I Accidentally Seduced the Male Lead's Younger Brother

IASMLYB Chapter 108

Chapter 108




The first time Lexion had asked her to marry him, Elena hadn’t seriously considered it. At that time, marriage wasn’t something she had planned for herself. But as she spent more time with Lexion and grew to understand his heart, her perspective began to change.


‘With Lexion…’


Maybe, just maybe, it wouldn’t be so bad.




The three days flew by. During that time, Elena assisted Lexion, helping him smoothly complete his work. Fortunately, there wasn’t too much to do, so they didn’t have to pull any all-nighters. However, the fatigue from the past few days made them both decide to take a day to rest.


The next day, they stood excitedly in front of the mansion. Every evening after work, before going to bed, Elena and Lexion had talked at length about what they would do during their month-long vacation. After much deliberation, they had finally decided on their plan:


‘A trip, just the two of us.’


Elena’s lips curved into a graceful smile. This would be their first official trip together, and they had decided to go alone without any staff. The butler had tried to dissuade them, but Elena and Lexion were determined. They wanted to spend time alone.


‘Besides, even if there are no servants, there will be no inconvenience.’


If any difficulties arose, they could always rely on magic. Her only concern was leaving the Halos estate for an entire month.


‘But Kerr and the butler will manage just fine.’


They were trustworthy servants who had always been by Lexion’s side.


Furthermore, since all the urgent matters had been taken care of, there wouldn’t be any issues during their absence.


“Elena, the carriage is ready.”


Lexion’s voice interrupted her thoughts. She quickly turned her attention to him.


“Ah, yes.”


Elena’s gaze shifted to the workers pulling the carriage closer. As it approached, she noticed something familiar about it.




It was a carriage from the Magic Tower, distinguishable from ordinary carriages by the blue crystal stones embedded in it.


“Lexion, why is that here?”


Even though it was a magic carriage, this was the Duke of Halos’ residence. It seemed unusual for a carriage from the magic tower to be present.


“It’s a gift from the Archmage, for you,” Lexion replied.




Elena’s eyes widened in surprise at Lexion’s answer. He took her hand and smiled.


“It arrived yesterday, along with a message from the Archmage. She wanted you to use it during your vacation.”


Elena’s heart swelled with warmth at his words. The Archmage had always looked out for her.


“I see.”


Elena smiled as she looked at the carriage. There was something distinctly different about this enchanted carriage compared to a regular one—it had no coachman.


The carriage used at the Magic Tower operates on magical power, with the wizard serving as the driver. When the wizard on board channels their magical energy while focusing on the destination, a magical horse materializes. This magic horse automatically travels to the destination, and unlike a real horse, it doesn’t require food or rest.


Elena was well-acquainted with this system, having often ridden in a magic carriage. She approached the carriage and, as she touched it, she visualized their destination and infused it with her magical energy. As her red magic flowed into the carriage, a red horse materialized, reflecting the color of her magic.


“Oh my gosh!”


“I was wondering why there was no coachman!”


The servants around them gasped in amazement, their eyes wide with surprise as they looked at Elena. She offered them a shy smile in response.


“I’ve already loaded all the luggage,” Lexion said as he boarded the carriage first, extending his hand to Elena.


“Thank you.”


With the servants seeing them off, the two climbed into the carriage. Their first destination was the sea, to a villa owned by the Duke of Halos near the coast. As they settled into the carriage, the magic horse began its journey eastward across the Empire.


Outside the window, the vibrant spring flowers swayed in the breeze, marking the beginning of a delightful adventure.




In the conference room of the Magic Tower, the Tower Lords and the Chief Researchers from each tower were gathered, except for one—the Chief Researcher of the West Tower. As they awaited the Archmage’s arrival, they speculated among themselves about the reason for this meeting.


Just then, the door to the conference room opened, and Karen entered. Her presence immediately silenced the room. The Archmage walked in and took her place at the center of the table. Without delay, she got straight to the point.


“I’ve gathered you all here today to announce that I have selected my successor.”


The word “successor” sent a ripple of anticipation through the room, and the executives began to piece together what was about to be revealed.


“My successor is Elena Respell, Chief Researcher of the West Tower,” the Archmage declared.


The announcement came as no surprise. The tower’s executives were well aware of Elena’s exceptional abilities. They knew she was a spirit master, a fact solidified by her recent achievements in the Fortnen Kingdom, including her defeat of the Warlock. In the Solace Empire, Elena Respell was celebrated as a hero—a formidable force as both a spirit master and a wizard.


Given her credentials, the executives had little choice but to accept her as the next leader. Jeremy, Jacob, and Karen were among the first to acknowledge her selection without hesitation.


“Then, I see no one has any complaints,” the Archmage concluded.


Her declaration was met with applause from the tower’s executives, while Jeremy, Jacob, and Karen smiled faintly.




Gallop. Gallop.


The rhythmic sound of the horse’s hooves echoed through the magical air. Elena listened to it as she gazed out at the scenery passing by the window. The carriage carrying her and Lexion had already entered the forest. Unlike ordinary carriages, this magical one moved swiftly and smoothly, providing a comfortable ride that spared Elena from motion sickness and ensured a quick journey to their destination.


‘We’ll probably arrive in a few hours,’ Elena thought with a pleasant smile.


Lexion, who had been sitting across from her, got up and moved to her side, gently taking her hand. Elena naturally leaned her head on his shoulder. The two remained silent, yet there was no awkwardness between them. Instead, they found contentment in simply being close to each other.


“Oh,” Elena suddenly lifted her head from Lexion’s shoulder after some time had passed.


“What’s wrong?” Lexion asked, his eyes filled with warmth.


Elena reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. “I forgot to write a letter to Jane,” she explained. After returning from the Black Continent, she had intended to contact her friend, but the unexpected busyness had made her forget.


Apologizing briefly to Lexion, she quickly began writing the letter.


To my always dear friend, Jane,


The message was simple. She mentioned that she had returned safely from the Black Continent and was now spending a vacation with Lexion. She expressed her desire to meet Jane after the vacation and ended the letter with a wish for Jane’s happiness.


After carefully folding the letter, Elena infused it with magical power, and the letter flew out of the window, on its way to Jane.




A few hours later, the carriage began to slow down, signaling that they had finally reached their destination. Elena glanced out the window and smiled at the sight of the road ahead. The sky was a deep blue, and evening had settled in. They had arrived at the Duke of Halos’ villa.


As soon as the carriage came to a complete stop, Lexion was the first to stand and open the door. He reached out to Elena, guiding her out of the carriage. The moment she stepped down, the fresh scent of the sea filled her senses.


‘This feels wonderful,’ Elena thought, taking a deep breath. The long-missed sea breeze instantly refreshed her. Her gaze then shifted to the villa before them. Though not as extravagant as the Halos mansion, it was a charming, elegant retreat. The well-kept garden and the vast beach extending beyond it added to the villa’s beauty.


‘It’s wonderful,’ she mused, momentarily lost in the scenery.


“Duke, you have arrived?”


“Welcome, Duke.”


A group of workers tending to the villa approached them.


“Welcome, my lady,” they greeted Elena warmly. “It’s an honor to meet the hero of the Empire.”


Some of the servants were particularly eager to greet Elena, even asking to shake her hand.


“Thank you for your warm welcome,” Elena responded with a light laugh.


The servants then assisted the couple by unloading their luggage from the carriage and bringing it inside the villa. Afterward, they quickly took their leave.


“Thank you for the vacation, Duke.”


“Please enjoy your time together,” the servants said as they bid farewell.


This was something Lexion had arranged beforehand—a vacation just for the two of them. With the servants gone, Lexion turned to Elena and extended his hand.


“Come on, we should go inside,” he said.


Elena smiled, taking his hand as they walked into the villa together.


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