I Became a Mother of a Sub-Male Son


“…Ugh, it’s my friend.”


Feeling like he had lost his will to fight, she pulled Rex’s reins and walked forward. To be honest, her condition right now was not perfect. Her whole body throbbed as if it had been beaten. She glared as hard as she could at the black horse that seemed to be the enemy and the cause of this situation.


“Why did you bring me here? My whole body aches because of you.”


Despite her scolding, Rex just shamelessly snorted.


“Okay, let’s go back to Duke’s house. You know the way, right?”




After crying briefly, Rex shook off her hand holding the reins and started walking on his own.


“Come with me for a moment!”


She quickly followed Rex. She was hoping that they would go to the Dark City or Duke’s house. But that expectation was quickly shattered. Rex wasn’t going back to the mansion, he was there to quench his thirst. If he knew that there was a lake nearby, he probably knew the way to the mansion.


“Just quench your thirst and go back now, okay?”


Rex, who was drinking water, just glanced at her. She thought about getting angry, but she held back because she thought it wouldn’t be helpful.


“Please do me a favor, okay?”




“Oh, it’s cold!”


Rex scooped up water with his spout and sprinkled it on her, then turned his body and walked away. She suddenly became so absorbed that she blinked and then screamed.


“Hey, you bastard horse!”


Rex, who was walking ahead, blinked his eyes and looked behind him.


“…Fu, purrung?”


“I guess I’ll just make you into horse meat!”


She was overheated and ran over to Rex, hitting him sharply on the back with her hand. 






Rex cried as if he was wronged, but responded by hitting his back again.


“Do whatever you want. I’ll go on my own.”


She glared at the enemy-like horse and turned around sharply. To be honest, she didn’t know the way or where to go, but she started walking. She thought she would see something as she went along. Now all around was trees and a lake. However, no matter how much she walked, she could only see trees and a lake, and she could not see anything suitable. Just when she was starting to regret that she had walked recklessly, she heard the faint sound of a horse neighing. As she slowly turned her head, she saw Rex chasing her from a distance.


‘What the hell.’


As she stood still and glared at her enemy, Rex began to look the other way. She was astounded by this behavior, which was almost human-like. Did the intelligence seem different from that of a typical horse?


“I heard you improved it through magic research… so you can understand people, or something like that?”


She looked at Rex quietly and then started walking again.


“Anyway, where on earth is this? All I can see is trees.”


After being carried on her back for a long time, she came to her senses and found herself here. Since he ran at a high speed without stopping, she only knew that this place was a long way from the Duke’s house.




The only sound that could be heard was the footsteps of Rex and her. Only the sound of her and Rex… Only then did she realize. Other than her and Rex, she hadn’t seen any other creatures since she came here. In a strangely quiet forest. And the lake was so calm that it didn’t even have a curved surface. It was full of trees, grass, and flowers, but there wasn’t a single bug, let alone an animal, and not even a single wind blew. This place was overflowing with a sense of discomfort, as if she was looking into a forest in a painting. She should have just gone back to the mansion like this, but for some reason, she felt like she shouldn’t just go there. This forest was strange.


It was the moment when she decided to take a closer look and start walking. She hid herself in the grass when she sensed the presence of several people in the distance. Rex followed her and crouched down completely. She held her breath and looked for signs outside. An incomprehensible sound came and went in her ears. Then, an unfamiliar voice was heard.


‘This voice…’


Just in case, she slightly removed the grass and checked the outside. There were about three people walking in the distance, and the one in the middle was a familiar face. The high priest she saw when she stopped by the temple, Loud Sequen, who she had a bad feeling about when she first met him, was walking around while looking around and acting suspiciously. Maybe it was because of that person that she felt like she couldn’t go on like this.The moment she saw the High Priest here, she knew it for sure. That the unpleasant sensation she felt was not a coincidence.


She turned her head and looked at Rex quietly. If she wanted to chase after the High Priest and his party, she must leave Rex here and move alone. It was somewhat difficult to accompany Rex, who was unusually large. However, it was also quite dangerous to leave Rex behind, who knew the way back to the dukedom. Plus, she didn’t have anything that could be used as a weapon. She literally had nothing and was only wearing a skirt, so her activities were limited.


While she was wondering what to do, the priest and his party had just disappeared into the forest. If she didn’t chase after it now, it would be like missing out forever.


“Stay here. I’ll be back for a moment.”


In the end, she made a reckless decision and moved her legs while leaving Rex alone.


She felt Rex let out a small cry behind her, but she didn’t have time to pay attention to it. She quickly headed to the place where the high priest and his party disappeared. Of course, she kept looking around and moved with as little noise as possible. However, in that short period of time, the high priest and his party disappeared somewhere and were not seen at all. She couldn’t even feel the faintest trace, and just as she was about to regret that it was too late, she heard a sound.


She looked up and saw a bird with white feathers and white eyes sitting on the branch of the tree opposite her. For a moment, her eyes widened. That bird… The strange bird that she first saw when she saw the vision at the temple actually existed before her eyes. After blinking a few times, the bird’s head tilted ever so slightly.




The bird chirped softly and flew away somewhere. She unconsciously followed the bird. The white bird flew at a speed that was neither slow nor fast, occasionally looking back. At this point, there was no way she didn’t know. The bird was trying to take her somewhere. She was worried about what would happen later when she returned to Rex, but once she saw that bird, she couldn’t just ignore it. That was when she walked after the white bird for a long time. A sudden sense of discomfort made her stop in her seat. What was this feeling?


She looked around, but she was still in the forest.


“It’s strange…”


‘I’m sure it’s the same forest as before, but it feels like it’s not.’


It was the moment she turned her head to chase the white bird again. Before she knew it, the white bird had disappeared without a trace.


“Where did it go?”


She was a little less anxious earlier because she had a bird, but when she realized that she was completely alone, she felt a great sense of regret. She was completely lost and her mind was in complete confusion. She couldn’t figure out what to do, so she thought for a moment and then moved her legs. Anyway, since the situation was like this, she thought she would at least make a move. But that idea also soon had to be withdrawn. This was because she woke up to the feeling that she was spinning in place rather than leaving the forest.


“What on earth happened?”


It was absurd to see the tree she had seen earlier again. A unique mother tree bent at a right angle outward. This tree was the tree she had seen before. She exhaled while placing her hand on the tree and looked around. As expected, there was nothing. It felt as if she was left alone and trapped on a deserted island, so it was dark.


“Oh my gosh.”


It was the moment she let out a lamentable sigh and looked back at my surroundings. Suddenly, it twisted violently and the clay pot became dense.




She quickly covered her lips and lowered her upper body. After groaning for a while, the vomiting finally stopped. Where was this place? It was obviously next to a strangely shaped tree just a moment ago, but now the surroundings were completely different. Instead of trees, she could see something like a gray altar through the dark, damp plains. She didn’t know where it was, but it was clear that it was an unpleasant place. Since the only thing worth looking at was the altar, she walked towards it.


She took a deep breath at the miracle that began to be felt in the distance. Someone was coming. She urgently looked around and ran to a strangely large pile of wooden boxes in one corner. When she opened one of them, fortunately, it was empty inside. She quickly hid inside the box and closed the lid. It wasn’t long before the sight got closer. She held her breath as much as she could and listened to the sounds.


“Take out what you have prepared.”


Priestess Lee’s voice was heard. The voice was so cynical that it was completely different from the tone we heard when we met at the Uunggo Temple. Small noises were heard one after another. It was the sound of something like being put down.


“This is it?”


“…yes. That’s right.”


“I’m sure what I asked you to prepare was for ten people.”


…A share for ten people?


“That is…”


Behind the man’s voice, which trailed off, another man’s voice was heard.


“I’m really sorry. The red color is hard to find, so I could only prepare for nine people.”


“You’re calling that an excuse, huh?”




“…my. I have committed a mortal sin.”


“I’ll deal with you guys later. Let’s get started first.”


“All right.”


“I’ll get ready right away.”


Three voices were heard one after another, then stopped for a moment. As it suddenly became quiet, she became curious about the situation at the bar. Should she open the lid just slightly? Suddenly, an impulse arose. After thinking for a moment, she carefully opened the lid and looked outside. And then she took a deep breath at the sight that unfolded. What was that… Except for the high priest, the other two men were holding something round in their hands. Something round was something she was familiar with, but it wasn’t whole. It was none other than several red eyes being moved around by their hands. What on earth were these crazy people doing? The terrible sight made her feel sick and vomited to the point where her mentality was shaken. Who would have thought that the portion for 10 people was a piece of snow taken from 10 people? What on earth were they going to do with that?


She watched the scene outside, rubbing her heart that had not calmed down with her hand. The eyes that were moving back and forth in the hands of the two people soon settled down on the altar.




As soon as all the eyeballs were raised, a strange phenomenon appeared on the gray altar. Unbelievably, a large amount of black water started pouring down from the altar. The black water that poured down was enough to wet the floor around her and flowed long enough to reach the box where she was hiding. The high priest, who was watching the black water pouring down, slightly lifted his mouth. For a moment, anxiety crossed her mind.


“As expected, it’s not enough. It won’t work.”


“I’m truly sorry.”


“No shame.”


“No. That’s not possible. If something that’s similar fills something that’s vaguely similar, it’ll end up being too similar.”


He extended his hand towards it. Finally, the minister said to them,


“Save me, save me!”




Blood poured like a fountain from their eyes as the tearing rain poured down.


Slurp, flutter.


The men took turns on the floor. The rain suddenly stopped and the space became quiet. When she saw the eyes rolling around on the floor, separated from their original location, she felt pouty again. Her whole body was shaking like crazy due to this cruel act. She was so shocked that her mind was all messed up… What on earth was this? What was this?


She closed the lid, gasped, and ended up hitting the surface of the box. It rattled. She took a deep breath at the noise that immediately occurred.


“This… I never thought a rat would sneak in.”


The high priest’s voice, so eerie that it sent shivers down her spine, pierced her ears.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on November, 26.

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