How to Protect My Sub Male Lead Dad

HPMSMLD | Chapter- 62

“There isn’t much, apart from His Majesty has sent a live-in tutor for Young Master Jacob, at the Duke’s residence.”

My eyes sparkled as I listened to Maxim’s report.

“It’s a lie to send a tutor for Jacob. In reality, he’s most likely keeping an eye on Brantley.”

“Yes, that’s correct. He’s watching over Eisen Manor to ensure that Jacob doesn’t mistreat Master Brantley.”

“Thank God!”

I exclaimed, feeling relieved! And showed a broad smile.

Since Bradley started attending the Academy, I had instructed Maxim to infiltrate the Eisen duchy on my behalf.

It was clear that there were many ways they would try to torment Bradley, so I wanted to protect him.

However, when I first asked Maxim to infiltrate Eisen Manor, he was quite shocked.

“You want me to plant a spy in Eisen Manor?”

“Am I asking for too much?”

“There are already some planted.”


“Two as servants, one as coachman, and….”

Undoubtedly, Maxim had the potential to turn into a top class villain.

Ever since I gave him the opportunity, Maxim has been as efficient as the Information Guild.

‘In the original novel, he was just as active after dad’s death.’

The author had set up Maxim to have that talent, I just gave him a nudge.

I covered the expenses by selling the gifts I received.

‘But I’ll need more funds in the future.’

I needed to think about how to obtain more funds over time.

Anyway, I was relieved.

‘It seems I’m not the only one worried about Brantley. But the Emperor’s reasons for worrying about Brantley were probably different from mine.’

I whispered in Maxim’s ear, “We’ll continue with the secret infiltration…”

“Hanelope? What are you doing there?”

That’s when I heard my dad’s voice behind my back.

Maxim and I froze.

We looked like a seven-year-old child and a burly adult caught conspiring something.

Dad looked at us coldly as we were whispering suspiciously.

“I’ve been looking for you for a while, and here you are. What were you doing?”

“Well, it’s…..”

Maxim stammered, not knowing what to say.

We are going to get caught!

I quickly tugged on his ear.

“Maxim, I want to ride horsey!”

“What, a h-horse?”


Maxim, awkwardly bend over.

“Not like this!”

“A-ah…. heh heh heh!”

Maxim got up awkwardly and put me on his back. Then, he galloped around the room, pretending to be a horse, trying to display a convincing performance.

Dad stared at us with a chilly expression.

‘Did he discover our lie?’

I looked up nervously.

He approached us with a cold face and picked me up.

“It’s dangerous.”


“This ‘horse’ isn’t trained enough.”

Maxim, who had been treated like a real horse, stood up with an unfair look on his face.

“Your Highness, it was hard pretending as a horse. I feel sad when you say it like that.”

“It’s a pity that the man who is supposed to be my aide, was here bothering my daughter.”

“I wasn’t bothering the Lady!”

“Are you trying to say you’re on friendly terms?”

“Of cour-”

Maxim was about to say yes, but he shut his mouth. Hart’s red eyes looked like they were about to burst into flames.

“….No, that’s not possible. How could I get close to the Lady! There’s no way!”


“Yes, Your Highness.”

Maxim’s huge back looked forlorn as he left. I was watching him with pity, but I felt Dad’s gaze boring into me.

“Did you have fun, hanging out with Maxim?”

“Hmm. Maxim, he’s big and strong!”

“I see he’s just a living ride for you.”

Dad nodded in satisfaction.

‘That’s not what I mean.…’

If Dad found out that Maxim and I had been keeping a secret, he’d throw a fit.

I should keep it hidden for a long time.

Considering that Dad already knows I’ve been up to various things with Maxim, he’ll try to stop me because he thinks it’s dangerous.

Dad picked me up and walked out of the room.

“Do you want to ride a horse?”

“A little…”

I didn’t really think much about it. I just played horseback riding, so I blurted it out.

Dad nodded with a serious look on his face.

“No matter how much you like books, you probably still want to have a horse like an ordinary child.”

“Huh? I don’t want one!”

Horses are so expensive!

“You don’t need to feel pressured, we only need to buy one.”

“One horse?”

Dad looked at me as if not understanding.

“I’m talking about buying a new stable.”


“Of course, we already have several, but we need to buy a stable that specializes in training and caring for horses for kids your age, so we don’t have to ride weird horses like Maxim any more.”


How do I stop him?

I was in a panic.

Suddenly, Maxim rushed in-

“Your Highness, there is a messenger from the palace.”

“His Majesty’s messenger?”

Hart’s expression hardened.

Ever since he and the Emperor had fallen out, the Emperor’s messengers rarely came to his mansion.

And when they did, they brought bad news.

‘When he was framed for Asta, it was sent as a rebuke for misdeeds.’

The reason for this messenger’s arrival was predictable.

‘He’s trying to take Hanelope away after all.’

Dad’s grip on me tightened.

However, dad couldn’t ignore the Emperor’s messenger, so we went downstairs.

The messenger, guided by the butler, was waiting.

“I have been entrusted with a message from the Emperor to deliver to the Prince.”

The messenger unrolled a golden scroll. Dad took me in his arms, his face set in a stern line.

“「His Majesty commands Prince Hart von Reinhardt comes to the palace with the Princess for a supper. Tomorrow evening, the golden carriage will be sent, you must come to the palace with the Princess.」”


Dad and I were both dumbfounded.

‘This is completely unexpected.’

And that wasn’t the end of it.

“His Majesty has also bestowed some presents.”


“Yes, You’re his Highness, clothing and shoes for your arrival, as well as the gold coins sent to ensure that you have nothing to lack.”

The messenger opened a large box. Inside, it was filled with gleaming gold coins.

‘Wow, these are real gold coins!’

They were as shiny as they appeared in paintings.

Driven by greed, I reached down almost to my waist to get a better look, but dad held me firmly.

Then he asked the messenger with a puzzled expression, “You’re saying that His Majesty granted this to me?”

Dad looked uncomfortable, like he was being made to wear clothes that didn’t fit.

“Yes, Your Highness. His Majesty simply wishes to spend some time together.”

“His ‘wish’…. He wants to see Hanelope, I understand. Please convey my gratitude to the Emperor.”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

After the messenger left, Dad was still in thoughts.

However, he didn’t react with his usual anger, accusing, ‘He’s trying to take Hanelope by sending gifts!’ Instead, he remained composed.

“Dad, are you okay?”

When I looked up concerned, he replied with a calm face.

“His Majesty is sending the golden carriage.”

“Woah! Is it really made of gold?”

“Yes. It’s so precious. I’ve only ridden in it once.”


“A long time ago, when I was a newborn.”

“When you were a baby?”

Dad nodded.

There was a time when my father was a baby too.

What was my dad like as a baby?

Was he elegant even as a baby? Or was he super cute?

As I imagined a handsome baby with bright blond hair and jewel-like red eyes, I couldn’t help but giggle.

Seeing me laugh while covering my mouth with my tiny hand, my father looked embarrassed.

“What are you imagining?”

“Baby images of you! You must have been an incredibly handsome and adorable baby, right?”

“Well, everyone wanted to get a portrait of me. Like.. what’s so special about baby portraits?”


Dad bragged coyly.

“If I were your parents, I would have hugged and kissed you every day.”

“Fortunately, I did receive such affection from my parents when I was a child.”


I was surprised. I didn’t know about the late Empress, but the Emperor?

My father nodded, as if he knew I was curious, and said, “I don’t remember, but I heard that His Majesty was quite affectionate at that time. He had gone great lengths to obtain that precious golden carriage for the parade celebrating the birth of the first prince.”

The Emperor got such an exquisite carriage for his newborn son. But why does he dislike dad so much now?

“It was a luxury never seen before, and the golden carriage hasn’t been used by anyone since.”

Dad laughed bitterly, trying to recall a past he couldn’t remember.

‘I guess dad must have been surprised hearing about that carriage.’

Evidence of love, from a distant past that became blurry.

Even if you try not to attach any meaning to it, it must have made his heart sting.

‘I hope the Emperor has changed his mind.’

I earnestly wished for it.




It was a peaceful afternoon in the capital.

A single carriage caused a commotion on the boringly calm streets.

It was a splendid and beautiful golden carriage that appeared as if summoned from the heavenly realm, and it began to traverse the main road.

The streets rumbled with the sound of clattering objects.

The people walking down the street were mesmerized by the sight of the carriage.

One by one, people stopped walking and stared at the carriage in awe, or screamed out loud.

“Is that really a carriage made of gold?”

“Am I seeing things? I’ve never seen anything so dazzling!”

“I wonder who the owner is? The High Priest? It looks like a holy relic from the Gods.”

The carriage was much larger than average.

The massive carriage was entirely covered in gold, without a single gap.

Furthermore, it was adorned with intricate carvings and decorations that were so exquisite they could make one’s eyes blur.

People became curious.

Who on earth was riding in that carriage?

Was it a person or a deity?

The carriage arrived at the palace, leaving the astonished crowd behind.

The nobles visiting the palace were equally astounded. Even to them, who indulged in extravagance themselves, the golden carriage was so magnificent that it seemed to strike terror into their hearts.

Some couldn’t accept the reality and murmured in disbelief.


  1. Mimmo says:

    Maxim! I had missed you!

    Thanks for the translation Samona!

    1. Samona says:

      Thank you! Sorry for the late reply ❤️

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