How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 66

Contrary to expectations, he gave off a strong sense of reliability.

Fortunately, there was someone who managed the situation before Brantley could step in.

“I am so grateful that you are concerned for my son Ulrich. It was partly Ulrich’s fault that he was expelled from the Academy. If he reflects and improves, the child will grow even more”, Marquis Fork said gently.

‘He seems completely different from Ulrich.’

Now that I think about it, even though their faces are similar, their impressions are very different.

Unlike the snobby Ulrich, the Marquis of Fork had an amicable temperament. That’s why I didn’t recognize him at first sight.

‘Was the Marquis of Fork a good man? But didn’t he bribe the professor…’, I wondered.

It was confusing.

Was that smiling face all an act?

If so, the Marquis of Fork was clearly a more skilful actor than Asta.

“By the way, where is Prince Patrick? It seemed like His Highness was with the Lady just a while ago”, Marquis Fork asked.

“His Highness Patrick has been with me the whole time, but he left a little while ago to converse with Duke Eisen.”

“I see,” said the Marquis of Fork, “It was unusual as His Highness is always beside the Saint, that’s why I asked.”

“Is that so?”

Asta said, dropping the pretence. The Marquis of Fork returned the favour with a wry smile.

“Indeed, Please share Prince Patrick with others as well.”

I observed the two adults carefully.

‘Prince Patrick must have fallen prey to Asta as she couldn’t get her hands on dad.’

In the original story, Patrick was in love with Asta. But Asta at this point of the story, was closer to dad. She was in a push-pull relationship with Patrick.

“Prince Patrick is truly sincere to the Lady. He will surely resolve any misunderstandings the Emperor has.”

Asta shook her head with a sad smile.

“I hope so, but I don’t have high expectations. There are many people around the Emperor. Not all of them are sincere.”

“But even if the Emperor’s misunderstanding is not resolved, God will understand my sincerity. Not long ago, he bestowed a special oracle upon me.”

Asta’s words caused a stir around us.

Prache was notorious for granting oracles infrequently. They came once every few years, and there had been gaps of as long as decades.

But ever since Asta became a Saint, the oracles have been coming down several times a year.

This alone was amazing enough, but now a special oracle for Asta!

Were all the rumours of Asta’s waning powers false?

“Does God answer the Saint now and then?”

A nobleman asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

Asta nodded shyly.

“Yes. Not long ago, He blessed the trees I grow, making them bear fruit even though it was out of season.”

“Oh my!”

While everyone was admiring Asta, someone took advantage of the opportunity and suddenly appeared.

“Don’t be afraid. God favours the Saint very much.”

It was the young Archbishop, Liang Philippe.

Although he gave off an impression of being faithful and kind, his eyes sometimes showed a snake-like coldness when they occasionally darted off into the distance.

At the Archbishop’s words, Asta looked embarrassed.

“That’s what worries me, too,” she said, “for the priests pray fervently, but Prache answers only to me.”

“Because God is angry. Humans dare to mistreat the representative of God, the Lady.”

The surroundings fell silent at Archbishop Liang’s words.

While there were those who reflected on their actions, majority were thinking of Asta being abandoned by the Emperor.

“Still, I am happy these days thanks to the care of God.”

“D-Do you receive oracles so often?”, when a noble asked, Asta shyly nodded.

“What we officially announce is a part of the oracle. Comforting messages from God are always there for me.”

“Th-That’s truly remarkable! There has never been a case where personal oracles were bestowed even on the Emperor!”

“Oh! really?”

Asta pretended to be surprised.

Taking advantage of the timing, Archbishop Liang added, “God particularly cherishes the Lady. As an archbishop, I have never witnessed anything like this.”

Everyone looked at Asta with more admiration.

The scepticism towards her was slowly diminishing.

“God is always kind to His own people. On the other hand, He clearly expresses disapproval to those who are not faithful.”

Asta said firmly.

Suddenly, a sense of unease crept in.

‘Is this statement foreshadowing the future?’

It was clear that Asta was preparing for something. A situation which was favourable for her and was naturally against the Emperor.

‘What did she come up with?’

As I pondered, the nobles began to speak to Asta one after another.

“Lady, could you pray to God for the crops on our territory that are withering and dying? We will donate any amount.”

“My Lady, please pray to God so that my son comes to his senses…”

But Asta shook her head.

“You can speak to the Archbishop regarding the prayers. As the first order of the ‘Day of Blessings’ event, I have to recite the oracle I received from God to all of you.”

“D-Does the Saint mean another oracle has come down?”

Instead of answering, Asta smiled meaningfully.

At the same time, the priests with their instruments began to play.

It was the beginning of the Blessing Day ceremony.

The belatedly arriving Pope, supported by priests, slowly took his seat, and people also sat in their prepared places.

Asta strode through the melodies of praise to the God and stepped onto the altar in the centre of the square.

A waiting priest held out a golden scroll. Asta unfolded the scroll, and the bright sunlight glinted off the thin parchment, revealing the words. But the scroll, written in the language of the Gods, could only be read by Asta.

<“I, Prache, proclaim that those who are negligent in faith will be punished, and those who disrespect the messenger of God shall pay a price. Know this, opening your eyes is the blessing I will bestow. Also…”>

Something was wrong.

The language of the Gods, which was only readable to Asta… I could read it too.

The written was different from what Asta was saying.

<“To obey God is to obey the messenger sent by God. The price of obedience is blessings, abundance..”>


That’s not what the oracle says. The words I see are nothing like what Asta is reading. It wasn’t anything about Asta being loved by God.

What I saw was this-

< It is I, Prache, the one who blesses you. A dying human comes bearing something that should not be held in that humble body. Dedicate that to me. If you do, I will overlook your foolish mistake once. But if you fail, you will pay the price of regression.>

The phrase ‘the price of regression’ indicated that it was a message from God to Asta.

Is that really the true oracle? Is that really the ‘language of God’?

It was strange because the letters were very familiar to me.

It was the same text that appeared on Uncle Rabbit’s window.

‘It’s such an easy language, how come no one was able to decipher it?’

Everyone stood in silence before the majesty of the oracle.

No one noticed anything unusual.

Suddenly I felt a pulling force. I wasn’t being dragged physically. It was my mana.

The mana inside me was being sucked out of me like a magnet.

‘It can’t be!’

I tried to reclaim my mana.

But my opponent had already absorbed as much mana as he wanted.

A translucent panel floated in front of me.

‘Uncle Rabbit?! Is the pendant here?’

Panicking, I looked around.

With no one else aware of the existence of the transparent window, I saw the red light flowing from Professor Richter.


[ ‘Uncle Rabbit’ growls, “Did you think you could get away with tricking me?”] [ I will pursue you to the end of this world, so be prepared, he shouts. ]

I look up at the window in a daze.

Both the letters on the window and Asta’s scripture were the same.

As expected, what Asta read out was a fake oracle.

‘There’s no way this ominous thing can speak the language of the Gods.’

I stared at the window with a cold glare.

[ ‘Uncle Rabbit’ is startled ] [ I’m happy to see you after a long time. I was just teasing you! Why are you looking at me like that? ]

‘Uncle Rabbit, what did you do to Richter?’

I asked directly. He immediately responded as he could read my innermost thought.

[ ‘Uncle Rabbit’ is pondering if you were the one who gave him to Richter.. ] [ He snickers seeing you look like a sulking bunny with intimidating red eyes ]

‘But Richter told me she would get rid of…’

I stopped my trail of thoughts in horror.

You shouldn’t tell someone that you wanted them gone in front of them, even if it was Uncle Rabbit.

[ ‘Uncle Rabbit’ gets excited while talking ] [ He flies into a rage, saying, “You tried to get rid of me!” ]

He already figured everything out.

I dropped my pretence and looked at Asta, who was speaking on the altar.

Then a translucent window moved of its own accord, blocking my view.

[ ‘Uncle Rabbit’ whimpers, asking if it’s because I’m useless ]




  • HPMSMLD got a manhwa adaptation. Be sure to check it out!
  • As we’re getting visuals. I might make some changes in the future regarding some pronouns (esp. minor characters). Korean doesn’t have specific pronouns so it’s difficult to determine if it’s a he or she beforehand. I’m concerned about Prache mainly. If I have to make changes I’ll inform you guys as usual and lastly… thanks for reading!



  1. lemmeread says:

    I was so pleasantly surprised to see a manhwa adaptation of this story a few days ago. Now I have both the novel and the manhwa to look forward to reading 🖤

    1. Samona says:

      Hope you enjoy the story!!

  2. Hopeday2020 says:

    Thx for the update 🤗

    1. Samona says:

      Thanks for reading!

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