Human Rights for Female-oriented Game Villains

HRFOGV | Episode 33

Episode 33. Hunting Festival (1)

Julius responded with a cautious expression, “Duke Stewart is seeking to make Sienna his wife. The Duke is someone I need.”

“…I see.”

The Empress’s eyes widened upon hearing Julius’s explanation. She had rushed in with intense emotions, but suddenly seemed to catch herself.

The Empress remained still for a moment, as if malfunctioning, then nodded and smiled.

“My son wouldn’t be enchanted by such a woman. Well…”

‘Here we go again.’

Julius’s lips twisted into a mess as he bowed his head deeply. With a different perception of Sienna, doubts about the Empress naturally arose.

‘When will my mother stop being obsessed with that woman’s ghost?’

Questions that he had avoided out of fear or reluctance now surfaced like water bursting from a dam. Julius clenched his fists and swallowed his thoughts. As always, he silently listened to his mother’s complaints.

Unexpectedly, the Empress brought up a topic he hadn’t anticipated.

“But Percy Stewart is dangerous. You shouldn’t get too close to him.”


Why would Duke Stewart be dangerous?

Certainly, Julius was not entirely comfortable with him. However, was it necessary to be so wary?

“He holds significant wealth and power. He will undoubtedly be a great help when I become the Emperor…”

“It’s not about using a sharp sword.”

The Empress cut off Julius’s words sharply. She frowned and continued, glancing down. It seemed almost as if she feared Percy.

“Moreover, he is not just sharp but a dangerous sword. That’s why Your Majesty also kept him confined in the deep north.”

“The deep north? Kept confined?”

“No, no. Never mind.”

Julius was aware that Percy had originally commanded the northern army. Not only did he defend the northern borders, but he also expanded the territory.

‘So, he was called back to the capital to prevent him from causing any more trouble? What exactly happened?’

There seemed to be some reason that he was unaware of. Julius bit his nails.

‘Is it related to Duke Stewart executing dozens of people with a short note during Sienna’s stay at the palace?’

He recalled the last time when Duke Stewart, accompanied by Sienna, had left the palace and the questions that had surfaced back then. Although those doubts had subsided due to the Emperor personally intervening, there was still something mysterious about it.

Julius was lost in deep thought when the Empress interrupted, embracing him tenderly and calling his name.


“Yes, Mother.”

“I suddenly had a good idea.”

“What are you talking about?”

It was when the Empress seemed delighted, and Julius followed with a bright expression. The Empress, with a cheerful smile, uttered a chilling remark.

“How about shooting and killing that girl during this hunting festival?”


Julius’s arms, which were embracing his mother, trembled at her words. The Empress wiped Julius’s face and continued with a sinister tone.

“You said you would escort that girl during the hunting festival. If you do that, won’t she come to tie a ribbon to your sword? Stab her deeply in the abdomen at that moment, and she won’t have a chance to escape, and it will be a gruesome scene.”

It was a command to cut off the breath of the person who approached with trust. Julius’s face turned pale. He forced out words with lips that were frozen and unmovable.

“I-I can’t do such a thing, Mother.”

* * *

※ Episode: Hunting Festival ~The Terror of the Villainess’s Jealousy

Beth participates in the hunting festival to take care of her disciple. However, witnessing Daniel presenting a beautiful white fox to her, the villainess princess explodes in anger!

(And the villainess princess becomes a laughing stock because she participated alone in high heels, falling over.)

When I woke up in the morning, a system window sparkled with bright colors greeted me.

I scratched my head and replied with a nonchalant tone, ‘Oh, I honestly hadn’t thought of anything. Thanks for the kind tutorial.’

If they were going to provide a tutorial, they should have done it from the beginning!

It would have been great if they displayed something like ‘Percy Stewart: Dangerous.’ Moreover, giving precious hunting prey to someone else in front of the fiancée?

Regardless of jealousy, isn’t that something to be upset about?

‘Really, it’s such a cliché story. Well, even if she’s a fallen noblewoman? I’ve seen similar settings several times.’

Especially, the ending attached in small letters at the end bothered me a lot. Spoiler alert!

I chuckled as if telling someone to listen with my fist clenched. ‘It doesn’t concern me. I’m not jealous or anything. If anything, I’d rather see Daniel quickly take Beth away.’

I don’t understand why Daniel is asking me for marriage since there’s no clear benefit. It felt uncomfortable, and since there was no clear answer, the best thing to do was to quickly get rid of it.

‘Ugh, why am I bothered by this? Let’s just talk like we agreed.’

The serious eyes of Daniel, which I last encountered, came to mind. I shook my head and, raising my fist towards the empty air, said, ‘It doesn’t matter; I won’t fall for it! Julius sent comfortable riding pants and boots; the ending will change!’

Try manipulating the story as much as you want, System! I will never fall into a bad ending!

…Just one hour after making that promise.

When I arrived at the hunting ground, I was setting up a death flag for myself. Oh, why didn’t I know? In an event like this, I was bound to encounter someone I didn’t want to see.



The person I disliked the most since I came to this world was the Emperor.

‘If I knew the Emperor was coming, I definitely wouldn’t have come.’

Looking back, it was a significant event, so it was natural for the Emperor to be present. Why didn’t I think of that? I scolded myself inwardly, calling myself a fool and an idiot.

Standing at attention in silence, I felt the Emperor’s eyes scanning me from head to toe. It was a creepy gaze for no reason. I clenched my trembling fist and endured that gaze.

The Emperor, who had been staring at me as if peeling me apart, asked while stroking his beard, “Who gave you those clothes?”

“Brother Julius gave them to me.”

“The Crown Prince takes good care of you.”


It would be nice if siblings got along well. Maybe it was because of my mood, but the Emperor seemed oddly upset.

‘Ugh, stop staring. If you have to stare, just go away.’

I thought that while fidgeting with my fingers when the Emperor approached a step closer and whispered to me.

“The Duke Stewart and the Count Bohan are negotiating their respective contributions.”

“Is that so?”

“They’ve deeply entangled themselves in the innermost part of the palace.”


Why entangle? As if I had done something wrong, the Emperor spoke as if blaming me.

‘Someone, please slap him on the face.’

Silently cursing in my mind, I bowed my head. It was then that the Emperor, with a low voice, whispered.

“I wish you would lose somewhere, and all the anxieties would disappear. Then you could stay in the palace for the rest of your life.”

I shivered at his words.

‘Chilling. Why say such a thing to your daughter? Is he really my father?’

Although words like wanting to live with my father for a lifetime, not getting married, etc., are common among family members, the situation made it sound dreadful.

Even after arriving at the hunting ground, the hunting festival did not start immediately. The Emperor had to declare the hunting festival first, and then groups had to be organized to enter the hunting grounds.

‘Julius represents the royal family.’

And there was already one group centered around Julius. Perhaps because he was a crown prince, there were many knights around him.

‘Looking at it this way, it seems quite impressive.’

He always scolded me like a drill sergeant, but he was still my brother.

‘Ugh, I can’t stand it. Why does he feel so friendly just because I saw his face?’

Even though I remember what he did to me.

‘But what can you do? Well, he probably didn’t do it on purpose.’

Although the Emperor praised Marygold excessively without asking, he mumbled and seemed upset.

‘Ugh, that gave me chills. Why say something like that to your daughter? Is he really a father?’

Although words like wanting to live with my father for a lifetime, not getting married, etc., are common among family members, the situation made it sound dreadful.

After a while, it seemed to be time to tie ribbons, as the seated women approached with ribbons in hand. I also walked towards Julius.


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