How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 74

Yenna, the Saint from another world.

She was a university student back in Korea. Due to an unfortunate car accident, she got transported to this world. And also the girl who took everything away from Asta before her regression.

Yenna was now in front of me.

Asleep in a transparent coffin.

‘How did this happen? According to the storyline, Yenna is still a long way from appearing. And why is she in this state?

I could only fumble through my thoughts, frozen like ice.

In the original, Yenna is found in the ‘Fountain of Life’. The Pope received an oracle-

[ Find the ‘Fountain of Life’ on Mount Paro. It will guide you to the saviour I designated ]

The Pope, who received the revelation, went to search for the legendary ‘Fountain of Life’ and found Yenna.

As soon as Yenna arrived at the Great Temple, the dormant holy relics reacted to her. She was immediately recognized as a ‘Saint’ and adopted and protected by the Count of Appel.

‘Yenna quickly became everyone’s favourite, so much so that she stole Asta’s position and fiancé.’

Asta was jealous of Yenna and tormented her.

She insulted her and used evil tactics.

Yenna, who was cunning and skilled at putting up an act, took advantage of Asta mercilessly.

Pretending to be pitiful on the surface, she schemed behind Asta’s back, making it seem like Asta was trying to kill her.

Eventually, Asta was executed for attempting to murder the Saint.

Even her own family spat on her.

Consumed by a desire for revenge, Asta prayed on her deathbed-

“Please, let me have the power to seek revenge. I will offer anything you wish.”

In response to the powerful and malicious intent, Prache answered, “Even your soul?”

“Yes, I will offer it.”

Asta sacrificed her soul to God Prache and returned to the past. To the time when Yenna was yet to appear. Asta corrects all the mistakes of the past and eventually succeeds in getting her revenge.

That was the original story.

‘Yenna shouldn’t be here. It’s too early. Moreover, why is she in this glass coffin?’

I squinted. But what I saw was not an illusion. Yenna was sleeping in a transparent coffin, surrounded by white light.

Like a doll.

I thought of her as a doll than a real person. But who would know what she looked like and make her into a doll when she hadn’t even appeared yet? Especially in this basement.

In the midst of my confusion, Yenna’s eyes flashed open.


Her big black eyes stare at me, and my mind went blank..

I reached for the glass where Yenna was locked, as if mesmerised. My hand touched the cold surface, and something crackled like electricity.

I fainted.




My vision was blurry.

I could hear a constant jingle in my ears, and I was very familiar with it.

“It would be 900 won. Thank you.”

“Oh, this is a buy-one-get-one deal, so you’ll need to get another one of the same.”

The convenience store I used to work as a cashier. If there were no customers, I would clean and organize the items.

I wasn’t Hanelope now, I was Kim Jiyu from my previous life.

I was busy as a bee, yet this was the happiest phase in my life.

After my maternal grandmother died, I struggled a lot. But I worked hard and became the manager of a convenience store.

Sometimes I felt that loneliness.

I looked at my mobile phone.

‘I finally got my mom’s number and called her, but she hasn’t replied even today.’

Has my mom abandoned me completely?

My mom remarried my stepfather and sent me to live with my maternal grandmother. I never heard from her again.

I was going back from work. Suddenly someone appeared-

“Hi! Long time no see.”

I stiffened at the sight of the woman in front of me.

It was Seo Dajong, my stepfather’s daughter and my only sister.

“What’s with the expression? This is our family reunion after a long time. You’re making me sad, Jiyu”, she said shamelessly.

For a woman who had accused me of being a liar and kicked me out of the house, she still had a bright smile.

Her cheeks were glowing, and her clothes and bags were all expensive. She was having a great time.

I felt embarrassed in my cheap clothes. But I held back the desire to run away and asked because something came to mind.

“Why are you here? Did mom send you?”

“Mom?” Seo Dajong chuckled and nodded.

“Yeah.. that’s right. Mom sent me to see how you were faring.”

It was an obvious lie, but I was too worn out to differentiate.

“Really? Is mom fine? Why isn’t she answering my calls?”

“Mom’s health hasn’t been good. Dad is sick too.”

“She’s sick?”

At my shocked expression, Seo Dajong said with remorse, “Yeah. Both of them had an accident. A pretty big one.”

“T-They must be in the hospital right now. Can I, can I go visit them?”

“They are in the hospital, but their condition is so bad that anyone can’t just visit. It could worsen. The reason I came is not for that…”

She looked down at me, sneering at my desperation.

“I need some money for the hospital bills, I’ve already spent all I had. I know you’ve been working all this time. Do you have anything saved?”

“Yes… H-How much do you need?”

“A lot.”

The amount of money Seo Dajong said was something I never thought I would have in my life. I couldn’t refuse, as the authorities would kick them out of the hospital.

In the end, I withdrew the deposit for the house I was living in and even took out a loan to send her the money.

Looking back now, it was a naive act.

Even with Dajong’s expensive clothes and bags, I believed that she couldn’t pay for the parents’ hospital bills.

My judgement was impaired by the fear of losing my family.

Some time later, the police came to visit me.

“Do you know Ms. Seo?” he asked.

“Yes. She’s my family.”

“We know you have been recently in contact with her. Do you know where she is?”

“I don’t know about that… Why are you asking? My parents are in the hospital, so if you go there, you might be able to meet her.”

At my answer, the police officer gave me a subtle look.

“Ms. Kim, are you not aware?”

“About what?”

“Ms. Jiyu and Ms. Dajong’s parents, they already died last year.”


“Seo Dajong is now wanted for murder and insurance fraud. She’s accused of killing her parents for collecting insurance money…”

Suddenly, everything went white in front of my eyes, and a buzzing noise echoed in my ears.

Was I so stimulated?

No, my body felt strange. It was aching, and I trembled as if having a seizure.

At that moment, a gloomy voice sounded in my ears.

[ Interesting memory ]

As if someone had found a very intriguing prey, a chilling voice sent shivers down my spine. Terrified, I cowered, and someone embraced me protectively.

I heard a young man’s voice,

[ We have to get out of here. ]

I knew instinctively. It was Uncle Rabbit.

He helped me awaken my consciousness.

[ It’s okay now. You can open your eyes. ]

I did as he said. We were back to the underground secret room. My body didn’t hurt anymore. But I had no strength.

The coffin with Yenna disappeared. And a lamp was dimly lighting the surroundings.

‘Where did she go?! Was I hallucinating? If not, how could it have disappeared so quickly?’

I must have been shocked by the impact of the fall, and dreamed of my previous life.

‘That must be it. Forget it. I should focus on getting out of here…’

Out of nowhere, I heard the eerie voice from my dream.

[ Get rid of that child ]

I jerked back in horror, and a knife came flying at me from where I’d just been.


It was done by Marquis Fork.

Ha ha ha, die!”

He swung his sword again.

But something was wrong. His eyes were out of focus, he was drooling like a maniac, and attacking me frantically.

It seemed like he was being controlled by someone.

‘I have to stop him!’

I summoned wind with magic. This time, it was easier. I hardly felt any resistance from the barrier.

I shaped the summoned wind into a whip and bound Fork. Even after falling down, he continued to writhe and resist.

Due to the wind, the fallen knife was pushed towards me.

‘The green gem that was stuck is gone.’

As I kicked the dangerous object out of the way, I looked up at the sound of a thud.

A large stone had fallen, crushing Marquis Fork.

“Why did a stone fall from the ceiling… ah?”

The ceiling was slowly cracking and crumbling. The underground had begun to collapse under the impact of the explosion.

‘I have to escape!’

But there was no door in sight, and the ceiling I had fallen through was too high.

Uncle Rabbit didn’t appear this time.

Helplessly, I used magic to summon soil up to the ceiling hole.

Now, I just had to climb up the dirt pile, but suddenly, debris began to fall rapidly.

I tried to defend with summoned wind, but the collapse accelerated due to the wind, and I had no choice but to endure it. Avoiding the debris, I ran up the dirt pile.

But then I saw a large debris falling from the top.


I crouched, squeezing my eyes shut.


Suddenly, I heard my dad’s voice from somewhere.

At the same time, someone hugged my body and rolled on the ground.

The rock landed where I was, crushing the dirt.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”, Dad asked urgently.

I opened my eyes and saw him covered in dirt.


He had jumped down through the hole in the ceiling and onto the dirt to save me.

Thanks to being in Dad’s arms, I was safe.

Ironically, Dad was the one who worried.

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

“No. I am not.”

“T-Thank God. I could have lost you if I had been late.”

Dad was relieved to see that I was okay.

He looked like he was going to cry, “Hanelope, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have behaved like that in front of you.”

He whispered, hugged me tightly once more, and stood up.

Then he reached out and used his magic to create a mound of dirt.

Unlike my sloppy pile and lack of skill, he created a perfect staircase made of soil.

“Wow! Dad, you’re amazing!”, I said.

“You can do this too. I’ll teach you later.”

With that, he picked me up and scurried up the stairs.

“Hurry up!”

When we were near the hole in the ceiling, the Emperor reached out.

‘The Emperor came with dad.’

Contrary to my fears, the pendant had successfully led them.

‘Thank goodness!’

Held in Dad’s arms, we climbed up with the Emperor’s support.

Just when we thought we had finally escaped from this hellish underground.


Even the building began to collapse.

It was as if someone had flicked a detonation switch.

I shouted urgently, “Brantley’s still in there, we need to help him!”

“There’s no time! We have to get out! Quickly!”

My words seemed to fall on deaf ears.

I shouted for Brantley at the top of my lungs, but there was no answer.

Holding me, Dad and the Emperor ran as fast as they could.

But the building was collapsing faster. Finally, just as we were nearing the exit, the building came crashing down.


The Emperor shouted and pushed Dad, who was carrying me, out with all his might.

We managed to get out just before the building completely collapsed.

But not the Emperor.


He disappeared with the remaining.


  1. lemmeread says:

    Nooo. Brantley! Grandpa!

    Prache is total prick, considering all the “Saints” serving them. Ugggh

    1. Samona says:

      IKR.. We can only wait. TY for reading!

  2. Bernardette says:

    Thanks, thanks, thank you very much for the chapter.

    1. Samona says:

      Thank you for reading!

  3. aylx says:

    I was thinking, Uncle Rabbit could be the true Prache and the god who is talking to Asta is a fake. Like, unless I’m mistaken, there were numerous indications of it, particularly in the conversations of Uncle Rabbit and te tasks assigned to Asta. Or even in Yenna’s present circumstances (though i remain skeptical about her).

    Sorry for making your eyes suffer whit my english lol it’s not my first language :p

    1. Samona says:

      Don’t need to feel sorry. Your English is good 🤩

  4. aylx says:

    the* omg sorry hahah finger mistake

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