Human Rights for Female-oriented Game Villains

HRFOGV | Episode 87

Episode 87. What’s wrong with you, are you on drugs?(4)

Daniel’s question was one that filled Beth with a deep sense of happiness, but she knew she couldn’t simply nod her head in agreement. She was already aware that Percy possessed a strange, almost inhuman power. Not only was she convinced that Daniel wouldn’t be able to win against him, but she also couldn’t guarantee that Daniel would come back to life as she had.

‘If Daniel dies, that’s an immediate bad ending.’

There was no way she could ask him to fight for her. Beth shook her head firmly.

“No, no. A duel? Don’t even say such a thing. Daniel, I could never bear to see you get hurt because of me.”

“I’m strong. Of course, Duke Stewart is strong too, but…”


Even so, she was deeply moved by his willingness to stand up for her. Beth kissed Daniel’s face and then gently ran her hand through his hair as she asked, “Was there anything unusual at the council meeting today? I heard it’s His Majesty’s birthday in two weeks, but they’re planning to just let it pass without any event?”

“That was actually discussed. They decided to hold a banquet.”


Beth’s eyes sparkled with excitement.


The last episode of the game. The banquet.

In that scene, Daniel asks Beth to be his escort, and in a fit of rage over losing his fiancée, he torments Beth at the banquet. This leads to his downfall, witnessed by everyone.

‘As soon as the banquet happens, everything will fall into place just as I want.’

Just like before. Once the situation mirrors the original, the events will follow the script.

“The banquet is sure to be grand and spectacular, right?”

Beth’s eyes twinkled as she envisioned the lavish graphics from the game. However, Daniel’s face grew solemn, and with an awkward smile, he dampened her excitement.

“But we probably won’t be able to attend.”


The banquet was the main event, so why couldn’t they go?

Beth’s tone was sharp with frustration as she demanded an explanation. Daniel, flustered, blinked in confusion and then gently stroked her shoulder as he replied.

“Princess Sienna decided to invite only those she wanted at the banquet. And it seems unlikely that the Bohan family will be invited.”

“That’s absurd!”

This was completely unexpected. Beth bit down on her lip in frustration.

‘That wretched woman must have planned this! She’s trying to ruin the final event on purpose.’

Since canceling the banquet wasn’t an option, Sienna had made sure they couldn’t attend.

With trembling eyes, Beth glanced at her quest window.

※ [Victorian Love] You’ve entered the world. Now create the happy ending you’ve been dreaming of.

The potential outcomes of the quest flashed before Beth’s eyes:

Success would bring a [Happy Ending], but failure promised [Death]. Until now, she had never seriously considered the possibility of failure, dismissing it as something that could never happen. But with the current turn of events, she could no longer ignore the grim possibility.

‘Death? But I didn’t die even when that man tried to kill me multiple times…’

Her gaze drifted naturally to the date displayed above the quest. She had wondered why a date was there, and now it hit her…

‘Could it be that starting from that date, I could actually die? That the protagonist’s immunity would disappear?’

A chill ran down her spine. Beth, who had started nervously biting her nails out of habit, suddenly grabbed Daniel’s face with both hands, speaking with urgency.

“I’ve figured out what I want! Ask Duke Stewart to give up his invitation to the banquet for us. Tell him we’ll accept that as an apology.”

“An invitation? Beth, do you really want to attend the banquet?”

Daniel was taken aback by her request. He squinted at her, puzzled, and asked again. Beth lowered her eyes demurely and replied softly.

“I just want you to have a change of scenery, Daniel. Wouldn’t attending the banquet with me lift your spirits?”

“I’m not sure…”

Daniel hesitated. He felt uneasy around Princess Sienna, though he couldn’t quite articulate why.

‘Being near her makes me feel dizzy, like something’s wrong.’

It was a feeling completely opposite to the comfort he felt when he was with Beth. But he couldn’t deny Beth anything. If this was what she wanted, who was he to refuse? Daniel nodded in agreement.

“All right.”

With the prospect of attending the banquet, a bright smile spread across Beth’s face.

* * *

And so, after finishing all the tasks that had piled up for the day, I returned to the Crown Prince’s palace. Although I hadn’t been staying there for long, perhaps due to Julius constantly harassing me, I now found a strange sense of comfort whenever I was within these walls.

I threw myself onto my bed, collapsing into the soft cushions, and hugged a fluffy pillow.

“Ah, what a tiring day it’s been,” I muttered.

The maid who had followed me into the room responded in a strict tone.

“The day isn’t over yet.”

“…Just tell me it’s over.”

“You still need to choose the jewelry and accessories for the banquet.”

“Anyone could do that.”

Even if the day wasn’t over, I wasn’t planning on doing anything more. I was utterly exhausted.

The maid, seemingly flustered by my refusal to indulge in the usual vain activities of selecting dresses and jewelry like a typical villainess, hesitated. I waved her off dismissively.

“I want to rest. The council meeting today was exhausting.”

“Then please rest,” she replied, finally realizing that pushing me further would be futile. She left the room quietly, and I rubbed my cheek against the pillow, yawning. But sleep didn’t come.

“What is Julius thinking?” I grumbled into the pillow. The more I thought about it, the less I understood Julius. I sat up abruptly, furrowing my brow.

“Could it be that he’s developing some weird obsession with me? Like the previous emperor?”

The thought sent a shiver down my spine. But the more I considered it, the more suspicious it seemed. He refuses to marry and keeps assigning me duties that would typically fall to an empress.

‘Ugh, this can’t continue. Should I draw a clear line with him?’

But what if I was wrong? I’d only end up embarrassing myself.

As I was lost in these troubling thoughts, a soft sound came from the window.

— Knock, knock.

My eyes widened. I could only see the silhouette at the window, but somehow, I instantly knew who it was.


I hurried over and opened the window. Percy stood on the terrace, and when our eyes met, he smiled, his eyes narrowing in that familiar way.


“What are you doing here? Wait, did you know I was staying here?”

I asked, half-complaining, while my hand instinctively reached out to touch his face. His skin was a bit pale, probably from waiting outside for too long.

‘Oh no, how long has he been waiting here?’

Had he been here since the council meeting ended? I should have ignored Julius and come back to my room earlier, no matter what he said.

Percy flinched slightly at my touch, as if it tickled, and then he grasped my wrist, looking at me intently.

“Let’s leave together,” he said.

It was a suggestion I hadn’t expected at all. Tilting my head in confusion, I asked, “Leave? Where to?”

I thought he might be asking me to leave the palace and stay with him, but he was talking about something more drastic.

“If we hide away in the Stewart estate, no one will be able to find us.”

“So suddenly?”

“I’m afraid that if I don’t take you away now, I might not get another chance to see you.”

His words were unsettling but not without merit. I’d been feeling anxious about the upcoming banquet too.

If I escaped with Percy, I wouldn’t have to attend the banquet. And I’d naturally avoid any potential danger.

“Percy, I…”

But before I could even finish my sentence, I was cut off.

▶ Absolutely not.

A choice appeared before me, but there was only one option.

No matter how long I waited, hoping for a different choice, the same option remained.

▶ Absolutely not.

‘An unavoidable event.’

What a cruel game this was. If I had to play the role of a villainess, they could at least give me more freedom.

‘If I wait too long, Percy might get a response he doesn’t want to hear.’

If he didn’t get a reply soon, he might get angry or even be accused of trespassing. I sighed deeply and slowly opened my mouth to speak.


But before I could get the words out, Percy interrupted me again.

“Then I’ll just have to kidnap you.”


Before I knew it, strong arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me up. Surprised, I squinted my eyes. This wasn’t like the Percy I knew. He wasn’t the type to talk about kidnapping, even as a joke.

“Do you know something I don’t?” I asked, trying to read his expression.

“Who knows,” he replied, his tone mischievous and unlike him.

I tapped his shoulder, urging him to answer. “Come on, tell me. What do you know that’s making you act like this?”

“What does my expression look like?” he asked, evading my question.

“Like you’re going off to war or something.”

“Is that so?”


His smiling face made it clear he wasn’t going to answer. I pouted and, feeling a bit defeated, wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder.

‘I just wish the D-Day would come and go already.’

I wanted to get through the dead end safely, gain my freedom, and finally tell Percy everything.

As I sighed into Percy’s neck, his body tensed slightly. Then he asked me in a serious tone, “May I come inside?”


I blinked, then smiled and kissed his cheek. “Since when have you listened to me so well?”

“Is that a no?”

For some reason, Percy seemed like a child today. I couldn’t help but chuckle as I whispered, “Come in.”

Since he was holding me, he was the one who ended up stepping inside the room. He carried me over to the bed and gently set me down. I mumbled, a bit embarrassed, “Ah, I should lock the door.”

— Click.

As soon as I said it, the door locked with a soft click.



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not work with dark mode