Human Rights for Female-oriented Game Villains

HRFOGV | Episode 40

Episode 40: Monopoly Desire (3)

In his childhood, Percy was always confined. In a room that seemed capable of causing mental disorders in anyone sane, he consistently heard the same words.

– You have to kill your emotions. You don’t need emotions.

It was all to instill in him a cold heart. The actions of parents who believed they were doing it for the child’s sake, not as abuse but solely for the child’s welfare, were extremely blind.

– The only thing that can overcome the instincts engraved in your blood is a cold, rational mind. Percy, you can surely suppress those instincts.

And their goal was singular.

– Zulatan, vengeance on those hateful things.

* * *

Can a person’s spirit be drained just by a kiss?

‘I’ve figured out one thing. This man is exceptionally good at kissing.’

I shot a glance at the man beside me, who was looking out the window with a clean and rugged face as if he had never done anything. ‘How can he be so indifferent?’

It’s like I’m the only one making a fuss.

As I continued to stare at Percy, he turned to look at me. Suddenly meeting his gaze, I froze.

He nonchalantly tilted his head and asked, “Why are you doing that?”


His attitude left me speechless. Unlike a moment ago when his eyes were full of overflowing emotions, now, there was no emotion conveyed as if a door had closed in his gaze.

Why am I doing this?

Does he really not know why?

Feeling dumbfounded by his question, choices appeared in front of me.

▶ You seem like a troublesome person!

▶ You’re not very skilled at kissing.

Why are the choices like this again?

‘Ah, but I can’t lie.’

He did exceptionally well, honestly. If I hadn’t been sitting, I might have fallen over.

In the end, I chose the first option.

“You seem like a troublesome person!”


In response to my criticism, Percy’s eyes softened. He tapped his lips gently with his long fingers. Giving me a look that seemed to ask, ‘What are you doing?’ he shrugged his shoulders.

“I was suggesting that since you’re already receiving criticism, why not try kissing me one more time.”


What? Seriously!

‘He’s so nonchalant; it’s infuriating!’

But I won’t back down!

So, around the time we arrived at Duke Stewart’s mansion, I was burning white with a different meaning than before. The residents who came out to greet me with a puzzled expression, as my master returned sooner than expected, witnessed Percy extending his hand to help me down, and I greeted them with a bright smile.


“Oh my! You’ve returned.”

Had I ever been welcomed so warmly since entering this game? Watching people greet me like family made my nose tingle.

However, I responded bluntly. These were the only words I could manage.

“Oh, I’m so annoyed. Can’t everyone just leave?”

And the Stewart mansion’s residents, already accustomed to my way of speaking, smiled gently, welcoming me.

“You say that, but you’re always like this. Your words may be harsh, but your eyes are smiling, aren’t they?”

Are all the residents of Duke Stewart’s mansion experts in deciphering people’s hearts? Percy and even the commoners, why do they understand my feelings so well?

‘Ugh, I might end up getting attached.’

It already felt more like my home than the imperial palace.

And perhaps because I felt at ease, the strength in my legs gave out, and my body swayed for a moment.

“It’s dangerous.”

If Percy hadn’t held onto my arm, I might have fallen to the ground in an embarrassing manner.


Am I going to be teased for not being able to walk properly?

Blushing deeply and lowering my head, Percy let out a sigh above my head, then gently lifted me.


Surprised, I hugged his neck. There was a scent, reminiscent of smoky wood, emanating from his embrace.

‘Does he smoke?’

It smelled like a harsh poem. While tilting my head, he whispered into my ear.

“Now, even hugging feels natural.”


Did he really need to tease me like that? I pursed my lips, and a grumbling voice escaped without restraint.

“Do you consider carrying me an honor?”

Then, I was surprised. What’s going on? System, do your job! Why did it provide ridiculous choices before, and now there’s no intervention?

Even with my annoyed words, Percy nodded calmly.

“Of course. Princess, I can’t feel anything even if I carry you.”

‘Is he saying I don’t feel like a woman?’

When I snapped at his words, he added with a playful tone.

“Personally, I wish you had a bit more flesh.”

Only then did I realize that his ‘feeling’ referred to my weight.

“Sienna is on the lean side. However, as an adult woman, she should have a basic bone weight.”

Isn’t this a bit too healthy?

Perhaps because my temperament had already taken over, I didn’t want to be praised for my strength so easily. I turned my head abruptly.

“I don’t feel the need to accommodate the Duke’s preferences. The Duke is already deeply in love with me.”


However, Percy, who I thought would answer cleverly, remained silent.

‘Why is he so quiet again?’

Since he was generally good at responding, I felt uneasy when he didn’t speak. When I subtly observed his reaction, he seemed bewildered unexpectedly.


Why is he acting like that again?

Both of us froze at the same time. We had arrived in front of my room at some point. When the maids opened the door, Percy gently let me down.

And, giving a polite greeting, he turned away.

“Then, Sienna, rest well.”

It felt like he was running away, as if pricked at the very core. Was it just my oversensitive consciousness?

As Percy disappeared, I walked ghost-like to the sofa and plopped down. I buried my face in my palms and let out a deep sigh.

‘The most incomprehensible man in this world is undoubtedly him! He says he has no emotions towards me! He doesn’t care about any of my thoughts!’

But why did he kiss me so passionately earlier? Why is he so flustered now?

‘If it’s shock therapy, then it’s shock therapy. I was too surprised; all my thoughts fled from my mind.’

What happened in the hunting ground was by no means trivial, but Percy’s kiss made it all fly away.

Thinking about that kiss again, my face heated up. Even though I removed my hands and fanned myself uninterestingly, a maid who had been friendly to me since the entrance smiled and handed me a warm towel.

▶ I don’t need this!

I wanted to thank her, and of course, another choice appeared.

‘Do whatever you want. I will become a person with different appearances inside and out.’

With a brusque response, I accepted the warm towel, and the maid burst into laughter while watching me.

Rather than denying it, as I pressed the towel against my face, the warmth seemed to naturally ease my tension.

As I meticulously wiped my hands, another chambermaid, pouring tea for me, asked, “Your Highness, seeing you here like this, is it true that you’ve decided to marry our master?”

Somehow, it seemed to have turned out that way.

‘I just smoothly went along with it. The Emperor himself seemed unaware of what he was permitting, and the nobles present only had wide eyes and stiff expressions.’

Handing me a warm cup of tea, the maids, regardless of my response, blushed and praised me in their own ways.

“Wow, flowers are finally blooming in the Stewart Duchy.”

“It has really turned out well!”

Well, it may have turned out well. I retorted brusquely while sipping my tea.

“Flowers, huh? It’s probably like a thorny vine, even if it blooms.”

“Again, again. Why does Your Highness always speak like that?”

“It’s just how I feel.”

After emptying the tea, my stomach warmed up, and drowsiness overcame me. As I leisurely reclined on the sofa, the chambermaids approached me, just like when they rushed out earlier, and I spoke casually.

“It seems the hunting was tough. I’ll get the bathwater ready quickly.”

Whether I said it or not, I waved my hand toward the door. But my body was tired, and though my mind was somewhat muddy, my thoughts naturally turned to my own language.

When talking to the maids, there were times when I could freely express myself and times when options came to mind.

Usually, when I wanted to say thank you, options came up. But when I wanted to say something truly nasty, the language burst out freely. ‘

Come to think of it, I spoke freely in front of the Empress. I spoke freely with Julius, too.’

The Empress and Julius. What could be common between conversations with those two? Lost in thought, I opened my eyes wide and sat up abruptly.

‘Could it be… Is it possible that I can speak freely if I intentionally use a villainous tone?’

More precisely, a villainous way of speaking. I couldn’t say thank you gracefully, and even when making a request, I couldn’t speak honestly in that tone! Surely not. Anxiously, I brought forth the villainous words I could think of.

“Hey, you b**tard.” T

hen immediately, a warning message appeared.

※ Villains cannot use vulgar language.

Look at this guy!


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