How to Save My Time-Limited Brother

That night, I had another string of nightmares.   I thought I had gotten used to them since they’d been happening so often lately, but apparently not. I woke up drenched in cold sweat.


Well, repeating the moment of death couldn’t be pleasant. This time, it was even worse because memories of reading the book I found yesterday were added on. It felt like I was digging myself deeper into a dark pit while already feeling down. 


“Milady, are you alright?” 


When I woke up and sat there in silence, Selvia asked with concern. 


“Should I bring the marquis?” 


“No, don’t make him worry unnecessarily.” 


I had already been a burden to Serhen when I was younger. I didn’t want to trouble him anymore. 


“Selvia, more importantly.”


“Yes, what is it?” 


“When I fell down the stairs yesterday, I dropped a book. Did you see it?” 


“A book?” 


“Yes. A thick book with a red leather cover.” 


I described the appearance of the book I saw yesterday—the quality of the luxurious cover and the sophisticated design of the title in gold. 


“No, I didn’t see anything like that.” 


“What about the other maids?” 


“I’m not sure. If someone had found it, they would have brought it to your room or the study.” 


My lips feel dry. I had checked last night before going to bed, but the book wasn’t there. Either someone had taken it, or it had disappeared. 


“Gather all the maids.” 




“I need to find out who brought that book into the wardrobe.” 


I needed to understand why the book that had appeared in my dream suddenly showed up in front of me.  If the book I discovered wasn’t just a product of the maids’ imagination, and if I had really reincarnated into the world of the novel…


“I must prevent it.”


To protect those I hold dear.


* * *

That afternoon, Serhen and I took a carriage to Lireania’s boutique. 


“Ariel, why do you look like that?” Serhen slightly widened his calm eyes and asked me. His gentle gaze softened the serious look on my face. 


“It’s because of what happened yesterday.” 


In truth, it was because of the missing book. 


“Nothing happened with the maids, right?”


Serhen seemed so gentle and kind, yet he was still the head of the family.   He was aware of everything that went on in the house. 


“I dropped a book when I fell down the stairs yesterday, but no one seems to have seen it…” 


“Do you think one of the maids stole it?” 


Serhen’s eyes grew sharp. He only became this scary when something concerned me. 


“No, I don’t think so. They’ve all been with the marquisate for over ten years, and Brother carefully selected and kept them.” 


He had gone through a lot of trouble to get rid of the cronies planted by that wretched uncle. 


“I can tell if someone’s lying.” 


Indeed, no one had lied. They hadn’t been swayed by threats or persuasion. That meant the book had appeared and disappeared by some unknown force as if it was trying to warn me about a forgotten future. 


“Now you even know how to manage people. Ariel is really amazing.” Serhen smiled warmly, completely unaware of my inner turmoil. 


Sunlight streamed in, highlighting his clear, defined features. He was my salvation and my light. Sometimes, I wished he could remain as my brother alone, just for me. 


Sigh, this is serious.” 


I placed a hand on my side. Raising one eyebrow slightly, I put on a mock-stern expression, like a strict teacher, and started scolding him. “At this rate, Lady Soler will run away.” 


“Yes? What do you mean?” 


“Brother is too much of a doting brother. If you keep spoiling your little sister like this, other women might lose interest and run away.” 


Serhen laughed with a voice as warm as spring sunlight at like that.


I wasn’t joking. Even though I hadn’t finished reading the book yesterday, I roughly remembered the plot by combining what I read halfway and the memories I regained from the dream.


Lireania was truly an angelic person. But no woman would be completely unbothered by the fact that her lover didn’t prioritize her. That brief moment of hurt was the beginning of the tragedy. 


“So from now on, instead of taking care of your all-grown-up sister, focus on Lady Soler.” I firmly urged him. 


At the same time, I prayed desperately inside. I hoped that the book I found yesterday was just a figment of the maids’ imagination and that the dreams I was having were merely illusions.


* * *

“Sorry, I’m so late, aren’t I?” 


Lireania finally entered the VIP room at Veloire, her face flushed with excitement. She seemed even happier than usual today. 


Did something good happen? 


“Were there many customers today?” 


“Yes, and…” Lireania hesitated, which was unlike her.


Serhen and I both widened our eyes and leaned in simultaneously. We really did look like siblings. Reflected in the window opposite us, we almost looked like twins. 


“The Princess visited this morning!” 


“Really? Oh my! Congratulations!” I grabbed Lireania’s hand and shook it, a smile spreading across my face. “The boutiques that make her dresses always become trendsetters.” 


“Exactly! I never expected her to visit. It’s all thanks to you, Lady Mellin.” 


Lireania and I held hands for a while, sharing in the joy. I also apologized for what happened yesterday and exchanged comfort and concern. But unlike us, Serhen’s face didn’t seem to brighten. What’s wrong? 


“Be careful. She’s a dangerous person.” He even issued a warning. 


That reminded me—Serhen had a keen eye for people. The princess is destined to be a villainess who torments Lireania in the future.


“That’s right. There have been such rumors in social circles.” I agreed with Serhen.   “She’s endlessly generous when she’s pleased, but if you ever displease her, she cuts you off mercilessly.” 


“Oh gosh, really?” 


“And also…”


I stopped myself from saying more. As long as Lireania didn’t end up with Kasion, it wouldn’t be an issue. There was no guarantee that the things written in the book were our future. 


“It’s better to be cautious. The social world is full of predators hiding their claws.” 


“Thank you for the advice. I always feel reassured with you around, Lady Mellin.” 


She complimented me, and Serhen watched us with a pleased expression.  This is bad. He’s looking at me with admiration again. Serhen is really a perfect man, but it seems like he’s not very skilled when it comes to dating. This must be our family trait.


I frowned as I recalled our parents’ engagement story. I also didn’t forget to subtly step on Serhen’s foot. 


“What about me, Lireania?” 


My timing seemed to work as Lireania burst out laughing. Seeing her gaze so affectionately at her lover, I felt somewhat reassured.


Contrary to my worries, it seemed Kasion wasn’t coming after all. Maybe what I saw yesterday was just a dream or an illusion. Maybe the dreams were just the result of the anxiety and delusions formed during my difficult childhood. 


Instead of worrying about the future, I should probably see a doctor. I must be the strange one.


Um, Lady Soler.” 


But I decided to check anyway. 


“Did you have any appointment with Duke Pertelian today?”


Lireania’s eyes widened in surprise at my question. “How did you know?” 


My heart began to race with unease. 


“He said he’d be visiting soon.” 




“That…” She glanced at Serhen and bit her lip, looking troubled. 


As soon as I saw her reaction, a passage from the novel flashed in my mind. 


“Don’t tell me he said something ridiculous about wanting to check if you were really suitable for my brother?” 


Judging by her wide eyes, I must have hit the mark.


Lireania’s eyes widened. She quickly glanced at Serhen and shook her head. 


“Don’t worry. He probably just wants to know more about you.” Serhen, who had unwavering faith in his friend, defended Kasion. He didn’t realize he was setting himself up for betrayal. 


“You never know. He might have fallen for Lady Soler at first sight and developed some sinister intentions,” I said sarcastically, making Serhen laugh. 


“Kasion would never do something like that. That guy is already… Never mind. You don’t need to worry about that.” 


“You never know, Brother. You shouldn’t trust someone’s heart so easily.” I argued with Serhen. 


To be honest, I was surprised. I thought he’d agree with anything I said. This is troublesome.


“Marquis, I need to stop by the merchant guild for a moment.”   Just then, a servant entered the room. 


“What’s the matter?” 


“It seems there’s an issue with the goods we’re supposed to deliver to the imperial palace.” 




Serhen stood up. Before I could stop him, he kissed Lireania and me on the forehead in turn and left the room. 


“I’ll be back soon.” 


This is bad… I had a terrible feeling.


[Kasion Pertelian. He used the strategies and tactics he honed in the war. The way to eliminate a competitor was to divert attention elsewhere.]


A scheming, obsessive man—that was the most concise description of the male lead in the book. Could it have already begun? 


Losing the effect of bringing Serhen along was going to be a problem. And just as if it were perfectly timed, Kasion arrived. I couldn’t help but doubt whether it was a coincidence. 


“Duke Pertelian has arrived.”


Lireania looked at me with a face that suggested she was wondering if I wanted to greet him together. There was a slight hint of hesitation in her expression.


“I didn’t have any appointments with him, so you two should meet alone. There’s no need to mention that I’m here. Haha.” 


I intentionally sent Lireania to face him alone. Now wasn’t the time. It was important to wait patiently and then strike at the right moment. So Lireania could realize Kasion’s blatant ulterior motives. 


I calmly waited, biding my time. The maids walked back and forth, serving tea and refreshments in the boutique. 


The time is now. I confidently walked to another parlor and flung the door open. 


“Would this suit your taste?” 


What?! Has he already revealed his true nature? 


“Kasion, oh my, what are you doing here?”


I couldn’t believe it, but I had really reincarnated into the world of the novel.  Kasion’s behavior was exactly as it was described in the book.


There was a reason he had broken the necklace yesterday. Who would doubt he’s a schemer? 


  1. Nobodynobodyma says:

    I am thinking about what brother said. He said “he is already…”. So maybe sentence was “he is already in love with u”😳

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