How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 71

Professor Munich pushed up his glasses and said, “The Princess is capable in more ways than one. The relationship between His Majesty and Prince Hart has improved thanks to you.”

It was unusual for him to shower me with praise. Perhaps, did he eat something wrong? I looked at Professor Munich in confusion.

His expression differed from usual. His face was usually stiff and bored, but not now.

‘Why does he look pleased?’

“Just a while ago, I saw His Majesty and Prince Hart sitting together. The crowd was doubtful of their eyes, and so was I.”

He kept smiling. He seemed genuinely happy.

“Days like this can come..”

“Professor wanted things to work between them, right?”

Professor Munich paused, then glared at me.

“You look like an innocent baby, but sometimes you can be scary.”

“Me?! Scary?”

I gasped, and Professor Munich laughed. It was a look full of goodwill.

“Just kidding. Even though His Majesty and Prince Hart have become closer, it might be awkward for them to be alone. It would be better if the Princess goes.”

“But Professor Richter…”

“I’ll take care of her, don’t worry.”

“Okay! Thank you!”

I bowed politely and turned to leave.


Professor Munich suddenly grabbed me as I was about to go.

I looked up in surprise, and he said with a somewhat embarrassed expression, “Thank you.”

“Professor Richter is someone I’m grateful to. I helped her because I had to.”

“That is not what I meant. I wanted to thank you for making His Majesty and Prince Hart look at each other and smile again.”

Professor Munich hesitated, then continued, “In fact, I owe a debt of gratitude to His Highness, Prince Hart, for when the remnants of the Emperor’s party rebelled, I was sent as a part of the knights.”

“Even the Professor was? My dad was there too!”

“Prince Hart was my superior, and thanks to him sacrificing himself to become a hostage, all our men were spared. He is my life saver.”


“But I did nothing to repay the favour, not even when he suffered at the hands of the Emperor. Instead of my foolishness, you, a child, brought them close again. I will not forget this gratitude.”

Tears glistened in Professor Munich’s eyes. It was an unbelievable sight.

This cold, distant, and at times seemingly detached man actually had a story.

I couldn’t close my half-opened mouth in surprise.

“When I first saw the Princess, I thought you were someone who would only push them further away. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you. If there’s anything I can do for you, let me know. I wouldn’t hesitate to give up my life for the Princess.”

“Then can I tell what I want?”

Professor Munich was stunned, he hadn’t expected her to ask for help right away.

“What is it?”

“From now on, if you see any kids in trouble, help them right then and there. Think of it as helping me! Got it?”

“Is that all you want? Nothing for yourself?”


Professor Munich let out a hollow but doting laughter.

“Very well, then. As you wish.”

It was a satisfying answer. I giggled and left the scene.

‘Now I have to go to my dad!’

The lounge where the Emperor and my dad were was easily found. It was because of the escorting guards nearby who guided me there.

The room was located in the annex of the temple. After the first part of the ceremony, all the nobles had retired there.

‘They must be socialising before the second ceremony starts.’

The second part of the ceremony was limited to VIPs. This meant that the ordinary people were not allowed to attend.

However, the Emperor and Dad were not socializing with others, but were spending time alone.

‘I have a good feeling about this.’

I deliberately opened the door very quietly and peeked inside.

“The dessert looks delicious. Help yourself.”

“You can go first.”

“I’m fine, really…”

“Me neither, I’m not really hungry so…”

“I see.”


The situation was so awkward.

‘Still, I guess it’s better than a battle of nerves.’

Their awkward exchange of offering desserts to each other looked heartwarming.

I trotted my way in.

“So, how’s life these days?”

“Well, it’s the same as always. How were things for His Majesty?”

“Nothing different. How about you? Thanks to Hanelope, at least one big problem has been resolved.”

“You mean the abolition of the Blessing Day?”

“Yes. That little thing should be proud of herself. She beat the seasoned foxes of the main temple with ease.”

“I was going numb with anxiety. No matter how smart she is, at the end she’s a baby.”

“You really underestimate your daughter.”

“Grandfather is right! I’m not a baby!”

As I suddenly popped out, the eyes of the two who were talking widened.

“Hanelope, when did you arrive?”

“How did you find your way here alone? Did the professor bring you?”

The Emperor greeted me warmly with a big smile. Dad, on the other hand, looked worried.

“No! A knight guided me.”

“I’ll find out who it was and reward them handsomely”, the Emperor smiled.

He gestured to the seat next to him.

“Come on, sit here.”

“No. I want to sit on dad’s lap.”

Their gazes clashed sharply in the air.

‘They were getting along fine. Was my presence being the problem?’

I pondered, and plopped down on the small couch in the middle.

“I’m going to sit here, don’t fight.”

“When did I fight?”

“Don’t get me wrong. Dad doesn’t do childish things like that.”

The Emperor and Dad coughed in embarrassment. Then the Emperor quickly changed the subject.

“Make sure not to get caught up in the temple’s schemes. We already showed the people that the temple is not irreplaceable. Those foxes are waiting for an opportunity to fight back.”

“It’s going to turn into a mud fight.”

“Then all our hard work would be for naught. I can’t afford to lose this opportunity that Hanelope has given me.”

The Emperor’s expression grew serious.

“You know it. Tackling the temple has been the most desired goal since I’ve ascended the throne.”

There was a chilling majesty in the Emperor’s voice.

The ruthless, unforgiving ruler of the Empire.

A cruel Emperor whom the people feared.

Robert von Reinhardt, he stood before me now. If there was a single crack in this perfect plan, he would cut him down, no matter who it was.

“I’ll be careful.”

Dad replied, his face rigid and tense.

‘Adult’s issues are scary.’

To lighten the mood, I quickly gave Dad and the Emperor a cookie each.

“Eat up!”

The fierce Emperor softened as soon as he saw the strawberry cookie I held out to him and smiled.

“You gave me something as cute as you.”

“Eating this, you’ll turn cute too.”

“This child…!”, the Emperor burst out laughing.

Dad, who was biting into the lemon cookie I gave him, saw the scene and smiled slightly.

The Emperor looked at him and said in surprise, “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you smile like that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t you only smile like that when you are actually pleased?”

“The ambience was displeasing a while ago because of His Majesty.”

“You punk! You loosened up at once when you started frolicking with your daughter. No matter how much I tried to lighten the mood before, you were like a rock.”

“When did you try to lighten the mood?”, Dad smiled as he said it.

The Emperor’s words were true.

It was the most relaxed smile dad had shown in front of the Emperor.

My heart swelled up with joy.

I thought to myself, ‘Dad needed a lot of time to get that smile back.’

I hope they stay like this.

‘I want dad to be happy.’

My heart tugged at the surging emotions.

I crunched the chocolate cookie in my hand, hoping the peace would continue.

Just then the door was opened with a loud sound. It was the chamberlain who had come with the Emperor to assist him.

“What’s the matter?”

The Emperor asked coldly. He was offended by the interruption.

The chamberlain held out some papers to the Emperor.

“Your Majesty, I think you should take a look at these.”

“What is this? I clearly told you not to disturb…”

The Emperor’s face turned cold when he saw what the chamberlain held out. What’s more, when the chamberlain whispered to him, the Emperor gritted his teeth. He glared at his father with a fierce expression, as if the smile he had just given him was a thing of the past.

“This jerk…!”

The Emperor flung a piece of shoddy-looking paper towards dad.

“What is this, explain it to me!”

The Emperor’s sudden change in demeanour caught both Dad and me off guard.

Dad picked up the crumpled paper.

The paper was scrawled in crumpled ink.

《 Prince Hart von Reinhardt was seen at an illegal auction house in Tarov, that was caught not long ago. He bought a young slave and bribed the captain of the guard to hide the matter. The captain of the guard was promoted recently. And the powerless were framed and executed.

God will save the souls of the innocent!
God will punish the sins of the Royal family! 》


  1. lemmeread says:

    Grandpa resorting to violence immediately 🥲

  2. Bernardette says:

    Oh my God¡¡¡ What happened with this Emperor.
    Why can’t give his son, a little more confident
    Thank you very much for the new chapter.
    I’ll eagerly wait for the next chapters.

  3. Mili^^ says:

    Nooo why? everything was going so well 😞

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