Human Rights for Female-oriented Game Villains

HRFOGV | Episode 32

Episode 32. D-day 89 (4)

I responded with a twinkling smile, implying that it was Julius’s misconception. In return, Julius’s face crinkled up as he realized he was being teased.

“Okay, okay. Forget it. Since it’s over, just answer me. How did you manage Percy Stewart?”

I also wanted to know that. Since the system no longer forced my lines, I comfortably replied, with my fists clenched.

“I’d like to know that too. At this point, he just seems like a strange guy who enjoys hearing sarcastic remarks.”

“Ugh, that’s harsh.”

What’s harsh about it? He is a strange person, isn’t he?

‘Honestly, I don’t even know if he really likes me.’

Come to think of it, Percy has never explicitly expressed favor towards me. He just said he found me interesting.


Does that mean he’ll stop treating me like this if it’s no longer interesting? Imagining Percy, who showed a cold face to Daniel, getting angry at me, made my chest ache for some reason.

‘Ah, I’m completely being manipulated.’

Even more frustrating was that, knowing I was being manipulated, I had no choice but to cling to him to escape the dead end. I sighed in frustration, and Julius, with a smile like a neighborhood aunt, said,

“It’s love. It’s love.”

“What are you talking about? Do you even know what love is?”

“Blabbering like that to your lover, how rude. If you don’t say it more nicely, even Duke Stewart might run away.”

“He likes it when I speak bluntly. He finds it interesting.”

And thanks to the system, I always end up speaking bluntly in front of him. I applauded to cut off thoughts about Percy and asked Julius while holding my chin,

“Leaving that aside, I don’t think we’re the type to face each other and laugh like this, right?”

“You’re talking backward. Since I came all the way here, you should be grateful. After all, it’s a hunting date.”

“Hunting date?”

I tilted my head. Since entering this game, no one had explained the situation to me, let alone told me the date, so it was natural that I didn’t know about the event. However, the term “hunting festival” itself was familiar. It was one of the biggest events in ‘Victorian Love.’

‘The hunting festival is when Daniel introduces Beth to another noble for the first time!’

So, it became an opportunity to fuel Sienna’s jealousy. While cursing Daniel Bohan and Beth in my head, I threw my phone, and in reality, I only played the early part of the hunting festival. Yes, the event existed in the game. But still…

‘Suddenly, an event I know came up. I thought I had passed everything I played.’

What’s with the flow of time? If I had known it would be like this, I would have played more diligently, taking notes at each branch. Anyway, let’s do the hunting festival. But?

“Why should I be grateful to you, brother? What does the hunting festival have to do with you?”

In response to my question, Julius boldly stuck out his tongue in front of me.

“Sometimes you seem a bit dumb. Does Duke Stewart like foolish women? It’s not an uncommon taste among men of high status.”

“Oh. brother.”

If you’re going to say such things, please just leave. Pronouncing each letter with determination, Julius shrugged his shoulders.

“Among Duke Stewart and Young Lord of Count Bohan, who do you think will present the ribbon of the hunting festival?”



‘Did that really happen?’

I played so carelessly that I couldn’t remember. Julius seemed to think I wouldn’t know, so he continued to talk without pause.

“Since you’re not divorced yet, if you give it to Duke Stewart, you’ll be considered a pitiful woman who will hear gossip. But giving it to Young lord of Count Bohan is absurd. You are destined to be with Duke Stewart.”


It seems that the ribbon is tied while wishing for the luck of lovers. I vaguely understood the context and nodded.

Then Julius suddenly put on a cute expression, like holding a flower.

“Both of them are in trouble, so naturally, you should give it to your loving brother, right, little sister?”

“…Ah, please leave.”

What love. Since he tried to hit me not long after being possessed, I still remembered it vividly. Now, seeing him pitifully begging was disgusting. I expressed my strong dislike, and Julius, with a bored look, said,

“Don’t keep looking at me like that. You might end up liking me.”

“Please, that’s what I want to say. If you think you might like me, stop bothering me.”


Men in this country are really strange. Percy is like that, and so is Julius. ‘I wonder if this is not the culture of this country?’ Doubting, I shook my head. Beth was quiet and elegant, a typical pure-hearted heroine. Since Beth’s popularity exploded in the original work, there shouldn’t be such a strange culture.

In the end, he is nice to me because he wants something. I extended my upper body and squinted my eyes, asking,

“What exactly do you want?”

“I need Percy Stewart. I apologize to Daniel Bohan, but when it comes to your future, Duke Stewart is far better.”

After saying that much, Julius twisted his hair with his index finger and said,

“Well, it’s much better for you too. He’s affectionate and seems to be interested in you.”


Is it really true?

‘Isn’t it just my delusion that it doesn’t seem so easy?’

Percy’s words were always gentle, and his attitude was polite, but for some reason, I was always uneasy. Even if a fierce beast doesn’t bite, it is still a source of fear. Julius finished what he had to say and stood up abruptly. In the end, he didn’t tell me why Percy was needed.

“I’ll send you the clothes for the hunting festival. Since there won’t be a proper riding suit anyway.”

“Fine, do as you please.”

“Then, goodbye.”

Yeah, yeah. Just go away quickly.

Without looking back at Julius, I just pursed my lips. But Julius, who I thought would leave immediately, unexpectedly hesitated. Pretending not to see him, I tilted my head and asked,

“Why are you doing that?”


Julius made an awkward smile.

“I regret it a bit recently. Why didn’t I try talking to you sooner?”

I was about to retort that it was nonsense, but I held back. Julius’s face, muttering like that, looked painful as if he were the one being hurt.

* * *


Julius really disliked Sienna. However, as he conversed with Sienna lately, he began to doubt his own feelings.

‘Why did I dislike that girl? Wasn’t it just because Her Majesty disliked her so much that I felt obligated to dislike her?’

The Sienna he spoke with was different from any facts he knew. She only resembled Marygold, who supposedly wielded power over the emperor, in appearance. Julius didn’t know much about it, anyway.

‘Now, I’m not sure if Marygold, that woman, was really a bad person.’

Sienna was like a thorned flower that didn’t hurt much. It was a modest thorn set up inevitably to protect herself.

‘No excuses. It’s all my fault.’

Because he was feeling distressed, he poured out his emotions to that girl. It was something he needed to apologize to Sienna for.

‘Still, it’s fortunate that Percy Stewart, the Duke, likes that girl.’

At first, Julius thought the Duke would just say something like that, but unexpectedly, the situation seemed to be developing seriously.

‘She’ll leave the palace with the Duke.’

And maybe he would too.

It was when Julius chewed his lips, recalling the only thing he wanted to do of his own will.

“Your Highness.”


“Her Majesty the Empress is here.”

“…I see.”

The Empress had already been in Prince Julius’s palace. She had clearly rushed here after hearing rumors that he had visited Sienna’s palace.

Julius did a quick wash. Then, he gave a short order to the butler and entered his room.

“I’ve decided to go to the hunting festival with Sienna. Please send appropriate riding clothes and boots.”


The skilled housekeeper did not show any emotions on his face, but Julius thought it was unexpected.

‘Sienna hasn’t participated in the hunting festival until now.’

At first, he thought she didn’t participate because she didn’t get along with her fiancé, Daniel. However, looking at her puzzled face today, he wondered if she didn’t even know that such an event existed.

‘Why did I vent my emotions on such a girl?’

The more he knew, the more he felt guilty.

‘But now is not the time to worry about Sienna.’

He never felt his own visit was heavy like today. Taking a deep breath in front of the door for a moment, Julius closed his eyes tightly. Then he slowly opened the door.

Inside the room was the ruthless Empress, who elegantly tied up her hair. She spoke directly to Julius without even greeting him.

“Why have you been treating that girl well lately, Julius?”

“Oh my.”

Julius lowered his head deeply. Even though Julius now possessed the power and abilities that the Empress dared not challenge, he always felt small in front of the Empress. Like an elephant tied up since childhood, unable to think of escape.


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