Human Rights for Female-oriented Game Villains

HRFOGV | Episode 83

Episode 83. What is Fate? (6)

‘What is this?’

Daniel briefly questioned his condition, feeling a strange sense of unease, but he shook his head and continued speaking in a calm voice.

“Has Princess Sienna’s marriage to the Duke of Stewart been decided?”

The butler, unable to imagine that Daniel might still harbor feelings for Sienna, answered matter-of-factly.

“There has been no official word yet. Considering that it hasn’t been long since the late Emperor’s passing, it may take a few more months before the marriage can take place.”

“Ah, of course. Yes, I suppose that’s why I didn’t remember it clearly.”

Daniel recalled the events leading up to his seclusion: he had attended the coronation, and there had been some commotion when Beth and Sienna had tangled briefly. He had rushed forward to stop Beth.

As he thought about that moment, Daniel murmured quietly, “She was so beautiful at the coronation.”

He thought of Sienna. Despite his blurred memories, her face remained remarkably vivid in his mind—her regal posture, the way she held her head high, her expression both haughty and graceful.

The butler, watching Daniel with a puzzled expression, spoke cautiously.

“If you have any lingering regrets about the broken engagement, why not visit the princess and speak with her again?”


Daniel looked up in surprise. The butler’s wrinkled eyes narrowed.

“It seems to me, sir, that you do have some regrets.”

As he reflected, the butler realized that Daniel had started to change after the broken engagement with Princess Sienna. Before that, he had kept Beth at a distance, but after the engagement was called off, he had acted as though he were Beth’s devoted servant.

– Beth will make me happy.

Even now, it sounded like something a person under a spell would say.

‘If it was heartbreak…’

The butler knew Daniel to be a man of high pride and noble character. Acknowledging his feelings for Sienna, especially given her reputation as a villainess, would have been difficult for him. It wasn’t uncommon for people to realize the value of what they had only after losing it, but the butler hoped his master wouldn’t walk such a foolish path.

“Even if you think it’s too late…,” the butler continued, “there’s still a chance. Haven’t you already taken the first step by coming out of your room?”

The butler gently urged Daniel forward.

“I’ve heard that the princess has returned to the palace. Wouldn’t now be the perfect time to have an honest conversation with her?”


Encouraged by the butler’s sincere advice, a renewed determination sparked in Daniel’s eyes. He nodded firmly.

“I’ll go to the palace today.”

Once he made up his mind, the preparations were swift. As he slipped his arms into his shirt sleeves, he noticed that he had lost weight—his sleeves hung loose around his arms and ribs.

‘Have I really worn myself out this much?’

It was disconcerting to see how gaunt he looked. Feeling a bit self-conscious, Daniel adjusted his cravat, donned his waistcoat and jacket, and tidied his hair and beard. The reflection in the mirror showed a well-groomed man, despite the weight loss.

‘Should I bring flowers?’

After a brief moment of indecision, Daniel asked the gardener to prepare a bouquet from the garden. He anxiously awaited the bouquet, and just as he was about to leave the estate with it in hand, something caused the carriage to stop at the front gate. He assumed the delay was due to the gate taking time to open, but then he heard a delicate voice call his name.


Daniel looked up. The carriage door opened, and standing outside was a beautiful woman with shining golden hair and clear blue eyes.

Her eyes, like a lake, were brimming with tears. In a daze, Daniel murmured her name.


In that instant, a sharp pain shot through his forehead. It was a different kind of pain from when he had thought of Sienna earlier.


There it was again—a sensation like someone was driving a needle into his skull and stirring his brain. Daniel doubled over in pain, and Beth climbed into the carriage to sit beside him.

“Daniel, you still seem to be in a lot of pain. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine… ugh.”

Her touch made his discomfort worse, like a sedative slowly spreading through his blood, robbing him of control over his body. Daniel, dazed, looked up at Beth. She didn’t look much better—her dress was dirty, her nails were torn and bloody, and her face was mottled with bruises.

“Do you know what happened to me? I went through something truly horrific, and all I could think was how relieved I was that you weren’t suffering as I was.”

“Don’t cry, beautiful Beth.”

Without thinking, he reached out to wipe her tears away with his large hand.

‘But I was just thinking someone else was beautiful…’

That fleeting sense of wrongness was quickly pushed to the back of his mind as Beth began to weep even more bitterly.

“Daniel,” she sobbed.

“What is it?”

“The Duke of Stewart and Princess Sienna locked me away in a remote place.”

“Why would the duke do such a thing…?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because they hate me, or maybe they hate you.”

Daniel tilted his head, confused. Neither Percy nor Sienna seemed like the type to imprison someone, especially Beth. Sure, there had been some tension between Beth and Sienna at the coronation, but Percy Stewart? He was Daniel’s superior, and they knew each other well enough that Daniel found it hard to believe Percy would act without reason. Daniel shook his head.

“The Duke of Stewart isn’t someone who would threaten anyone without a cause.”

“Then what have I done wrong?”

There was a slight sharpness in Beth’s tone, or was he imagining it? Daniel hesitated, a bit taken aback, but before he could dwell on it, Beth started crying again, emphasizing her vulnerability.

“You’re right, Daniel. If you say so, it must be true. I suppose I’m just not good enough for you. Loving you was my own selfish desire.”

The words were straight out of Daniel’s route in the game, and his eyes glazed over momentarily. Almost mechanically, he wrapped his arm around Beth’s shoulders and responded.

“Don’t say that, Beth. You’re more than I deserve.”

As Beth nestled into his embrace, she smirked.

‘It’s just like the game.’

Despite the earlier disruptions caused by Sienna and that strange man, the story was now back on track. Beth confidently took Daniel’s arm, and they returned to the Bohan estate. The butler widened his eyes in surprise when he saw them.

“Master, what happened to your visit to the palace…? And Miss Beth?”

The butler was not pleased to see the woman he disapproved of clinging to his master’s arm. Daniel, seemingly having forgotten his plan to visit Sienna, spoke as if it had never crossed his mind.

“Show Beth to her room. She’s been through a lot. Call for a physician.”

The butler stood there, momentarily at a loss for words, before bowing his head.

“…Yes, sir.”

* * *

Back at the palace, I was swamped with work. Between my studies and assisting Julius in his office, I was as busy as a student cramming for exams.

‘This feels just like being a student again…’

I thought as I trudged into the office, only to be met with an unusually cheerful Julius.

“There’s no work to do today.”


What a pleasant surprise. The desk was indeed clear of any paperwork. I quickly made my way to the sofa in the center of the office and beckoned to a servant with a flick of my fingers.

“Bring me a four-tier tray filled to the brim with cakes and pastries…”

“Instead, you’ll attend the council meeting.”


Of course. I should have known better than to expect Julius to suddenly care about my well-being.

‘I momentarily forgot that I’m in a merciless otome game where the villainess’s rights aren’t even a consideration.’

I made an exaggerated show of wiping away imaginary tears, but Julius seemed to take pity on me, or so he pretended.

“You don’t have to cancel the snacks. You can eat them while watching the meeting.”

He probably thought I was upset about missing out on the food. Annoyed, I clenched my fist and glared at him.

“Are you kidding? Even I know that no matter how much of a troublemaker I am, it’s inappropriate to eat pastries and cakes during a council meeting.”

The meeting where all the nobles of the realm discuss national affairs—it would be absurd to munch on sweets in such a setting.

Julius twirled a strand of his hair around his finger and replied nonchalantly.

“Your reputation’s already in ruins, so what’s the harm in eating a little during the meeting?”

“Ru-ruins? No, it’s not! It’s not ruined!”

Who does he think he’s talking to? People aren’t supposed to use derogatory language like that! I snapped back, seething with indignation.

Julius crossed his arms and squinted at me.

“I’m surprised you even care about your image. With all the times you’ve called me stupid or idiot, I figured you didn’t give it a second thought.”

“I’m just amazed that your pettiness has lasted this long after becoming emperor.”

How many times did I call him stupid for him to hold onto that grudge even after ascending the throne?

I pouted in response, and Julius raised an eyebrow, smirking.

“Who’s being petty?”

It seemed like he was going to keep pushing until I admitted I was wrong. With an exaggerated expression, I sarcastically replied.

“Oh, of course. The one who’s lacking is me. Absolutely.”

There, satisfied?


🌸 Hello, lovely! Let’s enjoy this magical journey together~ 💖 If you’d like to support me, feel free to check out my Ko-fi! 🌷💕


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not work with dark mode