Human Rights for Female-oriented Game Villains

HRFOGV | Episode 30

Episode 30. D-day 89 (2)

Due to Percy’s sudden visit, there was unrest in my palace.

‘I bet such guests have never come here before.’

Remembering the chaos when Percy first intruded, they seemed quite composed this time. Initially, they didn’t even believe that a guest had arrived and treated the situation messily.

As Percy and I entered the reception room, a table with tea and pastries, produced from who knows where, was set up. Percy, leisurely holding a teacup as if he owned the place, opened his mouth first.

“I have Chiliya’s archipelago among my possessions. It’s like the Big Dipper, with islands stretching out.”

Oh, you have an archipelago too?

‘But why would he tell me that? Is he bragging about being wealthy?’ I tilted my head, thinking. It was then, with Percy’s following words, that I almost spit out the tea.

“His Majesty asked for that as a reward for allowing your marriage.”

‘Crazy!’ No, it’s not like I’m selling my daughter. Asking for an archipelago as a reward for marriage, is that even reasonable?

‘Is that lunatic trying to trap me as an old maid and keep me by his side until I die by deliberately raising the price?’ ‘Tell me to stop talking nonsense!’

No matter how I thought about it, it was an unreasonable statement. I wanted to point that out, but the available choices were all like this.

▶ It’s not a bad price to get a beautiful wife.

▶ Does that mean I’m not worth that much?

‘Ugh, and he’s boasting at a time like this.’ Was this the true nature of the villainess sister, or was it a trick by the system? Anyway, for me, this was reality. I chose the better option.

“It’s not a bad price to get a beautiful wife.”

Even as I spoke, my face turned red. I didn’t truly believe I was worth the value of five islands.

But Percy, instead of mocking me for feeling embarrassed, smoothly responded with a question, “You don’t sincerely think that, do you?”

‘Oh my.’

A sense of shame rushed over me. I blushed and glared at Percy. In response, Percy chuckled with a sly smile.

“It’s a joke, beautiful princess.”

‘He’s good at playing cat and mouse.’

The way he skillfully teased me was no joke. When I was silently pouting, Percy smoothly changed the subject.

“So, did Daniel send those shoes?”

There were many things I wanted to say, but I had neither freedom nor mercy in my options. I responded quietly, “You wouldn’t know.”

As I expected, Percy nonchalantly continued, “I requested permission from His Majesty for you to go out, but he said he couldn’t allow it. So, I had no choice but to call the tailor over.”

What nonsense is this? A frightening sound of heavy footsteps echoed from beyond the reception room door. I reflexively turned to look back, and when I looked back at Percy, he was looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

Percy held my hand, pressed his lips to my hand, and said, “Accept my gift as well, beautiful princess.”

Feeling the ticklish sensation on the back of my hand, my shoulders involuntarily shrank.

* * *

Percy Stewart’s entrance to the palace quickly spread among the Imperial Knights. It was natural, considering Percy was the commander of the Imperial Knights.

Thanks to this, the recent addition to Percy’s subordinates, a young knight who had become his deputy, became busier.

Percy had three deputies, and the most recent, the third one, had been appointed recently.

Being the youngest, he had more mundane tasks to handle than practical duties. He diligently organized the commander’s office, muttering to himself.

“The commander coming to the palace even though it’s his day off is like the sun rising in the west.”

Percy Stewart was a capable man, but he was also someone who drew a line on acting like a slave by volunteering for overtime. But working on his day off, it was unusual. While muttering about it being strange, another knight, holding the deputy’s collar, said,

“No need to clean. He won’t come to the Knight’s order anyway.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Well, don’t you know the reason?”

“The reason?”

As a newcomer, he seemed ignorant about the triangular relationship between Daniel, Percy, and Princess Siena. The knight put his arm around the deputy’s shoulder.

“The commander came today because…”

“There’s a lot of gossip.”

Just as they were about to start an interesting conversation, a cold voice interrupted them. The knight who had intruded realized that the owner of that voice was Daniel, making an immediate change in posture.

“I’ll correct it!”

Daniel, with a cold gaze, looked at the knight, then walked briskly across the Knight’s order. He, too, had heard about the commander’s visit to the palace.

‘Probably to see Princess Sienna.’

Daniel twisted his lips. The deep sinking feeling was not solely due to the news of the commander’s visit.

– Daniel, how about calling off the engagement?

It was because of the conversation he had with the Count Bohan last night.

The Stuart Duke decided to confess to the emperor that he had five islands of Chiliya. Delivering the message, the Count Bohan said this:

‘The Emperor is gambling over Princess Siena right now. Whether he’s playing a tricky game to sell her at an expensive price or trying not to let her go, I don’t know.’

The Count Bohan seemed to think that the Duke Stuart’s statement was false. But to Daniel, who had witnessed Percy’s courtship towards Siena, it didn’t sound like a lie.

The Count Bohan looked at Daniel’s hand, which had turned white as if squeezed to the point of no blood flow, and said,

‘When you can’t read a servant’s intention, it’s time to step back.’

If he had feelings, it meant folding.


Daniel suddenly hit the wall with his fist, remembering the conversation from last night. Passing knights were surprised, looked at Daniel, then quickly stepped away. Daniel shook his head.

‘Why is this so frustrating?’

Breaking off the engagement with Sienna. Ironically, he had wanted to ask for it not too long ago. Even though he wanted to ask for a break up, he couldn’t bring himself to ask the Emperor to avoid offending him. But now, with the Princess requesting it, he should be pleased.

‘But why does it feel like she’s digging into me so sharply?’

Daniel found the reason in his wounded pride.

‘When she asked for the engagement, was it not the right time, and now, suddenly, a better man has appeared?’

When Percy showed interest in him, it felt like she was waiting and immediately changed sides, just like riding a horse. But…


Daniel bit his lip and raised his head again. Flames seemed to flicker in his gray pupils.

‘Even so, I can’t just let her be taken away without doing anything.’

If he had made a mistake unknowingly, he could apologize to her. And if he treated her better than Percy could, that would be enough. Daniel lifted his foot.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Uh, Lord Daniel?”

Suddenly leaving the Imperial Knights, the knights were surprised and looked back at Daniel. Daniel gradually increased his walking speed. Later, it was almost at a speed that was no different from running.

The place he rushed to in such a hurry was none other than Siena’s palace.

The guards who recognized Daniel’s face opened the door in surprise. Daniel, breathing heavily, looked around the palace.

‘Where is she?’

He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, and sweat poured out abundantly. Realizing that he was finally sweating, Daniel shook his head.

‘I don’t remember ever running this desperately.’

‘No, I don’t.’

Honestly, he didn’t even know why he ran to Siena’s palace. He just thought he should prevent something he didn’t know about, something related to Percy and Siena’s story, from happening.

“Young master Bohan.”

“Lord Daniel.”

Siena’s maids recognized Daniel and greeted him. Daniel only nodded slightly in response. His eyes were only looking for one person.

Siena Rieta.

The maids, who noticed Daniel wandering around, understood and informed him.

“Prin… Princess is in the reception room.”

“Thank you.”

As Daniel turned around to enter the reception room, Siena, wearing a white dress, looked surprised, her eyes widening as she turned to face him.

“What’s going on, Lord?”

Even the voice with sharp thorns embedded in it felt pleasant. Unintentionally kneeling, Daniel confessed.

“Please marry me.”


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not work with dark mode