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HSTLB Chapter 28

“Stop smiling and just tell me!” Serhen suddenly stood up and shouted. His face was flushed red with excitement. However, Kasion’s expression remained unchanged.


“I’ve said everything. What else are you curious about?”


“What did Ariel say in response? No, what exactly did you confess to her? Tell me word for word without leaving anything out.”


“First, sit down.”


Kasion crossed his legs as he sat down. Serhen couldn’t help but notice the powerful muscles in Kasion’s thighs, muscles that would make anyone, even another man, involuntarily admire them. This was not the body of someone who could be brought down by a mere cold or exhaustion. He certainly didn’t seem like someone who had been ill just moments ago. If naive and innocent Ariel saw that, she might have easily fallen for it. That thought made Serhen uneasy.


“You’re looking at me just like Ariel does.”


“What do you mean?”


“Whenever Ariel examines my body, she stares at my muscles just like you’re doing now.”


Serhen’s ominous premonition hit the mark.


“When she worried about your future and her attitude this time as well, it made me realize that Ariel has definitely grown up.”


“So, what exactly did you confess to her?”


“No matter how much you care for Ariel as her only guardian, you don’t have the right to intrude on her private life.”


“You didn’t force her to accept your feelings just because you saved her when she was young, did you?”


Kasion’s eyes flickered for a moment.


Could it be true? Knowing how soft-hearted Ariel was, Kasion might have done something like that.


Just as Serhen, now fully agitated, was about to grab Kasion by the collar, Kasion spoke.


“I only told her that I’ve liked her since we were young and that my feelings haven’t changed. I didn’t bring up that incident, so you can relax.”




“You know better than anyone that Ariel doesn’t even remember that event due to the shock. So even if I wanted her to repay that debt, it wouldn’t work.”


Serhen felt a moment of relief. In truth, he felt guilty and sorry for Kasion. Especially when he thinks about the scars hidden under Kasion’s clothes. After all, Kasion almost lost his life because of his younger sister.


“Sorry, I misunderstood you.”


“I don’t think there’s any need for apologies between us.”


Kasion was always lenient with Serhen, whether Serhen knew it or not. It would be nice if he understood the reasons for that as well.


“So what did Ariel say?” Serhen sat down, his expression slightly calmer.


Kasion looked at him with a slightly crooked smile. Though they were friends, Serhen’s current behavior was annoying. He was so anxious about Ariel being taken away from him, even though he was about to marry his destined partner.


“Her face turned bright red, and she couldn’t give me a proper answer.”




“When someone suddenly confesses to the person they really like, isn’t it natural for them to be too embarrassed to speak?”


“That just sounds like a rejection.”


Serhen’s remark was spot on. However, Kasion put on a brave face.


“No, she thought about it for a moment and then said she would consider it ‘positively.’” He wanted to see Serhen’s disappointed face. And even if not now, he intended to make that happen eventually.


“No… way.”


For now, it seemed he had provoked Serhen just the right amount.


“Kasion, you’re worse at lying than you used to be, aren’t you?”


Unfortunately, Serhen wasn’t easily swayed.


“Who knows?”


Was he?


Just then, a thunderbolt struck so powerfully that it shook the ground. Serhen hastily gulped down his tea as if it were cold water, even though it hadn’t cooled yet. That alone satisfied Kasion.


* * *

Serhen endured Kasion’s provocations all night long. He kept his mouth shut and focused solely on investigating the embezzlement case. Despite his resentment towards Kasion, he knew he had to repay the debt he owed him. When he was just seventeen, if Kasion hadn’t helped, that wretched uncle would have completely ruined the Mellin Marquisate and its business. After finding evidence and planning a countermeasure, Serhen hurried home.




The first thing he did upon arriving in the morning was to find his sister. Serhen knew better than anyone that Kasion was lying. Yet he couldn’t help but feel anxious because Kasion had been so calm.


“I’ll just ask Ariel directly.”


“Go ahead, but Ariel probably won’t tell you the truth.”


“Why would Ariel hide it?”


“Isn’t it obvious? Who would openly share their love life with their older brother? Especially if their lover were their brother’s friend. She’d probably deny it vehemently.”


Kasion had hit the nail on the head when it came to the anxiety of a brother with a beloved younger sister. How could someone without a sister be so accurate?


“Oh my, Lord Serhen, you’re back already.”


“Lire, why are you coming out of Ariel’s room? Why not sleep comfortably in my room?”


He had assumed she would sleep comfortably in his room. Ariel’s bed wasn’t small, but it would have been uncomfortable for two people.


Shh, Lady Ariel is still asleep.”




“Yes, we stayed up all night talking.” Lireania winked as she spoke, looking so adorable that her smile eased Serhen’s anxious heart slightly.


“Was it uncomfortable?”


“Not at all. The bed was comfortable, but I was so happy talking with Lady Ariel that I didn’t have time to feel uncomfortable.”


“What did you talk about?”


He was trying to subtly find out what had happened between Kasion and Ariel. Unfortunately, it seemed Lireania didn’t catch on.


“Well, it was noisy outside because of the lightning last night. Lady Ariel said she’s afraid of thunder.”




Why… did she lie? Serhen tilted his head slightly. Ariel had never been afraid of thunder, even as a child. In fact, she used to admire the lightning from the third-floor window.


“Aren’t you scared of lightning? People often say it’s a punishment from the god.”


“Oh, Brother. Only kids believe that. It’s just a natural phenomenon.”


That’s what she had said when she was only seven years old.


“Yes, she also mentioned that you used to hold her tightly and help her sleep whenever there was a storm.”


Serhen realized that Ariel had lied to make herself seem more delicate and endearing to Lireania. Recently, Ariel had been worried that Lireania might reject or abandon her.


“Yes, that’s true. I did that when she was little.” Serhen played along with the story. “But did Ariel say anything else?” He asked again, trying to uncover the secret.


“What do you mean?”


“Did she mention anything about yesterday at the duchy… like anything with Kasion?” He couldn’t bring himself to ask if Kasion had confessed. If he did, Lireania might suggest they were a good match and try to pair them up.


“I don’t think so. She didn’t say anything to me. Did something happen?”


Serhen fell into deep thought once again. Why? Ariel genuinely liked Lireania, perhaps even more than she liked her own brother. Why couldn’t she confide in her about what had happened yesterday?


“If Ariel didn’t tell you anything…”


Dark shadows appeared under Serhen’s eyes. He had started the conversation, but he couldn’t bring himself to finish it. He felt that finishing that sentence would reveal Ariel’s true feelings.


“Whatever it was, she probably didn’t want it getting back to you, Lord Serhen.”


Serhen nearly stumbled as his legs gave out. If it weren’t for the fact that he was in front of the person he loved, he might have collapsed. However, he couldn’t show such weakness in front of her. Yet, it was only natural for him to feel upset. His sister now had secrets, and they involved her love life.


“Serhen? Are you okay?”


Serhen stood there, stunned and speechless, unable to move.


Hoam… Lady Lireania, why are you being so loud?”


At that moment, his precious little sister came out of the room in cute pajamas. Even the way she yawned with her small, round red lips was adorable… but it seemed like this lovely little rabbit of his was about to be snatched away by a dark wolf.


Oh? Brother, you’re back already.”


“Yeah, did we wake you?”


“I was about to get up anyway. So, how did it go?”


“How did what go?”


“Kasion’s embezzlement case, did you catch the culprit?”


Why, of all things, did she have to bring up Kasion the moment she saw him? Serhen’s ears drooped like those of a dog left home alone.


“Yeah, we caught him. I just finished organizing the evidence and handed it over.”


“That’s a relief.”


“But Ariel.”


“Yes, what is it?”


Even after calling her name, Serhen hesitated to speak. Ariel tilted her head in curiosity, her bright blue eyes still full of innocence.


“Brother, hurry and tell me.”


“Did Kasion say anything to you yesterday?”


Suddenly, Ariel’s face showed signs of panic, turning as red as a ripe apple.


“No… that… nothing… happened.”


Just as Kasion predicted. Serhen’s only sister had lied to him.

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  1. midori says:

    thanks! ohh my God, the drama in all of this is just hilarious! at least it isn’t life or death, so i can rest assured

  2. Avatheran says:

    this is one of the best novels, thank u for translating ♡

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