I Became a Mother of a Sub-Male Son


The child’s lips slowly opened as he blinked, and an exclamation came out. The child who ran to her took a circle around her and said,


“Elia, do you know that your outfit looks really good on you right now?”


“Is that so? Thank you.”


“You’ll look even cooler with your current outfit and a whip in your hand!”


The eyes of the child who said that sparkled extremely brightly. he didn’t know if she was joking, but she felt like she was serious, so she just let out an awkward laugh.


“Hmm, wouldn’t that be a little strange?”


“No, I’m sure it will look good on you. Right, Sara?”


“Yes. I think so too.”


While she was looking at Sara and her well-matched child in confusion, she said that the other maid would have to leave soon.


“I think we should go now, Lian.”


“Then I’d like to see you off to the carriage ride.”


“Okay. Let’s go out together.”




She held hands with the child and left her room. She said, looking down at her child before getting into the carriage parked in front of the mansion.


“Then I’ll be back, so stay well. Okay?”


“Yes. Elia had a nice stay too.”




She waved her hand at the child and then got into her carriage. As expected, the duke was already riding in the carriage. When she looked outside through the window, she saw that the child was continuously waving his hand.


“Duke, please wave to Lian.”


His eyes, which were looking down at the documents, turned to her.


“Then Lian will be so happy! All you have to do is wave your hand. It’s not difficult.”


The duke’s eyes slowly turned to the child beyond the window. The child must have seen the duke and he smiled brightly and waved his hand at him. But instead of shaking his hand, the duke just stared.


‘Ugh, really… Why are you being so difficult for something so easy?’


Even if he didn’t show it now, she knew that the child would be disappointed when they left.


“Just shake it like this.”


She grabbed the duke’s elbows from below and lifted him straight up. The duke’s arm twitched, but she didn’t care and just waved it vigorously. Seeing the child’s face become even brighter, she smiled with satisfaction.


Soon the horse began to move. When the child was out of sight, she released his grip on his elbow.


“Look. Lian really likes it when the Duke waves his hand.”


“…I’m busy, so stop talking.”


The Duke answered bluntly and lowered his gaze to the documents. He looked at him and noticed that the tips of his ears were slightly red, just like last time.


‘It’s a shame.’


She smiled quietly and turned her head to the window without the Duke knowing. Hoping that the carriage would arrive late at the hunting competition site.


* * *


[We have arrived at the hunting location, the Imperial Forest.]


Before she knew it, the carriage stopped and she heard a voice saying that it had arrived from outside. The duke put down the documents and got out of the carriage first. Then, she was about to get off, but she stopped slightly when she saw the hand held out in front of her. Then, when she realized they weren’t the only ones here, she placed her hand lightly on his.


As soon as they got off the carriage, the nobles’ eyes were immediately drawn to them. The gazes were so blatant that they were noticeable. She realized that it was partly curiosity about her and the duke getting out of the carriage together, and half about the rumors about Ladiana and the duke that were going around in the world these days. And now one more rumor would be created. For example, a love triangle surrounding her, the Duke, and Ladiana. 


Every time she took a step, nobles tried to find an opportunity to approach her somehow. But every time they did that, the duke sent them a menacing look and chased them away. She could barely catch her breath after entering the tent with the Nathan family emblem drawn on it. Although she had expected it, the gaze that was pouring in even more blatantly than at the banquet was quite embarrassing. It’s been like this for a while now, and she would end up with a hole in her skin.


She sighed softly and looked around the tent. Even though it was a temporary place to stay only for today, it was impeccably decorated.


“What did you say you should do once the hunting competition starts?”


She answered the duke’s questions without hesitation.


“No matter what happens, don’t leave the tent. If you happen to be forced out of the tent, send a signal to the duke with a magic tool. And…”




“If someone comes to the tent, all nobles will refuse to meet. If the imperial family requests a meeting, just keep the conversation brief inside. Just keep that in mind. Understood?”


“Yes. Don’t worry.”


As the Duke looked behind him, the maids approached as if they had been waiting. The maids who were checking the duke’s attire quietly took a step back. At that time, a whistle was heard outside. It seemed like the emperor had arrived.


“Then let’s go out.”




As she followed the duke out of the tent, she saw the emperor walking from afar with his subjects in tow. Perhaps because it was a hunting competition, the attire was different from usual, but she was amazed. Regardless of how unlucky he is, he still looks great on the outside. No matter what kind of clothes he wore, she felt like it was good for her eyes that he matched her appearance well.


While she was looking at the emperor blankly, her vision was suddenly blocked.


‘Huh? What?’


When she raised her head, her eyes were completely obscured by the duke’s back. No, why did the person next to her suddenly… Did he stand in front of others and block their view? She slightly moved away from him, but her view was once again blocked by the wide back.


“Please get out of the way, please?”


She whispered softly, but the duke did not move in front of her.


“…you, really.”


Clicking her tongue, she gave up on sight and only listened to the emperor’s voice. She heard various simple things about holding a hunting competition that wasn’t that special. After the emperor’s speech was over, she heard the whistle sound and realized that the hunting competition had started.


“Then have a nice trip, Duke.”




The duke soon turned around and disappeared into the forest with the knights. As soon as the duke disappeared, the eyes of the remaining nobles immediately turned to her. She saw nobles slowly approaching her. So she quickly walked towards the duke’s tent before the nobles even spoke to her. 




It was only after entering the tent that the gaze pouring in behind her was blocked. These weren’t even hyenas. Clicking her tongue, she sat down on the provided chair, took off his hat and robe, and assumed a comfortable posture. Anyway, the plan should go smoothly without a hitch, right? The Marquis of Dior did not participate in this hunting competition. Probably so as not to be suspicious. She didn’t plan on going out of the tent, so she just sat still and fell asleep. She had trouble sleeping because she woke up early in the morning and had to prepare for the hunting competition.


She yawned slightly and blinked slowly.




She suddenly came to her senses at the sound she heard. This sound was definitely the cry of a white bird. She jumped up from her seat and looked around. Then Sarah, who was standing quietly in the corner, asked.


“Why are you doing that?”


“No. It’s nothing.”


She shook her head and looked inside the tent without stopping. But the white bird was nowhere to be seen.


‘I definitely heard crying very close…’


Should she go out and take a look? She thought for a moment and then sat down on the chair. She remembered her promise with the duke, and she decided that going outside would not be good. She couldn’t do it. She guessed she would have to start looking for new raisins today. As she sighed softly and looked up at the ceiling, she heard the bird’s cry again. She looked around the tent, but still couldn’t find any birds. Where on earth was he crying? It seemed like he should just come as he was.


She unconsciously thought that way and then stopped for a moment. She guessed not. She unconsciously bit her lip as anxious thoughts began to flood her. There was always something when a bird cried or showed itself. And crying like this so many times… It seemed like she needed to go out and look for the bird. But when she actually left the tent, she was concerned about her promise to the duke. Her conscience was pricked as she tried to leave on her own, rather than being forcibly dragged out by someone.


Of course he would be angry when he comes later, right? She shook her head at the thoughts echoing in her head. She didn’t mind getting scolded, but she was worried that Sara and the other knights would get angry. This was a complete nuisance. To be honest, she didn’t feel like it, but she felt like she had no choice. She needed to convince the duke to avoid harming others as much as possible, what should she do?




“Yes. Please tell me.”


“I’m really sorry, but I think I need to go out.”


“But the Duke…”


“Honestly, I don’t want to cause any inconvenience, but the situation has turned out that way.”


“Are you sure you have to leave?”


When Sara asked her seriously, she nodded without hesitation.


“When the Duke comes later, I’ll try my best to make an excuse. To be honest, I’m not confident.”


Sara stared at her for a moment and nodded her head.


“Then I understand. However, something may happen, so be sure to bring an escort with you.”


“Yes. I’m still thinking of moving with Richard and Jade.”


“Are you planning on going deep into the hunting grounds?”


“I don’t know yet. I guess I’ll have to go out and look to find out.”


Sara, who was thinking deeply about what she said, suddenly started taking off her clothes.


“What’s wrong?”


“Elia, please take off your clothes quickly too.”


As she was just watching, Sara came over and started taking off her clothes.


“If a situation arises where you have to go inside the hunting ground, you may be suspected. There are no cases where ladies or wives enter the hunting ground directly.”


Listening to Sara say that, it certainly was true.


“So, it will be easier for you to change clothes with me and move around.”


“Yes, got it.”


She quickly changed Sara’s clothes with her.


“Cover your mouth with this cloth. Many of the maids cover their mouths, so they won’t find it strange.”


She immediately wrapped the cloth Sara gave her around her mouth.


“Then please call Richard and Jade now.”


“All right.”


Sara, who left the tent, soon brought Richard and Jade with her. Sara probably gave a rough explanation, but the expressions on both of their faces were not very good. She guessed so. She walked up to them and looked as sorry as she could.


“Richard, Jade, I’m so sorry, but…”


Before she could finish her sentence, Richard spoke with a stern expression.


“Even if it is near the tent, we cannot allow you to enter the hunting ground.”


“I feel the same way as Richard.”


She groaned internally at the stubborn attitude of the two. While she was wondering how she could get out, a thought occurred to her and she looked at Richard.


‘Yeah, maybe. But I keep getting the feeling that the duke is in danger. I’m so worried that I can’t stop…’


She gave a passionate performance, squeezing out tears. Fortunately, she felt tears streaming down her face. Since he had originally planned to attack Richard first, he looked at Gbara with tears in his eyes even more. Then she saw Richard’s face gradually become embarrassed.


“…But that doesn’t mean you start crying all of a sudden…”


“I will take responsibility for everything, so please let me go. Please do me a favor. yes?”


As she looked at Richard mournfully, her pupils wavered aimlessly. She was happy to see that they were almost done.


“Richard, please.”


When she spoke earnestly again, Richard sighed softly and reluctantly nodded his head.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on March, 24.

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