How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 79

When the Emperor gently stroked her head, Hanelope leaned into his big hand like a kitten.

Unlike the Emperor, who was overwhelmed by the cuteness of his granddaughter, Hart wore a dark expression.

‘Hanelope, I know you’ve had a hard life… Laura must have suffered without me … I should have found you sooner…’

Unspoken regret washed over his handsome face.

‘That guy.. he’s feeling remorseful again.’

Reading his son’s mind, the Emperor clicked his tongue.

‘To make him feel better, I have to treat Hanelope well. I’ll shower her with gifts that they can’t possibly handle.’




This is how it happened.

The Emperor walked out of the conference room with a satisfied expression. The headache, he’s been suffering for long, was finally resolved.

All thanks to Hanelope.

Now he had only one concern. It was about what gift he should bestow upon his admirable granddaughter.




Sherry read the rolled-up scroll. It contained the list of gifts the Emperor had bestowed upon her.

“A table of the finest ebony, a set of dolls carved from crystal, and pearls threaded..”

“As a necklace?”

Sherry laughed in disbelief at my question, “A tapestry.”

“That’s ridiculous. Why would you make a tapestry out of pearls? It’s too heavy to hang.”

“His Majesty anticipated that and even sent sturdy nails made of hard gems.”

“What if the wall collapses?”

“His Majesty also added that if the wall is weak, he’ll rebuild it with solid minerals.”


“It would be so pretty to hang a tapestry of pearls on that wall, don’t you think so Miss?”

I was at a loss for words, but Sherry couldn’t help smiling. She was happy as if she were the one who received these gifts.

“I think His Majesty really cares about My Lady. Sending so many comforting gifts for your recovery…”

“Still, it’s too much, and they’re all ridiculously expensive”, I sighed heavily.

The Emperor was showering my with presents. Partly to wish me well, as Sherry had said, but also to reward me for solving the Blessing Day problem.

‘I guess it won’t take long for him to bestow me with a title.’

It would be an honorary title, but it was a big deal for a seven-year-old.

Anyway, the onslaught of gifts every few days threatened to overwhelm our storage room. It was similar to the Emperor giving my dad a golden carriage for his birthday.

“I’m glad it’s over.”

“Miss asked His Majesty to not send more gifts.”

“Yup. He told me this would be the last one.”

“Oh! But that’s not true.”

“Wasn’t that the last item on the scroll?”

Sherry opened the sack she’d brought, understanding my confusion. It was filled with thick scrolls. They all contained details of the gifts.

I was in contemplation.

“There’s no place to store these. Our storage room is already full.”

“Don’t worry about that either.”

Sherry smiled and clapped her hands, “Master is building a new building for your gifts.”

Eventually, she left the room only after reading me the entire list of gifts. She said she’d bring me some sweets to replenish my(?) stamina.

Sherry was still humming as she left the room.

“Is receiving gifts that great?”

Sherry treated my work as if it were her own. She cried, laughed, got angry, and rejoiced for my sake. She took care of me as if she were a big sister or a mother.

‘I was fortunate to have her.’

I felt sorry for her, but I had to sneak away before she returned.

Once I was alone in my room, I reached into my drawer and pulled out the pendant I’d been keeping tucked away.

Then I shouted into the air, “Uncle Rabbit!”

My voice echoed in the room.

The translucent window I’d grown tired of, but now nostalgic for, didn’t appear.

After that incident in the basement of the Great Temple, Uncle Rabbit had disappeared. No matter how many times I called out to him, he never appeared.

I wondered, “Did something happen to Uncle Rabbit when he tried to save me? Is that why he doesn’t appear?”

That day, there was an explosion in the basement of the Temple. It was caused by Uncle Rabbit trying to save me. He was the one who rescued me from a strange dream.

‘I was worried about him.’

There were many things I wanted to ask him.

What happened in the basement? The identity of the voice that told me to get rid of him, and about the Divine Poisoning.

But the overriding emotion was worry.

“What the hell happened to Uncle Rabbit?”

Uncle Rabbit was always a persistent and annoying presence. I never thought I’d miss him…

‘Come to think of it, I haven’t checked the condition of the gemstone in the pendant, is it broken?’

I think the gemstone is like his body. If the gem was broken, something might have happened to him, too.

I quickly opened the lid of the pendant. But the inside of the pendant wasn’t what I expected.

A brilliant green gem was lying next to Uncle Rabbit’s red gem.


It was the same gem that was embedded on Marquis Fork’s relic.

However, the power of the red and green gem collided, neutralizing the relic. There was a huge explosion in the process, and the green gem in the sword had disappeared…

‘How come it’s in this case?’

The pendant had space when it was only with the red gem, but with the green gem added, it was packed to the brim.

Even so, there was a small gap at the bottom.

‘I wonder if there’s someone in the green gem, like Uncle Rabbit?’

I remembered that the knife with the gem in it was supposed to be a holy relic.

‘Would the gem would talk to me like Uncle Rabbit? But what if someone evil was inside the green gem?’

As I was thinking about what to do, there was a knock on the door.

Sherry was back, so I had to quickly hide the pendant.

Sherry, who didn’t know any better, said happily, “I have a new present for the Miss!”

“Did Grandfather send it again?”

“This time, it’s not from His Majesty.”

“You mean…?”

I shuddered in foreboding.

I had recently received a gift from the Spigent twins. As soon as I opened the box, a frog jumped out. It was actually a toad-shaped toy that popped out when you opened the lid. The frog made a croaking sound, and I was scared to the point of crying.

I pulled the blanket up to my neck and shook my head.

“No thanks. I don’t want it.”

Sensing my concern, Sherry said embarrassedly, “It’s not from the Spigents, don’t worry.”

“Then who sent it?”

“I sent it, Hanelope.”

Just then, someone appeared from behind Sherry.

A boy with black hair like a winter night and moonlight eyes deeply set below it.

It was Brantley.

With a handsome smile as if starlight was falling, he approached me.


I threw off the blanket and hopped off the couch.

‘How long has it been since I last saw him?’

Overjoyed, I ran towards him and embraced him tightly.

Was it because he was too surprised? Brantley’s body felt stiff.

Feeling sorry, I let him go, but when I saw his face, reddened as if blushing, I couldn’t help but say something, “Are you my gift? It’s the best gift ever!”


Brantley scratched his head.

“Your present is here.”

Sherry stifled a laugh and handed over a small box.


I felt like hiding in a rat hole in embarrassment.

“Well, you two can enjoy your time together. I’ll get you a snack. Miss, have fun unwrapping your ‘real’ present.”

Sherry said teasingly and closed the door behind her.

‘Silly me, referring to Brantley as a gift!’

I hoped Brantley would overlook my mistake. Brantley was a sensible child. Maybe he’ll shrug it off.

“Hanelope, did you want me as a present?”

…No way! Why are you acting ignorant!

Nowadays Brantley expressed himself without any hesitation.

I wrapped my hands around my burning cheeks and glared at Brantley.

“Don’t tease me. I was just happy to see you.”

“I know.”

“I told you not to smile like that.”

“I’m not making fun of you. I’m just happy to see you healthy.”

Brantley’s smile suddenly turned serious.

“Because at that time, I thought you were going to die.”

“Me? Was it really that bad?”

As I squinted my eyes, Bradley seemed to recall the despair of that moment, and his eyes painfully tightened.

“When collapsed and your feathery body felt so weak, I thought you were leaving me forever, and I…”

Just thinking about it seemed to pain Bradley, and he closed his eyes tightly, then opened them again.

“I’m sorry. I collapsed and…”

“You have nothing to be sorry for. Just stay by my side like this, healthy as you are now. I can’t do without you.”

I looked at Brantley in confusion.

When we first met, Brantley was a boy scared out of his wits.

Unable to make eye contact, unable to speak, and shaking. He looked like a child who couldn’t do anything for himself.

But not now. He had worked hard to improve his abilities, and through that, he gained recognition.

Thanks to that, his confidence soared, and Brantley became a completely different person.

‘No, it’s more appropriate to say that he has regained his original self.’

A commanding gaze, an impeccable demeanour. He’s taller than his peers and has a handsome face. Brantley truly looked like the next Duke.

“Brantley, what are you talking about? You’re too cool to need any help.”

“You really don’t know, do you?”

Brantley said, sounding a little disappointed.

“I am what I am because of you, and without you, I’m nothing, so don’t go anywhere.”

Brantley grabbed my hand. There was a strange obsession in his grip, just hard enough to not hurt.

“Tell me honestly. Are you sure it doesn’t hurt anymore?”

“Mmm, I’m fine”, I stammered.


When I nodded, Brantley stared at me in silence.

My cheeks burned with embarrassment and I needed to change the mood.

“Oh, right! Let me check your present!”

I unwrapped Brantley’s gift.


Inside the small box was a single ticket.

I read the ticket and was even more puzzled.

“Brantley’s pass.”

This licence entitles Hanelope von Reinhardt to use the Brantley as she pleases, whenever she pleases, however she pleases.

The validity of this licence is attested to by Brantley Eisen on his life.


Readers on discord!

The role for HPMSMLD has been moved under ‘Samona Novels’. Be sure to grab that role for future release pings!


  1. lemmeread says:

    What does it say about us shipping two children together??they are so cuuute tho🤧

    1. Samona says:

      IKR.. We can see our future ship sailing 😆

  2. readerswannaread says:

    Prffthahaha he actually did send himself as a gift! And she already said it was the best gift ever so she can’t even object! Hahah ah love it. Definitely a male lead move right there.

    1. Samona says:

      Male Leads are not made, they are born 😆

  3. kingdom says:

    انه مهوووس بها جدا ، هذا رائع 🥰🥰 شكرا لكم

    1. Samona says:

      Thanks for reading!

  4. Zeltzin says:

    Que gran regalo jajajaja ya había brincado de alegría antes incluso de abrirlo ☺️. Me encantó
    Gracias por la traducción

    1. Samona says:

      TY for reading!

  5. Yuryuk says:

    Ohhh wow hahahhha need more 😘😘😘

    1. Samona says:

      Thank you for reading!

  6. helloworld15 says:

    He really was the gift! Thank you for the translation!

    1. Samona says:

      Thanks for reading!

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