I Accidentally Seduced the Male Lead's Younger Brother

IASMLYB Chapter 103

Chapter 103




Elena called out to her spirit, surprised.


Gor appeared more solemn than his usual self as he addressed her.


[Master, by combining our powers, we could potentially cleanse a significant quantity of dark magic.]


“But won’t the spirits be affected by the dark magic?”


[You need not concern yourself with that aspect. Simply steer clear of direct contact. Nevertheless, it will deplete a considerable portion of your energy. If you’re agreeable to that, I’m willing to assist.]


Elena pondered this proposition for a brief period.


Utilizing her abilities wouldn’t pose any threat to the spirits nor would it affect her life.


The decision came swiftly. Elena looked straight at Jeremy.


“Teacher, I’ll do it.”


“…Thank you,” Jeremy responded with a hint of bitterness.


Without delay, Elena spun around, only to find an empty space before her.


Luckily, the servants, including maids and soldiers, along with the members of the royal family, were all present within the confines of the building.


While a few wizards were stationed to guard the palace, their numbers were limited.


Therefore, Elena settled into a secluded spot at the rear of the royal palace, where nobody else was present.


First, she enveloped herself in a protective barrier.


‘I’m uncertain of the extent of power I’ll need…’


She resolved to attempt it once. Elena promptly summoned her beloved spirits.




[I’m here to help.]




[Trust us.]


Having already been briefed by Gor, the spirits unanimously agreed to lend Elena their strength.


“Everyone, please,” Elena addressed the spirits before closing her eyes. Subsequently, energy started to flow from each of the spirits.


Imbued with the essence of nature, Elena experienced clarity and invigorating energy coursing through her body.


As she received the combined power of all the spirits for the first time, it felt weighty, though thankfully manageable.




Elena extended her hands towards the sky, sensing the power bestowed upon her by the spirits.


Subsequently, the power of nature surged forth from within her, manifesting as a brilliant streak of pure white light surging into the sky.




A rift tore through the blackened sky amid the deluge of dark rain.


Emerging from this void, the radiant white light gradually razed the surrounding darkness.


‘Could it be…?!’


Hope flickered in Elena’s eyes.


As she had hoped, the once ominous sky began to brighten, albeit faintly at first.


However, in an instant, the sky above the royal palace was illuminated, and with each passing moment, the power of nature expanded more swiftly throughout the realm.


In just a matter of minutes, the blanket of darkness shrouding the entire kingdom dissipated entirely.


‘…We did it.’


With the vanishing of the darkness and the end of the black rain, Elena found herself sinking into a seated position, unaware of her own actions.


She attempted to muster a smile, yet found herself lacking the strength to do so.


‘I must’ve expended too much energy…’ she mused inwardly.


The effort of sitting upright proved too taxing, prompting her to recline instead.


Though she wished to express gratitude to the spirits, fatigue overwhelmed her.


With heavy eyelids, she succumbed to the urge to rest, if only for a brief respite.




The downpour of black rain came to a halt. Karen removed the barrier and stared straight ahead, towards the boundary separating the white continent from the black continent.


There stood a figure clad in a black robe, soaring through the air much like Karen herself.


Despite the distance, Karen discerned his identity solely from the aura surrounding him.


“… Perosha.”


Karen’s eyes gleamed with vitality as Perosha, the warlock, lowered his hood, revealing his face with a smirk.


His complexion bore the marks of prolonged exposure to black magic.


‘Dark blue.’


As Karen assessed Perosha’s condition, her expression darkened further.


Upon confirming the extent of his darkened complexion, she could discern the depths of his corruption and cowardice.


Specifically, when individuals’ lives were influenced by black magic, their skin tone darkened, while their physical appearance remained largely unchanged from before.


They would retain a meek demeanor and a physique akin to that of a young boy.


‘From the instant you delved into black magic, the natural flow of life ceased,’ Karen observed, noting the contrast to herself, who halted aging due to her immense magical abilities.


The warlock’s power stemmed from the very essence of the soul.


Hence, the life within the living body would halt, and with the departure of life, unlike others, the soul of a warlock would face utter annihilation, devoid of any chance of reincarnation.


They lived only a single life, one steeped entirely in darkness.


“Did the prey tread upon my territory?” Perosha’s tongue swept across his lips, a soft smile playing on his lips.


He appeared genuinely pleased as if this moment had been long anticipated.


However, Karen remained stoic.


“You dared to defile the sanctity of the tower with your tainted hands,” she finally spoke, her voice strained with restrained fury.


Not only had he laid hands upon the tower itself, but also upon the wizards, Karen herself as the Archmage and even Henus.


Her anger surged within her; a stark contrast to Perosha’s unyielding pride.


He casually shrugged and remarked, “I’m merely reclaiming what’s rightfully mine.”


Simultaneously, a dense aura of black magical energy emanated from Perosha, prompting Karen to immediately respond in kind, unleashing her own magical energy.




As the Archmage and the Warlock clashed, their ongoing confrontation stretched out over a considerable period.


Eventually, victory fell into Karen’s hands, though she wasn’t engaging Perosha on equal footing from the beginning.


Her strategy primarily revolved around neutralizing Perosha’s assaults, aiming to deplete his power entirely and ultimately vanquish him with a decisive blow.


As Perosha’s countenance hardened, Karen discerned a noticeable decline in his magical prowess compared to earlier in the confrontation.


She curled her lips in determination and unleashed her magic.


Her strategy involved conjuring an illusion of herself while her true form blended into the surroundings, poised to ambush Perosha.


As anticipated, Perosha succumbed to the illusion, allowing Karen the opportunity to make a direct assault on his heart.


However, just as she was about to strike, Perosha’s actions halted her.


With a gesture, he summoned something into his hand.


“Karen. You recognize this, don’t you?” he questioned, his gaze fixed intently on Karen, who had seamlessly melded into her surroundings.


As their eyes locked, the truth was revealed—or rather, it had to be revealed.


In Perosha’s grasp rested a transparent sphere containing Henus’ soul, the same soul that Elena and Karen had grappled with.


Perosha had been repeatedly resurrecting Henus by infusing the spirit trapped within the sphere with black magic.


Essentially, stealing that soul gem would mean freeing Henus.


This realization left Karen unable to act hastily.


Perosha’s following words pierced Karen’s heart like a dagger. “You wouldn’t want your beloved’s soul to wander endlessly, never finding peace, would you?”


Karen couldn’t say anything.


Confronting Henus’ form hadn’t been easy, but she couldn’t abandon his soul.


The desire to safeguard his soul burned within her.


“What do you want me to do?” Karen inquired, her voice tinged with resolve as she bit down on her lip.


At that moment, a satisfied smile hung on Perosha’s lips.


Then he said,




Karen’s lips trembled.


‘…For you, Henus.’


Willingly setting aside her pride, she allowed her knees to give way beneath her.


“Hahaha! The master of the tower, the esteemed Archmage, kneeling before me!” Perosha exclaimed, his smile widening.


Approaching Karen, he continued, “Now, surrender your power to me.”


With a soft laugh, Perosha extended his hand.


Resigned to her fate, Karen closed her eyes.


‘…Forgive me, Henus.’






Elena perceived a distant call, though she was deep in slumber.


However, the exhaustion weighed heavily on her, prompting her to disregard the voice.


Yet, it persisted.


[Spirit Master.]


A strange man’s voice reached her ears.


Elena reluctantly opened her eyes.


Although unfamiliar, the voice carried a familiar aura akin to the spirits and the energy enveloping her own being.


‘The former Spirit Master…?!’


With a jolt, Elena swiftly rose from her seat.


Glancing around, Elena found herself alone.


‘That’s… Are you really Mr. Henus?’ she questioned with a hint of skepticism.


Even if it were true, she wondered why she could hear his voice.


Or, was it only because she was too exhausted?


Then, the voice continued again.


[Please help Archmage Karen.]


It pleaded, tinged with a sorrowful tone.


‘The Archmage?’


[Karen is in danger because of me.]


With those words, she shut her eyes tightly, honing her senses.


Almost immediately, she detected the unmistakable energy signature of the Archmage.


A potent force emanated from the continent’s border—one she recognized as the familiar power of the Archmage, accompanied by an opposing force of formidable darkness.


Faintly intertwined with these energies was the presence of Henus.


[The Warlock is using my soul as leverage.]


That’s why the Archmage was in danger.


[My voice can only reach you, a spirit master like me. So please, help me.]


Elena got up to her feet.


Even after a short break, she still felt exhausted and found herself in less than optimal condition.


‘…I wish to aid you as well. However, I cannot assure you that I’ll prevail against the Warlock on my own,’ Elena admitted with a hint of bitterness.


The desire to assist the Archmage and the Former Spirit Master weighed heavily on her mind.


Recalling Karen’s account of the situation deeply saddened Elena.


However, Elena lacked confidence in her abilities.


[Don’t be afraid. I will help you.]


Henus reassured her. Encouraged by his words, Elena nodded vigorously.


Normally, she would have taken more time to consider her decision, but the urgency of the situation compelled her to act swiftly.


With the fate of the Archmage hanging in the balance, Elena wasted no time and ascended swiftly into the sky.


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