Human Rights for Female-oriented Game Villains

HRFOGV | Episode 52

Episode 52. The Villainess’s Reputation (2)

However, despite the maids’ excitement, there was really nothing between Percy and me. More precisely, I remembered nothing.

So, I waved my hand dismissively and replied,

“Don’t make a fuss over nothing.”

Even without your fussing, I’m on the verge of dying from embarrassment right now.

All I wanted was to quietly curl up in my room, but the maid’s enthusiasm meant I couldn’t be alone.

“It’s not nothing! Do you know what people are calling you now, Madam?”

They too were starting to call me “Madam” slyly.

Curious about what they were calling me, I propped my chin and looked at her. The maid, with firm eyes and a resolute voice, said,

“The woman who made Percy Stewart kneel!”


I couldn’t help but pale at those words. That’s completely untrue. Absolutely untrue!

‘Drunkenly refusing to let him put my shoes on isn’t the same as making him kneel!’

If Percy heard this, he would clutch his stomach laughing.

‘There’s no way he hasn’t heard this.’

Yet he said nothing in the dining room. It seems he teased me less than he could have. I sighed deeply.

As I briefly escaped reality, another maid came in with a tray piled high with letters.

“Madam, here are today’s letters!”

“Why are there so many?”

Since staying at the Stewart Ducal house, I had received only a few formal letters, so why were there suddenly so many?

Squinting at the colorful envelopes, the maid grinned broadly and answered for me.

“They’re all invitations!”

“People want to see the woman who made Percy Stewart kneel in person!”

No, that’s not it.

But if I were in their shoes, I’d also be curious about what kind of woman could make Percy bend the knee. Even just seeing his exterior, it’s hard to imagine Percy falling for someone.

‘But that’s not the truth!’

He’s just teasing me because he finds me amusing.

However, it was too early to be flustered. I hadn’t confirmed whether these were real invitations yet.

“Hmm, should I open them? Not that I’m interested.”

Muttering the opposite of my true feelings, I opened an envelope. Contrary to my expectations, the contents were all formal invitations.

‘They’re real invitations? My reputation as a villainess is rising!’

It must be my villainess reputation since it’s not good news.

‘Should I see this as a good thing or not?’

I sighed deeply, feeling drowsy. As I pushed the cards aside and yawned, a thought crossed my mind.

There are only about 70 days left until the end of the game.

‘But I had completely forgotten about the bad ending of this game.’

Isn’t that a sign that I’ve strayed far from the bad ending route?

‘That alone is satisfying.’

I felt lazy and content like a well-fed cat. As I sat there with a languid expression, the maids asked me,

“Princess, why aren’t you opening the cards?”

“Shall we open them for you if you don’t want to?”

Do whatever you want. At this point, I felt like it might be better to just stay cooped up in the Stewart Ducal house.

‘It might actually increase my chances of survival.’

Thinking that, I waved my hand lazily, and the maids began separating the cards from their envelopes on their own. They excitedly organized them, making sure the senders’ names were visible.

“There’s even an invitation to Marchioness Verita’s party!”


Watching from a step away, I thought indifferently.

‘Is she famous? Don’t just keep it to yourselves; let me know too.’

I wasn’t born here, and I barely read the tutorial when I played the game, so I don’t know how the politics work in this world.

But, of course, the maids, who assumed I knew everything, didn’t tell me who Marchioness Verita was or what her position was. They just clapped their hands and smiled brightly at me.

“As expected of our Madam!”

“Ha. Ha. Ha.”

Can’t you pick up on the cues now? Even if it’s a bit awkward, please explain who she is.

“Wait, this card…”

One of the maids stopped organizing the cards and respectfully handed one to me. I opened my eyes wide in surprise.

[Of course, it’s not okay, you fool.]


The terse letter was none other than from Julius.

‘Seeing as he replied, he must have come to his senses.’

Not only had he regained his senses, but he also seemed to have regained his energy. The Julius I knew wouldn’t falsely claim to be okay.

‘It’s a relief he’s alright.’

Thinking that, I sighed softly through my nose, pretending to be indifferent.

“Why bother writing a letter?”

“Will you reply?”

“I guess I have to. If I don’t, he’ll just keep bothering me.”

The maids giggled and promptly prepared a pen and paper for me. Pouting, I began to write.

[Of course, it’s natural to worry. You’re a fool for not realizing that.]

After writing that, I hesitated for a moment before adding in smaller letters,

[I’m glad you’re okay.]

At that very moment,

※ Despite multiple warnings, you have continued to display reactions that do not align with your character traits.

※ A penalty will be imposed.

What is this!

‘I can’t even say I’m glad!’

I wanted to protest loudly, but suddenly my mind went blank as if a thread had snapped. It was the same as when I received a penalty last time. As I collapsed from the effort of writing the letter, the maids reached out in alarm.

“Oh? Princess! Princess!”

‘I’m fine.’

I wanted to say, but my vision quickly darkened, and my tongue stiffened.

※ One traumatic memory has been unlocked as a penalty.

In the pitch-black void, the familiar face of Sienna appeared. Sienna held a small ivory dagger in her trembling hand. Blood flowed swiftly, forming a small pool. Her head must have been throbbing with pain, yet she didn’t let go of the dagger.

“This is the only resistance I can offer.”

Her bloodshot eyes and dangerously flickering pupils showed her resolve.

“No matter how much I ran, it was no use. So now, this is the only way.”

Blood dripped from her lips. Above her head, a system window appeared.

-This is broken and can’t be used.


At that moment, I bolted upright, gasping for breath.

‘What was that?’

Broken and can’t be used? Moreover, Sienna was clearly dying in that memory.

‘Could it be that she kept dying, and the system decided to replace her?’

As I bit my lip with a pale face, a large hand cupped my face. It was Percy’s bare hand, without gloves.


His trembling voice made me look up, but it was too dark to see his expression.

“You never let me rest easy, do you?”

It seemed like he was smiling bitterly.

* * *

Percy Stewart let out a deep sigh.

‘I have no idea what’s going on.’

The woman who seemed fine during breakfast suddenly collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut. The maids present turned pale with fear, but Percy was the most shocked of all.

He rushed to Sienna in a panic. She was sweating coldly and twitching as if caught in a nightmare. Her hands were as cold as a corpse, and Percy instinctively hugged her tightly.

Her body felt so cold that he even took off his gloves, which he never did.

‘Why am I doing this?’

What does it matter if this woman is sick or even dies?

What is it about her that makes me feel this way?

She had scared everyone, then suddenly got up as if nothing had happened and said something exasperating.

“Aren’t you going to work?”

Percy, arms crossed, sat on the bed and looked at the woman blinking at him.

Who do you think caused me to be here like this? Although he was inwardly furious, Percy didn’t show it. He didn’t want to reveal that he felt any kind of control was being exerted over him.

“That’s not your concern.”

“It seems like you’re always sticking by my side.”

Percy’s red eyes captured Sienna’s face as she pouted. Seeing her naturally reminded him of someone.

‘Daniel Bohan.’

Sienna Liata’s former fiancé.

‘Not the kind of person who would take sick leave.’

Since being rejected by Sienna, he had taken sick leave and hadn’t been showing up at the imperial palace.

Did he love Sienna that much, or is there something else going on?

‘What does it matter either way?’

After pondering briefly, Percy shook his head to clear his thoughts. He then sat next to Sienna, who was having a croissant and coffee instead of the missed meal due to her fainting.

“You seemed to be having a nightmare.”

“I had a bad dream.”

“Is that so.”

Percy’s eyes darkened. It was because Sienna’s sleep-talking had been strange.

-Sienna, no. No…

Calling her own name, as if addressing a stranger in her sleep.


-You can’t escape that way…

‘Escape, huh.’

An imperial princess trying to escape? From what?

Percy’s red eyes grew darker. He propped his chin and asked,

“What exactly do you know?”


Sienna blinked. Her eyes were clear and innocent.

It was as if she truly didn’t understand what he was asking.



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not work with dark mode