How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 80

On the back of the ‘Brantley Pass’ a small magic circle was drawn.

It was a circle of oath.

I had received many gifts in my life, but none had ever surprised me like this.

“Why are you giving me something like this? Do you know what I might make you do?”

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll do anything for you.”

Brantley said nonchalantly, as if it were nothing special.

Was it because he was still a child? He seemed truly innocent.

“It might be fine now. But what if I grow up to be a bad adult and make you do scary things?”

“I’ll do it. Anything you ask for.”

That sounded like trouble.

“Brantley, have you ever given this to anyone else?”

“No, you’re the first.”

“Then can you not give it to anyone else in the future? This is really dangerous to do.”

“I’m only for you. Why would I give it to someone else?”

Brantley said, sounding as if he measured all the concerns.

‘You’re still a child, but trying to act like an adult.’

I reluctantly shoved the ‘Brantley Pass’ deep into a drawer.

‘I’ll never use something this dangerous, not even later’, I said to myself.

Shortly after, Sherry arrived and took us to the garden tea table. She had laid out sweets in the garden for us.

As the servants moved away to allow the children to play comfortably, Brantley, who had been eating cookies silently, finally spoke.

“By the way, Hanelope. His Majesty granted me a title.”

I was sipping the warm milk, but couldn’t help widening my eyes.

‘Grandfather did tell me he was going to reward Brantley.’

“What title did you receive?”

When I pricked up my ears, Brantley spoke with excitement.

“His Majesty gave me the title of a Royal Knight.”

A Royal Knight!

It’s a knighthood given to subjects who have distinguished themselves. It was an honorary position with a higher status and various privileges compared to a regular knight.

I put down my cup and clapped my hands in delight.

“So now can you request for an audience without a guardian? Even I can’t do that!”

“According to the rules, yes. But His Majesty calls you often anyway.”

Hehe. But not every day.”

“I envy His Majesty.”

Brantley’s eyes sparkled with jealousy.

I smiled awkwardly and averted my gaze.

“W-Well, good for you. No one can boss you around.”

“Now that I’m a Royal Knight, even my father can’t treat me carelessly. He used to swear at me in secret when the tutors weren’t around. It’s so peaceful, I almost miss the old days.”

Brantley joked. But I felt sorry for him for laughing at such a story.

How accustomed must one be to oppression for a child to use it as a joke?

When I looked at him pitifully, Brantley told me not to worry.

“My position in the family is solidified. I am now a vassal of the Emperor and the successor to the Duke,” Brantley confidently stated.

“Now I can protect you.”

Brantley spoke with a longing gaze, like a knight pledging allegiance to his master.

“I was so surprised when you fainted.”

It seemed like he had been greatly shaken by my collapse.

“You’re still a child, it’s natural to be surprised”, I tried to comfort Brantley.

“You probably don’t know. Your lips had turned into that terrible shade of green.”

Brantley shuddered.

I knew what had happened. I overheard the physician talking to my dad and grandfather.

“Judging by the green colour of the lips, the signs were of ‘Divine Poisoning’.”

“W-What can we do?”

“Fortunately, the colour of your lips has returned, which is a sign of recovery. The Princess will wake up naturally in time, but we need to make sure…”

“We’ll have to make sure… she doesn’t find out about this.”

Divine Poisoning.

A disease said to be contracted by witches.

People affected by it are all marked for execution as a sign from the Gods.

‘But my mum said there’s no such thing.’

Due to grandfather’s order, this matter couldn’t be disclosed. This is why, even though there were so many witnesses, no one could spread rumours about me.

Brantley seemed to be worried about me for the same reason.

“Hanelope, don’t be surprised. If your lips turn green, it means you’re suffering from Divine Poisoning.”

Brantley said very carefully.

“Ordinary people are not affected even when exposed to divinity. But certain people have their lips turn green. They return to normal over time, but the temple calls such people ‘witches.'”

Brantley tried to fill me in, while trying to take note of my emotions.

He seemed worried that I might be frightened.

“In other words, Divine Poisoning is said to be a disease that afflicts those who have committed great sins and been abandoned by the Gods, or witches who are devotees of demons. Of course, it’s not true! I don’t believe you’re a witch, and even if you were, it wouldn’t matter to me. In my opinion… Hanelope?”

Brantley paused, puzzled by my calmness.

It wasn’t the reaction he was expecting.

I should have been stunned and speechless, or angry and in denial, or scared and crying.

“Hanelope, are you okay?”

“Yeah. I already knew it. I’m not a witch.”

Curing divine poisoning with the blessing of the Gods was a myth. In other words, there was no such thing as divine poisoning. Above all, I believed my mum rather than the alternative.

Brantley was relieved at my calm response.

“I’m glad. I didn’t want you to be sacred.”

“And Brantley also said you would protect me.”

When I broke out into a giggle, Brantley also smiled.

“I thought you would be scared and cry like a baby.”

“Why would I cry? I’m not a baby anymore, I’m a big girl.”

“But… my mother cried like a baby even though she was a grown woman.”


I momentarily doubted my ears.

Did Brantley’s mother’s lips also turn green?

“But didn’t you grow up in the Eisen Duchy since you were a child?”

“I lived with my mother for a while. I ran away because I was being tormented too much at the Duchy. Although my mother found me annoying, I was so happy. But that time was too short…”

Brantley recalled the old memories with a pained expression.

“When my mother’s lips turned green, she cried like a child out of fear. She was scared that she would be accused of being a witch and killed. The family she worked for had already been executed because of the same.”


“My mother was terrified and ran away, leaving me behind. But she was quickly caught. So I had to go back to the Eisen Duchy.”

I sat there in stunned silence, unable to say anything.

He continued.

“But my mother was very religious, and even though she was poor, she always made offerings to the God Prache. There’s no way the kind God would abandon mother. You’re definitely not a witch, just like my mother.”

Brantley squeezed my trembling hand.

“I’m going to protect you, just like you protected me.”


“So don’t worry, if anything happens, you can come to me for help. You can use your ‘Brantley Pass’ anytime you want.”


“Why is your expression like that? You don’t have to be scared. I couldn’t protect my mother, but I will definitely protect you. Now that I have strength, I won’t lose you like I did my mother.”

This is the reason he came here.

That’s why he gave me this ridiculous gift of a “Brantley Pass” out of the blue.

I should have told him I was okay and thanked him, but my lips wouldn’t part. I couldn’t say anything because the weight of the secret he’d confided in me was too much to bear.

I vowed to myself, ‘I’m going to expose there’s no such thing as Divine Poisoning!’

We were kids, after all, and the sadness was quickly forgotten.

The rest of the day was spent laughing and talking with Brantley.

It wasn’t until the evening, someone from the duchy came to pickup Brantley. The servants were treating him politely. It was a delightful sight.

After Brantley left, the physician came.

“Don’t worry. It’s just a routine check-up.”

Dad said this, but I knew.

He was worried and kept calling the doctor because I showed symptoms of the suspected poisoning. It was hard to find a doctor who was both knowledgeable and open about this disease.

The same doctor always came, but today was different.

“Why is a different uncle here today?”

I asked, looking at the unfamiliar physician.

The doctor seemed embarrassed and explained, “The doctor who usually comes is my colleague. However, a few days ago, he fell off a horse and got seriously injured. So, I came instead.”

“Oh no! It must have hurt a lot! Can I visit him?”

“Oh dear! A L-Lady like you? You’re welcome anytime, but both my clinic and his place are humble. I hope the Princess finds it acceptable.”

“It’s okay. I hope your friend recovers quickly!”

I spoke cheerfully and underwent the examination.

‘Since he came instead, I guess being sick isn’t an excuse.’

The physician knew I was suspected of Divine Poisoning. It was dangerous for us, if he had second thoughts.

My father’s expression was wary as I peeked at him.

‘This whole incident was suspicious..’

Dad will find out, but I’ll have to ask Maxim to investigate on my behalf.

Me being affected by Divine Poisoning would put both dad and grandfather in a precarious position.




Agh! Argh!

A man was tied to a chair and being tortured by the priests of the temple.

He was covered in blood from the relentless lashings.

“Please, please stop……! I-I’ll tell you!”

At the man’s plea, the torture came to a halt.

Then, Asta slowly walked out of the darkness.


  1. Zeltzin says:

    Que encontador y tranquilo es el templo…. Si como no. Bola de locos desquiciados sacando su frustración de una manera tan nefasta. Bueno gracias

    1. Samona says:

      Hahaha right. Thank you so much for reading!

  2. kingdom says:

    وشريرة استا

    1. Samona says:

      She really is. Hoping for her retribution soon.

  3. Bernardette says:

    Hello¡¡ Thank you very much for your hard work, I love this novel Hanelope is so cute.
    I’m waiting forward the new chapters.

    1. Samona says:

      Thank you for reading!

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