Human Rights for Female-oriented Game Villains

HRFOGV | Episode 22

Episode 22: Subtle Emotions (2)

Contrary to Sienna’s thoughts, Daniel had already questioned why his fiancée was at the Stewart mansion once.

He had even confronted Prince Julius, who was more challenging to deal with than Percy.

“She is my fiancée! If she wasn’t feeling well, she should have informed me. There are no better doctors in the palace, and I can’t understand why she ended up at the Stewart mansion.”

In response to Daniel’s complaints, Julius struggled to maintain a lukewarm expression, wondering whether he should smile or get angry.

‘What does that have to do with me?’

Sienna thought, but given the difficult position she was in, it wasn’t possible to respond in that way, especially considering her connection with Count Bohan through her engagement to Sienna.

Julius put on a warm smile and spoke in a friendly, amicable tone.

The fact that Daniel Bohan and Sienna weren’t on good terms helped relieve some of his burden.

“It’s because Duke Stewart witnessed Sienna being mistreated. It wasn’t because there was a particular reason that she came to the Stewart mansion.”

However, Julius’s words seemed to further enrage Daniel. He glared at Julius with a heated expression.

“Mistreated? Who would dare mistreat a princess from our country?”

“It seems that all the servants accompanying Sienna were involved as well. According to Duke Stewart, they provided her with inedible food, and not even that was done regularly.”

Julius was honestly not interested in those accusations. He scratched his head and responded in an indifferent tone. T

hen, he smiled again and continued.

“They’ve all been dealt with immediately. The punishment was quite severe. It took over a week just to clean up the mess. That’s why Duke Stewart took responsibility and brought her to the mansion. Do you understand now?”

“Is that really plausible?”

“Lord Daniel.”

Even though he explained in a way that should have been understandable, Daniel continued to question with a probing tone, which made Julius’s smiling face lose its warmth. Julius smiled with a hint of sarcasm.

“Can you really say that you didn’t know about the abuse against Sienna?”


Daniel tightly sealed his lips. Julius let out a sigh and brushed his hair back.

“I’m also involved as one of the main culprits who mistreated her. I’m not shameless enough to blame you for such a topic.”

Because the abuse towards Sienna had been ongoing for so long, Julius couldn’t assume that Daniel was completely unaware of it. In fact, Daniel’s attitude of blaming others seemed like an attempt to evade responsibility.

Julius, who had been angered, cleared his throat with a smirk and spoke again in a softened tone.

“However, I’d like to point out that you’re not in a position to raise your voice like this.”

“…I’ll discuss it.”

“What? With whom? Sienna? Forget it. She went to sleep, so don’t talk to her for no reason and get cursed at.”

Daniel nodded and left Julius’s presence.

Contrary to Julius’s thoughts, Daniel knew very little about Sienna’s situation. It was mainly because he deliberately didn’t care about Sienna out of dislike.

However, Julius had a point in his words. Could he really claim not to know?

‘Why is she so thin?’

Sienna was usually dressed in flashy clothes, but this time, she had come to the Stewart mansion wearing only thin pajamas.

This made her slender body clearly visible: bony shoulders, skinny arms that looked like they might break, and a sunken collarbone. It was a far cry from Sienna’s usual rebellious appearance.

Moreover, ‘Why is the Emperor’s chamberlain behaving like this?’

Daniel was surprised when he saw the rude and oppressive attitude of the Emperor’s chamberlain towards Sienna. It was clear that the chamberlain didn’t respect Sienna at all.

‘Educational purposes? She’s not a young, underage princess, and she’s already an adult. What kind of education does the Emperor’s chamberlain need to give to an adult princess?’

All the circumstances were telling Daniel that he had been wrong about Sienna all along. He wanted Sienna to confirm this fact for him.

But Sienna chuckled and teased, “You’re speaking your thoughts. You think of me as a witch, don’t you?”

Her green eyes no longer held him. Her gaze seemed to question, ‘Would you believe me if I told you?’

He wanted to hold her, as if to say, ‘I don’t think of you as a witch.’

No, was it really not true? His head was spinning and throbbing. The only thought that swirled in his mind was that something was terribly wrong.

But he couldn’t continue talking to Sienna anymore. Percy had blocked his way. Percy’s crimson eyes, glaring sharply at him, were nothing like his usual lackluster self.

“So, to make progress in my relationship, will you step aside?”

Say no.

Tell her that we need to talk more.

Daniel looked at Sienna with pleading eyes, but she turned her head, avoiding his gaze. Ultimately, she had chosen Percy.

Leaving her and Percy behind, Daniel walked away. He kicked a pebble with his toes.

‘It’s a relief that she lost interest in me, isn’t it? We had to maintain the engagement anyway. If Lord Stewart truly wants her, we can break off the engagement soon.’

Everything was going as he had wanted.

‘But why am I feeling so frustrated?’

Questions lingered, but answers did not come.


Daniel couldn’t even utter a word of rebuttal to Percy and left hastily. Watching Percy, with his fists clenched, close the door after Daniel’s departure, I wanted to say this:

‘Oh, thank you. Thanks to you, I’ve removed a tick.’

▶ But the system wouldn’t help me willingly.

▶ You’re just as repulsive, Percy Stewart.

Do you think there will be any progress in our relationship?

Right now, he was the person who had helped me. But did he have to rush in and fight like this?

I usually picked choices hastily, but today was different. Instead, I silently prayed.

‘Please, System. Help me. Help me safely enter the Percy route!’

Give me a more reasonable choice!

And after some time, the choices changed.

…Unfortunately, the system did not answer my prayers.

▶ You, too, please leave me alone!

▶ You can go!

‘Oh, seriously.’

Did I really have to say this much? Did I have to hang myself with a rope around my neck?

To change the topic that controlled his actions, he demanded that it turn into a happy ending. It was no easy task.

‘Anyway, the palace? Absolutely not.’

In the end, there was only one option.

“You, too, please leave me alone!”

Ugh, it felt like I was going to lose my voice even if I shouted.

‘He helped me, and I’m saying this? If Percy gets upset and kicks me out, what should I do?’

Then, would I be naturally drawn to the palace?

I was feeling helpless. A big hand gently pushed my shoulders back. I fell backward in surprise, but it felt more comforting than startling. Perhaps it was because I had become somewhat accustomed to the owner of this hand.

“It seems that I have disturbed your rest.”

Although his face lacked a smile, his soft crimson eyes looked affectionate. As I suddenly lay down and my disheveled hair fell this way and that, Percy spoke.

“I told you to do your best to rest comfortably. Yet, here comes Daniel into this room. I might have to replace all the lower-ranked servants.”

Considering that unless there were people guarding the door 24 hours a day, Daniel could easily enter, given his bold nature.

My heart raced at his thoughtful actions, but the choices that came to mind were still merciless.

▶ You, too, please leave!

▶ It’s okay!

Wouldn’t it be crazy to ask such a handsome man, who was so caring, to leave? I needed to increase my interactions with him to attract more game users!

“It’s okay!”

While choosing the second option, tears welled up in my eyes with regret. I should consider it a relief. Percy Stewart replied gently to my rather presumptuous words.

“Are you a sleeping beauty from a fairy tale? They say beauties are sleeping beauties, but for now, please spare some time for me.”

The man who had laid me down sat by my side. I continued to respond as per the system’s instructions, grumbling and protesting.

“Don’t you hear what I’m saying?”

However, Percy was not swayed by those words.

“I know when words lack sincerity.”


Percy’s response made my eyes widen.

“Daniel Bohan, do you love him?”


For a moment, the system went down, and I couldn’t think of a choice. I could speak freely, but I chose to remain silent.

After all, I didn’t know the depths of the villainess’s heart.

Perhaps expecting me to remain silent, Percy continued to speak in a calm tone.

“According to Prince Julius’s words, you chose to engage with him despite Queen’s opposition because you genuinely loved him. But it seems like you don’t truly love him.”

“What exactly do you want as an answer?”

I asked with a strained voice. He responded firmly, in a whisper.

“Love me, Sienna.”

“…My heart is my own.”

Despite my refusal, a smile appeared on Percy’s face for some reason. There was no warmth in his softly curved crimson eyes.


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