How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 77

In fact, dad had a calm expression on his face.

“I don’t have any greed. I would have ended up like Fork, if I had.”

“His vain greed got him crushed to death by a building, and the family was deprived of the title.”

Marquis Fork was no more.

‘Naturally, he couldn’t have survived the collapse.’

It might have been a life already lost from the moment he rushed in with hazy eyes.

‘But who possessed the Marquis? Who with the eerie voice commanded him to get rid of me?’

A chill ran down my spine at the thought.

Was what I saw in the basement, Yenna, my past life – a mere fantasy?

‘Somehow I think Uncle Rabbit knows, I’ll ask him when I’m alone.’

“What are you going to do about it?”, Dad asked Grandfather.

Grandfather thought for a while and said, “The Saint had an accident while showing off her holy power on the Day of Blessings, which caused chaos among the people. The collapse of the Temple almost killed me. These incidents are enough to abolish the Blessing Day, but…”

Grandfather sighed deeply.

“We can’t ignore public opinion. People are in favor of the Blessing Day. It’s a ceremony supported by the people, they’ll strongly oppose the abolishing.”

“It’s sooner than expected, but the justification is sufficient. If we let it slip, we may never get another chance. The Temple will try to defend themselves aggressively.”

“I can’t ignore the public sentiments.”

The two men swallowed hard.

At this rate, they would miss a good opportunity that might not come back.

I looked at them alternately and shook my head.

“Don’t get rid of Blessing Day!”

Grandfather chuckled and patted me on the head.

“That’s right. When you used to live in the village, didn’t you like the Blessing Day?”

“That’s not it. Grandfather, you don’t like the day as the Temple takes advantage of people, isn’t it?”

Grandfather’s expression, which had been laughing at the naive words of his young granddaughter, stiffened.

I smiled at grandfather and said, “Don’t abolish the ‘Blessed Day,’ do this instead!”




The Great Temple:

“Is His Majesty planning a meeting against the Day of Blessings?”

Asta looked at them bewildered.

Archbishop Liang nodded indignantly.

“Yes. The Emperor wants to get rid of the Blessing Day, and now he doesn’t even care about the public. If this isn’t tyranny, then what is?”

Duke Eisen gritted his teeth in exasperation.

“We can’t let it be! How much tribute and donations are collected on that day! And he wants to abolish it?”

The amount of tribute and donations collected from nobles and commoners on the ‘Blessing Day’ was enormous.

Most of it was divided among the high-ranking nobles, priests and Duke Eisen. A fraction of it was given to the public.

In other words, the ‘Blessing Day’ was a core ‘dealing’ of the Temple of Prache.

“It seems the Emperor is determined to do so.”

But Asta saw it as an opportunity.

Entrapped in Hanelope’s scheme, she suffered a fatal blow to her honor as a Saint.

Asta’s image was already in ruins.

The number of people visiting the Temple had decreased even more, and there was also an attempt to take back the tribute and donations.

Although a minority, an opinion was floating around that Asta, in fact, was not a Saint but a witch and should be captured.

The Temple had placed hopes in Asta for their revival and they were greatly disappointed in her.

To make matters worse, it was claimed that Marquis Fork, who had attempted to harm Hanelope, had been aided by Asta.

The Marquis’s death left no evidence, but the Temple could no longer place their trust in Asta.

Her position has narrowed to the point of extinction, and even the lower ranking members of the Temple have come to despise her.

The most unbearable thing was that her family began to ignore Asta, just like before her regression.

‘I can’t let it crumble like this.’

How did it come to this?

I haven’t defeated Yenna yet!

‘Now that it’s come to this, let’s try our luck at the Blessing Day Continuation Meeting. If I can keep the Blessing Day alive with my ruse, neither the Emperor nor the Temple will be able to ignore me anymore.

Of course, this would require a ‘miracle’.

A miracle more perfect than the crude magic I’ve used so far!

‘Should I ask God Prache? Maybe he’ll help me one more time.’

Of course, I would have to pay a great price, but I’m wiling to go that far.

Asta said to the anxious Archbishop Liang and Duke Eisen, “Don’t worry. I have a plan.”

The two men looked at her in disbelief.

Asta smiled gently.

“I’ll join the meeting, and make sure the Emperor doesn’t abolish the ‘Blessing Day’. I’ll take care of it…”

“What nonsense are you talking about?”, Duke Eisen snarled.

‘He’s interfering again.’

Asta turned to the Archbishop for support.

“I have a trick up my sleeve, the Emperor will never get his way…”

“Saint, I think you’re misunderstanding something.”

Even Archbishop Liang sighed as if he couldn’t stand it anymore.

Asta was confused.


“We’re not telling you this because we want to ask you for countermeasures.”

“What do you mean? If that’s not what you’re asking, why are you telling me about all these? You need my help.”

Asta, whose pride was bruised by being ignored repeatedly, said nervously.

Archbishop Liang spoke up irritably, “Yes, we do need help, but the help we need is for you to keep your mouth shut and stay quiet. Don’t embarrass the Temple by causing trouble again!”

It was a humiliating dismissal.

Asta’s white face flushed bright red with shame.

“After taking advantage of me, now you’re saying that you don’t need me anymore?”

“Why are you acting like this? Honestly, wasn’t making such a big blunder enough?!”

“Why is it only my fault? If there was at least one priest among the Temple priests who could properly use holy power, would I have done it alone? When the Archbishop himself is incompetent…”

“The audacity of this…!”

At Archbishop Liang’s disrespectful words, sparks flew from Asta’s eyes.

“Liang Philippe!”

“Let’s have some moderation, shall we, my dear Saint? Just shut up and be quiet. Can’t you understand this sincere request of mine?”

“Let it be. She can’t go outside the Temple for the time being. Let’s not waste our breaths.”

The Duke of Eisen soothed Archbishop Liang.

Then he looked at Asta with a sneer, “Don’t think of going back to the Count. Stay at the Temple. Don’t worry, Count Appel has already given his permission.”

“Are you trying to confine me against my will?”

“I don’t want the Saint to take a single step out of your room. The sight of your face makes the devotes who come to pray run away, thinking a witch has appeared.”

“Do you think you’ll get away with this? Me- I am a Saint.”

Archbishop Liang and Duke Eisen left the room without a word.

Before the door closed, Archbishop Liang’s sarcastic voice was heard.

“Talking about being a Saint…”



Asta threw the vase at the closed door.


The shattered pieces of the vase lay in a mess, containing her reflection.

She could hardly contain her anger.

“I played such a big part in the revival of the Temple, and you dare to throw me away just because I made a few mistakes… You ungrateful things! Do you think I’m going to let it slide?”

She had to ask Prache for help. Being cornered, it was the only option left for Asta.

“At least I’m the only one who can receive oracles from Prache! He may be a jerk, but if I keep praying fervently, he’ll answer.”

Asta hurried to the prayer hall.

This was a prayer chamber reserved for high-ranking priests and Saints. Someone was already there.

“Saint, have you come to pray?”

The Pope smiled, his face radiating kindness.


The Pope was nothing more than an old man. Asta said a cursory hello and tried to ignore him. But the Pope persisted.

“You came to pray at this hour Saint,” he said, “Have you suddenly come to ask God for a favour?”

Why is this old man bothering me?

Asta only showed a fake smile and didn’t reply.

Then the Pope said, “You don’t have to pray in danger. If you are always with God, like I am, He will find you first in your need.”

Annoyed, Asta glared at the Pope, “Your Holiness, I am a Saint designated by God.”

“Then let me ask you a question. Saint, where did you take the Viridescent Blade?”

Asta stiffened at the Pope’s sudden question.

The ‘Viridescent Blade’ was a holy relic of the Great Temple. A small knife inlaid with green gems.

Asta had given it to Marquis Fork not long ago. He used to take revenge on Hanelope for ruining his son’s life.

Asta revealed the existence of a secret torture chamber and lent him the blade.

Holy relics could not be accessed casually. Moreover, the blade is a holy relic that Prache holds dear. Only the Pope and Saint had access to it.

‘But there’s no weapon more cruel than the Sword of Melting.’

It cuts not only flesh but also the soul.

Doesn’t it sound like a demonic object than a sacred one?

Asta, wanting to see Hanelope suffer, took the relic, ignoring the formalities.


  1. Stix says:

    Thank you for the update!

    1. Samona says:

      Thank you for reading Stix ❤️!

  2. DarkPhoenix18 says:

    Pope seems like a nice guy and that prache guy seems to be the real villain to me

    1. Samona says:

      I’m actually reading with you guys. So not sure of what’s to come at all.. TY for reading!

  3. Bernardette says:

    What would be the suggestion that Hanalope would give to her grandfather the emperor. I look forward to the next chapter.
    Thank you, very much Samona for your hard work. God bless you¡¡¡¡

    1. Samona says:

      TY for reading ❤️. I’m late by a few hours from I generally upload. But finally here it is.

  4. helloworld15 says:

    Thank you for the chapter!

    1. Samona says:

      TY for reading! ❤️

  5. Zeltzin says:

    Muchas gracias por la actualización. Siempre la espero con ansias ☺️

    1. Samona says:

      Thank you so much!! ❤️

  6. kingdom says:

    شكرا سامونا على عملك الدؤوب واتحرق شوقا للفصول القادمة

    1. Samona says:

      Thank you for reading!❤️

  7. Nobodynobodyma says:

    Thank you for the chapters 🥰💕

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