I Became a Mother of a Sub-Male Son


“… was he?”


“Yes. He told me Elia was awake, so I didn’t get a closer look because he was rushing up.”


She blinked slowly while listening to the child’s explanation. Why on earth was he angry? She couldn’t guess which of the words she said had offended him.

For some reason, this keeps bothering me. I thought to myself and tried to listen to the child’s voice chirping like a chick.


* * *


She looked down at the child who was tired and asleep in her arms. She slowly rubbed the back of the child who was breathing loudly. Her mind was filled with various thoughts. The child said that she barely came to her senses after half a day. Was it because she went through a lot in a short period of time? It was almost like her head was overloaded.


At this point, she felt the need to organize her thoughts. The strange vision she saw at the temple, the experience she had while touring the capital, and the dream she had after fainting. What exactly was that white bird? There was no change in the thought that it was by no means an ordinary bird. A bird that exudes such energy cannot be an ordinary bird.


“It’s amazing, really.”


Wouldn’t it be nice if she could just slurp down everything at once? It was a time when she sighed loudly. The door burst open. Who opened the door like this…


As she turned her head, she caught her breath when she met dark red eyes. He got so angry earlier and left, she never thought he would come back.


“Do you have anything to say?”


The Duke didn’t even answer her question, but walked towards her and stood in front of her. He just stared quietly until she sat up. It was a look with no meaning, so she just felt puzzled. Why was he like that again?


“…How did you find out?”




“I’m asking if you ran away because you noticed something suspicious.”


What, she was wondering why he came back and he came to ask her that? For some reason, she felt drained of disappointment.


“When the Duke was away, I got out of the carriage for a moment and then I saw something strange.”


“What exactly?”


“After Richard and Jade chased after the suspicious person, there were three knights left. No, to be exact, there were four people outside, including the driver.”


The Duke listened to her without even blinking.


“I happened to look at the feet of the drivers, and there were no shadows at all. Even though the sunlight was bright, they all made eye contact with the coachman.”


Just recalling that situation gave her goosebumps. As she said that, he looked down at her hand. The hand that was injured by the man was now fine.


“If it had been a little late, it wouldn’t have been over by then. If I hadn’t been careful…”


“Are you saying Deliam would probably be hurt too?”


The Duke pursed his lips.


“I know. I acted recklessly this time. I’m deeply reflecting on it. I won’t do that anymore.”


“That’s not what I’m saying. Damn it!”


He trailed off, suddenly got angry, turned around and left the room. She blinked as she looked at the door that was slammed shut. Just like before, she was just dumbfounded by the Duke’s behavior as he got angry again and left.


* * *


Three days passed like that. Perhaps because of the incident that occurred in the capital, the security of the mansion was further strengthened. Besides Richard and Jade, there were two more knights following her. A total of four people followed her around all day, and even if the purpose was to keep an eye on her, the number of people was so large that she felt out of breath. Unable to bear it any longer, she asked the Duke to reduce the number of people to the original level, but it didn’t have any effect. Rather, the four of them had finally managed to stop the idea of increasing the number of knights and reached an agreement. She understood that they were personal escorts assigned to children, but she couldn’t understand why he increased the number of knights assigned to her. These days, the Duke seemed strange and out of his mind.


Originally, they only saw each other briefly during meals, but now they were seeing each other almost every time. Of course, it wasn’t what she wanted or intended. It was ultimately due to the Duke’s arbitrary actions. Sometimes she woke up in the middle of her sleep and found him looking down at her like a ghost, or when she went to the study and read a book, he suddenly came in and did some work. Anyway, wherever she went, he came and made sure to show his face at least once. Did he really have feelings for her? Although she continued to deny it, there was no other reason for him to come see her. Should she at least check it… She was a little worried. She thought it would make her feel better if she knew the reason for the Duke’s unknown behavior. But in what way?


“If I think about it alone, will I find an answer?”


She sighed softly and got up. She thought she should go for a walk to change her mood. These days, it’s a bit chilly outside even during the day, so she felt like she needed to put on a coat. As she opened the closet and looked for something suitable to wear, she found a handkerchief inside the drawer.




It was a handkerchief that Richard had given her to wash when she had scratched a rough part while sweeping a chair with her hand. After washing it cleanly, it seemed like she had forgotten that she would give it to him later. Now that she remembered it, she had to bring it to him.


After putting her outerwear on her body, she took the handkerchief and opened the door. But, for some reason, Richard was nowhere to be seen.


“Jade. Where’s Richard?”


“He has some work to do and is away for a while.”


“So when is he coming?”


“It will have to be dinner. Why do you want to know?


“Well, it’s nothing.”


Originally, she was going to ask Jade to give it to Richard, but she thought it would be a hassle so she decided against it. Because security was strengthened more than before, Jade was waiting near her almost 24 hours a day. He was already having a hard time, so she couldn’t bother him with unnecessary things. The handkerchief was not urgent, so she could return it slowly later. 


She moved on to go for a walk, which was her original purpose. While she was going down the stairs, she ran into Rubart who was coming up.


“Are you going for a walk?”


“Yes. I want to get some fresh air, so I’m going to go for a walk in the garden.”


“Are you feeling okay now?”


“I’m okay. A priest came and treated me, so there’s no way I’m in pain.”


“I am concerned that you may have suffered some psychological trauma.”


Mental trauma… she thought she would feel scared if she saw someone who looked similar to that man at that time.


“…I’m not sure about that yet. I try not to think about that incident.”


“I see. I’m sorry I said something unnecessary.”


“No, not at all. Rubart doesn’t have to worry about it.”


“If that’s the case, I’m glad…”


As Rubart said that, he looked closely at her complexion. She tried to smile in an awkward situation. The Duke was not the only one who changed after the capital incident. Rubart was also paying more attention than before, obsessively examining her body every time he saw her.


“Then I’ll just go for a walk.”


“Please be careful.”


Even after smiling at Rubart, she went down the stairs. She left the mansion and headed to the back garden. Three people, including Jade, were following at a short distance. She took a deep breath, taking in the still flawless landscaping. The smell of flowers, grass, and trees mixed together and was refreshing. She felt better after getting some fresh air. While he was fixing his wind-blown hair, his right hand came into view. A hand that was trampled by a man in an alley. Thanks to the priest’s treatment, she was completely clean and without any scars. But every time that scene suddenly appeared in her mind, her body trembled without her knowing. Even though she tried not to think about it, sometimes the situation came to mind.


She didn’t want to show off to others, so she was pretending like nothing’s wrong… Honestly, it’s not okay. She would just worry about telling the child, but she could also tell the dDke… Hwiik. Suddenly a strong wind blew. Her neatly organized hair was blowing in the air, blocking her view.


“Why is it so windy…”


The moment she brushed aside the hair that covered her face, a man with dazzling golden hair and golden eyes was standing in front of her. Was she crazy now?


“…Lung, Fe…”


She couldn’t believe the current situation because she couldn’t play. She quickly turned around and looked at the knights. Just like her… Huh? The knights seemed to not have seen the man in front of them, so they just stood at a distance. Just as she was about to question the sense of disconnect, an unfamiliar scent came from very close by.


“They don’t know I’m here. I put an illusion spell on them. Of course, they won’t even know that you are talking to me. In their eyes, it will look like the lady is taking a leisurely walk.”


She took a deep breath. When she slowly turned her head, she saw Emperor Ivan Recardo smiling. She quickly bent her upper body and bowed.


“…Woah, greeting your Majesty the Emperor.”


“There’s no need to be polite since we’re here secretly.”




“Get up.”


She hesitated for a moment and then got up.


“This is the second time since the banquet. No, I guess this is my first time seeing it this close.”


Why on earth was she looking at the Emperor in the Duke’s garden? The man in front of her still seemed like an illusion and she couldn’t believe it.


“You might be wondering why I came here. You might have been surprised. I was curious because Lady Ladiana refused to meet me and only visited the duchy.”


The Emperor narrowed his eyes and brought his face closer.


“And that’s to meet you, not the Duke.”


The golden eyes were so close that she could even feel his breath.


“I guess you’re still shocked and speechless?”


“…no. No.”


She was already slowly coming to her senses. From the Emperor’s words, she could roughly understand what happened. She tried to calm her mind, thinking that she had to come to her senses.


“Your appearance is considerable. Although not as good as mine.”


The Emperor, who was looking intently at her face, shrugs his shoulders.


“It’s quite surprising that a young lady who has nothing but her looks can stay here.”


“What brings you here?”


“Didn’t I tell you? I was curious. Lady Ladiana goes out of her way to visit the Duke’s house to meet only you.”


He seemed to be suspicious of the relationship between Ladiana and the Duke. Seeing as they keep mentioning her and saying that Ladiana was looking for the Duke’s house.


“I don’t think Your Majesty stopped by simply because Lady Ladiana came here to see me.”


In an instant, the Emperor’s face changed subtly. She looked straight at him without avoiding his gaze. It was the Emperor who first committed the act of disrespect before it could be called an act of lese majeste. So, she was vaguely confident that she wouldn’t suffer any misfortune. He must be aware that he came here without any formalities. How much more so when he was an Emperor.


“You are said to be the benefactor who saved the son of the Duke, who is my loyal subject. It is only natural that I want to see your face.”


He slightly raised the corner of his mouth.


“I was really curious as to how on earth you happened to save his son.”


It would not be an illusion to hear that the intonation of the word ‘accidentally’ sounds particularly strong.


“As your Majesty said, it was just a coincidence. I saw Deliam who was kidnapped right in front of me, and I just saved him from the kidnapper.”


She spoke clearly and not at all embarrassed. From the beginning, there was not a single lie in what she said. Because it’s all true.


“Well, if that’s the case for you, I guess that’s the case.”


She said while staring at the Emperor, who was secretly saying that he did not believe her.


“Do you know, Duke, that His Majesty came here?”


“You can either make an official visit or start at the imperial castle.”


When she greeted him… he stopped talking and smiled brightly when he saw that he had come here in no time.


“Following Your Majesty’s words, I am truly saddened that you seem to have been truly curious.”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on November, 12.

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