Human Rights for Female-oriented Game Villains

HRFOGV | Episode 54

Episode 54. The Villainess’s Reputation (4)

Percy did not get angry at Sienna. He neither scolded her nor nagged her. To him, Lady Pablo wasn’t an important person anyway.

However, he was puzzled.

‘Why does she keep doing such things?’

It was as if being a villainess was the natural order for her.

‘Her true nature doesn’t seem to align with that of a villainess.’

Even though he hadn’t known her for long, it wasn’t difficult to understand Sienna Liata. The conclusion he reached was clear: she wasn’t the extremely wicked villainess that rumors suggested.

‘Being a villainess seems to be her fate….’

As if her destiny had been predetermined.

Assuming this, many questions could be answered. Her brusque manner of speaking, which didn’t match her true feelings, and her actions that sometimes seemed out of place.

Percy was pondering these thoughts while walking through the corridors of the imperial palace. Just as he passed by, a man suddenly stepped out and bowed to him.

“Nice to meet you, Duke Stewart.”

Percy narrowed his eyes. The middle-aged man with black hair looked familiar, but they had never conversed before.

Percy, unsure, initiated the conversation.

“You are from the Rose Trading Company…”

“That’s correct. I’m Phelps, the owner of the Rose Trading Company.”

Percy’s memory was correct. Phelps seemed a bit surprised that Percy recognized him and smiled widely.

That one-sided enthusiasm made Percy wary. He drew a line with his usual bluntness.

“Why do you want to see me?”

Phelps, with a friendly smile, responded.

“I want to do business with you, Duke.”

“You should have enough funds, and if it’s about permits, I’m part of the Imperial Knights, so I can’t help you with that.”

“Any kind of collaboration would be fine. I just want to work with you.”

“Why? What are you lacking?”

Percy frowned. In his experience, most people who approached first with business proposals were swindlers. However, the Rose Trading Company had solid finances and wasn’t small enough to resort to scams.

Unable to gauge his intentions, Percy remained cautious. The next words from Phelps were unexpected.

“My daughter was saved by your fiancée.”


Sienna had been practically confined to the Stewart estate, so when could she have saved Phelps’ daughter? Percy’s eyes widened. Phelps continued, his face reddening slightly with emotion.

“Recently, at Lady Pablo’s tea party, she stood up for my daughter who was being ostracized.”

“Ah, so that’s why she poured tea and left? There was a reason behind it?”

A story came to Percy’s mind. He murmured in a low voice, and Phelps nodded in agreement.

“My daughter is a late-born child, so we’ve raised her with great care and comfort. But in the social circles, she’s been looked down upon as a nouveau riche, and her so-called friends subtly extort money from her, leaving her emotionally scarred.”

Percy understood now. Sienna’s seemingly reckless action had actually been a form of protection.

The Rose Trading Company had recently secured a baronetcy by donating a substantial sum. Although becoming a noble would typically introduce many regulatory obstacles to business expansion, the decision was clearly made for the sake of Phelps’ daughter.

‘But the social circles would never truly accept a title bought with money.’

Just hearing about it was enough to understand what kind of ostracism she had faced. Phelps smiled brightly as he spoke.

“Princess Sienna supported her, and she was beaming with joy. I can’t express how grateful I am.”

“So, you want to repay that kindness?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

She really isn’t cut out to be a villainess. Percy smirked inwardly. His long fingers stroked his handsome chin.

“But that favor was not owed to me. Why bring such good news to me?”


Percy’s pointed question made Phelps, who had expected a favorable response, falter. Percy continued in a slow tone.

“In that case, I would like to extend a favor to you as well.”


Phelps, already worried because of the water incident with Lady Pablo, was taken aback. Percy pulled a neatly folded piece of paper from his coat.

“This is a promissory note from the Pablo family to me. I’ll transfer it to you.”

“A promissory note!”

Phelps accepted it with trembling hands and his eyes widened at the amount written on it. The sum was substantial enough to sway the Pablo family significantly.

He immediately understood the significance of receiving the note. Transferring the debt meant granting Phelps the right to wield power over the Pablos.

Percy’s red eyes narrowed. His beautiful face, in this moment, looked almost devilish.

“Will that suffice for your investment?”

“It’s more than enough! Thank you! I will never forget this kindness!”

“It’s nothing.”

It really was nothing. Percy had been enjoying observing Sienna lately, and he had grown tired of minor debt collections.

Why not pass on the mundane to someone who found it exciting?

After thus shifting someone’s fate, Percy cheerfully waved a farewell.

“Do visit our home sometime. It seems my wife has taken quite a liking to your daughter.”

With that, Percy turned and walked away, his steps light.

* * *

When I woke up, my room was filled with a mountain of gifts. I blinked and asked.

“What are all these gifts for?”

The maids, busy sorting the items, answered with bright smiles.

“They are from Emma Phelps of the Rose Trading Company.”


I couldn’t immediately recall whose name that was. After frowning and racking my brain for a while, I clapped my hands.

“That girl from before? Why did she send so many gifts?”

“The Rose Trading Company is one of the top businesses in the country. Even so, sending this many gifts is no small feat.”


It was true that I had helped the girl, but it didn’t seem like such a significant favor. I snorted and, uninterested, crawled back under my covers.

“Aren’t you going to open them?”

I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders like a cocoon, replying.

“They’re probably meant for Percy. What good would it do to be on my good side?”

“We thought so too, but…”

You guys are too honest. The maids were starting to feel like my soul sisters. I chuckled like an old lady and closed my eyes under the blanket.

As I didn’t open the gifts, the maids gathered and began guessing what the items might be. Suddenly, they found a card among the presents.

“Ah, it really is for you, Madam! There’s a letter!”

“A letter?”

I lazily sat up and opened the envelope. Inside was a card, clearly written with great effort, each word pressed firmly into the paper.

[Princess Sienna, I’ve become your fan! I truly respect you.]

When I saw the name, the black hair and neat face that didn’t come to mind immediately became clear. I could almost picture her expression and tone as she wrote those words.

I chuckled and said.

“Give me some paper and a pen. I’ll write a reply.”

“You’re going to reply?”

“With such silly words, of course, I need to reply. That way, she won’t write again.”

After responding in a snarky tone, I quickly scribbled on the card the maid had provided.

[What’s with calling yourself a fan? At times like this, you should say we’re friends.]

“Send this.”

When I folded the card and handed it over, the maids, who had been watching what I wrote, all stared at me.

‘What’s wrong with them now?’

Did I write something too mean? I thought I had struck a good balance of being villainous yet not overly harsh.

As I hesitated, the maid at the front spoke up.

“Madam, I’ve felt this for a while, but you’re actually a bit of a ‘tsundere’, aren’t you?”

“A what?”

“Someone who speaks coldly out of embarrassment but is actually warm-hearted.”

What are they saying? I waved my hand dismissively.

“That’s not a compliment. Now go away.”


When the first maid fell silent at my rebuttal, another maid chimed in.

“If I received that card, I’d fall for you instantly, Madam. Saving her and being cool about it, that’s so awesome! This must be what they call ‘girl crush’. But Madam belongs to our master.”

They were rambling, but it sounded like they were praising me. I pouted and replied indifferently.

“Stop talking nonsense. Do you think I’m going to marry a man who hasn’t even confessed his feelings?”

“Master hasn’t confessed to you?”

“Do you think he would say something sweet like that?”

Indeed, Percy had never told me he liked me or loved me. His actions were kind, but still.

The maids blinked at my grumpy reply and then whispered among themselves.

“If it were me, I’d confess instead of kneeling to put on her shoes.”

“Right. Showing love through actions is true love.”

If you have time to chat like this, go and do your work!


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not work with dark mode