Human Rights for Female-oriented Game Villains

HRFOGV | Episode 58

Episode 58. The Villainess and the Kidnapping Cliché (1)

So, this is a rare wine, especially uncorked for me.
Wouldn’t it be impolite to refuse?

“Just one glass then.”

I extended my hand slowly. As I took the glass, the Marchioness poured the wine for me. The fragrant aroma wafted through the air with a gentle trickle.

‘Wow, the grape scent is really rich. It feels like I’m standing in the middle of a vineyard.’

Smelling the wine made me crave it even more. I glanced at the glass, contemplating.

‘I’ll just take one sip. Then I’ll drink more when Percy comes.’

Just as I was about to bring the glass to my lips, I noticed everyone’s eyes following my movements.

‘These people really…’

They were like hyenas, waiting for me to make a mistake. Not wanting to give them the satisfaction, I turned sharply.

“I need some fresh air.”

I ignored the disappointed murmurs behind me. If I looked back, I’d surely say something I’d regret.

Stepping onto the terrace, the cool breeze brushed my forehead. Leaning against the railing, I took a relaxed sip of the wine.

Being alone on the terrace, I started to speak freely.

“What’s wrong with everyone? They used to curse and avoid me because I’m a villainess. Now they’re all so eager to watch.”

It was unsettling to see others enjoying themselves at my expense. I sighed deeply, then suddenly brightened.

“This wine is really good. I should’ve asked for the whole bottle.”

But going back for it would mean drinking in front of those people. Regretfully, I decided against it. As I stared at the empty glass, a thought crossed my mind.

“Drinking makes me feel so light and happy…”

※ Warning: Due to excessive drinking, the body is now in an uncontrollable state.

I knew I couldn’t handle alcohol well, but I didn’t expect the system to issue a warning so soon. I laughed, feeling giddy.

“Haha! The system’s malfunctioning! Serves it right!”

I brushed my hair back. The system’s warning reminded me of the penalty I had received last time.

“If Sienna really tried to escape because she felt trapped in her life as a villainess…”

Could I escape the same way?

As I pondered this, I sensed a presence behind me. Without any suspicion, I turned around with a wide smile.


But standing behind me was a man I had never seen before.


Before I could scream, I was grabbed.

* * *

Meanwhile, Julius, who should have been at the Verita Marquis’s ball to prevent Sienna’s kidnapping, found himself being dragged somewhere against his will.

Who in the palace would dare to drag the Crown Prince like a sack of potatoes?

Even with his eyes blindfolded, Julius instinctively knew who had seized him.

When he was forced to kneel, his suspicions were confirmed.


“Ugh. F-Father. Why…?”

The person who had dragged him was none other than the Emperor. The news of the Emperor dragging the Crown Prince like a dog must have spread throughout the palace, as Julius could hear the Empress arguing with the attendants outside.

‘No, Mother. Please, don’t.’

Julius clenched his fists, his face pale. He was unbearably terrified.

He feared that the Emperor, who had suddenly snapped, might kill him and the Empress.

Even if they weren’t killed, he feared they would be tortured to the point where death might seem preferable.

As the Emperor looked down at Julius’s trembling face, he smiled with satisfaction. Then, he gritted his teeth and spoke.

“So, you too are after Sienna. Isn’t that right?”

“Th-That couldn’t be true! Sienna is yours, Father.”

Julius prostrated himself, shaking his head. The words he found so repulsive and nauseating flowed smoothly from his lips in the face of a life-threatening situation.

The Emperor looked down at Julius and asked,

“Then why are you attending the ball where Sienna is to be kidnapped?”


So what he had overheard was true. Sienna was to return to the palace, after all.

They intended to kidnap Sienna, avoiding Percy Stewart’s watchful eyes.

“Did you think I would simply hand over what is precious to me?”

“I-I had no such intentions! I just wanted to see Sienna after so long and ask how she’s been! She must be worried about me too, considering how things ended!”

Julius desperately recounted the events of the hunting ground, asserting his innocence. The Emperor’s cold gaze swept over him.

“While I wasn’t looking, you’ve become quite the family, haven’t you? How amusing.”

The Emperor sneered at Julius and continued,

“If you’re that curious, I’ll tell you. The ‘secret’ of this world.”

Julius, trembling, fixed his hollow eyes on the Emperor.

* * *

What a sudden disaster this is.

I was sipping wine on the terrace when my mouth was suddenly covered, and my hands and feet were tightly bound.

There were two men carrying me like a piece of luggage.

‘Who are these people?’

Why are they kidnapping me? I tilted my head, pondering, but couldn’t think of any reason. It made sense that I couldn’t think of anything; I had been lounging around at the Stewart Duchy all this time.

‘Do they have a grudge against Percy, or do they have a grudge against me?’

Either way, it was strange. If they truly had a grudge and were acting on it, they would have killed or attacked me immediately instead of taking me like this.

‘Isn’t there a higher chance that something worse will happen to me if I’m taken like this?’

I needed to pull myself together, but I was getting increasingly drowsy, likely due to the alcohol. One of the men noticed my state and said, “It’s fortunate she’s drunk. This will make things easier.”

Oh no, I shouldn’t be getting caught so easily. Just as I began to struggle, the other man spoke to me in a stern tone, “If you stay still, you won’t get hurt.”

“If she wants to struggle, let her. Our orders don’t require us to bring her back in one piece.”

The other man looked at me with cold, snake-like eyes and said.

“It would be better if we cut her Achilles tendon.”

‘Chills ran down my spine.’

He was serious. I shuddered.

‘Even if it’s a game, pain is real.’

A slap on the face hurt a lot; how much more would it hurt if my Achilles tendon were cut? It seemed the physician could heal it completely, but they wouldn’t show such compassion to a hostage.

While I was lost in thought, the culprits had already reached their destination.

“Is the escape route secured?”

“We just need to shove her into that cart.”

‘It looks like I’m really getting kidnapped!’

The thought of being kidnapped sent chills down my spine. I began to squirm my bound arms and legs.

‘Ugh, I can’t muster any strength.’

My mouth was bound so tightly that even breathing was difficult. Despite this, questions kept swirling in my mind.

Where will they take me if I’m kidnapped? Who on earth is kidnapping me?

Am I going to die?

‘Maybe it’s for the best. I had been contemplating escaping this game through death like Sienna.’

I glanced around cautiously. Just then, my eyes met one of the men staring at me.

“It’s fortunate you’re staying still.”

His grinning face was terrifying. My palms were drenched with sweat from tension.

‘I don’t know how they’ll react if I resist.’

Is it best to stay still and quiet?

While I was pondering, the men tried to push me into the cart.

‘…But if I had stayed quiet, I wouldn’t have survived until now!’

At that moment, I struggled with all my might.

“Mm! Mmm!”

“This woman, suddenly!” One of the men’s faces was hit by my flailing legs, and he fell to the ground. I didn’t hit him intentionally; I was just struggling desperately.

Bound as I was, it was all I could do.

Then, the man who had been hit in the face drew a sharp dagger with a sinister smile.

“You’ve got guts. I’ll show you it’s not just a bluff!”


At that moment.

Even though it happened right in front of my eyes, I couldn’t comprehend what was happening.

The man who was about to swing the dagger collapsed, spurting blood. It was as if a heavy stone had crushed him brutally.


I stared in horror, my face pale. It felt like the intoxication vanished in an instant.


When the other man tried to abandon me and run away,


The chilling voice was surprisingly familiar. A large, gloved hand covered my eyes.

“Who dares to touch her?”


Percy Stewart.

The familiar warmth made me melt again.

“P-Please spare me…… Aaargh!!”

I couldn’t even hear the scream. I just closed my eyes tightly, focusing on the warmth enveloping me.

It felt like I could hear the heartbeat that shouldn’t be audible.



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not work with dark mode