I Am The Evil Wife Of A Young Husband

TEWOAYH I Chapter 23

It felt like He was being cornered, so I decided to play along for now.

“I’ve heard about Nina from the Young Master. He’s been so worried that it made me concerned too.”

Okay, it felt natural!

Now, if I just ask if I can visit Nina instead of Kiverin…!

“Oh, you can come see Nina any time. I also told Viscount Rose that it was okay.”


“I was confused at first because you suddenly appeared and asked me a question with a scary face. haha.”

The jealousy of the nonhuman being disguised as a nanny was enormous.

Finally, the next day, I went to Baron’s house with Viscount Rose.

Surprisingly, Winter agreed, easily when I mentioned I was going with ‘Viscount Rose.’

I sighed in the carriage, which was trudging along like my heart.

“I didn’t expect to go just the two of us without a knight.”

Rose snorted.

“Why would you need something like that when you’re with me?”

Something like that?

“Why? Are you planning to protect me?”

“If you feel like it. From the beginning, the Duke and Madam said, ‘Anyone can be a nanny as long as you don’t see the Duke as a monster.’”

Rose said indifferently.

Hmm. So at least Winter and Menelik seemed to know that Rose was not ordinary.

I recalled the conversation I had with Kiverin this morning.

“Ro-Rose isn’t really a bad person.”

“Let’s put aside the fact that you’re calling him a ‘person.’ Is her real name even Rose?”

“She said her adoptive mother named her that… so she wouldn’t get into trouble… and she’ll behave herself.”

Kiverin had said that even if Rose disliked him, it wouldn’t cause any direct harm.

Okay, well, let’s try our best with Kiverin in mind.

I smiled brightly at Rose.

“Got it. I’ll be counting on you today.”


…Is that really her?

Soon the carriage stopped at its destination.

When I got off the carriage before Rose, I was at a loss for words.

Baron Dawson’s residence was not a mansion, it was just a house.

A one-story house with a front door that was half broken and making a squeaking sound.


Even a commoner would probably live better than this…

Rose crossed her arms and made a comment.

“Money was wasted here.”

Where exactly?

I rolled my eyes.

Then I found a shiny leopard cage next to a shabby house.

The bandaged leopard was stretched out inside.

Rose narrowed his eyes.

“Now that we’ve seen it, let’s go back.”

That was a bit too quick to give up.

“Let’s at least give them the housewarming gift.”

“Do you really want to go into that house?”

“It’ll just be for a moment. You said they mentioned being threatened with a scary face, didn’t you?”

Rose clicked his tongue but walked toward the house that looked like it could collapse at any moment.

I started to understand why Kiverin referred to him as a ‘kid.’

Daniel welcomed us with a guilty conscience.

There was only one servant in his house.

“These are very precious tea leaves. Thank you, my lady.”

Rose immediately tried to turn around.

“Well then, we’ll just…”


I jabbed Rose in the elbow.

Fortunately, Daniel was too focused on inspecting the tea leaves to notice what Rose had almost said.

“I’ll brew some tea right away. Please wait a moment.”

“Of course!”

I deliberately answered brightly and sat down at the table with Rose.

Rose muttered quietly.

“Are you actually going to drink it?”

Now he was speaking informally.

“What’s the big deal? Mera picked out these tea leaves. They’re really sweet, even without milk. Why don’t you try being a polite guest for once, for the young master’s sake?”

Kiverin wouldn’t be happy if he knew that we went back after seeing Nina for less than 5 minutes.

Rose frowned.

“There’s a strange noise coming from the ceiling. I think there might be rats.”

Why does it feel like you were raised more delicately than I was…?

I started to look down on Rose a bit, as she had no remarkable qualities compared to the main characters of The Villainess Dislikes Money.

After a while, Daniel brought tea.

Soon, Daniel brought out the tea.

The cups were pretty, the aroma was delightful, and the taste was even better.

“Wow, this is delicious!”

“Haha. I’m good at making tea. The professors liked it so much that they didn’t want to let me graduate…”

Oh, Dear.

I pursed my lips at his tragic story.

Even Rose, unable to resist, took a sip of tea.

“How did Nina get hurt?”

It must have been before Kiverin entered the snake cave that he shared the healing method.

So, it was at least a year ago, But He is still wearing bandages.

“It was attacked by a monster.”

Rose raised an eyebrow.

“What kind of monster?”

Rose, could you at least pretend to hide the fact that you’re a non-human who doesn’t care about social society?

Daniel answered sincerely.

“I don’t know that either. He managed to find me even though his flesh had been badly bitten off. I helped its mother give birth, and I think she remembered my scent.”


“I thought He was going to die too. The condition was that bad. however…I used the medicine that Young Master taught me, and it was effective. I think He still need to heal for a few more months.”

“That’s strange. Monsters prefer humans over animals. As their main course, of course.”

Rose commented indifferently.

Excuse me!

Daniel tried to reassure his trembling self.

“Don’t worry, my lady. The ducal family won’t allow monsters to attack people. I also regularly report Nina’s condition to the madam.”

I swallowed hard.

I don’t want to worry either, but I’m sure Rose’s true identity is not a monster?

Daniel changed the topic.

“You know what? Most animals, including Nina, follow Young Master very well. So, I think Young Master will become a very good head of the family.”


I glanced at Rose.

She seemed to think I was looking for her agreement.

“Well, I’m not sure about that. He hasn’t… done that yet.”

And Rose’s words were drowned out by the sound of someone pounding on the door.

“Daniel! “Open the door!”

I never thought there would be guests ruder than us.

Daniel excused himself and stood up.

Rose, brightening at the opportunity, signaled that we should leave, leaving me in disbelief.

“Dewey? “What happened without any contact?”

“This time it’s real! I caught something way rarer than that leopard bitten by a monster!”

Huh? What could it be?

Since it wasn’t a grand mansion, I could clearly hear their conversation.

It was time to get curious, and I stuck my head out.

Suddenly, Rose pulled me close and kept me by his side.

Unable to move, I was about to protest, but Rose muttered first.

“How can he not recognize a monster? What an idiot.”

“A monster?”

Are you taking who prefers humans as a main course?

“Right now, there are only inferior humans around, so I’m keeping quiet, but if a competent human comes near, my true nature will show, you know? But it’s not worth hunting down the lowest of the low.”

I rolled my eyes.

But what is this behavior?

Why are you protecting me if you dislike me?

And you’re so blatantly saying that you’re an outsider?!

I decided to test her and asked.

“So, does that mean you’re not human, so monsters don’t see you as a threat?”


Suddenly, Rose leaned in close.

“You… Why do you use honorifics with the maids but keep speaking informally to me?”

Is this really the time to nitpick about that…?

“You started speaking informally first. You even told me to get lost.”

“Yeah, get lost.”

“What did I do wrong for you to dislike me?”

I was in tears.

“What did I do wrong for you to dislike me?”

“Being attached to the duke is wrong in itself.”

“But my last name is already Nectarian.”

“Then take a Divorce.”

“Hey, divorce between nobles isn’t that easy?”

I responded, trying not to look at Rose pitifully.

Rose was reckless.

“That’s not my concern. Just leave the ducal family. Don’t get me wrong, though. I’m saying this for your sake too.”

“You think I’d believe that?”

I scrunched my nose.

Rose’s mental age was definitely younger than my physical age.

Like Kiverin, I also want to call Rose ‘kid’.

Isn’t the fact that ‘Viscount Rose’ has a good reputation among the dukedom actually a trick?

“Do you like Young Master?”

“Of course I like him.”

“If I divorce you, will you marry Young Master?”

I pursed my lips.

Rose was shocked.

“Are you crazy… No, did you eat something weird… That’s not what I meant! I’m a guardian! I owe a debt, so I’m repaying it by being a guardian! A protector! A nanny! Never say something so gross again! I’ll kill you!”

Geez, you could’ve just said no…



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