I Attacked Because I Was Afraid Of Death

Nuclear smile

Chapter 4: Nuclear smile

Faced with such a turbulent tide of zombies, coupled with the high-level zombie watching them, everyone thought they were finished.

This is the most difficult era for human beings, where everyone struggles to survive and resources are nearly depleted. Even in City A that once served as the capital, and the current Base A, dare not say that they have the power to protect themselves. It is also the era when heroes were the most needed. And now, the people who have witnessed this battle, in the depths of their hearts, felt that they have found this hero.

In order to prevent these zombies from getting close to her, Chi Xin tried her best to kill all the way to the rear without any prompting from the system.

Her body seemed to possess its own consciousness; any approach with killing intent couldn’t even touch a piece of her clothes.

At this time, the zombies rushed towards the base of the wall, making Jing Xiubai focus more on defending the from being breached. This made him reduce the amount of ice spikes supporting Chi Xin, which suddenly increased the pressure around her, causing her pupils to slightly narrow.

A masculine arm stretched out, flipping over a zombie beside her even though it was clear she didn’t need help. A young soldier stared at her with admiration, “Miss, go ahead and charge forward! We brothers will cover you from behind!”

“Yes!” All the soldiers responded loudly, forming a ring around Chi Xin; fighting fiercely to clear the way for her.

Chi Xin almost burst into tears: Actually, I’d rather have you rush forward, and I’ll up afterwards! Are you guys seriously making me, a delicate girl, fight the elite monsters?

So all the soldiers watched as this beautiful girl; after hearing their determination, softened her cold eyes in the face of the zombies, and a trace of tears appeared in her eyes.

She turned out to be such a formidable yet tender girl.

Chi Xin opened her mouth, but when she thought about how the dog system would actually deduct more points, she couldn’t muster the courage to say anything more. She decisively turned her head away, snatched the empty gun from his body with a swift motion, and swung it backhandedly.

The zombie behind her immediately had its face burst open. Seeing this scene, the soldiers all showed astonished expressions, and one of them was almost bitten.

As trained soldiers, they naturally understood that achieving such an effect would require significant arm strength and a strong mental resilience. Did Base L actually hide such terrifying individuals?

No wonder they dared to face high-level zombies alone. If it’s this girl, maybe she can truly take them on!

Several soldiers exchanged glances, all inspired by Chi Xin’s determination, unleashing a powerful will to survive. Their weakened attacks regained strength once again.

Chi Xin didn’t know what they were thinking. She simply felt an endless reserve of strength within her. All her actions occurred without conscious effort, almost purely as instinctual responses. However, the more she exerted herself; the feeling of being constrained becomes more obvious.

She possessed far more strength than what was currently being unleashed.

She could feel the huge energy hidden in her body, yet she was only utilizing a fraction of it, less than even a tenth.

And as time went on, even this less than a tenth began to gradually weaken. Despite not feeling tired, her body showed signs of exhaustion.

Not good.

Chi Xin’s death warning sounded instantly. She didn’t want to die, and the only way to prevent it now was—

Chi Xin suddenly looked at the high-level zombie hidden among the horde, now dangerously close to them, its eyes emitting a shiny green glow.

The young soldier who had been guarding her side all along turned his head and caught a glimpse of her eyes. Despite his wealth of combat experience, he couldn’t help but shiver involuntarily.

This was—the look of a wolf king fixated on its prey!

At this point, the desire to survive had surpassed the fear of the zombies. Without hesitation, Chi Xin tore off a strip from the hem of her own shirt. She clenched the empty gun she had snatched earlier and, under the protection of the soldiers, swiftly tied up her long hair.

Then, setting the gun aside, she casually bit down on the end of her own hair, preventing her long locks from interfering with her movements and using it to control the trembling of her teeth.

Stepping on the makeshift stairs formed by countless zombies, she advanced step by step towards the high-level zombie.

The impending decisive battle here also drew the attention of those on the city walls. Amidst waves of horrified screams, the high-level zombie launched its attack. Its movements were lightning fast, its bony hands resembling sharp claws.

Chi Xin tilted her head to dodge the attack, a single word flashing through her mind: Weak.

She could do this!

Moving with ease, as she evaded the attack, Chi Xin stretched out her hand and, amidst countless gasps of shock, firmly grasped the wrist of the zombie.

The high-level zombie attempted to struggle, but it was horrified to find that even with its agile zombie strength, it was no match for Chi Xin.

And as it came to this realization, Chi Xin’s other hand had already caught hold of the top of its head.

Then, a pair of slender and graceful legs, fair and exquisite, magnified within its pale blue pupils, growing larger and larger, and then a snap.

The world spun.

Chi Xin held the thing in her hand tightly, completing a half turn in the air before landing on her feet, using the opportunity to steady herself.

Incredibly, she had managed to kick the head of the high-level zombie clean off its body.

Chi Xin: Brain… Brain pulp…

I don’t know if there is washing powder in this wasteland era. I want to cry.

And in that very instant, Chi Xin felt a chilling coldness envelop her entire body. She tightened her grip on what she was holding and instinctively looked towards the direction that made her sense the threat.

But all she saw were the swarming zombies, and there was something hidden among them, something that made her feel the threat that far surpassed the previous high-level zombie.

In the eyes of everyone, she stood there holding the zombie’s head, akin to a triumphant warrior displaying her trophy, casting a glance back in the direction of the city walls.

In that glance, there was a cold and vacant expression, as if the victory she had achieved was merely an inconsequential matter to her.

And at the moment this scene unfolded, the zombies surrounding her lost their coordination. Their intense attack diminished, and now they were driven by their instinct to consume human flesh. Killing them had become extremely easy.

One soldier, filled with awe, cautiously looked at the head in Chi Xin’s hand and asked, “This… hero, what do we do now?”

Unbeknownst to them, Chi Xin had become the backbone of this group, willingly obeying her commands.

Chi Xin’s heart was still pounding violently, and her gaze was vacant as she answered, “It’s over, let’s go back.”

After the task was completed, the system had rewarded her with an additional twenty troublemaking points, barely reaching the passing line.

Chi Xin’s mind was currently consumed by the relief that she could finally escape the system’s interference, at least temporarily.

She suddenly realized what she was holding in her hand, and a wave of nausea surged through her. She immediately threw it away.


If her strength hadn’t been nearly depleted, she would have vomited right then and there.

Several soldiers were panting heavily, exerting themselves to eliminate the remaining zombies. Seeing the head of the high-level zombie being casually tossed away by Chi Xin, who didn’t even seem out of breath, they exchanged a glance, seeing in each other’s eyes a mixture of helplessness and gratitude.

Helpless about the disparity among individuals and grateful that humanity still had heroes like her.

In this brutal battle, there were indeed casualties, but thanks to Chi Xin’s presence, a situation that should have resulted in the complete destruction of the entire group somehow allowed the majority of them to survive.

The remaining soldiers willingly protected Chi Xin, and together they fought their way back to the safety beneath the city walls.

Jing Xiubai’s complexion was somewhat pale. Using abilities on such a large scale and at such high intensity consumed far more than what’s typically seen in movies. Yet, as Chi Xin was “fighting bravely”, he steadfastly defended the rear. Coupled with the gunfire from the city walls, they managed to prevent any zombies from breaking through their defenses.

He gazed at Chi Xin, who returned bloodied from the battle, his eyes flickering with intense emotions. Those emotions painted a few vivid strokes of color onto his usually calm and handsome face.

Whether it was hatred, admiration, astonishment, or caution, it wasn’t clear.

All in all, Jing Xiubai’s emotions had obviously become more complicated. He had abandoned the resolve to kill Chi Xin upon first sight.

Chi Xin, who had noticed this change, eased up slightly despite the lingering tension that hadn’t entirely dissipated even after the battle with the zombies was over.

That’s great; she wouldn’t have to get her head blown off by the male lead’s ice spike.

Chi Xin felt so moved within her heart that she wanted to flash a friendly smile at Jing Xiubai.

So, with her blood-smeared face, she raised the corners of her lips, forming a chilling and fierce smile.

Coincidentally, a few young soldiers saw her smile. On their rough faces, a blush couldn’t help but rise in response.

“Chi Xin—Catch!”

A call came from the city wall, and Chi Xin instinctively raised her hand, and firmly caught the thing thrown at her.

As soon as her fingers touched the warm and weighty gun barrel, the model of it once again flashed in her mind: Model 25mm Large Caliber Sniper Rifle.

Wow, I seem like a complete encyclopedia of firearms.

Chi Xin muttered coldly in her mind, then looked up.

Many heads were peeking out, all looking at her as if she were some sort of rare superstar. And the person who had thrown the gun to her, Yu Xiang, was excitedly waving his arms at her.

“Become a hero—Chi Xin!”


It was a title that Chi Xin had never even dared to dream of.

A coward who is afraid of death becomes a hero in their eyes? This movie’s box office is done for.

Chi Xin gripped the gun, intending to turn back and start shooting, but she suddenly noticed everyone’s silent stares. “…What’s wrong?”

“Model 25mm Large Caliber Sniper Rifle, weighing forty pounds,” Jing Xiubai habitually attempted to adjust his glasses, but his hand found only empty air. His eyes showed a rare hint of astonishment. “Dropped from a height of several dozen meters, it would create a crater with a diameter of a meter upon impact.”

And yet, Chi Xin had casually, effortlessly caught it.

Chi Xin looked at the gun in her hand, which was comparable in size to a small artillery shell, and felt there was really no way to explain. So, she simply raised it and pointed it at the zombie horde.

A soldier muttered under his breath, “Isn’t that supposed to be shot from a prone position?”

Another person slapped him on the head, “The goddess is more skilled with her hands than you are with a gun. Why are you babbling!”

Listening to these comments, Chi Xin mourned her own lack of common sense that led to more abnormalities being exposed. She shifted her eyes guiltily to another direction and spotted several tanks parked in the distance, surrounded by zombies.

A thought came to mind.

She turned to the young soldier who had been accompanying her all along. “Do you guys still want those tanks?”

The soldier had been secretly stealing glances at her when he suddenly saw her talking to him, and his face turned crimson, so much so that even his complexion couldn’t hide it. He stammered, “Y-yes, c-could do without it!”

Chi Xin blinked, amused by his flustered reaction. “Whether you want them or not, don’t come to me for reimbursement.”

With that, she raised the gun, aiming swiftly. Her speed was so rapid that it caught people off guard. It seemed like she had only just raised the gun one second, and the next, a deafening explosion rang out.


This time, Chi Xin took an extra second, as it wasn’t a random shot; she had aimed for the fuel tank of one of the tanks.

And it was precisely this brief second that gave Jing Xiubai time to react.

As the tank erupted into a deafening explosion, Jing Xiubai instantly condensed a crystalline giant screen, protecting not only the people under the wall but also those who had gathered nearby.

On one side was the most brilliant fireworks display in the last days; on the other side were the stunned onlookers.

This crisis, which should have spelled doom for the city, was resolved in such an incomprehensible way.

When the city gate opened, the survivors automatically split into two groups. Everyone bore the marks of the fierce battle, gazing in silence at the people outside.

The soldiers who had been with Chi Xin throughout the ordeal solemnly raised the head of the high-level zombie. Their eyes burned as they looked at Chi Xin, as if gazing at a source of light in their hearts.

This marked the first time in human history that someone had killed a high-level zombie. Whether it was in terms of the struggle against the zombies or from a standpoint of research value, this was a glorious milestone. He had to ensure that this achievement remained attributed to the goddess.

As Chi Xin turned around, she caught sight of that severed head.

The have-protruding eyes on its sockets wobbled for a moment, then with a “squelch” sound, one of the eyes popped out and dropped down, only a thread of blood attached.

Chi Xin: …

She nearly choked in shock.

But the more terrified she felt, the colder her expression became.

And so, the soldier stood there blankly, watching as Chi Xin’s cold gaze swept past that severed head. It was as if she were silently questioning why he brought this thing in, as if it wasn’t a big deal at all. There was a hint of disdain in her expression, and although his heart trembled, his eyes burned even hotter.

Yet he continued to hold that head, following Chi Xin into Base L.

As Chi Xin passed by various complex gazes, she noticed that she and Jing Xiubai were receiving nearly equal amounts of attention. Whether it was Jing Xiubai’s psychic abilities or her sudden surge in combat prowess, neither of them were going to pass through this scrutiny easily.

She glanced at Jing Xiubai beside her. He seemed to have anticipated this kind of situation and his expression was remarkably calm.

Sensing Chi Xin’s gaze, he turned his gaze towards her. Without the cover of his glasses, his flawless features were fully exposed.

And in his clear and refined eyes, there was a hint of complicated inquiry.

Tl Rhenae: I’m so sorry for the late update, but here it is. Feel free to point out any mistakes I made. Though, I will be rereading it later to see if it needs any editing since I don’t see any problems atm. Enjoy reading, ’till next time.

Thank you for reading my work, I hope you enjoy it. If you want, you can consider supporting my work through ko-fi!


  1. K says:

    Thank you so much for picking this up!!!

  2. 🐥 says:

    Woww I really like this! Thanks for translating!!!

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