I Became a Human's Daughter

Chapter 20


Veto was the most powerful among the Gods after Akelon.


So she can’t just fight him, more so win over him.


‘But I have a secret weapon.’


Ariel smiled confidently.


She made up her mind to help the Empress live long so she will able to have it.


‘My precious belof!’


That’s why Ariel declared…


“I want to sleep here today!”



The Grand Duke and Ahin shouted at the same time.


A faint sense of betrayal was visible on their face, as it also became stained with bewilderment.


She didn’t care. Instead, Ariel squeezed the hem of the Empress’ robe.


“I will sleep here tonight. With this human!”


You never know when Veto will come to take this woman’s life.


So she couldn’t leave her side even for a moment.


“Maybe tomorrow too, and the day after tomorrow!”


Ariel’s words split the joys and sorrows on both sides.


The faces of the Grand Duke and Ahin became sullen, and the Emperor and his wife were overjoyed as if they had been chosen.


As a result, Ariel ended up staying in the Imperial palace for the time being.


* * *


That night.


After dinner with the Emperor’s family, Ariel entered the Empress’ bedroom.


But the Empress asked anxiously.


“Ariel, are you really okay?”


Of course, she was happy at first.


Just how many people would hate it if their lovely child flirted just to sleep with them?


But when she thought about it again, she felt uneasy.


She’s currently sick.


It is also an incurable disease of unknown cause.


Although it turns out that it is a non-contagious disease, she could not be at ease.


Besides, there is no way that the gloomy energy from a sick person would have a good influence on a child.


That’s why she persuaded Ariel so many times.


It’s good for her to stay in the Imperial palace, but how about she use another room?


Still, the child resolutely refused, and that is still the case today.


“I’m alright, come here fast!”


Ariel pulled the Empress’ thin hand with all her might.


Then she jumped onto the bed.


“Oh, it’s fluffy.”


The bed, filled with feathers, was cozy and even gave off a subtle scent.


As Ariel, who was in a good mood, rolled over the bed, the Empress’s mouth curved beautifully.


“It’s amazing. The child I saw for the first time today is approaching me without hesitation.”


The Empress cautiously lay down on the bed and gently hugged Ariel.


The unique scent from the child’s body warmed her heart.


“It’s really been a long time since I slept with someone. Especially sleeping with a child in my arms.”


The Empress’ voice was so gloomy when she said that, which made Ariel puzzled.


While having dinner with the Emperor’s family, she learned about two things.


This woman’s name was Empress, Her Majesty, and that the strange twins was closely related to her.


If this is her first time sleeping with a child in a while, why didn’t she slept with the strange twins?


She doesn’t understand.


“You have twins.”


When Ariel spat out in a clear voice, the Empress laughed.


“That would be difficult.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Because I left for recuperation when they were too young.”


Her illness began four years ago, when her twins were just two years old.


At that time, neither the name of the disease nor the symptoms of the disease were revealed.


Worried that it might be contagious, she voluntarily left for recuperation, and she has never met the princes since then.


“Still, I thought it wouldn’t be a problem to stay away for a while.”


After seeing her children, who were exchanging stiff gazes, she knew it would be hard for her to come close.


She realized the distance between her and her children.


But it’s impossible to turn back now.


“Now I realize how long four years is for kids.”


The Empress smiled bitterly and pulled Ariel into her arms a little more.


“Still, it’s nice to be holding Ariel like this. I really think I have a daughter. Doesn’t this fulfilled my wish?”

“Wish? Achievement?”

“Yes, Your Majesty and I wanted a daughter before we were married. But all the children born were sons.”

“You don’t like the twins because they aren’t daughters?”

“No way.”


After the Empress heard her question, she laughed.


“There is no son or daughter in love with children. They’re precious children whom I won’t get tired to look at no matter how long you put them in my sight. I was just thinking that it’s a pity that I couldn’t give birth to a daughter as pretty as you.”

“Why don’t you have a baby now?”

“It’s too late now.”


Despite the four years of treatment, her condition continuously deteriorated.


She often takes a walk these days but even doing it for a short time makes her out of breath.


She instinctively felt it.


She knows that she doesn’t have many days left.


It was for that reason that she returned to the Imperial palace. She wants to be with her beloved husband and children.


Laughing bitterly, she patted Ariel on the back.


“It’s late now, let’s go to sleep Ariel.”


“Sleep well, my lovely lady.”


The Empress kissed Ariel briefly on her round forehead and closed her eyes.


Tonight she wasn’t lonely because she had this kid.


* * *


A week later.


Ariel could no longer sleep in the Empress’ bedroom.


It was because the condition of the Empress was rapidly deteriorating.


Instead, Ariel was staying in the room next to the Empress’ bedroom.


“Ugh, why are you not letting me in? What if I lose Veto this way!”


Ariel grumbled with a troubled expression.


“No, even outside the door, I can feel Veto’s energy.”


She soothed herself as she lingered in front of the Empress’ bedroom.




She heard someone whimpering at the end of the hallway.




Ariel, piqued by her curiosity, ran over and poked her head on the hallway.


‘What, it’s this kid?’


The one crying was no other than Elvir.


Kellod and Elvir were hiding in the corner while hugging their knees.


‘Why is the other kid crying again?’


The moment Ariel tilted her head, Elvir opened his mouth.


“Kellod, what if Mother dies?”

“Stop being silly. Why would she die?”

“But the servants said her condition is serious.”

“What? Who dared to say that!”


Kellod jumped up.


“Who the hell would say such an ominous thing? What kind of—!”


Seeing Kellod’s wrath, Elvir buried his face on his folded knees.


“Tell me! I won’t let them go!”


Kellod, who had been fussing for a while, collapsed on the floor in exhaustion when he didn’t get an answer.


“She won’t die. She just lost a lot of energy while fighting the disease. Mother will soon overcome her illness and wake up. At that time, we can visit Mother as much as we like.”

“Really? But we were told not to bother her.”

“It’s because she’s sick right now. It’s okay if she gets better.”


Kellod said confidently.


However, transparent water droplets formed in those eyes.


‘What is this, that human said they have a bad relationship.’


Apparently, it was the Empress’s own misunderstanding.


‘They’re like stupid people.’


They don’t have much time to be together, so why are they pushing away each other?


Ariel clicked her tongue.


Right then…


“You! You—!”


Seeing Ariel, Kellod jumped up.




Elvir was startled and hid behind Kellod.


‘Why are you making a fuss?’


Kellod yelled as Ariel squinted her eyes.


“This arrogant kid! Are you crazy that you dared to eavesdrop on the conversation of the princes?”

“I didn’t eavesdrop, I overheard it! And who do you dare to call arrogant, you spoiled bastard!”

“This kid!”


As Ariel shouted in response, the speechless Kellod fumed in anger.


“Cheeky fellow! You’re so arrogant just because Father and Mother treats you—!”


It was then.




Loud thunder echoed from Kellod’s stomach.


Kellod’s face flushed red.


‘Did I not eat enough?’


In fact, the twins hadn’t eaten for days because they were worried about their mother.


In the midst of that, he was so excited and ran amok that his stamina was extremely consumed.


‘Still, in front of this kid!’


The moment when Kellod was chewing his lips with a flushed face.


“Now, eat.”


Tsk. Tsk.


Ariel, who had been clicking her tongue, pulled something out of her pocket and stuck it out.




It was a chocolate cookie the size of a child’s fist.


“It’s something I’ve been saving, but it’s a special gift. Eat with gratitude.”

“Who comforts someone with this? I have plenty of these!”

“Really? Good for you!”


Ariel smiled and put the cookie back in her pocket.


“Then go and eat!”


She looked very relieved.


“You didn’t really want to give it to me, did you?”


Kellod, who had been watching Ariel in astonishment, sat down on the floor.


He didn’t even have the energy to fight. He won’t even go after her food.


Ariel, who was staring at him, tilted her head and asked.


“Why are you not going? Don’t you want to go and eat something?”

“I’m okay. I have no appetite anyway.”

“You have no appetite? Why?”


Ariel screamed in surprise.


The fact that he has no appetite is something Ariel couldn’t fathom.


“Why do you have no appetite?”


Ariel asked again, and Kellod exclaimed in annoyance.


“I don’t know what will happen to my Mother, how can I just go and eat!”


Ariel laughed.


“Your Majesty the Empress will not die.”





The twins’ eyes widened.


“The Empress won’t die.”


It was the first time.


That no one other than themselves denied their mother’s death.


Not only the servants, but even their father could not deny it.


‘But how is this kid…’


“…How can you be sure?”


Kellod cautiously asked her, but the answer came back quickly.


“Because I have to eat belof!”



Why did belof suddenly appear here?


The twins, who were waiting for an answer with a nervous heart, made absurd expressions.


Then Ariel pulled the corner of her mouth.


“As long as I don’t get tired of belof, Her Majesty will not die.”


She had a very confident smile.


‘What do you mean by that?’


The twins faced each other and tilted their head at that time.


‘It’s here!’


Ariel could feel Veto’s energy.


“Anyway, don’t worry little ones, go and eat!”

“What? Who are you calling…!”


Ariel hurriedly ran, leaving behind the twins with absurd expressions.


When the Empress’s bedroom door was opened, as expected, a familiar man was floating in the air.


“Got you, bastard!”


Ariel pointed at him in the air.


Without even guessing how the Empress’ ladies-in-waiting will look at her.


Hello everyone! I hope you're having a good read~


  1. Els says:

    oh this is so fun. I’m in love!!!!!!! thanks for the great job.

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