I Attacked Because I Was Afraid Of Death

Go be a Hero

Chapter 3: Go be a hero

In the despair that even she couldn’t believe, Chi Xin ‘led’ Jing Xiubai to jump off the huge wall. The sound of wind rushing past their ears, and the people peeking from the wall became tiny black dots.

[Ding! Your trouble-making value has increased to 55. Congratulations, host! Please keep up the good work!]

The act of jumping the wall with the male lead actually increased the trouble value by 50 points. It seems that the price of offending the male lead is really not small.

Cold wind blew on Chi XIn’s expressionless face, and her heart turned cold. In this unrealistic movie world, she could already foresee her ill-fated future. However, the system’s action has sounded an alarm for her.

Once the trouble-making value falls below the passing mark, the system can manipulate Chi Xin’s body at will. If she continues to fail to meet the mark… who will this body belong to in the end? What will happen to her consciousness? Will she be wiped out because it thinks she is in the way, or something even more terrifying—to be trapped in this body, unable to do anything but can only watch everything happen until death?

Chi XIn felt a chill in her heart.

During the rapid descent, the wind must have blown away Jing Xiubai’s glasses, and his clear and sharp eyes were filled with disbelief as well.

Feeling a chilling sensation beneath her, and a bone-piercing cold spread through their intertwined bodies, causing a shiver to run down her spine. It made her suddenly realize that she was still holding onto Jing Xiubai!

However, Jing Xiubai didn’t take the opportunity to kill her but formed a surface of ice around them, as they landed on a mountain of stacked corpses. Ignoring the claws still wrapped around his body, Jing Xiubai stretched out his arms to wrap around Chi Xin’s waist, shielding her in his embrace, intending to take the impact of their fall using his body. His intentions were good, but for Chi Xin, who had just offended him and gained a terrifying fifty points of trouble value, this protective touch sent a shiver down her spine.

Disregarding the danger of the rapid slide, Chi Xin instinctively wanted to push the male lead away. So, she moved her free hands and gently pushed against Jing Xiubai..

Jing Xiubai’s downward momentum froze suddenly, and without the frame of his glasses to conceal his expression, his eyes revealed unconcealable shock. In order to prevent the impact from tearing him apart, he had no choice but to let Chi Xin slip out of his arms, and quickly grabbed onto a nearby tree branch to stop his motion..

He quickly turned around to search for Chi Xin’s figure. Even with a zombie as a cushion, falling from this height without any protection would at the very least result in internal injuries.

At this moment, Chi Xin: Ahhh, so many zombies!

Freed from Jing Xiubai’s grip, she finally realized where she had been all this time.

Don’t even think about it! Don’t think about biting her!

For a moment, Chi Xin failed to notice that these zombies were all incapacitated with their eyes wide open. Her strong will to survive erupted once again, and she abruptly twisted her slender waist upward.

Under Jing Xiubai’s shocked gaze, she launched herself upward in a way impossible for a human to achieve. Her graceful figure resembled a beautiful butterfly fluttering above the ruins, effortlessly evading the numerous zombies. Her hand, by instinct, grabbed onto something hard and warm as she soared through the air.

She performed several somersaults in quick succession as she landed back on the ground. To maintain her balance, she dropped to one knee, the object she had grabbed held diagonally by her side. Her long, black hair cascaded down, covering her entire body.

Raising a cloud of dust, she stood up and looking up at the people above, behind her was the surging tide of zombies, looking like she was the only one guarding the pass.

The people on the wall: …

Jing Xiubai: …

Chi Xin looking at the submachine gun in her hand that appeared out of nowhere: …

This series of actions truly shocked the surviving people of Base L.

Cao Yan, who was previously clamouring to kill Chi Xin, patted Yu Xiang’s shoulder with a dumbfounded expression and said, “Isn’t she your classmate?”

Yu Xiang nodded blankly, “Yeah.”

Cao Yan said, “Aren’t you all from an ordinary prestigious university? Or is this some kind of Special Forces training base?”

Yu Xiang was silent for a moment and then looked up at him, saying, “How about you push me down and see if I can pull off something like this?”

After witnessing Chi Xin’s impressive actions, the survivors couldn’t help but feel their deep-rooted impressions of her starting to shift. At the same time, their beliefs and perceptions were also being overturned.

“This… If Chi Xin has such skills, she wouldn’t need to rely on men for help, right?”

“Yeah, she’s so powerful. I’m afraid only Jing Xiubai can match her. It is said that she relies on men for support……. I don’t believe it.”

“Actually, no one has actually seen her asking men for anything, did they? It was just spread by someone.”

“You have a point. With her skills, it’s unlikely that she would accidentally attract such a large horde of zombies. There might be more to this zombie tide than meets the eye.” Mentioning this point left everyone silent and deep in thought.

Respecting the strong is a human instinct. Once the previously unshakable beliefs are shaken, the group that wants to vent their anger together began to split.

“What are you all talking about?” someone said. “So what if she’s powerful? She’s the one who brought the zombie tide back! We must make her pay with her life and not let this culprit go unpunished!” However, this time, there were not as many voices agreeing with him, only a few scattered individuals. It made the man’s angry face twisted, but like everyone else, he couldn’t help but look at Chi Xin who had already reached the ground. In any case, they had no other choice now but to watch this delicate girl and hope she could bring them a glimmer of hope.

Chi Xin didn’t know about the argument that broke out between them. She looked up at the suspended figure of Jing Xiubai and mustered all her strength to try and talk to him.

“Bang bang bang.” Suddenly, the submachine gun in her hand accidentally went off, startling the crowd that was previously arguing and they thought she had something to say, so they turned their attention to her.

All eyes were on Chi Xin, making her feel extremely awkward and embarrassed. After the thrilling and dangerous first-person experience just now, she was completely terrified, and her facial expression could be described as cold as ice.

She wanted to say: “What are you still hanging there for? Get down here, and let’s discuss how to kill the high-level zombie! The zombies are coming!”

Instead she said: “Jing Xiubai, are you trying to make jerky for the zombies?”

The people on the city wall who heard her voice: …

The distance is a little far away, so Chi Xin couldn’t see clearly the expression on Jing Xiubai’s face. However, after she shouted those words, a layer of ice crystallized into a skateboard formed under Jing Xuibai’s feet, and he stepped on it, swiftly arriving in front of her.

The people on the wall witnessed this scene and were once again filled with shock.

“Did you see that?”

“Yes, what was that?”

“It appeared out of nowhere and disappeared into thin air. It looked like ice.”


Jing Xiubai’s eyes were as black as ink, and afraid to meet his gaze, Chi Xin looked at the approaching wave of zombies and decided to strike first, “You should know why I brought you down here.”

She thought about it, dragging the male lead to jump off the wall was already a fact. She might as well admit it and take the opportunity to extract as much value as possible from him!

Jing Xiubai looked at her, and his suspicions were confirmed. In the midst of shock, he became a bit guarded and asked, “How did you know?”

‘I saw it in the movie.’

Chi Xin didn’t dare to explain to him. She couldn’t come up with a believable story in such a short time. With the horde of zombies getting closer, she had no choice but to look him in the eye and said, “Is that question really important right now? If you want to survive, do one thing: cover me!”

Jing Xiubai seemed to have many questions he wanted to ask, but with the imminent crisis, he only had time to give Chi Xin a deep look and raised one hand, “It seems like we both have secrets, but you hide them even better.”

Chi Xin felt guilty and dared not speak. She sensed the sudden drop in temperature around her, and the exclamation of the people on the city wall could be heard even from such a distance.

She raised her head and saw one ice spike after another forming in the air, each one sharp and cold enough to pierce through a zombie’s head.

Chi Xin’s mind flashed with an idea: “Why don’t you …”

The system’s voice suddenly rang out: [Warning, trouble value is decreasing.]

“… Cover me!” Chi Xin abruptly changed the topic.

She was speechless and choked up. It seemed that the dog system wants her to personally go and kill that high-level zombie. But it wasn’t over yet. In order to punish her for wanting to pass the trouble to someone else, the system ruthlessly deducted ten points from her.

[In consideration of the host’s first offense, ten points will be deducted as a warning.]

Chi Xin: I will kill the system,

She had no way of retreating, so she had no choice but to hold her only weapon and charged directly into the surging tide of zombies!


She took the lead, firing a shot that blew off the head of the nearest zombie. Countless zombies swarmed towards her, instantly engulfing her petite figure.

There was a burst of light from the sky, and countless ice swords gleamed in the sunlight, piercing through the zombies surrounding Chi Xin.

Chi Xin turned her head and saw Jing Xiu Bai with a cold expression, his handsome features liberated from behind the glasses. He controlled the ice spikes like a god of creation.

Chi Xin: Well done, the male lead is quite reliable!

Chi Xin, without any worries, had a determined expression on her face as she planned to charge forward, but….. ah, ah, ah, so many zombies! It was really a life-threatening situation. Why did this damn system have to put her through all this trouble? Can’t it just let her lie down and win with the male lead? Does it want to see her die before it was satisfied?

Even with Jing Xiubai clearing a path, the stinking mouths and dirty hands of the zombies were reaching out towards Chi Xin’s hair and body. Chi Xin’s heart was filled with fear and panic as she desperately tried to get rid of these creatures. The constant notifications from the system, [+0.1 Trouble Value, +0.1 Trouble Value], only fuelled her determination to break free from these horrors.

Gah! Stingy! Dog system! Killing one zombie only gives so little points.

So in the eyes of Jing Xiubai and the people on the city wall, Chi Xin controlled the assault rifle with her left hand, and every time she fired, a large number of zombies fell to the ground, just like her accurate shooting moments ago. And with her right hand, she ruthlessly smashed the zombies’ heads, and countless zombies were split apart by her hand, falling down one after another. She kept on fighting, killing zombies all the way, no matter how tall, short, fat or thin, nothing could stop her.

Even though her expression couldn’t be seen, one could imagine the resolute determination on the face of such a fierce and fearless warrior at this moment.

Jing Xiubai looked at her slender but indomitable figure, the suspicion in his eyes unconsciously faded. He twisted his wrist, forming thicker and sharper ice spikes, and without any hesitation, he stabbed the approaching zombies that were attacking her.

He carefully observed the angles, attempting to directly kill the commanding high-level zombie. However, after several attempts, he found that the creature could strangely dodge his attacks, and he couldn’t hit it.

At this moment, on the city wall, Cao Yan once again patted Yu Xiang and just about to open his mouth.

“It’s not a magic academy, nor a martial arts school. The two of them are not humans. Don’t ask me how I know.” Yu Xiang’s face was expressionless as he stopped the conversation first.

Cao Yan’s voice was filled with uncontrollable excitement: “It doesn’t matter if they are humans or ghosts, maybe there is indeed hope now!” In the last days, what difference does it make whether one is human or not? As long as it ensures survival, turning into something else is worth the sacrifice.

Unknowingly, people’s gazes towards the two became filled with admiration and hope. Regardless of what they had done before, at this moment, no one brought up the old score.

At the moment of life and death, as long as you can live, there is nothing you can’t bear. As for the voices who were questioning Chi Xin earlier, they have now completely disappeared.

Meanwhile, inside the tank.

In each tank, there are three soldiers. They are some of the few remaining soldiers from Base A, who were sent to support Base L, but because they underestimated the intensity of the zombie tide, they have now found themselves trapped in a desperate situation.

After they ran out of the biological cannons, they took their guns and desperately fired at the zombies, but they seemed endless. Despite their valiant efforts and their ammunitions running out, they could only manage to kill a small fraction of the approaching zombies.

“It seems we are going to perish here,” the commanding officer struggled to look at the others. “I’m sorry, everyone!”

“Don’t say that, Commander!” a soldier responded loudly. “Our communications are blocked, and no one could have known that a high-level intelligent zombie would appear here. Currently, there’s no human capable of fighting it!” Not to mention fighting against it, under the protection of the layers of zombies, it is impossible to even get close to the high-level zombie.

Everyone understood this reality, and as the last round of ammunition was depleted, all the soldiers showed expressions of despair. Their faces contorted with determination as they planned to drive the tanks into the zombie horde, crushing as many as they could in their path.

Suddenly, several transparent ice spikes pierced through, and almost half of the zombies surrounding the tanks collapsed.

The soldiers froze.

Then they saw a petite and delicate girl, who could even be the same age as some of their daughters back home, covered in blood and wielding a submachine gun that seemed huge to her. She was fiercely kicking the zombies in front of her, stepping through the sea of corpses and blood as she approached.

With her black hair fluttering in the wind, and her gaze cold and determined. She took off the empty gun in her hand and threw it at one of them.

The soldier widened his eyes and wanted to dodge it, but saw that the gun coming towards him passed by and pierced a zombie that was about to pounce on him.

The long barrel pierced through the zombie’s eye, even protruding from the back of its head, leaving everyone shocked by how much power contained within this seemingly ordinary girl’s body.

“What are you still standing around for?” The girl twisted her frail hands, directly breaking off the head of a zombie.

“Cover me and let’s kill that damn high-level zombie!”

Thank you for reading my work, I hope you enjoy it. If you want, you can consider supporting my work through ko-fi!


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