Human Rights for Female-oriented Game Villains

HRFOGV | Episode 43

Episode 43. Tea Party (1)

Ten people, huh. I’ll grow old just by having children.

In response to my remark, the maid clutched her heart and staggered as she replied, “Ah, I just got hurt. Your Highness was sincere this time.”

“I’m always sincere.”

Although I replied bluntly, I felt a twinge inside. How do these people know me so well?

‘Is it to the extent that they can tell whether my mean words are sincere or a joke at a glance?’

Anyway, I was in a situation where I hadn’t even properly discussed marriage, let alone Percy’s child. Since there was nothing to talk about with people drinking cold tea, I quickly turned my head.

Just then, a new cake arrived. Putting a cake with fresh strawberries on lukewarm black tea into my mouth made me feel happy as if I were dreaming. As I ate the new slice like a squirrel, the maids looked at me with pleased eyes.

Just when I was enjoying myself, a butler who I had never encountered before knocked and entered, bowing his head.

“Your Highness, a guest has arrived.”

“A guest?”

I haven’t had any visitors in a while.

‘Could it be Julius?’

Even if the doctor stuck on a patch like a bandage, could he already be freely roaming around with internal injuries?

But since I had something to discuss with Julius, my heart naturally fluttered.

As I waited for the butler’s answer with expectant eyes, the visitor turned out not to be Julius.

“It’s Lady Grania, the master’s sister.”

* * *

Percy Stewart’s sister!

I walked quickly to the reception room, excited for a different reason.

‘So he has a family too.’

Although the people of the Stewart family were all affectionate toward me, there was an inexplicable gloomy feeling. Countless spaces where people’s traces couldn’t be felt and the silent passing of servants.

And Percy Stewart seemed to be the representative of that unnaturalness.

He was handsome in a dazzling way, but there was no warmth. He spoke kindly, but his gaze was cold.

He says he’ll protect me, but he doesn’t say he loves me.

‘But, family. It doesn’t really suit you.’

Who could it be? My curiosity was piqued naturally. I briskly opened the door to the reception room.

Expecting someone with golden hair, cold and resembling Percy, Lady Grania turned out to be the owner of a cute face that somehow resembled a beaver.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Grania. Since a new mistress will soon be appointed at the Stewart Manor, I came to greet you in advance.”

This is really unexpected. With a surprised expression, I bowed my head to the petite, ordinary-looking woman.

“I’m Siena Riatta.”

I tried to offer a very natural greeting, but my jaw and voice were blocked.

▶ (Ignore)

▶ (Knock over the teacup)

Even the simplest greeting is beyond my capacity if it doesn’t come with resentment.

‘From the first impression, she seems determined to kill. Shouldn’t she at least let me introduce myself?’

Because of the uncooperative system, my head throbbed. Nevertheless, a choice had to be made, so I pushed the teacup the maid had just placed in front of us with my index finger. The teacup rolled, drawing a circular path and spilling the red tea.

“Oh my, oh my.”

Lady Grania was startled, covering her lips with her palm. Then, she glanced at me, who was keeping my lips tightly closed, and asked, “Are you asking me to wipe it off now?”

What should I say here to avoid censorship from the system while still managing to convey my resentment?

It was when I was pondering this. The maid who had just placed the teacup hurriedly held onto the rolling cup and offered an excuse to Lady Grania on my behalf.

“Your Highness has severe social anxiety. Please understand, madam.”

Finding the maid’s response absurd, I pursed my lips.

‘Hey! How is this social anxiety?’

But it covered well. There seemed to be no better excuse.

‘Oh, I’m really going crazy. I can’t live up to my name.’

I’m going crazy from anger!

Simultaneously expressing gratitude to the maid who covered for me and lamenting my inability to speak properly, I tousled my hair. Then, holding my head high, I asked Lady Grania, “I heard he doesn’t have a separate family. Who are you?”

I’m spewing out resentful words recklessly.

Lady Grania, or rather, Mrs. Beaver, blinked her eyes in great confusion.

“Oh, you haven’t heard anything about me. I am Lady Grania. I’ve come to greet you in advance as the older sister of Lord Stewart.”

“I’ve already heard about that.”

In response to my remark, Lady Grania looked at the maid as if asking, ‘Is it true that this person has severe social anxiety?’ The maid smiled and replied.

“You only say that, but you don’t really think so, do you? It seems like you’re eager to get to know your family quickly by pushing for introductions.”

At this point, I began to wonder if the maid was actually a translator rather than a servant?

Thanks to the maid, who explained my inner thoughts very kindly, Lady Grania’s expression of confusion faded. She continued her introduction in a calm tone.

“Although I’m called an older sister, we’re not related by blood. I became connected through remarriage. That’s why I didn’t take on Stewart’s last name. However, we occasionally interact at His Highness’s discretion.”

So Percy is the son of the head of the household, and this woman is the daughter of the second wife through remarriage. Since there’s not a drop of blood between her and the Stewart family, it’s natural that she wouldn’t inherit the family name.

‘In fact, continuing to interact with a woman who flits around like that is surprising.’

I glanced briefly at Lady Grania. She seemed like an ordinary person. If a man who didn’t seem likely to give his heart allowed the interaction, there must be a reason.

I crossed my arms and flipped my hair over my shoulder, muttering.

“He’s got a real broad-mindedness.”

Even if he couldn’t inherit the Stewart name, would anyone be so rash as to behave rudely to a woman who had remarried twice?

Percy only pretended to be broad-minded to exert his power.

“Good heavens.”

Lady Grania, hearing my words, widened her eyes as if greatly shocked. Then, she quickly blinked, tears beginning to fall from her eyes like raindrops.

‘Oh! Why is she crying? Because I’m such a terrible person?!’

I didn’t even say anything bad!

Startled, I couldn’t console her, couldn’t speak, just twitched.

Using her handkerchief to wipe her tears, Lady Grania smiled widely with a flushed face and said.

“It seems that Lord Stewart has finally found someone to give his heart to. I’m glad.”

I thought she was going to curse at me. Blinking in surprise at her unexpected words, I grimaced as if I were cool and replied.

“T-There’s nothing like that.”

“Don’t say that. What you just said is something only someone very close would say.”

“Did I say something like that?”

At what point did we have such an intimate relationship? It was doubtful whether we were even having the same conversation.

I couldn’t understand at all, so I looked back at the maid who was acting as a translator. The maid smiled, pointing her thumb at me.

“Yes, you’re close. You have ten children together!”

The maids were so good at reading my mind that at this moment, I couldn’t help but understand their hearts. I muttered as I tousled my hair with a somewhat rough touch.

“Oh, they’ve been too cooperative. They seem to be crawling too much.”

Still, it’s not like having ten children. Let one of you get married. If I don’t have ten children from now on, it’ll be invalid.

Even as I was locked in a staring contest with the maid, Lady Grania continued to shed tears. Her handkerchief was now a sponge.

‘Don’t cry.’

I reflexively tried to comfort her, but I froze in embarrassment.

‘Oh, saying this will bring up another weird choice!’

Unable to console her, I shook my head. Then, trying to appear aloof and composed again, I pushed the handkerchief in front of me with my finger.

“Use this.”

“Thank you.”

“No need to thank me. I’m giving it to you because I don’t want to see you cry.”

Even though it was a self-deprecating tone, it was the best I could do. Fortunately, Lady Grania didn’t twist my words and simply accepted my handkerchief. Then, she pressed her eyelids with it and replied.

“He seem to have quite a story. That’s why even after leaving this mansion, I’ve been worried about him. But now that he has grown up and is welcoming a beautiful bride, I’m so happy for him.”

“A story?”

Is it related to the scars that remain like threads on his body? My probing eyes involuntarily narrowed. Lady Grania chuckled softly and replied.

“Our father was a bit strict.”

I waited for her to say more, but that was all Lady Grania had to say. Then, she smoothly changed the subject.

“But I’m glad he has met someone nice.”

There didn’t seem to be any more to add even if I asked. I rubbed my chin. Her words weighed heavily on me.

‘Am I a good person?’

Have I not even heard rumors about being a villain?

As if she knew what I was thinking, Lady Grania clapped her hands and said.

“So all those rumors about you being a wicked woman were false!”

Got it!


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