I Am the 5-Year-Old Spy Who Kidnapped the Villain

‘What did I just see?’


The people had always resented Aisha until now.


The child had nearly put their master in grave danger with her blatant lies.


When her deceit was uncovered, everyone expected—no, prayed—that Aisha would be expelled.


Protecting the Kreutz Duchy wasn’t just Calypse’s responsibility. Every single person working in the castle shared that duty.


But instead of being thrown out, she was adopted into the family?


And the Duke was even bribing the reluctant child with steak?


“…His Excellency seems to…”


The chef, stunned by the truth, murmured.


“…like the child quite a bit.”


“More than we thought.”


“Though the child doesn’t seem too pleased…”


In the midst of their dazed mutterings, butler Brad spoke uneasily.


“It’s even more suspicious. How did she manage to win him over like that?”


“Indeed… but…”


Head maid Mai couldn’t continue. It had been too long.


Too long since the Duke had removed his mask or smiled with such playful mischief.


Finally, Mai concluded with a bitter heart.


“…He’s ordered us to treat her like a noble lady, so we have no choice.”


Everyone nodded in agreement.


The impromptu observation of the Duke and his sudden adoptee ended uneventfully.


Shortly after everyone had dispersed.


“…This is suspicious.”


A man who had been watching from the shadows muttered.


“I’ll have to keep an eye on this.”


Glinting in the light, he lifted a monocle and disappeared into the shadows.


* * *


I think I’ve been conned.


The gardener being Duke Calypse?


…So, I’ve been adopted by Duke Calypse?


“I was trying to break the original story but ended up becoming more entangled in it!”


Thud, thud—


I flailed around on the bed for a while before sighing and sprawling out in resignation.


There was no changing that now. But something else was bothering me.


Something didn’t add up.


“I can understand how my actions can change the surrounding situations, like with Dorothy.”


But the sudden disappearance of the princess who should be far away?




That was incomprehensible. Completely baffling!


With eyes wide open, I pressed my temple with my small fingers.


I tried to recall the original setting regarding the princess, wondering if I had missed something. But the details about the princess were sparse compared to other characters.


“The Duchess is the same.”


No information other than that they disappeared with the princess.


“…This smells fishy. Really fishy.”


A former spy at five years old.


Even with such a trivial career, my instincts were sharp.


‘There’s something about the Duchess and the princess.’


There was only one way to find out.


I opened the small wardrobe in the bedroom and took out my pajamas.


Even though I had given up on my spy mission, the Pose Duchy wouldn’t know of my betrayal yet.


Dorothy, the only contact, was captured.


My mission was to pose as the fake princess in place of the real one.


It wouldn’t be suspicious to ask about the princess.


[Adopted by the Kreutz Duchy. Status on Dorothy? Where is the real princess?]


After sprinkling the poison laced with my abilities, the scribbled words disappeared shortly after.


At that moment.


Knock, knock—


Startled by the sudden knock, I dived under the covers, pretending to sleep.


The head maid Mai’s formal voice echoed in the room.


“Wake up, Lady Aisha. It’s already morning.”


“Hmnyeh, yes.”


Rubbing my eyes.






I thought I had put on a perfect act of waking up like a child.


But Mai was only focused on preparing the breakfast she had brought on a trolley.


“Breakfast is a simple yuzu salad and mushroom soup.”


“Thank you! But there’s so much food. Would you like to have some with…”


“Alright, then.”


As I offered the chicken from the salad to Mai with a fork—




She had already closed the door and disappeared.




The chicken suspended in mid-air.


“I guess I’ll eat it.”


Chewing and swallowing—


It was a bit embarrassing, but I wasn’t surprised.


They probably saw me as a suspicious kid.


‘I lied about knowing the princess’s whereabouts and got adopted. I must seem like a con artist kid.’


I understand, everyone. I look like a con artist too.


It’s just that Calypse accepting me is unusual.


But compared to past spy training, these stares were nothing.


I polished off the salad and made a clean plate.


“A child who eats well is loved!”


Pulling the bell rope, the maids arrived—


“I finished everything!”


With chubby cheeks, I spoke cheerfully.


But the maids took the plates and trolley and left without a word.


‘Hmm. My sisters are shy.’


That’s alright. I understand!


As I climbed back onto the bed, I suddenly felt a gaze on my back and sprang out of bed, ready to fight.


“Who’s there!”


Feeling a presence behind me, I assumed an attack stance.


The squirrel stance.


A body attack stance using my small frame compared to my peers.




“…Was I mistaken?”


Only sunlight streamed peacefully through the open window; no one was there.


“I was sure I sensed someone at the window.”


Running to check outside, I sighed in relief.


No one would climb up to the second-floor window.


Luckily, no one was outside.


Or so I thought.




Peering out, I saw a shadow disappear around the corner of the castle.


It was only for a few seconds, but I was sure.


‘An adult with their hair tied back.’


Most likely a maid.


“…It’s understandable to suspect me, but watching me? Not acceptable.”


Being spied on? Even though I’m a former spy?


It hurt my pride and felt unfair.


‘I need to clear this misunderstanding soon….’


I didn’t know who it was, but I had to be on guard 24/7.


* * *


Despite my resolve, my days flowed peacefully.


No, it wasn’t just peaceful.


It was surprising how no one paid me any attention.


“Lady Aisha. I’ll help you dress.”


“Thank you! By the way, what’s your favorite color?”


“…I don’t know.”


“I like blue. Maybe because it’s similar to my eye color?”




“How do you think it looks on me?”




“How much?”


“A lot.”


“How much is a lot?”




Silence followed.


Time for my secret weapon, opening my eyes wide.


Sparkle, sparkle—


Look, sister. How do I look? Don’t you want to fall for me?


No one could resist my clear blue eyes,




With a long sigh, the maid answered half-heartedly.


“All done. I’ll be going now.”


She quickly left without making eye contact.


…There is someone who can ignore me. My acting teacher said this expression was perfect.


“I need more acting lessons.”


Feeling discouraged, I swung my short legs.


Every interaction went like this, whether I tried to talk or ask for something.


Trudging back to my room, I buried my face in the pillow.


I hadn’t done anything, but my body felt heavy.


“It feels like talking to a wall.”


Sisters, if you’re going to ignore me, why were you watching me at the window?


“…Just distrust me instead. Someone, fight me….”


Thud, thud.


Weak legs fell onto the mattress.


They say it’s better to get negative comments than none. That’s how I felt.


At that moment.


Knock, knock.


The familiar knock.


I wasn’t in the mood to face the maids who always looked displeased.


“Aisha is sleeping. Come back tomorrow.”


I faked a snore and closed my eyes.


“Where is the child who eats strawberry cake before bed?”




A different deep voice.


Turning my head slowly, I saw the Duke standing at the door, smiling lazily.


Wearing glasses, he looked even more intellectual than usual, as if he had come from his study.


“You used to run around all day before the adoption. Now you’re lazy?”


“It’s not that—”


I tried to protest, but he pinched my cheek.


Then, tilting his head curiously, he spoke.


“Your face doesn’t look good.”


It’s because you’re pulling my cheek.


“What’s wrong?”




“…Too sad to talk?”


It’s because you’re pulling my cheek!



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