Why on earth was she trapped in the duke’s arms?


Thump thump.


Her heart started pounding wildly and beating like crazy. In a panic, she twisted her body around to get out of his arms. But she couldn’t move due to the strong arm across her back.


“Duke, wake up for a moment.”


“Duke? Over there?”


In the end, she gave up on waking up the duke and sighed. Then, she unconsciously smelled a cool yet soothing scent. She had felt this for a long time, but smelling the duke’s unique scent made her strangely feel at ease. She found it really funny too. She didn’t know what to do until just now, but suddenly she felt comfortable. She couldn’t help but laugh at the absurd situation.


“What’s so funny?”


She was startled by the voice she heard from above.


“Surprise. When did you wake up?”


“Just now.”


“Now then, could you please untie the arms from around my back?”




“What’s wrong? I’m asking you to let me go because I’m frustrated.”


“Then Delian will wake up?”


As soon as the Duke moved his body slightly, a whining sound was heard.




“Look. He’s trying to wake up.”


“…Yes. I see.”


Still, did she have to keep doing this until the child wakes up? It was a moment when she sighed softly inwardly.


“Ugh, Eli…”


She felt the child, who had been sleeping soundly, dozing off in his arms. As soon as she lowered her gaze, she saw the child’s small head bobbing up and down. Fortunately, it seemed like he was just about to wake up.




Only then did the duke remove his arms from behind her back and raise his body halfway up. The child raised his head and yawned softly, rubbing his eyes with his hands.


“Father, did you sleep well?”




“What about Elia?”


“Yes, I slept well too. How about you, Lian?”


“I think I slept well too.”


The child, smiling brightly, raised his body, wagging like a caterpillar. She also stood up and slightly turned her back. For some reason, it was difficult to look at the duke, so she got off the bed in that state.


“Then I’ll go back to my room. Rhianner will come later.”


“Do you want to go and take a shower?”




“Then can’t I just wash here?”


“…uh. Uh?”


“There’s a bathroom here too. It’s over there.”


There was a door on the side the child pointed to, but that wasn’t the problem. Feeling agitated for no reason, she quickly shook her head.


“I just want to go to my room and take a shower. See you later, Lian.”


She quickly left the room without hearing Delian’s answer. She felt someone’s gaze right before the door closed, but she didn’t look back. She hurriedly walked towards her room. She arrived at the room in an instant, quickly closed the door, and sat down on the floor. She lowered her head and covered her face with her palms. Her face must have been feverish, so it was quite hot.


“…I’m going crazy, really.”


Why on earth was he doing this? The duke seemed perfectly calm, but she was a little embarrassed because she felt like she was the only one making a fuss. She must have looked ridiculous in the Duke’s eyes because she just stuttered and ran away.


She sighed deeply and slowly got up. She decided not to think any more and just take a shower. After washing, she would feel refreshed and all her random thoughts would disappear. With that in mind, she headed to the bathroom to take a shower.


* * *


After washing, she went outside, dried her hair, and was about to get dressed when she heard a knock on the door.


[Elia, it’s time to go eat. The Duke and Lord Delian are already at the dining hall.]


“Okay, I’m going out.”


When she opened the door and went out, Sarah was standing in front of her. Sarah bowed her head in greeting and led her to the dining hall.


As soon as she entered the dining hall, her head suddenly turned at the sight of the Duke. Feeling like she couldn’t look directly at him from earlier, she turned her head and walked to the seat next to the child and sat down.


“Elia, where does it hurt?”


“Huh? No, it doesn’t hurt, why?”


“You keep turning your head, so I’m wondering if you’re in pain.”


Feeling nervous for a moment, she tried to pull the corners of her mouth into a smile and shook her head.


“No, nothing like that. Anyway, hurry up and eat. I’m hungry.”




The child nodded, scooped up the soup in front of him with a spoon, and began to eat. She sighed softly, ate the soup in front of her, and glanced at the Duke. The Duke, like the child, was eating soup. He had such an indifferent face that it was hard to tell what he was thinking.


She lowered her gaze and ate a few more servings of soup, then slowly ate other foods as well. She put down the spoon in her stomach, which was filling up faster than before. Then, she blinked at the sudden gaze of two pairs of eyes.


“What’s the matter?”


“Do you want to stop eating?”


“Yes. I’m full.”


“It looks like you’re eating too little, but you’re really in pain, aren’t you?”


“It’s just that my stomach filled up quickly. Don’t worry.”


She smiled and lightly stroked the child’s head.


“Better than that, Lian, you can’t finish eating. Isn’t this really delicious?”


She put vegetables rolled up in beef to the child’s mouth. The child opened his mouth wide as if waiting. She looked down happily at the child who was pursing his mouth like a sparrow. Lucky for her, he ate well. She served the food until the child waved his hand to stop eating and then put down the dishes.


“Look at this. My stomach is full.”


The child patted his bulging belly and let out a small sigh.


“Oh, you know, Elia.”




“What does Elia like? Food, things, etc.”


“Um, well… But why is that?”


“Actually, I haven’t decided what to give Elia for her birthday yet.”


The child said with an embarrassed expression. She thought about it carefully. Well, it’s what she liked…


“Should the food be steak or fruit?”


“If it’s a steak, is it made from beef? Is the fruit like strawberries?”


“Yes. And my favorite item is, well… I guess it’s a book? Something that can be read lightly.”


“And is there more?”


The child listened to me with sparkling eyes.




What else was there? What did she like? Because she had never thought deeply about it, surprisingly, she couldn’t say anything. It was a moment when she thought for a moment and unconsciously turned her head. Before she knew it, the duke had stopped eating and was staring at her intently. She felt very burdened because the gaze was so intense that she almost believed it could pierce her skin. Why did he look at people like that?


As she glanced at the duke, her gaze unconsciously fell into his eyes.


“…Anything that has a dark red color would be good.”


“Dark red?”


It was only then that she came to her senses when she saw the child tilting his head.


‘…What did I just say?’


“Ellie’s favorite color is dark red?”


“Uh, maybe?”


“I like dark red, too. It’s the same color as my father’s eyes.”


She flinched slightly at those words, but she tried to pretend not to notice and smiled.


“Well, since I know what Ellie’s tastes are, I’ll take note.”


“Anything you give me is good, isn’t it?”


‘Don’t feel burdened. ok?’


“Yes, got it.”


While she was talking to the child, she suddenly heard the sound of a chair being dragged. When she raised her head, she saw the duke get up from his seat.


“Are you going?”


“I’m busy with work.”


The Duke, who spoke indifferently, quickly left the dining hall. Although it was clearly his usual behavior, he seemed strangely impatient. Was she mistaken?


“Let’s just get up now.”


She tilted her head and nodded when she heard the child’s voice.


“Do you want to go for a short walk?”


“What about going to see Charles instead of taking a walk?”


“Okay, let’s do it.”


She got up from my chair and left the dining room holding the child’s hand.


That was when they arrived at the stable. For some reason, Bruno was nowhere to be seen. She looked around, thinking that since time was running out, he must have gone to eat.


“Where would Charles be?”


“He’ll probably be in the stable over there at this time.”


The place the child pointed to was the stable where they went to meet Rex last time.


“Is it over there?”


“Yes, it’s there.”


SheI headed straight to the stable with the child. When they went inside, Charles was there, just as the child said. 




“Charles, you’re out.”


Charles looked at her and cried, as if he didn’t even see the child greeting him. He still couldn’t come to his senses when he saw her.




While she was clicking her tongue inwardly, she turned her head when she heard an angry cry. In the area across from Charles was Rex, who was busy moping angrily when he saw her.


“Hello, Rex too.”


The kid waved his hand in greeting, but Rex just jerked his snout. Who would say that his temperament was like its owner? She shook her head and leaned her back against the pillar. The child was in the space where Charles was, stroking the mane of the wild mugwort with his hands. Charles let out a small cry and closed his eyes as the child gently accepted his touch.


‘You two go really well together.’


While she was quietly looking at Charles and the child, she turned her head to see the unpleasant gaze she felt.


“So what.”




“What did I do that makes you lose your temper alone?”


Anyway, there wasn’t anything she didn’t like at all. It was a time when she was shaking her head like that. Suddenly her hair was pulled.




Before she knew it, Rex had stuck his snout out between the boards as much as possible and was pulling her hair mercilessly with his teeth.


“What are you doing, aren’t you letting go of this? Oh! It hurts!”


“Rex, you can’t do that to Elia! Let it go quickly!”


Before she knew it, the child had rushed over and pushed Rex’s snout with his hand, but it was no use.


“Why don’t you let go of this? It hurts!”


The pain was painful, but she was completely out of her mind. She was even worried that she might go bald like this.




She was so feverish that she shook her body trying to escape somehow.




Because of this, the pendant necklace she was carrying in my arms fell to the floor. She realized that she had to pick it up, but getting her hair out of Rex’s snout was the most urgent priority.




Rex, who seemed to never let go of her hair, suddenly buried his snout in the floor.


“W-what is it?”


She suddenly fell on her butt and looked at Rex dumbly.


“No way! Stop…!”


When she realized what Rex was trying to do, she quickly stretched out her hand, but it was already too late. Rex had eaten the feathers. It seemed like the necklace fell to the floor earlier and the feather came out.




As she looked at him in despair, Rex snorted teasingly.




Her fever suddenly rose and she ended up swearing at the crazy guy.


“Hey, you crazy horse!”


She didn’t even notice that the child was looking at me with his eyes wide open.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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