Human Rights for Female-oriented Game Villains

HRFOGV | Episode 84

Episode 84. What’s wrong with you, are you on drugs?(1)

While Julius and I were engaged in our usual back-and-forth banter, a soft chuckle caught our attention. We turned to see one of the emperor’s aides clearing his throat awkwardly.

“I didn’t realize the princess had such a light-hearted side.”

He said, clearly trying to stifle his amusement but failing. I scratched my cheek, feeling a bit embarrassed.

‘Well, at least my efforts to survive here are seen as amusing.’

I thought. Though, on second thought, maybe Julius keeps me around because I entertain him so much. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

“But why are you so keen on teaching me about politics? You really don’t have to, you know. My dream is just to get married and live quietly.”

Please, let me go. Tell me to leave the palace and go live my life somewhere else.

‘I swear, lazing around at Duke Stewart’s estate was a much better deal.’

I mused. At least there, all I had to do was enjoy the food and relax, while here, there’s just so much to do.

‘It’s not that the tasks are difficult, but I just don’t see the point of doing them.’

And to top it off, it felt like I was doing Julius’s work for him. This was not something siblings in real life would do—helping each other out with their responsibilities? Preposterous.

Seeing my discontented expression, Julius shook his head and spoke in a stern tone.

“Someone has to help me. I can’t manage all this work on my own.”

The task he had assigned to me involved the palace’s budget. However, because I was surprisingly good at math, the amount of accounting work I had to do seemed to be increasing steadily.

‘But isn’t managing the palace budget the empress’s job?’

It made sense that I would handle it temporarily since there was no empress, but the vacancy in that position was entirely Julius’s fault. I banged my palm on the table.

“So just get married already and stop bothering me.”


That was when Julius looked at me with a strangely intense gaze.

“I want you to do it.”

Wait, what? Why was I suddenly brought into this conversation about marriage? I blinked in confusion, unsettled by the heavy atmosphere that was so unlike Julius. He averted his gaze, seeming to hesitate.

“I want you to…”

He started to say something, but then abruptly turned away and stood up.

“Let’s go.”


Why would you stop mid-sentence like that? Doesn’t he know it drives people crazy when they don’t finish their thoughts?

‘It almost seemed like he was about to make some kind of confession.’

I thought, though I quickly dismissed the idea. Julius confessing to me? That was ridiculous. I looked suspiciously at his back as he walked away, then sighed and stood up as well.

* * *

To my surprise, Julius had actually arranged a seat for me in the council chamber. I couldn’t miss it—it was the only seat with a four-tiered tray overflowing with desserts. To top it off, it was a seat of honor.

‘Is he really expecting me to eat while I watch the meeting?’

As incredulous as I was, the people already seated in the chamber seemed just as bewildered. Their eyes asked me one question: ‘Are you really going to eat?’


‘Well, I suppose eating would be the villainess-like thing to do in this situation,’ I reasoned. Since my reputation was already in tatters, trying to act demure would only seem ridiculous.

‘Alright then. I’ll just act as if nothing is out of the ordinary.’

I plopped down into my seat, which was so plush with cushions that it felt like something out of Arabian Nights. Leaning back into the soft pillows, I casually picked up one of the sandwiches from the bottom tier and started munching.

The combination of sandwiches and tea wasn’t the best, but the sandwiches were salty enough to make me want to keep sipping the tea.

As I was happily nibbling away, Julius glanced at me with a disgusted look and whispered.

“Wow, you’re really eating. You’ve got nerves of steel.”


If he didn’t want me to eat, then why did he set it up like this in the first place? You’re my brother, but all you do is find ways to make me uncomfortable.

‘Just wait, I’ll get you back for this later.’

I made a cutting motion across my neck with my finger as I glared at Julius, who shivered slightly and then chuckled as he settled into the emperor’s seat. It seemed that our familiarity surprised the other attendees.

Among the many people present, my eyes naturally sought out Percy.

‘There he is!’

Percy was there, watching me. Though he didn’t make any overt signs or gestures, just seeing him was enough to make me feel warm inside. I clenched my fist to stop my palms from itching with the urge to reach out to him.

And, of course, thinking of Percy made me think of someone else.

‘Is Daniel Bohan here too?’

Since his father, the previous count, had passed away, Daniel was now the Count and should be present at the council meeting. I discreetly scanned the room and quickly found him.

‘There he is.’

But why does he look so haggard?

His face was gaunt, his features sharp, and his eyes looked hollow. I pursed my lips slightly.

‘Weren’t you supposed to be happily in love with Beth? If that’s the case, why do you look like a worn-out drug addict?’

I quickly turned my gaze away.

‘Better not make eye contact. That’ll only lead to trouble. Hopefully, Beth didn’t come to the meeting too.’

There was no good to be had from getting tangled up with Daniel. I busied myself with picking at a piece of cake. Meanwhile, the council meeting began. As expected, it was even more boring than I had anticipated.

‘This is so dull. If I didn’t have the cake, I’d probably be dozing off.’

The discussions were predictably tedious, revolving around issues like droughts in one area, bountiful harvests in another, and how much to pay for crops.

“Your Majesty.”

Something caught my attention near the end of the meeting, just as I was finishing my snacks and sipping tea. One of the dukes sitting next to Percy spoke up.

“Your Majesty’s birthday is approaching, and since it will be your first since ascending to the throne, shouldn’t we host a grand celebration?”

“But it hasn’t been long since my father passed away. We don’t have the time or resources to prepare for such a large event.”

“Even so…”

Julius and the duke continued their discussion, their conversation filled with the kind of weighty rhetoric you’d expect from high-stakes politics. I sat up straight, tilting my head in confusion.

‘Wait a minute, a banquet? Why push for a banquet at this point? This timing is so unnatural.’

I thought. Even though it was the new emperor’s first birthday since his ascension, the date was uncomfortably close to the coronation.

Even Julius himself didn’t seem too keen on the idea of a grand celebration, yet his ministers were pushing it with an unusual fervor.

“This is precisely the time to display your majesty’s authority.”

“Yes, Your Majesty, it’s essential!”

It was as if there was some hidden agenda behind their insistence. As I furrowed my brow in suspicion, a system notification suddenly appeared in front of me for the first time in a while.

※ The final episode is beginning.
※ [Julius’s Birthday Banquet]


I exclaimed, realizing the gravity of the situation. My sudden outburst drew the attention of everyone in the room.

“What is it, Your Highness?”

One of the nobles asked.

“Uh, well…”

I stammered, clenching my fists as the realization hit me.

‘This is the highlight of the villainess’s downfall!’

I thought bitterly. Just like many villainesses before her, Sienna Liata was destined to meet a disgraceful end in front of all the gathered nobility.

‘Damn it, they’re planning to humiliate me in front of everyone!’

I recalled the main quest that had been assigned to me:

※ In 100 days, the villainess Sienna Liata is destined to be killed by Daniel Bohan’s sword. Change her fate.
Success reward: [Happy Ending] / Failure penalty: [Death]

‘So, they’re planning to kill me at this banquet!!’

I had assumed my death would come as a result of some jealous rage spiraling out of control, but it was now clear that my demise was meant to be a public spectacle, with me meeting my end in front of all the nobility. My gaze involuntarily shifted to Daniel. Now that I knew what awaited me, his gaunt and haunted face took on a sinister edge.

‘Ugh, now that I know, it’s even creepier. Is he planning to stab me while looking like that?’

Of course, he looks exhausted—planning a murder must take a toll on you! I quickly turned away before our eyes could meet. The duke, noticing my distraction, frowned and pressed me for an explanation.

“Your Highness? May we know the reason for this interruption?”

“I think it’s a good idea to hold the banquet as the ministers have suggested,” I began. It was the opening line I needed, but my mind was racing to find a way out of this predicament.

‘Come on, think! How do I survive this disaster?’

The fact that the episode was centered around the banquet meant there was no stopping it from happening. If I couldn’t prevent the event, I had to find another way to change my fate.

“But if His Majesty makes himself too accessible, won’t people start to take him lightly?” I suggested, an idea beginning to form.

“What do you mean by that?” someone asked, puzzled.

I offered them a haughty smile, lifting my chin as I gazed down at them with all the arrogance a villainess should have.

“I propose we carefully select which nobles get to attend the banquet,” I declared.

I’ll handpick the guests, only inviting those who wouldn’t dare cross me. This way, I might just be able to survive the night.


🌸 Hello, lovely! Let’s enjoy this magical journey together~ 💖 If you’d like to support me, feel free to check out my Ko-fi! 🌷💕


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not work with dark mode